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My 16-year-old son, Jacob, is the center of my universe. He’s always been a kind, bright, and generally well-behaved child. So, you can imagine my shock and heartbreak when, a few weeks ago, I faced every parent’s nightmare.

It started when I received a call from Jacob’s school. His teacher, Mrs. Henderson, who’s been teaching for over 25 years, sounded upset. She informed me that Jacob was involved in an incident—he had been laughing at a classmate, Andy, for his poor background and worn-out clothes. I was shocked. This behavior was so unlike the son I thought I knew.

I spent that night thinking of how to address this. I knew I had to teach Jacob a lesson, one that he wouldn’t easily forget, one that would help him develop empathy and understanding towards others, regardless of their financial status.

The next morning, I sat Jacob down for a serious talk. I explained how-his actions were hurtful and unacceptable. He seemed regretful, but I knew words alone wouldn’t be enough. So, I decided to take a severe step.

I took away all of his prized possessions: his laptop, designer clothes, and other luxuries. I explained to him that if he wanted them back, he’d have to earn them. My intention was not just to punish him but to teach him the value of hard work, money, and, most importantly, to understand the struggles of his classmate.

Jacob’s reaction was as expected. My action angered him. He couldn’t believe I would do something like this. But as days passed, his anger gave way to understanding. He started a part-time job at a local grocery store. The work was hard and tiring. During this period, Jacob began to change. He learned how challenging it can be to earn money and the effort it takes to afford even the basic luxuries of life.

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After a few weeks of this, I realized it was time for another heartfelt conversation.
Jacob did eventually earn back his belongings.
昨日更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届黑龙江高三下学期冲刺卷(五)英语试卷
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Due to my unhealthy eating habits, I became fatter and fatter after college. My good friend Anoush was a running enthusiast. So he advised me to lose weight by running. I didn’t agree at first until he promised to accompany me to run although he was busy with his work.

Seven years later, I got more serious about running. And I dreamed to participate in Boston Marathon. Anoush encouraged me to realize my dream. He also said he enjoyed running too and wanted to attend the same marathon with me. Every day we spared our time to practise hard and did about 2 marathons a year, during which time Anoush gave me much professional guidance and encouragement. And then one day, both of us qualified for the 2017 Boston Marathon. We were excited but unfortunately, several weeks before the marathon, we had a serious quarrel. Even I swore never to talk with him in the future.

The day came. Anoush and I stood at the starting line. He said, “Good luck! You will certainly finish the marathon.” Hearing his words, I looked at him, saying, “It’s none of your business.”

Then we started running. I had strong mental confidence by using positive self-talk when running distances, which has helped me finish 18 marathons. Soon, I passed Anoush.

But I struggled in the heat starting at mile 16. I felt most of my oxygen went to the muscle in my legs and less in my brain, which made me feel a bit lightheaded and fuzzy (迷迷糊糊的). I continually encouraged myself. “Just get to the finish, run bold, and you will win,” all phrases that I say to myself didn’t work any more.

Gradually I felt out of breath and had to slow down my pace. As I ran down the famous last stretch of the Boston Marathon on Boylston Street, I fell down on the ground with my legs moving like jello (果冻).

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Just then, I felt that someone picked me up.


When Anoush and I crossed the finish line, the audience at present applauded.

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When John was in Grade 9, his class went on a canoeing (划独木舟) trip. Canoeing is a water sport practiced in a light narrow boat with a paddle. It can be very dangerous, especially if the river has rapids, a fast-flowing part of a river. Since it requires strength, balance and a lot of skills, all the students are trained hard.

To qualify for the trip, the whole class had to be able to swim. However, John had a problem. He weighed over 180 pounds. He had never learned to swim before, so he took swimming lessons and worked hard for many weeks. He eventually graduated with a certificate saying that he could swim.

John’s classmates were all glad to have him along—all except one person, Nicky. She didn’t like him. In fact, she seemed not to like many. She was on the school water polo team. She was a swimming star and extremely proud of herself too.

The trip went well and everyone enjoyed the day. That is, until the end of the trip when they were heading down some rapids. Nicky had been warned over and over to wear her life jacket, but she did not listen to others.

When they arrived at a steep valley, the speed of the water picked up. They entered some dangerous rapids. All of a sudden, their canoes turned over. They were all thrown into the water—all except John! He was heavy enough and somehow was not thrown into the water.

They all swam back to the canoe where John quickly pulled them in. Then, they saw Nicky’s life jacket floating on the water. She was not wearing it when the accident happened. When they spotted her floating on the water, she was barely conscious. She was in serious danger. It seemed like she had hit her head on a rock. As they were approaching her, their canoes broke loose from the tree branches they were stuck to and sent them farther away from Nicky. Everyone in the canoes looked in horror as the current dragged Nicky away from them.

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Someone exclaimed, “we’ve got to help her!”
Finding Nicky opening her eyes, everyone sighed with relief.
7日内更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届黑龙江省高三下学期二模英语试题(含听力)
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By the time 18-year-old Amy Waldroop returned to her grandmother’s tiny house, it was nearly midnight and she was exhausted. After a full day’s work at a flower shop, she had put in another six hours waiting tables before heading home. This was her typical weekends.

Pushing the key into the lock, she quietly opened the door so as not to wake her younger siblings. She stepped into the front room, and froze. The house was a mess: plates of half-eaten food were scattered in front of the TV; clothes, shoes and exercise books were everyone.

Amy’s eyes welled with tears. “This is just too much for me.” she thought. Terrible memories began to race through her mind. Two years before, her parents lost their lives in an accident, leaving Amy and her siblings for their grandma, Helen, who had spent half of her life in a wheelchair. The life burden fell on Amy’s shoulders, which was too much for a girl.

Life moved on. One day, walking across the school grounds, Amy found a table littered with university brochures. She browsed through pictures of spacious campuses and happy peers, all of it looking unachievable for her, given the current situation and financial conditions. But her teacher gave her unexpected hope, saying“ You could attend university for free. It would take a scholarship, though, and for that you’d need much better grades.”

During her final year of high school, Amy diligently attended classes, then went to work after school, returned to her grandmother’s house, cared for her sisters and brothers and went through homework till the early hours of the morning, struggling for her dream university.

One afternoon, she walked home from school, holding a sheet of paper tightly. It was a letter from the University of California, informing her that she would be offered a scholarship and was admitted to the university. It was what she’d been longing for, a place where she could study to become someone special-a nurse, perhaps, or maybe even a lawyer.


Yet the letter only made Amy struggle inside.


The next afternoon, Amy spotted the wrinkled letter she threw into the dustbin on the table when arriving home.

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Chester was born in a cardboard box with four other cats. He was in a smaller cardboard box marked “free kittens” when Sasha met him and took him home. From that moment on, he loved boxes.

In the mornings he sat, licking his paws and fur with his tongue in the rainbow-colored sunlight. Then he would look around for a box to sleep in.

He slept in hatboxes and shipping boxes, gift boxes and takeout food boxes. He slept in Sasha’s sock drawer, if she left it open. When he was a kitten, the size of a small load of bread, he had slept in shoeboxes. But he grew and grew, and now he was a lot bigger. When he tried to sleep in a shoebox, his furry tummy hung over the sides.

Chester didn’t just sit in boxes, though. Sometimes he sat in flowerpots, pans, or laundry baskets. Chester also liked to sit in the bedroom of Sasha’s dollhouse, her birthday gift, with the furniture in a mess. Sasha had to redecorate the dollhouse every day, but she didn’t mind as long as Chester was happy. Sasha’s mom suggested Chester need a fixed house of his own, but Sasha ignored.

One day Sasha came home from school, and she couldn’t find Chester. He wasn’t in the dollhouse, or her sock drawer. “Mom, Dad!” Sasha yelled. “Chester is gone!”

Sasha’s mom looked in the attic (阁楼). There were boxes and dust balls, and even a mouse that had escaped Chester’s notice, but no Chester. Sasha’s dad looked in the kitchen cabinets. There were pots and pans, and the old can of soup he thought he’d lost, but no Chester.

Suddenly, “I found him!” Sasha cried.

The big orange cat was inside her mom’s new glass vase, clear glass with blue and green lines. He curled up in it, his fatty body almost jamming the vase.

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He didn’t look happy at all.


Luckily, not only Chester, but the vase, was still in one piece.

2024-06-06更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届黑龙江省哈尔滨市第三中学校高三下学期第五次模拟预测英语试题
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Crab Lessons

My son Geordi was a rather spirited boy. Very little held his attention for long. He spent most of his spare time thinking up new ways to scare me half to death. Like the time he decided to “surf” on a tiny plastic table that was meant to hold a few drinks rather than a six-year-old boy. Geordi had just begun learning about the ocean in school and was surprisingly fascinated by it. We lived in Delaware, so any discussion about the ocean usually included horseshoe crabs, which crowded our coasts to mate in the late spring.

As part of the lesson, Geordi’s teacher brought horseshoe crab shells (壳) to school for the children to touch and examine. Hearing that horseshoe crabs had been around for over 300 million years, even before the dinosaurs, Geordi thought that was officially the coolest thing he had ever heard. He could not stop talking about it for days, and I decided it was time for us to take a drive to the Delaware Bay.

As we stepped out from the car, strong wind nearly blew my poor forty-five-pound child to the ground. Being a six-year-old mischievous (调皮的) boy, Geordi saw this as an opportunity to showcase his amazing talents, which included falling down, getting up, falling down and, yes, getting up again. This, of course, was always complete with giggles (咯咯笑). The drama came to a sudden stop as Geordi spied the dozens of army-truck-looking creatures in the sand. The next sound effect was “Wow!” as his body froze and his eyes widened with wonder.

Geordi ran around excitedly, not knowing which one to check out first. He settled on a horseshoe crab that was on its back, legs waving wildly in the air, desperate for water. “Mom, look at this one!” he screamed. “He’s cool!” I pointed out the different body parts of the crab for him, and he listened quietly and absorbed the information. He said, “I really liked him. I think I will name him Spike because he had all those really cool, spiky (尖的) things on his back.” Then I picked up the crab, turned it over to its proper position and placed it at the edge of the water.

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Geordi asked what I was doing.


Geordi spotted many more horseshoe crabs on their backs.

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It was a bright and sunny Saturday when Mr. Jones moved in next door. He is an old gentleman with thick-framed glasses and a wiry beard. I could see his many belongings: antique chests, a large and tattered (破败的) painting of a rainforest, and boxes and boxes of old books. The line of movers bringing items into the house was endless! However, there was one item that Mr. Jones refused to let the movers touch. It was covered in a red velvet cloth and he carefully carried it inside himself.

That night, I heard an odd noise coming from Mr. Jones’s house. It was such a strange noise that I could not sleep at all! To my astonishment and anxiety, every night the strange sound would come up. After much consideration, I decided to investigate this mystery. I wondered what on earth Mr. Jones was? What could this strange noise be? What could he be hiding? Many doubts always echoed in my mind.

The next day, to confirm my guess, I slid into his house. Mr. Jones had left the window of his basement unlocked and I crawled inside without permission. Making several attempts, I made it! I felt around the walls for a light switch and when I finally turned the light on, I was amazed!

The basement was like a museum. There were many exquisite jungles and animals’ models which were often seen in museums. On the bookshelf were some academic books about zoo animals. I also noticed some remaining corns in the corner. When I glanced at the table, there was a first-aid kit on it! Determined to find out the truth, I was making my way across the room when I heard that strange noise again, coming from upstairs! Nervously, I walked up the stairs as quietly as I could but then on the last step… the floor beneath my foot creaked (嘎吱作响)! I paused, hoping no one was home to hear me.

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Suddenly, the door opened and there stood Mr. Jones staring right at me.


And then in the other room I saw it-a large cute parrot in a delicate gold cage!

2024-05-31更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届黑龙江省哈尔滨市第九中学校高三下学期第五次模拟考试英语试题
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In the bustling (繁忙的) schoolyard of a primary school, a volleyball team trial (选拔赛) was taking place. Kids of all sizes and shapes had come forward to show their skills, most of them towering over six feet tall, like young giants.

Suddenly, the gym door creaked open, and a small figure appeared. It was Joseph, a boy who barely reached five feet in height. His appearance caused a ripple of giggles. He seemed like a lost elf (精灵) in a world of giants.

“Is this the volleyball trial?” Joseph asked. Despite the laughter, he squared his shoulders and prepared to show his skills. He wasn’t bad at bumping the ball and passing it, but not good enough to make the team. The coach took him aside and told him so. Joseph’s eyes flashed with determination. “I’m not the best at bumping the ball,” he said confidently. “I’m a hitter.”

The coach raised an eyebrow, skeptical. Hitters were the tallest players on the volleyball team. They jumped high, slamming the ball down on the other side with force. Joseph’s small size seemed an impossibility.

But Joseph was serious. The coach finally agreed and handed him a ball. Standing by the net, he set the ball into the air. Joseph’s small frame seemed to explode with energy. He ran forward, leaped into the air, and hit the ball with such force that it whistled through the air.

Everyone was stunned. Joseph’s jump was so high, it seemed as if he were flying. His small size didn’t matter; his skill and determination were enough. The ball slammed into the court with a resounding thud (砰的一声), and the crowd erupted into applause. Of course, he made the team. All the team members took pains to drill for the coming volleyball match. Two months later, the big day came. The match was very fierce. The players were tall and strong except Joseph, who just ran on the court, not yet given a chance to touch the ball. At the sight of Joseph, the other team were laughing, which made us mad. But Joseph just shook off their laughter with a confident smile. As the game progressed, it turned out to be a tough game. After the four sets, the score was 2:2.

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During a timeout (暂停) in the final set, Joseph’s team gathered to discuss their plan.
The whole audience cheered up.
2024-05-25更新 | 61次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届黑龙江省哈尔滨市第六中学校高三下学期第四次模拟考试英语试题
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Every Saturday, Bibi hung out at her grandma’s laundry and dry-cleaning store while her mother went to work. Bibi loved being with her grandma, but she wanted to do more than just draw and read.

“How about I give you a hand with the chores?” Bibi offered.

“But you are too small. Why don’t you draw for a little while?” Grandma suggested, “You’re such a good artist.”

“But I want to help you.” Bibi sighed.

Bibi was too short to reach the tall rod that held the fresh clothes in neat alphabetical order. Grandma didn’t want her handling the hot presser or the iron. She could slide the   stiff cardboard into the starched (浆洗过的) shirts, but that was about it. “Why don’t you draw a picture of more customers coming in?” Grandma joked. “Maybe that would help!”

Bibi went outside. It was a crisp fall day. The last leaves were starting their lazy drift to the ground. She spotted her neighbour, Stephanie, across the street. Stephanie was painting big letters on the window of the hardware store. “Stephanie! You are going to get in trouble.” Stephanie laughed. “The high-school cheer-leading team is painting windows for our homecoming football game next weekend. Some of the shop owners said we could.”

“Does that paint wash off?” Bibi asked. “Yep. It’s just cornflour, soap, and food coloring,” said Stephanie. Bibi saw other kids from the high school painting designs on window up and down the street. GO, TIGERS said the window of the nail salon in huge letter. HEAR US ROAR! said the window of the coffee shop. “I can help you!” Bibi called to Stephanie, her heart pounding. “I can draw!” “Sorry, Bibs,” Stephanie said. “I’m out of paint, and I have to get home. Thank you, though!”

Bibi was so disappointed. She stared at Grandma’s windows. They were bare.

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All of a sudden, Bibi hit on a good idea.
The moment she was finished, Bibi went inside to get Grandma.
2024-05-17更新 | 110次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届黑龙江省哈尔滨第三中学高三下学期第四次模拟考试英语试题(含听力)
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In my childhood, under the influence of my el der brother and my peers in the neighborhood, I tried a number of outdoor activities. Of course, I was not so taken by all of them. whether I was doing them for the first time or continuously. However, fate had its own plans in store. You never know when an outdoor activity will change my life.

The name of this activity is “fishing”. About ten years ago, I didn't really like the idea of sitting on the bank of a lake or river, spending long hours under the sun's ultraviolet rays, which can cause sunburns and skin damage, and anxiously anticipating some fish to be kind to take my bait(诱饵). In fact, I used to think of this outdoor activity as some kind of “hide-and-seek-game” that is popular with most young kids, except that it was much harder because I could see my “prey (猎物)” only after catching it.

However, all that changed when I paid a visit to my aunt in the countryside during a summer holiday. I was finally convinced by one of my cousins to accompany him to a nearby lake in order to do some fishing practice with him. In fact, he even assured me that fish would eat my baits. So I agreed and went to the lake expecting to catch some fish. Before throwing my fishing line into the water, my cousin did some tricks attaching some sort of food to my fishing pole.

Learning to fish in a river or lake can be challenging for the beginners like me. The act of dropping a line is easy, but being a successful fisher is hard. That's why they call it fishing but not catching But with practice and patience, it can become easier over time. Patience is essential in lake fishing. It may take some time to find the right spot or lure (鱼饵) that will attract fish.


My cousin had to repeatedly remind me to keep patient.


When we finally left the lake, I had caught three fish!

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