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I didn’t like Del so much. He always called me the nickname “Germy”, which meant “dirty”, instead of my real name “Jamie”. Besides, he was known as a trouble-maker in school. So when the head teacher Mr. Smith asked Del to come to his office, I naturally thought that Del had done something mean to someone. Through the window, I caught sight of a smaller boy crying. Del seemed unhappy, too.

He did not return to class that day. All of us were discussing what had happened to him. What else could such an annoying boy do? “He must have hit the boy and was sent home,” I whispered to my friends. Their eyes widened. It felt good to see them so interested in what I said.

The next morning, the whole school was talking about Del being expelled(开除) for beating up a kid. I was surprised that my assumptions were passed on so quickly. So when Del walked into the classroom, all the kids were shocked. The kids next to him shift ed their desks away. “What’s your problem?” Del asked. “I don’t want you to attack me,” one kid said. Some laughed. “Yeah, I might,” said Del. I could tell he was joking, but many kids thought he admitted he did beat up someone.

During recess(课间休息), Del tried to join the kickball game. “Neither team wants you,” one of the players said. “Why?” Del asked, looking confused. “I always play with you guys.” They ignored him and went on playing. Del sat by himself while the rest of the school enjoyed their recess away from him. Del looked lonely and sad, much different from before. I started to feel sorry for him.

Later that day, I learned what really happened. The kid was Del’s little brother and he was crying because their mother fell ill and was sent to hospital. I felt even sorrier for what I said before. I started a rumor(谣言).


At recess the next day, I saw Del sitting alone watching the kickball game.

Now that Del had forgiven me, I decided to do more before the recess was over.
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After a long drive and precious little sleep, Todd left his Wisconsin motel around 5:30 a.m. to make it to a funeral near Green Bay. Not long after, he started to hear a grinding sound coming from his front tire, and it kept getting louder. He finally pulled into Lauritzens BP & Sports shop in Wild Rose,Wisconsin, hoping to find help. It was only 7 a.m., and he still had 75 miles to go.

As luck would have it, Todd found Glenn Geib putting oil on the shelves. The mechanic checked out the car and gave Todd some bad news: The wheel bearing was failing and needed to be repaired right away. Fixing it would take a few hours. Geib then looked Todd up and down and asked why he was so dressed up. Todd explained that he was going to the funeral of his boss’s wife.

Geib checked the only one rental car agency in town, but it was sold out. The next closest rental agency was 40 miles away. “I must have looked pretty stressed out at this time,” Todd wrote later on Facebook. Geib noticed, and he was determined to help.

With a population of 699, close-knit Wild Rose has a reputation in central Wisconsin for kindness. Seniors gather at the Wild Rose Community Center for free midday meals. The local Lions Club chapter collects used eyeglasses for folks who can’t afford them, part of the Lions Recycle for Sight program.

But kindness in Wild Rose doesn’t come just from organizations. Kent Barnard, the town library director, remembers a high school kid who walked into Patterson Memorial Library needing gas money. Barnard happily gave it to him, and the guy went on his way. A couple years later, that man came back. “You gave me $10 for gas when I was in high school,” he said, and Barnard was repaid.

“People are not well-off, but they’re taking care of each other,” says Jerry Apps, a local author who lets the library sell his books and DVDs and keep some of the proceeds to fund its programs.


So, faced with a stranger in need at the service station, Glenn Geib did what came naturally.


Todd jumped into the car and made it to the funeral.

2024-04-17更新 | 62次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省苏州中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月阶段调研测试英语试题
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6-year-old Quinn Hill became her family’s hero when she took immediate action during an emergency that saved her mother’s life with the help of her neighbor, Mrs. Smith.

Jennifer, a 39-year-old single mother, began the day by sending her child, Hill, to school. Having no idea what would happen, Jennifer was filled with anxiety. After all, it was the first day of a new school year for Hill, a fresh start! On the way school. she repeatedly reminded Hill to solve problems positively and fit in. Though worried, Jennifer had to wave goodbye to her daughter, watching her towards the school gate.

The whole day was packed with housework. Jennifer tidied the house, washed clothes, and prepared for the evening meal. As the school bell rang, signaling the end of the day, Jennifer picked Hill up from school. On seeing Jennifer, Hill couldn’t wait to hug her, sharing the school experiences. Chatting and laughing accompanied them all the way. Hill’s innocent laughter was like Jennifer’s ray of sunshine.   

Approaching home, they encountered Mrs. Smith, a most kind and thoughtful housewife living in their neighborhood for many years. Mrs. Smith often invited Jennifer and Hill to her home and shared her homemade desserts and cookies. The two families developed a close relationship and Hill liked to stay with Mrs. Smith, who always brightened her days with willingness and timely help. After exchanging greetings, they went back to their own homes.

On arriving home, Jennifer set out to prepare dinner. As the sun began to set, the house was full of a pleasant smell of cooking food. Jennifer and Hill sat at the kitchen table when Jennifer suddenly began to seize. She was sitting in a chair, looking up at the ceiling. and experiencing abnormal breathing. She then fell out of the chair onto her left side, her hands balled into fists, and her body was shaking violently. Her eyes were open, and Hill kept calling “Mommy, Mommy”, but she could not respond.

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Realizing the severe situation, Hill ran out for help.
Jennifer finally came to herself in the hospital.
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By the age of sixteen years old, Ben had always been an outstanding student. He went to great lengths to achieve high grades and managed to keep his parents delighted and proud. Neither of his parents had the opportunity to attend university and it was their biggest ambition that Ben could land a well-paid and decent job as a lawyer. He knew that achieving this goal would make his parents walk on air, but he wasn’t certain whether he would feel the same.

Since he was only a child, Ben had been passionate about computer programming. He taught himself how to use a computer, and by the age of 12, he had been proficient in three difterent programming languages. He did all of this in his spare time. He was quite an introvert (内向的人), so he preferred staying in with his computer, rather than going out socializing with his fellow classmates or playing sports in the brilliant sunshine. It was acceptable with his parents, as long as he continued to focus on his studies.

One day, while reading an article online about a young technology billionaire called Tom, Ben was fascinated by the magical power of technology and the wisdom and imnovation of the young CEO. The inner voice told him that he longed to become a computer programmer. Everything changed for Ben. In the article, the CEO said that his company was trying to create a new and improved way of paying for goods online but that they were struggling with the security system. He said if they could overcome this, they could launch the biggest and best online payment system in the world. It occurred to Ben that he had an innovative idea on how to handle this problem. Thinking that it wouldn’t come to anything, he emailed the CEO, introducing himself and explaining his idea.

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He forgot all about it, but then a month later; the most amazing thing happened.


With all these concerns in mind, Ben determined to communicate with his parents frankly.

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Most nights, there was a light coming from the tiny, windswept island on the other side of the lake. I always thought that was strange because, supposedly, no one lived there anymore. That’s why people called it Ghost Island. Stranger still, one night, the light was flashing on and off.

“There’s the light again,” I said to my brother, Dale, who is 16.

“Yeah. Strange,” he replied, looking carefully across the water.

“Take a look, Ben,” Dad said. He had set up his telescope to view the planets, but now it was aimed at Ghost Island. I squinted (眯眼) through the eyepiece. There’s a spotlight, and it’s flickering (闪烁) — like there’s something in front of it.

Dale looked too. “I bet it’s a tree branch, blowing back and forth in the wind.”

“You’re probably right,” Dad said. “Now check this out.” He pointed his telescope toward the sky and showed us the stars. While we took turns looking, I asked Dad what he knew about Ghost Island.

“Mr. Mori has owned it since I was a kid, so he must be quite old by now,” Dad said. “He used to spend summers there, but I wonder if he still comes up at all.”

Later, Dale and Dad lay on the ground watching for meteors (流星). I wasn’t having much luck, so turned my attention to Ghost Island. But it had gone dark. I looked across the lake, which was smooth as glass. “Huh,” I said. “There’s the light again.” And the flashes appeared in a definite pattern. “It’s an SOS distress signal (遇难信号)!” I cried out.

Dale laughed. “Morse code? No one uses that old stuff anymore.”

“No, watch,” I insisted. “It goes dot-dot-dot, dash-dash-dash, dot-dot-dot. That’s SOS.”

“How do you even know that?” Dale asked.

“Boy Scouts (童子军). When I was in it, I had to send and receive messages using Morse code to get one of my merit badges (功绩徽章).”

“Maybe you two should check on Mr. Mori,” Dad said. “If he’s at his cabin (小屋), that is.”


Dale was skeptical we’d find anyone, but we set out for Ghost Island.


Mr. Mori gestured to a wall switch and managed a weak smile.

2024-01-29更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省苏州市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末英语试卷
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When I was a child, I thought Dad loved my brother more than me. Dad let my little brother go with him to buy tools, repair things with hammers (锤子), etc. I always seemed to be left behind. I simply stood nearby and watched them join the father- and-son activities. How I longed for Dad to let me join them! But I knew it would never happen because I was a girl.

All of a sudden. I got a great idea: I would turn myself into a boy! After all, my brother and I looked alike. The only real difference was that he had short hair, while mine was long. “If I get my hair cut like my brother, Dad will have two sons,” I thought. I could even get my hair cut at the same shop that Dad and my brother often went. It would be perfect!

I could hardly wait for the haircut day to come. Finally, Dad announced one morning that he and my brother were going to have a haircut. “Please, can I go, too?” I begged. “Are you sure you want to go to the shop for males? Don’t you want to stay here and play with your sister?” he asked. “No,” I answered without a moment’s hesitation. “I want to go with you.”

I was delighted when Dad nodded. Surely, I hadn’t yet mentioned my plan to him. As we drove down the highway, I touched my long blond hair, imagining what my new life of hammers and nails would be like.

In just a few minutes, we entered the shop. I was the only female there. Suddenly, I felt just a little bit out of place in this man’s world. I swallowed (吞咽) hard and watched as my brother climbed expertly into the barber’s (理发师) chair. Later, I gathered the courage to ask Dad if I could get a haircut, too.

“I want a haircut like his,” I added, pointing to my brother. Surprised, Dad said, “You’d better think twice about it.” “Oh, but Dad,” I explained, “I want a real haircut just like his!”

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And I pointed once again to my brother.


“I’ve finished,” the barber said, and turned me around to face the mirror.

2023-12-15更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省苏州田家炳实验中学2023年高二上英语10月月考试题
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7 . 某英文杂志社正在举办主题为“Future Libraries”的征文活动,你有意参加。请你发挥想象写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
1. 使用体验;
2. 新增功能;
3. 主要优势。
2023-12-15更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省苏州田家炳实验中学2023年高二上英语10月月考试题
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My dad, John, was a basketball fan. He played in college and even coached a local youth team for a few years. His love for the game was unbelievable, and some of my earliest memories are of us playing basketball in the nearby court. I’ve even seen old photos of him in his college days, a proud smile on his face as he held a basketball. But when it came to my own involvement in basketball, he was surprisingly positive that I should focus only on study. “Basketball won’t pay the bills,” he’d often say, a statement that always struck me as ironic (讽刺的) given how much he loved the sport.

I loved basketball too, and I was pretty good at it. My school coach, Coach Miller, saw potential in me and encouraged me to join the school team. He said I had a natural talent that could take me far if I trained hard. But my dad was against it. He believed that sports would distract me from my studies, and with the final exam around the corner, he didn’t want to take any chances. “Your future is in the classroom, not on the court,” he would insist, dashing my dreams of following in his athletic footsteps.

This tension between us reached a peak when my head teacher, Mrs. Williams, announced a school basketball tournament (联赛). It was a big deal; students from the whole city would come to watch. My friends were excited, and even some teachers were talking about it. However, I knew I couldn’t participate without my dad’s approval. It felt like an invisible chain holding me back, a conflict between my passion and his expectations.

Then something unexpected happened. Mrs. Williams called my dad for a meeting. I was nervous but also hopeful. Mrs. Williams was not just an educator; she was also a parent and understood the balance between academics and extracurricular activities. She had seen students succeed in both, and I hoped she could convince my dad.

After the meeting, my dad seemed to be in deep thought. He didn’t speak immediately, taking his time as if weighing his words carefully. Finally, he broke the silence, “Mrs. Williams made some good points about teamwork and discipline. Maybe it’s time to rethink my stance (立场) on you playing basketball.”

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I was thrilled but also cautious. “So, can I play in the tournament?” I asked.


As I scanned the audience, I spotted my dad.

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I spent 15 years trying to make it in the music industry. When I was a teenager, I did any odd job to afford time in a recording studio. I knocked at managers’ doors and sent out demo (录音样带) after demo, but I got nowhere. In 2010, aged 27, I was doing a job in a restaurant when I wrote a song called Dream Goes On. It was a song about never giving up. I just let out all of my frustrations at the keyboard.

Over the next five years, the music career never materialized but I persisted. Then, in 2019, I uploaded Dream Goes On to a music-sharing website. I just wanted someone to notice my music.

Later that year, I received an email out of the blue from Music World from South Korea, requesting a license for the song. They had chosen my song from the millions on the music-sharing website for a theme tune for one of their shows. I was amazed and negotiated a contract for $5,000 for the use of the song and signed up straight away. I was pretty excited, but didn’t think anything more would come of it, so I focused on my job in the restaurant.

This February, Music World organized a musical festival in Seoul and my song Dream Goes On was also chosen as the theme tune for the festival. I watched on YouTube as my song was being played to a huge crowd of people. It was amazing.

After three days of the festival, I was contacted by Music World and they asked if I’d like to go to Seoul to sing Dream Goes On in a concert. They flew me out there the next day. I was welcomed like a celebrity—everyone I met thought I was a big name in England. I had to break the news to them that I wasn’t a pop star.

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I had never performed the song live, and hadn’t been on stage for years.


After the concert, I had photographers and journalists battling to interview me.

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The year 2013 marked a turning point in my life. In June, my husband was offered a new Job in Ghana. Feeling that I had hit a career bottleneck as a photographer and copywriter (广告文字撰写人), I, without any hesitation, made the decision to relocate with him.

While my husband engaged in work, my visa didn’t grant me the same privilege. But that’s okay. I didn’t know what to do anyway. I was left isolated, homesick and lacking purpose. Our new home was a bungalow near a river that cut across expansive grasslands. With few people around our home, I turned to nature, which had been a fondness of mine since childhood. Every day, I would take my camera and wander around, photographing aimlessly.

It wasn’t long before September arrived, bringing the full flow of the rainy season. After one particularly bad thunderstorm, I found a finch (雀) — a poor little thing barely a month old with one wing broken — on the ground. Evidently, he had been abandoned by his flock, his nest blown from a tree. The sight was heartbreaking. He was the size of my lite finger. His eyes were tightly shut and he was shuddering, too young to survive alone. I somehow felt a connection with it. Immediately I scooped him up and cautiously placed him in a cardboard box with towels, mimicking a nest, and stayed up all night researching how to care for him.

The next day, he seemed to regain some energy. He woke with his mouth open, though still too weak to let out a call. I fed him some food and chirped (叽喳) at him. To my amusement, he chirped back and even climbed into my hand. I affectionately gazed at this adorable creature, who was now boldly pecking (啄) my fingers now and then. A surge of warmth ran through me. Tenderly stroking his feathers, I chirped a lullaby, singing him to sleep. Gradually, his eyes drooped and he drifted off. I couldn’t help but chuckle at the scene — as far as he was concerned, I was his mother.

Para 1. “I will take care of you.” I murmured, making my promise to him.


Para 2. At that moment I realized that as I dedicated myself to the finch’s care, something within me changed.

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