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Grandfather was a wise and honorable man. His house was not far from ours, and I would visit him often going home after school.

No matter how rotten I had been, I could tell Grandpa anything. My secrets were safe. Whenever there was a problem, he gave me the tools to fix it. I knew I would always find the best answer from him. He always understood. He loved me.

I remember a time when a bunch of us were playing baseball in the field behind Mrs. Ferguson’s house. I hit one pitch just right and slam! It was a home run that soared high and away, and ended up breaking Old Lady Ferguson’s kitchen window! We all ran! Walking home, my best friend, Tom, asked, “How will she ever know who did it? She’s blinder than a bat!” He had a point.

I was afraid that Mrs. Ferguson would stay mad at me, so I ran. I didn’t know what she would do. I tried to calm down. However, my stomach was in knots. On the way home. I imagined that she was a mean witch (女巫) chasing me, and the further way I ran, the larger she grew... until finally she towered over the whole town, seeing my every move with an evil eye. Thoughts rushed through my mind. Would Mrs. Ferguson stay mad at me? Would she call police? Worse still, would she tell my parents I couldn’t even imagine the disappointment on Mom and Dad’s face. They were hoping I would act honestly and in a responsible way

I decided to stop by Grandpa’s. I felt ashamed. I wanted to hide. I wanted to knock my head against a tree a thousand times and make the world just go away —as if punishing myself could undo things.

“I would tell everything to Grandpa,” a voice inside me said.

“I was wrong.” I told him, with my head down. He must have known something was up by the expression on my face. He knew we had been warned many times about the dangers of playing where we shouldn’t.


Para 1: But he just listened while I continued talking.


Para 2: Grandpa smiled when he knew I had figured it out.

2022-06-04更新 | 807次组卷 | 6卷引用:湖南省长沙市雅礼中学2022-2023学年高三上学期第三次月考英语试题
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“A usual boring day!” This would be the answer from Roman if somebody asked him how his day was. These days he found everything boring, and nothing excited him.

One day he was lying on the bed in his room as usual. Suddenly the light went off. His room was rather hot without an air conditioner. Though he did not want to leave his room, he had to. Unwillingly, he left his room and came to the living room. It was slightly cool there as the living room had two huge windows.

His young brother was playing with his friend. They were rolling on the floor. He was looking out for the TV remote, but couldn’t find it. He got up and searched for it everywhere, but the remote was nowhere to be seen. He looked at his brother who was still lying on the floor, playing.

He asked him, “where is the remote?”

“Under the sofa,” his brother yelled.

He tried to look through the remote, but it was dark. He put his hand under the sofa. He touched something, grabbed it and took his hand out. It was a snake in his hand!

Upon seeing that, his brother started to yell, “Snake! Snake!” Mom came as soon as she heard the shouting. She was too horrified to see a snake. She was so scared that she even couldn’t speak a word. Two kids were trying to hide behind each other’s back. “What an old trick!” Roman thought and threw it to the kids.

As the snake landed on the floor and neared the kids, it started moving from the left side to the right. Only then did Roman realize that the snake was real, and not a toy. He threw the snake to kids because he thought it was a fake snake and it was the kids who were playing some tricks.

This time Mom almost got a heart attack. Now Roman was scared, too. The snake was only 10 meters away from the kids and was staring at them. They even couldn’t call the rescue team. There might be some deadly damage before their arrival. There was not much time to think. It was the time for a quick action.

Paragraph 1:

As Roman was farther from the snake, he jumped onto the window and grabbed the curtains.

Paragraph 2:

After the rescue team caught and took the snake away, everyone went inside the home.

2022-02-28更新 | 244次组卷 | 3卷引用:湖南省长沙市雅礼中学2021-2022学年高一下学期入学考试英语试题
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

As a young boy, I was always a troublemaker and up to no good. I liked playing tricks and enjoyed treating animals in an unfriendly way, like running after cats crazily, making them scared at the sight of me. Besides, I often used a handmade catapult (弹弓) to shoot at birds on the trees.

All this did afford me indescribable pleasure but also got me unkind stares and blames from people around. My parents disapproved of my behavior and were constantly criticizing me for the tricks I played. I was even given a good beating from my father from time to time. Nevertheless, I ignored their warnings and did not correct my ways until an incident occurred.

One summer noon when I was eight, I was alone at home and just finished lunch. Feeling very hot and bored, I decided to hang around the neighborhood, holding my trusty catapult.

Soon, I came to Mr Smith’s house. His pet dog, big and strong, was tied to a post outside his house, lying in the shade lazily. Looking around, I found that no one was in sight. I decided to make good use of my catapult to play tricks on the massive dog. Picking up a few small stones from the ground, I aimed at the dog and fired them one by one. Several stones hit the poor dog and it began to bark (吠) loudly in pain and jump up and down. But I felt so fun that I didn’t stop doing so. Eventually, the dog’s anger was fueled and it barked wildly at me while struggling to break away from the rope. Not realizing anything wrong with my crazy behavior, I was just laughing happily.

Suddenly, the rope that tied the dog loosened and the big dog got free from its bonds. In no time, with a few powerful steps the dog was on me. Its sharp teeth sank into my leg. I screamed with pain and fright and fell to the ground, shouting out for help.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Luckily, my miserable shouts caught Mr Smith’s attention.


His words left me ashamed and I decided to make a change.

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Randy Heiss, 61, has lived in Bisbee, Arizona for more than three decades. Ten years ago, he and his wife lost their only child. They have no grandchildren.

The spot of red was what first caught Heiss’s attention on December 16, 2018. He was hiking the remote land behind his farm in a small town near the U. S.-Mexico border, and there lying on the grass was a balloon. He walked toward it with his dog, thinking he should pick it up and throw it away.

That’s when he noticed the balloon’s string was attached to a piece of paper. “Dayami,”it read on one side, in a child’s writing. Heiss flipped the paper over. On the back he saw a numbered list, all in Spanish. His Spanish wasn’t very good, but he could see it was a Christmas list!

Heiss was charmed. He suspected that a child had tried to send Santa Claus a Christmas wish list by balloon, something he used to do himself when he was a kid. Nobody had ever returned the letters Heiss had sent, but he wondered whether he could find the girl who had sent this one.

It would be difficult, but Heiss had a few clues. About 20 miles to the southwest, just across the border, was the city of Nogales, Mexico, with a population of about a quarter million. Based on the wind direction, he was almost sure that was where it came from. Heiss brought the note home to his wife, who is fluent in Spanish and helped him translate the list They determined that Dayami, probably a girl, had asked for a doll, a dollhouse.

They determined that Dayami, probably a girl, had asked for a doll, a dollhouse, doll clothes and art supplies. Heiss then posted his search about finding Dayami on Facebook, attaching photos, hoping some of his friends in Nogales might know the girl ’s family. A few days passed with no results. Heiss worried that time was running out before Christmas. On December 19, 2018, he decided to send a private Facebook message to Radio Xeny, an AM radio station based in Nogales. To his surprise, someone from the station called him back right away and promised him to post his search on the station’s Facebook page immediately.


The next morning, Heiss awoke to a message from Radio Xeny.


Dayami ’s eyes were wide open with wonder.

2022-01-29更新 | 167次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖南省师范大学附属中学2021-2022学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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A New Addition to the Family

For the initial ten years of his life, Victor was the prince of the household. As he was an only child, his parents petted him and showered all their love and attention on him. Whatever toys his parents bought, they were always meant for him. Whatever food was in the refrigerator, there was no one to compete with him to polish it off first. Victor could leave his toys or books around the house with complete ease of mind, knowing that there was no one who would get their hands on his belongings and cause any damage.

However, all that was to change overnight when Victor’s parents brought back his new baby sister, Lina, from the hospital. With her rosy cheeks, wide open eyes and angelic smile, Lina caught the hearts of her parents, grandparents and relatives. Everyone focused their attention on the cute bunch of joy. Whenever she cried, her mother or father would rush to her bed. She simply cried because she wanted to be carried. There was little time left for Victor.

Now that Victor’s mother had his baby sister to take care of, she expected Victor himself to do most of the chores he can do. Victor was asked to clean his own room, iron his own school uniform and clean his own shoes. Before Lina’s arrival, he had never lifted a finger to help out with these tasks. The whole family also went out less because it was unhealthy to expose Lina to the bacteria(细菌) being in the outside world too often.

Victor felt neglected by his parents. He felt that they loved Lina more than him. As a result, he tried to attract his parents’ attention by becoming resistant. One evening, Victor’s parents were called up by his teacher because Victor had got into a fight at school. His teacher had noticed Victor’s behaviour and work attitude changing downwards in the past two months. Before that, he had been a model student.


Upon hearing the teacher’s feedback, Victor’s parents got lost in thought.


Victor realized that his parents still cared for him.

2022-01-22更新 | 897次组卷 | 15卷引用:湖南省名校联考联合体2022-2023学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题
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I was 9 years old when I found out my father was ill. It was 1994 but I can remember my mother’s words as if it were yesterday: “Kerrel, I don’t want you to take food from your father, because he has AIDS. Be very careful when you are around him. ”

AIDS wasn’t something we talked about in my country when I was growing up. From then on, I knew that this would be a family secret. My parents were not together any more, and my dad lived alone. For a while he could take care of himself. But when I was 12, his condition worsened. My father’s other children lived far away, so it fell to me to look after him. We couldn’t afford all the necessary medication for him, and because Dad was unable to work, I had no school supplies and often couldn’t even buy food for dinner. I would sit in class feeling completely lost. The teacher’s words muffled (低沉) as I tried to figure out how I was going to manage.

I did not share my burden with anyone. I had seen how people reacted to AIDS. Kids laughed at classmates who had parents with the disease. And even adults could be cruel. When my father was moved to the hospital, the nurses would leave his food on the bedside table even though he was too weak to feed himself.

I had known that he was going to die. But after so many years of keeping his condition a secret, I was completely unprepared when he reached his final days.

Sad and hopeless, I called a woman at the nonprofit National AIDS Support.
Now, I am also working at the nonprofit organization.
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Nick was a 10-year-old boy. He was the only son to his parents. Nick’s father was a very busy businessman who could not spend time with his son. He came home after Nick slept, and was off to the office before Nick woke up in the morning. Nick longed for his father’s attention. He wanted to go outdoors and play with his father just like his friends did.

One day, Nick was surprised to see his father at home in the evening.

“Dad, it is a big surprise to see you at home,” Nick said.

“Yes, son, my meeting was cancelled. So I’m at home. But after two hours I have to catch a flight,” his father replied.

“When will you be back?”

“Tomorrow noon.”

Nick was in deep thought for a while. Then he asked, “Dad, how much do you earn in a year?”

Nick’s father was taken aback (震惊). He said, “My dear son, it’s a very big amount and you won’t be able to understand it.”

“OK, Dad, are you happy with the amount you earn? ”

“Yes, my dear. I’m very happy, and in fact I’m planning to launch our new branch and a new business in a few months. Isn’t that great?”

“Yes, Dad. I’m happy to hear that. Can I ask you one more question?”

“Yes, dear.”

“Dad, can you tell me how much you earn in a day or even half a day?”

“Nick, why are you asking this question? ”Nick’s father was perplexed.

But Nick was persistent. “Please answer me. Could you please tell me how much you earn in an hour?”

Nick’s father gave in and replied, “It will be around $25 per hour.”

Nick ran to his room upstairs, and came down with his piggy bank that contained his savings.

“Dad, I have $50 in my piggy bank. Could you spare two hours for me? I want to go to the beach and have dinner with you tomorrow evening. Could you please mark this in your schedule?”

Paragraph 1:

Nick’s father was speechless!

Paragraph 2:

The appointed time with Dad was near.

2022-01-19更新 | 95次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖南省岳阳市临湘市2021-2022学年高二上学期期末教学质量检测英语试题
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It was a January afternoon. My wife, Savitri and I sat on the Sahyadri Express. As the train pulled out of the station, we could barely hide our excitement. We were finally on the way to a honeymoon to Matheran! This was the first time we had enough savings to go on a trip together.

The train stopped at Neral, where we were forced out of our reverie (白日梦). As we stepped out and started making inquiries, we realized it was unlikely that we would find a train to take us to the misty hill station we had been dreaming of for months. The afternoon gradually settled into a pink dusk as we sat in a corner at the station, waiting for news of the train services as the cold winter breeze rattled (使紧张)our bones. We unwrapped some biscuits when a little girl, no more than five or six, went past us, screaming, “But I want food! I am hungry!”

Savitri's eyes turned to the girl’s family. Smiling, she called out-her name was Mehrunisa,we overheard-and asked her to seek her parent’s permission to accept biscuits from us. Left with no option, her family accepted, And we began chatting.

After several hours, the train finally arrived. We entered alongside. As the short uphill journey progressed, Savitri and I softly discussed our trouble. It seemed unlikely that our reservation at Ragdi Hotel would still be held. As the train arrived and we rose to bid the family goodbye, Mehrunisa’s father, Viraaz, suggested that he would accompany us to make sure that we had a place to spend the night. He had overheard our anxious exchange.

His family headed to their guesthouse and Viraaz came with us to look for a hotel. To no one’s surprise, Ragdi Hotel was packed with people. The manager offered assistance by placing a few beds in the coal storage room but the cold made it uninhabitable. A gradual dread(恐惧)started to appear in my mind.


Sensing our helplessness, Viraaz offered to put us up in their accommodation for the night.


Our friendship has since continued for decades.

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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文.

At the end of the class, Mr. Smith announced our assignment for the next Monday was to talk about someone we were grateful to instead of a book report. Upon hearing it, I couldn’t help complaining to Mareya that I was so nervous about having to talk in front of the whole class.

“ Arizona ,you’ve been in at least three plays ,” Mareya pointed out.“ If you don’ t get stage fright in front of those big audiences, why are you bothered by a few kids in our class ?”

It was true, but in a play you were part of a group. I shook my head. Plus, there were so many people I was grateful to. There was no way I could possibly pick just one. Plus, even if I picked one I’ d have no idea what to say. Plus, even if I figured out what to say, I was a million- percent positive I’ d mess up if I tried to say it out loud! I’ d be standing there with everyone staring at me, waiting for words to come out of my mouth.“ Oh , my goodness !” I pulled my sweatshirt hood ( 兜 帽 ) over my face, put my hands over my ears and said,“ I don’t want to talk about it !”

But one thing about really good friends who knew you really well was that they didn’ t always do exactly what you asked them to. Mareya could be pretty pushy talking of being helpful. She scribbled(潦草地写) something on a piece of paper , lifted my hood, and smiled. She’ d drawn a funny elephant (named Franky) with the word BREATHE coming out of its trunk .

“ This is Franky, the ‘everything is going to be all right’ elephant ” Mareya giggled. She held the picture up to her ear and asked, “What’ s that you say, Franky? You think my friend Arizona should come over to my house this weekend so we can work on our talks together?”

注意:1. 续写词数应为150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Paragraph 1. And that was exactly what happened.


Paragraph 2 .On Monday morning, however, I decided to talk about Mareya.

书面表达-开放性作文 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 假定你是李华,10月14日老人节(the Double Ninth Festival),你和同学去康养中心(health care center)参加了“关爱老人”志愿服务。请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:

An Unforgettable Experience

共计 平均难度:一般