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The sun was just beginning to rise in the east when Daryl climbed up into the driver’s seat of his truck. He was going to make it to Los Angcles before midnight. He started the engine and got onto the highway.

Suddenly, Daryl saw a large lump (块) in the middle of the road. Daryl’s instinct (直觉) had told him to stop. He stepped rapidly on his brakes (刹车).As he got closer, he found that this lump was a person. Daryl got out of his truck and slowly approached. There was no blood and the figure was lying in the middle of the road under a blanket. Now he could see that it was a girl. Her skin was very pale and she looked absolutely worn out.

“Hey,” said Daryl. Then, “Hey!“ more loudly. The girl moved but didn’t open her eyes. Daryl moved her to the side of the road. At least she wouldn’t be run over there. Now she was someone else’s problem. He climbed back in his truck and drove down the road.

Just one glance in the rear-view mirror (后视镜) and Daryl saw the girl still lying there. He knew that he couldn’t leave her like that. He pulled the truck over again and carried her to the truck. The girl briefly opened her eyes.

”What’s your name?“ Daryl asked. The girl looked at him, silent. She closed her eyes again and Daryl climbed into the driver’s scat. He stopped at the next city, an hour later, and went downtown to the police station. A middle-aged policewoman sat behind the main desk.

”I’ve got a missing girl,“ Daryl said, ”In my truck. I don’t know what to do with her.” Officer Rodriguez came with Daryl and helped him bring the girl inside. The girl still wasn’t speaking.

“Well,“ Daryl said, “I need to hit the road. I have a shipment due in Los Angeles tonight. I was behind and my boss wasn’t going to be happy.”

“Wait, sir, you can’t leave,” said Officer Rodriguez, “We need you to give a statement about how you found the girl.”

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By the time Daryl finished giving his statement, it was mid-afternoon.


As Daryl climbed back into the truck, his cell phone rang.

7日内更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南师范大学附属中学2024-2025学年高二上学期开学考试英语试卷
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Tears began to well up in my eyes as my university lecturer, Dr Mike Bossley, showed our class images of dolphins that had been kept at theme parks.

One photo of an adult dolphin in a tiny pool hardly wider than the length of its body swimming alone had us all crying.

Mike explained how he had been studying the behavior of dolphins at Adelaide’s Port River for years.

I hadn’t expected to be so drawn to dolphins, the subject of many of Mike’s lectures, but he was right when he told us: “Humans could learn a thing or two from dolphins.“

I had a not-so-happy childhood. I hoped that university would be the start of a new life for me, and one day, I approached Mike to ask if he would ever take me out to visit the dolphins. He agreed. Days later we took a dinghy (小艇) out onto the water and were putting along in silence when I saw a dolphin just a few feet away.

Mike stopped the motor.” That’s Jock. He lives in this small part of the river.”

Jock the dolphin circled the boat curiously.He had scars (伤疤) and nets on his body. He was alone and refused to join other dolphins who swam together.I thought he was like me.

For almost three years, I visited Jock as often as I could. He’d dive beside me, allowing me to touch him. One time, he touched my feet.“What’s he doing?” I asked. “He thinks you’re in trouble,” Mike explained. My heart exploded knowing that this creature who could not speak seemed to be showing me he cared. Part of me was sad when Jock eventually swam off with the other dolphins, but I was also proud he’d shown the courage to do so. Leaving him and the river behind, I went on to get a job but was still unhappy.

Paragraph 1:

Weeks passed and I was in low spirits, but I soon realsed I had to do something positive.

Paragraph 2:

Recently, I’ve published my book, A Dolphin Called Jock.

2024-09-18更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省西畴县第一中学2024-2025学年高二上学期假期开学检测英语试题
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“Nothing is so beautiful as spring—When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush.” However, there is no denying that early spring can be a tough time in the Midwest. It can take both people and animals by surprise with its unexpected snowstorms.

My house is built in a high position so that my backyard overlooks a large pond. Every spring, flocks of migratory birds (候鸟) chose to root in the pond on the way to their summer homes. They had a rest in the pond, looked for food to feed their baby birds and played with each other casually. This year, among others, hundreds of scaups, a type of diving duck, spent several days hanging out there, diving for food. Life was peaceful and warm for them. They spent hours swimming with each other. The older ones would run after the younger after they finished their breakfast. Every time the little ducks would spare no effort to escape and the open water around them would get bigger and bigger.

Then the snowstorm hit followed by a very cold night. The temperature dropped sharply. As the open water of the pond shrank into icy desolation (荒凉) the scaups took off for a more livable habitat (栖息地).

The next morning, I found that all birds had disappeared overnight except one lo ne female, who was diving energetically in her little circle of open water. Her movements and body heat had kept the ice from coming close. She bravely swam around as I watched her from the comfort of my warm home.

As time passed, the open water around the duck got smaller and smaller, and her movements slowed. Obviously, she was in danger. I watched with anxiety as she eventually stopped moving, and I feared she was dead. I decided to go out to have a look.

Then it happened.
This little duck’s friends probably saved her life.
2024-07-22更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昭通市第一中学教研联盟2022-2023学年高一下学期期末质量检测英语试卷(B卷)
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Ninny grew up with her grandparents. Her grandmother worked as a housekeeper, and her grandfather was too weak to move. In his wheelchair, Grandfather told her stories about flowers, princesses and sunrises. Those stories always ended with the same message: A simple act of kindness creates an endless ripple (涟漪) that comes back to you.

One day, Ninny was at the supermarket with her grandmother. They only bought the bare minimum. “Oh!” Ninny jumped when she spotted a chocolate cake. She pulled her grandmother’s sleeve. “Grandfather’s birthday is around the corner! Can we please, please, please have it?” The old lady eyed the chocolate cake. There were beautiful decorations on the top with fancy designs on the side. Picking up the cake, Grandmother took a close look at the price and sighed, “Ninny, we can’t afford it. It’s $40!”

Ninny pouted (噘嘴), trying to convince her grandmother. Yet she knew that her grandmother would not bend, even if she begged with her puppy eyes. No matter what, money did not grow on trees. Ninny sighed and turned around. Grandmother gave her a sad smile and turned towards the cashier.

Almost out of nowhere, a man with a 50 dollar bill and the chocolate cake approached her and handed these things to Ninny. “Have them, dear.”

Ninny took a closer look at the man. He was average. Average face, average clothes, and average everything. He was just a random man.

The man bent down and maintained eye contact with Ninny. “Do you know why I’m giving you these?” Ninny shook her head. “When I was a little boy, a man bought me a chocolate cake. He just overheard a conversation I had with my mother. Nothing else. He gave me some money and a small slip of paper. Then he left.” The man reached into his pocket and took out a dog-eared piece of paper. Looking at the words written, Ninny wore a smile on her face, for she was so familiar with the message.


Ninny hugged the dollar bill, cake and the piece of paper to her chest.


Grandfather’s eyes widened, “You won’t believe it!”

2024-05-28更新 | 214次组卷 | 5卷引用:云南省德宏师范高等专科学校附属天成中学2023-2024学年高一下学期英语期末考试试卷
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It was in the early morning of one summer holiday that I was flying to Bali, Indonesia to see volcanoes. And my best friend was waiting for my arrival there. When I got off the plane and stepped out of the airport, I was thinking how unbelievable it was to stand in front of the spectacular volcano mountain. The imaginary sights distracted me, for a moment, from my current problem.

Only when I stood by the bus station to Bali, did I realize that I had no enough cash on me. The only ATM nearby didn’t seem to have any power, and I nervously looked down at my credit card, my only lifeline. I hoped there might be a way to convince the bus driver to let me on and pay him once I reached the destination and got the cash from my friend.

When the bus door opened, I stood behind a young lady and her little girl. I started to worry, wondering what I’d do if the credit card didn’t make the cut. They boarded the bus, paid in cash and sat down in the first row. When I approached the driver and held out my credit card, he looked at me seriously and shook his head.

“I don’t have any money,” I said. I showed him my wallet to confirm that I was telling the truth. He stared back blankly and then said no. I still wanted to convince him again. I pulled up my flight information on my phone and showed it to him. I pointed to the nearby ATM and signaled that it didn’t work. This time, he looked at me and apologized to me. “I’m really sorry. Can you make way for the other passengers?”

I stood aside. “What should I do?” I hesitated. It was the first time that I had visited the city. I was unfamiliar with everything around me. I searched the locations of other ATMs in the area. They were too far away. It would take me at least two hours to get there on foot. I really didn’t want my friend to wait for me too long, but unfortunately, I had to.

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I was about to get off the bus when the young lady stood up.


Once we arrived at Bali, I followed the young lady and her little girl off the bus.

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“Here you go,” Melanie said, handing Ava a pink envelope.

“Thanks.” Ava said. “But what is it?”

“An invitation to my pool party. It’s Saturday at two. There will be a lot of fun things to do. You are going to love it so much. Do come, please.” Melanie kept talking but Ava wasn’t listening.

The words “pool party” echoed (回响) through her mind. Ava had a secret she didn’t even tell her best friend Melanie — Ava couldn’t swim. Every time she tried to learn, she’d wind up with water up her nose and she’d be out of the pool as quickly as possible.

“You’re coming, right?” Melanie said

“Huh?” Ava jumped.

“Do you think you could come a little early? I could use your help inflating (使充气) the floating basketball hoops (篮筐) and the ball. And I will need you to help me set the tables.”

Ava didn’t know what to say. Melanie was one of her best friends. She couldn’t miss her party. But she didn’t want the whole school to find out she couldn’t swim. That would be too embarrassing. “I think I might be busy this Saturday,” Ava said, lowering her head. She saw the disappointment on Melanie’s face. “Maybe I could stop by for a little while, but I definitely wouldn’t have time to swim.”

Ava spent the rest of the school day trying to avoid Melanie’s questions about what she had to do on Saturday and why she couldn’t stay for the whole party. Ava felt awful. That night she asked her parents to ground her or make other plans so she couldn’t go to Melanie’s party.

“Ava, this is silly,” her mother said. “Melanie is your best friend. She won’t care that you can’t swim.” Ava wasn’t so sure.

“Just be honest with Melanie. She will understand you,” her father said.

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When Saturday arrived, Ava’s parents drove her to the party right on time.
Ava decided to tell the truth.
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Milo is a rescue dog, adopted by 20-year-old Makayla Swift. But Milo the beagle is also a rescuer. One morning in November 2021, Swift opened her front door in Silver Spring, Maryland, and Milo took off running. Milo ran to the house across the street. He seemed unsatisfied with this house, so he ran to the one next door, Swift on his tail. He started scratching on the front door and Swift was thinking, “Why is he literally trying to break into her house?” She was embarrassed. Not everyone wants a strange dog on their property. But as she tried to drag Milo away, she could hear a sound coming through an open upstairs window. It was a voice yelling “Help!”

Hours earlier, around 4 a.m., 85-year-old Sherry Starr had risen from her bed. All of a sudden, standing there between the toilet and the tub, she slipped. She went down-hard-on the tile floor, and got stuck. Starr was scared of dying there. Her best bet, she decided, was to listen for the letter carrier in the afternoon and scream like the devils.

For the next few hours, Starr practiced yelling, “Help! Help! Help!”
Not long after the call, rescue workers arrived.
2023-05-01更新 | 157次组卷 | 3卷引用:云南省大理白族自治州2022-2023学年高二上学期2月期末英语试题
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It was a long weekend in May 2018 and my partner, Gabe Rosescu, and I were taking a road trip from my home to visit friends in Nelson. We are both adventurous, and we couldn’t wait to go hiking and exploring. It was our first trip together after six months of dating.

At around 5.30 pm, we were driving on a steep (陡峭) mountain road. I was texting messages to my family and enjoying the view. We weren’t aware there had recently been flooding in the area. When I looked up from my phone, I saw a wave of mud (泥) and an huge tree quickly moving down the mountain, right in front of our car. Gabe tried to brake, but it was too late.

I looked at him and we both said, “Oh, shoot!” .The mudslide sent our car suddenly falling nearly 300 meters down a rocky cliff (悬崖) .It landed on its side among some trees.

I don’t know how long we were unconscious, but I woke up by the sound of Ga bemoaning (呻吟) .He was bending over the steering wheel and there was blood everywhere. Outside my passenger window there was a steep drop. I had broken my breast bones and my right ankle was broken. It was so painful that I couldn’t move my right foot at all. Gabe had broken his nose and cheek bones. Parts of his head were crushed (挤压) and his eyes were damaged. With the side doors and my window crushed shut, the only way out was through the driver’s side window.

We both managed to get out of the car. With no phone signal, all we could do was to scream for help. We were shocked when, after just a few minutes, we heard someone callback.


Four climbers had found us and were approaching to rescue us.


After weeks of treatment in hospital, we both recovered.

2023-04-27更新 | 85次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市官渡区2022-2023学年一上学期期末测试英语试题
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Not too long ago, I was at the grocery store, and an elderly man in front of me was using a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) card, which we used to call food stamps. The card reader kept rejecting his payment. He had apparently gone over his limit for the month. He was confused about how it had happened and more than a little upset about the situation.

While I was trying to decide if the man would feel uncomfortable or grateful if I offered to step in and pay for him, the young man checking him out, who I thought was still in high school, said, “Sir, this happens all the time. It’s not a problem. I bet we can figure out a solution together.”

The line behind us was growing long, but the young man didn’t show a little impatience or anger. He confirmed that the man was, indeed, over his limit for the month and found the amount of the overage. Turned out, he wasn’t over by much, so the checker helped the customer determine which two or three items that he could make do without until his account was filled.

“You’ll definitely want to keep the milk, the butter, the eggs and the bread,” I remember the young man saying as he looked through the already bagged groceries. Then the young clerk, who had clearly done this before, pulled out a jar of salsa, a bottle of juice and some crackers that he and his customer agreed could wait until the beginning of the new month.

The young man definitely told his older customer, once again, that it was a common occurrence and not a problem at all. The man left with his dignity unhurt and, no doubt, with a renewed sense of loyalty to that grocery-store chain. Seeing what the young man had done to deal with such a situation, I decided to tell him what a good job he had done.


When it was my turn to check out, I told the young man that he had done an extraordinary job of handling the situation.


I got a return e-mail that day with thanks from the manager.

2023-02-22更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省楚雄彝族自治州2022-2023学年高三上学期期末教育学业质量监测英语试题
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10 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Once there lived a girl named Melanie. The little girl was living with a dream. She wanted to be a ballet dancer. Her body was very flexible and she had a strong will power. Melanie’s parents never knew of the great dancing skills their daughter had until one day, they saw the little girl dancing with the beautiful steps of a ballerina.

“Isn’t it strange? Melanie is dancing so well without any formal training!” the mother said.

“We must give her ballet lessons to help her improve her skills,” her father said.

The following day, Melanie’s parents took her to a local dance training school. The teacher asked Melanie to dance. The little girl was happy and showed some of her favorite dance steps. However, the teacher didn’t seem interested in her performance.

“That’s OK. You can leave now!”the teacher said.

Melanie was shocked to hear this. So were her parents. They couldn’t believe their ears.

“The girl is common. She does not have the possibility to become a ballerina, ”the dance teacher said. “Don’t let her waste her time dreaming of becoming a dancer.”

Disappointed, Melanie and her parents returned home. Tears rolled down Melanie’s face. Her dreams were broken within a matter of minutes. Without confidence, Melanie never attempted to dance again. She completed her studies and went on to become a teacher in school.Life was good and she kept herself busy with family and work. However, whenever she happened to pass the school’s ballet room, memories of childhood dreams danced before her eyes.

One day, the ballet teacher in her school was late.
“What a performance, Melanie! You are a true ballerina!” said the ballet teacher entering the classroom.
2023-02-18更新 | 742次组卷 | 15卷引用:云南省蒙自市蒙自市第一高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题
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