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In the distant and mysterious star continent, there is a young man named Bruce. He has a pair of eyes that can see the mysteries of the stars, and a heart that never gives up. Bruce lives in a small, quiet village where people make a living by farming and pastoraling, and know little about the mysteries of the starry sky. However, Bruce is always looking up at the stars, and his heart is full of longing for the unknown.

One day, a shooting star streaked across the sky and landed in Bruce’s backyard. Bruce walked over curiously and found that it was actually a strange shaped meteorite, which was engraved with ancient runes. He gently touched the meteorite, suddenly a powerful energy poured into his body, his eyes emerged a series of strange pictures: stars twinkling, the vast universe, mysterious creatures shuttling between the stars...

“It’s the power of the stars!” An old and mysterious voice sounded in Bruce’s ear, “You have been chosen to become the guardian of the star continent. You need to find the scattered pieces of the stars to unlock the power of the stars and protect the peace of the continent.”

Bruce was shocked by this sudden responsibility and mission, but he did not flinch. He says goodbye to his family and embarks on an adventure to find the shards of stars.

During the journey, Bruce encountered various challenges and difficulties. Sometimes he has to navigate dangerous forests, sometimes he has to solve complex puzzles, and sometimes he has to fight against evil forces. However, he never gave up, because he knew that only by finding all the pieces of the stars could he unlock the power of the stars and protect his beloved home.

After countless times of sharpening and experience, Bruce has gradually grown into a brave, wise and responsible young man. He not only found many fragments of stars, but also made a group of like-minded friends. They fought side by side and faced various challenges and difficulties together.

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However, as they approach their goal, they encounter a powerful enemy— the leader of the dark forces of the Star continent.


After a thrilling battle, Bruce finally defeated the leader of the dark forces with his firm faith and the support of his friends.

2024-09-16更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市第一中学2024届高三上学期暑期阶段性测试英语试题
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I stared at the stuff my mom placed near my vegetable. Right. A whole week. She kept seven recipes, each one labelled with a day of week. Today was Meatloaf Monday. Again.

I kept complaining about the food. “Malia,” mom continued serving the twins, saying, “You are 11. You should be setting an example.”

The next day in school’s kitchen classroom, our teacher announced we would have a competition to finish off our unit on kitchen skills. An eager chatting traveled through the class.

“I’m going to win,” said Tania, “My dad’s the best cook. I’ve got talent.” Right. Tania’s dad is good at cooking. I love having supper at her house. But I also wanted to win. I thought about my talent and decided that I would practice by making supper tonight.

After school, I told mom my determination, but she was nervous. I hurried to the kitchen. Thinking about Tania’s dad’s saying — good ingredients (食材) make good meals, I took whatever I thought was good from the cupboard. Then remembering mom’s saying — health matters, I found more vegetables. I put all together in the soup pot and turned on the burner. Soon later, the stuff I cooked turned messy. The twins whispered about my failure but my mom stopped them, “Malia worked hard on this.”

After supper, as I was throwing my work in the compost (堆肥), Mrs. Benny, my neighbour, spotted me. Learning what happened, she smiled and invited me to come over to her garden.

The next day, I laboured in Mrs. Benny’s garden, picking vegetables. Together, we collected some fresh ingredients. “Touch and smell the plants. If you see something you like, place it into the bowl.” I followed that and picked out fresh potatoes and onions. She recalled how she went from getting no idea about cooking to falling in love with it. “The secret is using all your senses — sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing. Listen to your stomach. Don’t rush.” she said.


Inspired by Mrs. Benny’s words, I started to practice right away.


After the competition, I went home with the dish cheerfully.

2024-09-16更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届福建省泉州市高中毕业班质量监测(一模)英语试题
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3 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

I am the kind of person who is shy and doesn’t express himself much among others. I spend a significant amount of time on introspection (内省). I lack the ease to engage in conversations with others. But I find this, on the other hand, can be an advantage.

Once, as a school boy, I wondered if I, such an introverted (内向的) person, would be considered eccentric (古怪的). And I was even afraid that I could possibly get nowhere in my study.

I went to school, where I was just an average student and struggled with shyness. My parents had high expectations, hoping I would finally be able to secure the first position at the end of the sixth grade. However, achieving that was no easy job. Given the keen competition between classmates and my then situation, it was challenging to stand out. I inquired with my friend, Tom, who consistently ranked first, and he revealed that his two aunts had been helping him, providing tutoring support.

Asking for help was never easy for me; my shyness stopped me from seeking assistance. I believed that I had to depend on myself — it was my sole responsibility to learn and educate myself. This mindset surprisingly ignited (激发) a race within me to claim the top position in my class. However, I realized there were barriers on my path — several subjects troubled me. And I understood that achieving the first position would take a couple of years of hard work.

I embarked on (开始) this journey when I was in the fourth grade. Attention focused in class and more time spent after class, I found I was gradually on the right track. By the fifth grade, work on my study was progressing steadily and improvement was obvious. Even Tom showed his surprise or I could say envy. But I knew my performance in writing still needed improving. And I knew, though without additional support, I could count on myself.

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The journey continued into the sixth grade.
The day arrived when the headmaster declared the exam results.
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I stood in the door of our flower shop, watching the staff work on arrangements and talk with customers. Among the employees was Emily, my 25-year-old daughter. Together, my friend Colleen and I had truly created an amazing space.

I first met Colleen 15 years ago, at an event for the Chester County Down Syndrome (唐氏综合症) Interest Group, right after her daughter, Katie, was born. The group helped other families like ours navigate the life of having a child with Down syndrome. “It’s such a challenge to help our daughters find jobs,” I said to Colleen one day. She agreed. When we learned that only 20 percent of adults with special needs have jobs that pay a typical wage, we were determined to make a difference. And not just for Emily and Katie.

In January 2021, we were approached by an organization that owned a flower shop, hoping we could use it to further our goal. It was a dream come true. We created the Kati Mac Education Foundation and reopened the shop as a nonprofit. Ten out of our 14 employees have special needs. Colleen and I spent days planning, ensuring that our shop was a learning space for our employees. We provided them with the training they needed, not just in floristry (花艺) but in essential life skills — communication, money management, and customer service. Our dream was slowly turning into reality, with Emily and Katie leading the charge.

As I watched the busy flower shop around me, I listened to the spirit-lifting playlist Emily had picked out herself. She greeted customers and answered their questions, while Katie worked with her mom to create a wonderful arrangement for a customer’s special occasion. The aroma (芳香) of roses, peonies and lilies was heavenly, but it was our employees who made the flower shop a place for angels.

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Paragraph 1: Suddenly, the bell above the door rang, announcing a new arrival.
Paragraph 2: Watching them talk, I couldn’t help but reflect on the journey that brought us here.
2024-07-10更新 | 128次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖南省衡阳县第一中学高考最后一卷英语试题
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The Lost Key

Once upon a time, in the quaint village of Eldertown, there lived an old man named Albert. He was known for his vast garden filled with rare and exotic flowers from all over the world. Among these, there was one flower that stood out—the Blue Whisper, a flower so rare that it bloomed only once every ten years.

Albert had a golden key that unlocked the secret to keeping the Blue Whisper alive. However, as the flower’s blooming season approached, he realized that the key had gone missing. Panic set in. Without the key, the Blue Whisper would wither, and the magic that brought joy to the village would be lost forever.

Desperate, Albert sought help from Lily, a young girl known for her cleverness and bravery. Lily agreed to help, intrigued by the challenge. Together, they retraced Albert’s steps, searching high and low, from the dusty attic to the deepest part of the garden. Days turned into nights, but no sign of the key was found.

On the seventh day of their search, Lily suggested checking the old well in the center of the village. It was a long shot, but something about the way Albert described his last memory with the key led her there. With a lantern in hand, she descended into the well. At the bottom, amidst the darkness, she spotted a glint of gold. It was the key!

Overjoyed, Lily returned the key to Albert just in time for the Blue Whisper to bloom. The village was filled with awe as the flower opened its petals, revealing a mesmerizing blue hue that seemed to glow under the moonlight. The scent that filled the air was like nothing anyone had ever smelled before—it was sweet yet mysterious, a true testament to nature's wonders.

Albert thanked Lily profusely, not just for finding the key but for restoring hope to the village. From that day on, Lily became known as the girl who saved the Blue Whisper, and her name was etched in the history of Eldertown alongside the tale of the lost golden key.

The story of the Blue Whisper and the lost key taught the villagers the importance of perseverance and the power of unity. It reminded them that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope waiting to be found. And so, the legend of the Blue Whisper lived on, inspiring generations to come.


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Sophie read the note again, her mind racing with possibilities. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Her family reacted when she finally opened the door. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2024-07-06更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届 江苏省南阳高三下学期第三次高考模拟考试英语试题
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Kris and Robin are sisters who grew up in Wisconsin. They work together and serve together.

In 2017, Hurricane Harvey struck with strong force across Florence, bringing fierce winds and record-breaking rainfall. The city was destroyed by the storm’s intensity, leading to widespread damage and flooding. Emergency services worked tirelessly to rescue those trapped by the rising floodwaters, while power failure left entire neighborhoods in darkness.

In the face of such misfortune, both of Kris and Robin felt depressed and helpless, yet eager to assist. Upon discovering Convoy of Hope’s volunteer program, they didn’t hesitate to sign up. Soon after, they were invited to training, marking the start of their mission to serve together in this fighting.

However, their initial response to the arrangement was filled with anxiety for Kris. “I am kind of nervous before heading out. I wonder if I could remember my training?” said Kris Logemann, her voice with uncertainty. “Don’t worry! You see the staff do such a great job. They are incredibly supportive to us and will provide guidance and reassure every step of the way.” Robin comforted. She also added, “I am right there for you, too, Kris, we are in it together, and we’ll make it just like before.”

Robin Melcher remembered the first few rescues she and her sister went on. “We were helping a woman who had just lost her husband,” said Kris. “We were taking things out of her house, but also holding her hand and loving her. The ability to do that... it’s just really cool.” “Obviously we love it because we come back,” added Kris.

Full of power, Kris and Robin put their whole hearts into the training. During the Convoy of Hope’s detailed training program, they learned about disaster response, safety procedures, and psychological first aid. Through hands-on practice and team-building exercise, they prepared physically and mentally for the tasks ahead. As Kris and Robin continued their volunteer work, they were faced with one of their most heart-struck and unforgettable challenges.


Word came that a school had been severely affected by flooding, with numerous students trapped.


After the rescue, the story of the sisters’ heroic efforts was reported.

2024-06-25更新 | 143次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届河北省“五个一”名校联盟高三第一次联考英语试卷
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I’m used to people staring at me: Strange looks because of the strange sounds my brother makes.

Public places have been difficult places for my family to deal with ever since Myles was diagnosed with autism (诊断为自闭症) at the age of two. I built a wall around my heart, a shell to protect my weakest parts from other people’s opinions about my family. It hurt too much when they didn’t understand, so I told myself it didn’t matter.

So when I found myself at a restaurant with my brother, who started screaming and hitting the table, I looked up with cautious eyes at the middle-aged woman approaching. Her face was perfectly peaceful as she assessed the situation at the table with my brother and me. I readied my comeback. If she had a complaint about my brother’s behavior, I was prepared to pull the trigger and give her the piece of my mind I had held onto before.

“Hi, how are you doing?” she asked, her tone kind, her eyes steady. “I’m fine,” I said carefully. “I hope you don’t mind me asking,” she continued. “But does your brother have autism?” I was surprised. “Yeah, he has autism,” I replied to the lady, who was waiting patiently. “Well, I raised a child with autism,” she began. Great. Now she really felt like she could tell me how to take care of my brother. I didn’t want to hear it. “I know you don’t know me, but my name is Pam,” she said, reaching to touch Myles’ shoulder.

“Like I said, I raised a child with autism, and if you ever need any help, please call me.” I looked at the hand she offered, holding a piece of paper with her name and number on it. “I can help you,” she said. “If you ever want me to watch him for you. Give you guys a break.”


I couldn’t speak because I got emotional and was about to cry.


I did call her, and she became as close as family and taught us a lot.

2024-06-24更新 | 74次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届安徽省黄山市高中毕业班下学期第二次质量检测英语试卷
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Mrs. Smith knew something was wrong with 7-year-old Miguel. He was one of her best students and a very hardworking child. But Intely, he was failing his tests and no longer seemed focused on his studies. Mrs. Smith couldn’t quite put her finger on what was wrong with the young boy. She knew his family had immigrated to America from South Afrien, and she reasoned they were probably in some sort of trouble.

One day, Mrs. Smith was walking back to her car after a long day at work and stopped in her tracks to see a tired Miguel on the streets. It took her a while to realize that the boy was sitting on a cardboard box with his homework spread out in front of him and studying. “Miguel!” she cried, approaching him. “What are you doing here, darling?” With tears streaming down his cheeks, Miguel poured out everything happening to him and his family.

Mrs. Smith was heartbroken as Miguel began sharing his story with her. He said that when they first arrived in the country, they were living with relatives, who had recently sold their house and moved to another city. His parents were now living in a shelter. Miguel didn’t have a desk or table to do his homework in the shelter, and it was too noisy. He said he couldn’t concentrate on his studies there and didn’t know where to go until he found a spot on the street behind the school.

Mrs. Smith knew she had to do something to help this less fortunate student. She arrived at school early the next day and arranged a small desk in the back of her classroom for Miguel. She also got him extra school supplies and the permit to stay back after lessons and do his homework in the classroom, for which Miguel was extremely grateful.


Mrs. Smith later found that Miguel’s mother was deaf, and his father no longer had a job.


The next day, Mrs. Smith approached the school headmaster and told him about Miguel’s story.

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I will never forget the experience in my life when I was young. As I was eighteen, I was doing my first part-time job in a little corner shop. The owner was a sweet old man who always saw the good in people. We were all informed that if a homeless guy that hung out nearby came in, no matter how little money he had, we should always give him two sandwiches and a drink. If it was hot, we were supposed to give him two big bottles of water. The homeless man was a sweet man who barely spoke.

One night, as my coworker had called in sick, I was in the shop alone for four hours before closing it. The homeless man came in with his little gentle smile, and I was excited because I knew I had his favorite sandwiches in the case. I handed them over to him along with his drink, and he gave me a $ 10 bill-much more than the small change he usually had.

I said, “Oh, got more cash today? Do you want a hot pie to go with your dinner? I’ve got a couple left!” He smiled and nodded excitedly, pointing to the chicken pie in the warmer (加热器) and happily hopping from foot to foot. I asked him if he wanted anything else.

He said, “No. Save things for the days when I don’t have any money and he still feeds me. He is a good man.” I said the owner sure was and wished him to enjoy his dinner. He waved goodbye to me. I went back to do some cleaning and fill the fridges. Then I heard the bell go off for the door, I went to the front to serve other customers. About an hour later, there were no customers. Suddenly, a strong wind came and the roof of the shop shook. It began to fall before I could escape. I was hit by something and then was unconscious. That was the last thing l remember before coming to. I was loaded into an ambulance.

When I revived (苏醒) in hospital, my doctor asked, “Hey, there she is! Do you know what happened?” I stammered (结结巴巴地说) and answered his questions before asking my own.


“Who rescued me after the accident happened?” I asked.


One good turn deserves another.

2024-06-24更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届甘肃省酒泉市高三下学期三模英语试题
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My brother Mat is a skateboarder enthusiast. He always has been and always will be, and along with that comes determination. Anytime he has fallen down, he gets right back up and tries it again. If he has broken something, he just keeps on skating. He has always been such an inspiration to me, because he is so determined.

Sometimes that determination is good, but on this particular day, it was a not.

We were out in the front of our grandparents' house. Mat was determined to “ollie” (豚跳) over a chair that he had placed in the street. I was watching him try and try, over and over again. I could see him sweating. As usual, it was a hot Texas day. I was worried that he would get heatstroke (中暑). Even though I was only about five, I had heard grown-ups talking about people dying of heatstroke, and I kind of understood what it was. I really didn't want my living, yet hardheaded, brother to get it.

So there I was, my chin cupped in my hands, sitting on the porch of my grandparents' house, worrying about Mat and thinking of ways to keep him cool.

“Hey Brit, could you get me my tea?”

I woke up from my thoughts and back to the heat of the day. I replied to his request with a nod and stood up to go get the iced tea. Even through my plastic pink sandals (凉鞋), I could feel the extreme heat of the concrete steps. It was burning my feet, so I quickly went inside the house.

I headed through the hallway toward Grandma's kitchen. I was thinking of how sweet and delicious her iced tea is. As I entered the kitchen, I heard a worried voice from Grandma. “What was that?” Grandma said. “Did you hear that? Did Mat scream?”

“I didn't. I'll go see.” I ran out, with one thing on my mind — HEATSTROKE.


After a week at the hospital, Mat came home.

2024-06-24更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届重庆市康德卷普通高等学校招生全国统一考试高三第三次联合诊断检测英语试题
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