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| 共计 44 道试题
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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Joyce is in the fourth grade and he joined the noisy children of his class as usual. “Children! Silence!” Mangat Madam suddenly entered the class. She announced next week would be math week. “I’d like each of you to work on a project. You could do it individually or in a group.” she instructed. “The topic for the project needs approving tomorrow and it has to be displayed at the math week exhibition. The best project will be awarded and there is also a surprise gift from my side,” she added.

Joyce, who is extremely good at math, sat in the corner seat of the first bench with Karan, an average. Karan asked Joyce if they could work on the math project together. Joyce replied in a prideful tone, “Ha-ha you want to join me. I think I will do the project on my own.” Joyce wanted to get awarded and the surprise gift all for himself from Mangat Madam.

After deep consideration, Joyce decided to work on a math magic quiz on the circuit board. The next day in school, Mangat Madam arrived in the classroom and all the children submitted their topics for math exhibition. They all chose to work in a group except Joyce. In the following days, Joyce gathered all the materials for the project such as wires, bulbs (灯泡), a switch and a thin plywood board (胶合板). He worked out a few mathematical basic operations to be fixed on the board so that when the wire of the circuit touched the right answer, the bulb glowed. Joyce completed the project and was happy with the result.

The evening before the exhibition, while packing his school bags, Joyce again checked the project to see if it was working fine. Alas! All the lights that were to glow did not seem to light at all. Without finding the reason, Joyce was tensed. However, he decided to take the same project to the school as he couldn’t change the topic at the last minute. Then came the next day, and everybody was fascinated in the exhibition.


It was Joyce’s turn to display his project.


Finally, the teacher announced Karan’s team was the winner.

书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 2023年5月19日是濒危物种日(Endangered Species Day 2023),为提高保护野生动植物的意识,你校学生会向全校师生发布了一条征文信息,请你按要求写一篇短文,内容包括:
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“Why are we bringing groceries for Mrs. Killinger?” Bobby asked his mother, Anna, as they walked back from the supermarket with a few extra bags for their elderly neighbor. He enjoyed helping his mother with these tasks, but they had never bought anything for any neighbor before.

“Honey, Mrs. Killinger is now having trouble walking around, so I offered to bring some things from the market,” Anna explained as they climbed up the wooden steps to Mrs. Killinger’s house and rang the doorbell.

“Ok, but she could get a wheelchair and move around,” the boy commented as if it was the most straightforward solution in the world.

“You know, Bobby. Mrs. Killinger doesn’t have the money to buy one right now.

They can get expensive.”   Anna explained, and Bobby pursed his lips in thought.

Mrs.Killinger answered the door, smiled, and invited them for some coffee and cookies. Bobby noticed how slowly she moved, and an idea formed in his mind. He told the older woman and his mother all about it, and they grinned at him indulgently (宽容地笑).Neither of them thought Bobby would do it.

That’s why Anna was surprised the following day when Bobby had made several ads. “Mom, can you add your phone number here, so people can call me with work?”

“Oh, honey. This is very sweet. But I don’t know if it’ll be enough to raise the money she needs to buy a wheelchair,” Anna explained. She loved that her son had such a big heart, but he didn’t want him to be heartbroken if no one called or he couldn’t raise the money.

“Well,at least,I can say that I tried to help,” Bobby chirped (欢快地说)with his bright smile and eager eyes. Anna nodded and added her phone number to the ads. In his ad, Bobby offered his “services” which included helping with shopping, mowing lawns, keeping company, and walking dogs. He also left the price of his services, which made Anna smile. He honestly just wanted to help.


Anna helped him put up the ads around the neighborhood.


Two weeks later, Bobby still hadn’t raise the amount of money he wanted.

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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

As soon as his workday ended, Jordan rushed out of the office. He drove his car to the nearest supermarket to prepare for his mother’s surprise birthday party that evening. Unfortunately for Jordan, it was Friday and the parking lot was packed with shoppers. He had to drive around looking for a space to park.

After nearly 20 minutes, he noticed a space, but that was specially used for unloading goods. He hesitated for a while, but thinking shopping would take him just a few minutes, he parked his car there and rushed into the supermarket. He hurried down the aisles (过道), checking the shopping list his sister had messaged him. Soon Jordan had almost everything. Now he just needed to pick out a birthday cake.

“Just a few minutes more, ” he repeated these words in his mind several times as he sped down the target aisle. But when he got there, there was a long line of people wanting to buy cakes or cookies. He was getting more and more anxious, and began to regret not ordering a cake the day before.

Half an hour later, it was finally his turn. He asked for a chocolate cake, and carefully placed it in the cart. Now he could go! Jordan raced towards the nearest till (收款处).“Oh, I really have good luck!” he thought. “There’s no one there! ” However, out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone approaching the till ahead of him.

It was a young woman. Thinking he would surely be late if he failed to check out before the woman, he decided to take action. He pushed his shopping cart forward and narrowly missed hitting her. “Hey! ” the woman cried. “Be careful. You could have hurt me!

Jordan felt embarrassed, but he pretended not to hear. He quickly paid for all his goods and rushed out of the supermarket, leaving the woman staring at him from behind. He looked at his watch and imagined that he would make it with good luck.


When returning to the parking lot, Jordan found his car was gone.


Jordan felt surprised that the woman should give him a lift.

书面表达-开放性作文 | 困难(0.15) |
5 . 请以My Most Unforgettable Experience为题,写一篇短文。要点如下:
(1) 上学路上,我碰到一起交通事故,送被摩托车撞伤的男孩去医院;
(2) 经过紧急处理,男孩恢复知觉;
(3) 听说只受了轻微骨折,不久就能出院,我才松了口气;
(4) 未留姓名离开,体会到“助人是快乐之本”这一谚语的真实含义。
参考词汇:come to苏醒;emergency treatment急救;minor bone fractures轻微骨折;feel at ease松了口气
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 目前,每年空气中都会增加很多二氧化碳,碳排放已经严重污染了全球环境,请你想出一些可 以减少碳排放的方法,并加以说明。
1.词数 100 左右;
2022-01-07更新 | 218次组卷 | 2卷引用:北京市清华大学中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试2021-2022学年高三上学期1月测试英语试卷
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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Joe worked as a night watchman in a factory after he graduated from high school. It was a lonely job, but he was content. He stopped by the beach every day on his way home to watch the sunrise.

One day, he was walking on the beach when he noticed a bottle in the surf. Joe picked it up and saw a roll of paper inside it. His heart beat fast. He removed the lid and opened the letter. “Hi! My name is Ritchie. I’m sending this message in the hope that somebody will find it and become my friend.”

It saddened Joe to think of this boy waiting and hoping somebody would answer his message. He took his cell phone from his pocket and dialed the number written near the bottom of the page.

However, the number didn’t exist anymore. Joe was determined to find Ritchie, so he went straight to the city library for help. A librarian took him to a section of the library that felt deserted. There, she pointed him to the shelves filled with old telephone books. She sat down with him, and they searched the telephone books for Ritchie’s phone number together. Two hours later, the librarian let out an excited scream. “I found him!”

“Thank you,” Joe said, quickly copying down the address. He immediately headed for the address from the phone book. He almost screamed when he saw that the house at the address had been transformed into a hair salon. Joe stared at the sign. He held the message from the bottle in one fist and the paper with the address in the other. He walked in and explained everything to the barber. “Ritchie was born with disabilities. He has been using a wheelchair since he was a kid. Well, he’s an old man now. If you still want to find him, I hear he’s at the Serenity nursing home.” Joe thanked the man and drove to the nursing home.


After asking to see Ritchie, Joe was shown to a sunlit room.


One day, Joe received a call, learning that Ritchie had passed away the previous night.

书面表达-图表作文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友Mike给你发了一封邮件,表达了他对中国端午节的浓厚兴趣。请根据下面的信息,写一封邮件,向他介绍端午节的有关情况。
Introductiona public holiday and an important festival in Chinese culture
on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month
HistoryIt was started in honour of a great poet, Qu Yuan.
He drowned himself in the Miluo River.
People raced in their boats to save him but failed.
They dropped rice balls into the river.
celebrationhold dragon boat races
eat zongzi
Dear Mike,

I’m happy you would like to learn about the Dragon Boat Festival as it is one of my favorite festivals.


Best wishes.


Li Hua

2023-05-09更新 | 126次组卷 | 3卷引用:湖南省2022-2023学年普通高中学业水平合格考试英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

Leo had gone nowhere during his two-week vacation. He had the money, but he hated to travel alone. He used to take vacations with Max, his younger brother, but they had a big argument at the end of their last vacation. Each of them had spent the last two months waiting for the other to apologize.

Leo did not feel good about being distant with his favorite brother. But he was not going to ask for forgiveness when, in his mind, he just broke Max’s cup by accident, but it was not a big deal at all. So Leo's summer vacation was spent in his own "back yard". As usual, he cleaned up his apartment , put away his books, trying to make his life busy and full.

However, he did do one thing new and different alone. He went to a new coffee shop at the corner. It served delicious coffee at reasonable prices, and the staff were quite friendly.

The vacation seemed endless. He always sat at a coffee table outside by himself and read the free daily paper. Each day he was there, reading most of the newspaper articles and drinking his coffee black with the question crossing his mind again and again: What was Max doing?

Leo was unhappy. Between articles, he took breaks by watching the nearby traffic and pedestrians(行人). The coffee shop was next to a huge park, the favorite place for both Max and him where they even spent a whole summer vacation battling for the same soccer team. They   were champion of the town! The coffee shop, with its excellent location and coffee, had helped make his vacation a pleasant one. If his brother should be there to join him just one day, his vacation would be perfect, he imagined.

One morning, accidentally knowing from mom the cup he broke was a gift from their late grandma, Leo was deeply sorry. He tried to break the ice and smiled to Max at the breakfast table but got no response. Leo was still unhappy.

1.所续写的短文的词数应为 150 左右;
Paragraph 1:

Then Leo decided that he should do something more. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

Leo got to the coffee shop early. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

书面表达-开放性作文 | 困难(0.15) |
10 . 你校校报英文栏目正在征集以“The scientist I admire most”为主题的征文比赛,请你写一篇英语短文,介绍我国科学家袁隆平的事迹。文章内容包括:
参考词汇:杂交水稻 hybrid rice   产量 yield
共计 平均难度:一般