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1 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

I am the kind of person who is shy and doesn’t express himself much among others. I spend a significant amount of time on introspection (内省). I lack the ease to engage in conversations with others. But I find this, on the other hand, can be an advantage.

Once, as a school boy, I wondered if I, such an introverted (内向的) person, would be considered eccentric (古怪的). And I was even afraid that I could possibly get nowhere in my study.

I went to school, where I was just an average student and struggled with shyness. My parents had high expectations, hoping I would finally be able to secure the first position at the end of the sixth grade. However, achieving that was no easy job. Given the keen competition between classmates and my then situation, it was challenging to stand out. I inquired with my friend, Tom, who consistently ranked first, and he revealed that his two aunts had been helping him, providing tutoring support.

Asking for help was never easy for me; my shyness stopped me from seeking assistance. I believed that I had to depend on myself — it was my sole responsibility to learn and educate myself. This mindset surprisingly ignited (激发) a race within me to claim the top position in my class. However, I realized there were barriers on my path — several subjects troubled me. And I understood that achieving the first position would take a couple of years of hard work.

I embarked on (开始) this journey when I was in the fourth grade. Attention focused in class and more time spent after class, I found I was gradually on the right track. By the fifth grade, work on my study was progressing steadily and improvement was obvious. Even Tom showed his surprise or I could say envy. But I knew my performance in writing still needed improving. And I knew, though without additional support, I could count on myself.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The journey continued into the sixth grade.
The day arrived when the headmaster declared the exam results.
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The school year was coming to a close, and the air was filled with anticipation for the upcoming annual school fair. Our class had eagerly decided to host a bake sale, with each student ready to contribute their favorite recipes.

Spirits were high. Every spare moment was devoted to perfecting the art of baking, from experimenting with different flavors to mastering the art of cake decorations. Our classroom became a hub of activity, filled with the sweet scent of freshly baked goods and the sound of laughter and chatter.

The day of the fair finally arrived, and our table was beautifully decorated with a mouthwatering baked goods. There were freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, warm and crispy, alongside homemade fruit pies. The attractive scent was irresistible, and it wasn't long before a long line of students and parents formed, their eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

However, as the morning wore on, we couldn't help but notice that the neighboring class’s booth (摊位) was appealing to a significantly larger crowd. There was a buzz of excitement surrounding their table, and it was clear that they were onto something special.

Among our class, a sense of healthy competition began to emerge. Sarah, our natural leader, suggested we step up our game. “We need to find out what they're doing differently and improve our booth,” she said with determination. Out of curiosity, we sent our most inquisitive member, Mark, to investigate.

Soon, Mark returned with good news. “They've got a ‘Taste of the World’ theme going on over there,” Mark reported. “They’re serving up a variety of international desserts, and it’s quite the hit!”

We were intrigued by the idea and asked Mark for more details. He went on to explain that the students had gone the extra mile by dressing up in traditional costumes from the countries they were representing. “It's like a cultural feast for the senses,” he added with enthusiasm.

1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Inspired by their creativity, we began to brainstorm ways to enhance our own booth.


As the day drew to a close, it was clear that our efforts had finally paid off.

2024-07-22更新 | 498次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届浙江省培优联盟高三上学期7月仿真卷英语试题(含讲评课件)
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Finally, the car pulled into my grandparents Gran and Mimi’s driveway, which stretched in a thin line through the maple (枫树) forest. Sky-blue tubes stretched from the trunks of the maples, sending sap (树液) into a huge tank. I liked visiting the farm on spring breaks... before I knew how badly I could mess things up.

During lunch Mimi asked, “Why so depressed, Jude?” They were really acting as if nothing bad happened during my last visit. For a second, my eyes caught Mimi’s. Could I ask her how much money their neighbor lost? Was Mr. Jackson still upset? “I’m fine,” I answered. “Just missing computer camp this week. That’s…something I’m good at.” Mimi nodded. “Ahh, that sounds disappointing.”

After lunch, I was on my own while Gran and Mimi worked in the sugarhouse. No way was I going there. The sugarhouse was next to Mr. Jackson’s rose beds, which was destroyed by the goats I carelessly let loose last year. Suddenly Mimi opened the sugarhouse door. “Jude! Come quick, please. We need you to drop defoamer (消泡剂) into the sap, or it will boil over.”

“They need me?” I guessed I would just go for a minute. When I walked through the doorway, a burst of sweet maple hugged me. Mimi passed me a small plastic bottle. Quickly, I added drops to each pan before any sap boiled over. The sap was coming in good! I had to make sure the sap kept flowing in while I got the fire burning.

Then, out of nowhere, there was Mr. Jackson! Opening the sugarhouse door. “I need help,” he yelled. “Maise is birthing, and the lamb needs a strong pull.” That was when he saw me. “He’s probably been waiting for this moment since last summer.” I got frightened. But instead, Mr. Jackson said, “Great! Jude is here. Both of you come. Jude can stay here and watch the boil.” Before they left, Mimi reminded me, “Jude, you could make it. Just boil the sap to syrup (糖浆) for us to draw it off!”

Could I?

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
Paragraph 1: Suddenly, I was alone in the sugarhouse.
Paragraph 2: “You are capable!” She nodded cheerfully, “Want to go meet the new baby lamb?”
2024-06-23更新 | 76次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省县域救研联盟2023~2024学年高三下学期5月模拟考试英语试题
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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

In New England, a few years ago, a party of boys decided to start a grand sleigh (雪橇) ride. The sleigh was a large one, pulled by six gray horses.

The next day, as the teacher entered the schoolroom, he found his students in high spirits, chattering excitedly about their journey. One of the boys recounted their trip and its various incidents. As he reached the end of his story, he exclaimed, “Oh sir, there was one thing I had almost forgotten. As we were coming home, we saw a strange sight on the road. It turned out to be a rust y old sleigh attached to a covered wagon (四轮运货车), moving at a very slow pace and taking up the entire road.”

The boys had grown impatient with the slow-moving vehicle ahead of them and decided to take action. They threw snowballs at the wagon and shouted, making the old horse start to run quickly. The old man in the wagon cried out, asking why they were frightening his horse. A boy replied, “Why don’t you turn out, then?” and gave him three more loud cheers. His horse was frightened again and ran into a loaded wagon, almost making the old man fall over.

The teacher listened carefully to the boy’s story before responding, “Take your seats, boys, and I will tell you a story about a sleigh ride, too.”

Yesterday afternoon, a very elderly man was traveling from Boston to Salem to spend the winter at his son’s house. He had brought his wagon for the journey and his sleigh for the winter. His vision and hearing were not what they used to be due to his age. He was traveling slowly, as his horse was old and weak like himself. Suddenly, he was frightened by loud cheers and rapid snowballs hitting his wagon. In his panic, he dropped the reins and his horse ran wildly. Amidst his troubles, a large group of boys in a sleigh pulled by six horses rushed past him, shouting and demanding that he give them the road.

The old man begged them not to frighten his horse.
The boys listened quietly, reflecting on their actions.
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Lek raced down the street, ran around the corner, and at last pushed open the door of his parents’ restaurant. If he hurried, he might have time to make his krathong(水灯) before the celebration started.

Tonight was Loy Krathong, the Festival of the Floating Lanterns. All over Thailand, people would send out lighted candles in tiny boats along rivers so that the past year’s problems could sail away with them and be replaced with wishes for the new year.

As Lek wrapped a pile of banana leaves around a bamboo base to form his boat, Lek thought about his sister, Dao. She was too sick to float a krathong. Perhaps a wish on Loy Krathong would take away her illness. Maybe then she would be able to laugh the way she used to. He put four red flowers inside the banana leaves and in the middle, he placed a tall, white candle.

“The river goddess will be pleased with your krathong,” his grandma looked at Lek’s boat and said. “Tong will help you launch your boat. You are too small to do this by yourself.” She gave him a serious look. “Now we must hurry to get ready for our customers.” Like last year, only his brother Tong was allowed to launch krathongs into the river for their customers. But this week, Lek had practiced launching the way Tong did and he was sure he could make it by himself.

After washing piles of dishes, Lek realized that it was time to launch the krathongs. Lek made his way outside through the crowd standing under the full moon, and spotted Tong standing on the jetty(码头) and lowering a krathong into the water with his pole. Lek took out matches and lit the candle on his tiny boat. He looked over his shoulder to see if his grandma was watching. Then he lay down at the edge of the jetty and made a wish that Dao would get better from that minute on. He lowered his krathong toward the water, stretching to reach its surface.


Suddenly, somehow, his krathong fell out of his hands into the dark water.


“Let’s make another one for Dao.” Tong said gently.

2024-06-04更新 | 71次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届浙江省普通高校招生考试选考科目考试冲刺卷(一)英语试题
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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

At 7:30 a. m. on Christmas Eve 2022, Yvonne White got a call from an unknown number. It was Sha’ Kyra Aughtry, a Buffalo resident who had rescued her brother, Joey White, from a deadly winter storm.

Joey, then 64, was mentally disabled. Yvonne had called him just before the storm hit, strictly instructing him not to leave the group home where he lives. He had promised her he would stay put. But as Buffalo’s worst snow storm in almost 50 years struck the city, Joey went outside. It’s unclear what time Joey left home or for what purpose, but Yvonne suspected he walked about 9 miles to North Park Theatre, a single-screen cinema where he had worked as a doorkeeper since 1980.She believed he got scared and eventually decided to walk back home.

At around 6:30 a. m. on Dec.24, Joey ended up in a snowbank directly outside Aughtry’s home. He was wailing and crying out in severe pain. Aughtry went outside and found a stranger, screaming and confused. She went into the storm with her husband, and they carried Joey into their home. Joey had visible signs of severe frostbite: His hands were severely swollen and covered in multicolored blisters and sores. Aughtry used a hair dryer to peel off his clothing, which clung tightly to his shaking body. She also cut off his frozen socks and removed the remnants of a grocery store bag that were stuck to Joey’s hands. After about an hour of trying to warm him up, Aughtry, a mother of three boys, then ages 5, 6 and 13, called up Yvonne. Joey had memorized his sister’s phone number. The women stayed in constant communication from then on.

Still, despite all Aughtry had done to treat his wounds, Joey urgently needed medical attention. Getting help seemed impossible, though, with the roads covered with heavy ice and snow. “We called 911 easily 100 times,” Yvonne says. “We tried everything. We were flipping out and crying. It was just getting worse and worse.”

Paragraph 1:

In a desperate cry for help, Aughtry posted a live video on a local Facebook group.

Paragraph 2:

Above all, though, thanks to the timely medical care, Joey is alive.

2024-06-03更新 | 71次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年浙江省普通高校招生考试选考科目考试冲刺卷(二)英语试题
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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“Anybody have a bandage (绷带)?” a voice echoed down the dorm hallway. That was a common scene frequently happening in our first week at college when we were all experiencing “forgot-this-or-that.” I had forgot to bring snacks for late-night hunger. Some poor girl in the dorm had apparently forgotten bandages. We all felt a little displaced.

Several months before, I sat at my high school graduation party admiring my gifts and battling waves of post-high school emotions. The usual and beloved inspirational books were lying in disorder around my feet, silently announcing the wealth of wisdom they wished to share. A small pile of personal checks lay nearby. Laundry items, desk supplies, sewing things - all well-intentioned and well-received. They would demonstrate their givers’ thoughtfulness over and over during my college career.

But one gift struck me as strange. I frowned when I opened it. A first aid kit? Inside it were a small packet of pills, pain-killers, creams, ointments (药膏), an insect sprayer (喷雾), a tape, pads of gauze (纱布)and bandages. Who would give that as a gift? “You’ll need that once you’re at school,” Mom pointed out. “You won’t have to chase down the campus nurse for every cough. ”I shrugged at this thought.

Not long after, in August, I packed my life into a borrowed truck and slipped the first-aid kit in with my luggage. I barely thought about it once I reached campus, busy unpacking, book-buying, scheduling and meeting new friends.

One day, I was peacefully sitting in my room, absorbed in preparing my studies. The quiet atmosphere was suddenly broken by a sharp scream, “Anybody have a bandage? Emily got her arm burnt!” The voice echoed through the dormitory hall, instantly throwing residents into a state of confusion and alarm.

2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:

I remembered my little first-aid kit.

Paragraph 2:

Years later, I received a party invitation from a young friend who was graduating from high school.

2024-06-02更新 | 330次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届Z20名校联盟(浙江省名校新高考研究联盟) 高三(5月)第三次联考英语试题卷
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I stared at myself in the mirror: blue tights, yellow vest, a fish tail trailing behind me, and large eyes sitting at op my head. I raised my eyebrows and sighed.

“Mom, I don’t think this costume is right,” I said. “Maybe the makeup will add something,” Mom replied hopefully.

Somehow Mom had convinced me to play the Fish Footman in Alice in Wonderland. I can’t say it’s been the time of my life.

“What if I forget my lines?” I hesitated.

“Oh Riley, is that what you’re afraid of? I know you’ve been rehearsing for two months, you were the first off-book in your scene, and I couldn’t be prouder of you.” Mom said, kneeling down and hugging me.

The next day we pulled into the parking lot, and I stepped out of the car, wearing the questionable costume. I shrank inside myself, but Mom pulled me toward the makeup room. When the makeup was done, I looked at myself in the mirror. My jaw dropped.

“Mom! I can’t go onstage like this!” I cried.

“Why not?”

“I’d be a laughing stock (笑柄)! ”

“Riley, look around you! You’re not the only one in an odd costume.”

“What if we just sneak out? No one will miss me.” I whispered.

Mom’s lips disappeared into a thin line, and I knew I had gone too far. “Riley, I’m going to watch you go out on that stage tonight. And that’s the end of it.” Then mom disappeared into the audience. I sat there, alone and bored, as the play began and the curtain rose on.

The two boys dressed as Two of Clubs (梅花2) near me chatted casually about this and that. Suddenly, they asked, “You’re awfully quiet. Is this your first show?” I tried to respond, but my voice caught in my throat and refused to escape. I coughed and nearly yelled, “YES!”

The Ace of Diamonds (方块A) sitting nearby laughed. “The audience will certainly hear you if you talk that loud. But you might have to clear your throat first, she chuckled. I gave them a weak smile.

“Don’t worry about us,” the Ace said. “We’re only teasing.”

“Yeah,” the Two said. “When you’ve done as many shows as we have, projecting will be second nature to you.”

Paragraph 1:

When my name was called, I stepped onto the stage uneasily.

Paragraph 2:

Suddenly I was determined to make a lasting impression.

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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Jay, 24, got home from work shortly after midnight. Then, suddenly, a horror-filled scream ripped through the still night. He rushed outside and saw flames lighting the sky half a mile away. Hurriedly, he called the fire department and rushed out to check the situation.

Seconds later, Jay was fishtailing his car on the main road. The fire raged at a small hillside complex of mobile homes. Jay slid the car to a stop and sprinted up a steep lane toward the reddening glow. Reaching the hilltop, he saw that a 70-foot-long trailer (房车) was on fire. A young woman in torn nightclothes was running wildly back and forth, jumping to smash at the 6-foot-high windows with her hands. “Dear God!” she screamed. “My family is dying!”

Jay felt a moment of panic. He seemed to be the only person there to help. Never had he seen such a fire! Flames were leaping out of broken windows at the far end of the trailer and winding along the roof; the roaring, crackling noises grew louder by the second. He grabbed the woman by the shoulders. “What happened?” he shouted.

Barely coherent, Cindy told him she had escaped through one of the master bedroom windows. Her husband, Leonard, had gone for their two children: 22-month-old Ryan and 6-week-old Angela. He was supposed to hand them out to her from the bedroom. But, seconds later, flames had burst from the kitchen and living room windows. Cindy began crying miserably. “Where are they?” Jay yelled. Cindy pointed to the end section of the trailer, where thick, black smoke poured from the windows.

From the time he was old enough to play sports, Jay had learned to battle the odds. As a Little Leaguer, he led his underdog team to the state championship. And in tiny St. Maries, his courage had earned him townspeople’s respect. Always, Jay recalled the words of his father: “The word can’t never did anything for anybody. You can do it! Never stop trying, son!”

Para. 1 Jay’s father’s words echoed in his mind.
Para. 2 As her husband was placed in the ambulance to be driven to the hospital, Cindy walked over to Jay.
2024-05-21更新 | 136次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届浙江省稽阳联谊学校高三下学期二模英语试题
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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Sharing New Year with Strangers

I come from a large multicultural family, spread out across the globe. Despite being found in distant corners of the world, we’re a tight-knit family that makes an effort to stay close and keep in touch. New Year has always been a special time for us and a chance for us all to come together, no matter where in the world we might be.

My aunt Samantha, known affectionately by everyone in the family as Mantha, loved New Year and always went out of her way to make it cosy and magical for everyone around her. Mantha was kind, fun and full of energy so it wasn’t hard to get into the New Year spirit when she was around.

This year was no exception. Mantha drove three hours from her house in Bournemouth to visit everyone two weeks before New Year and to drop off presents to her friends still in the area. We chatted merrily about our plans, laughed at how organized Mantha was — presents already bought and wrapped and the freezer full ahead of the big day — and kissed goodbye when it was time to leave. So just several days before New Year, when Mantha’s son called us saying Samantha had passed away suddenly at home, none of us could quite believe it. I’d only been messaging her the day before, sharing voice notes like we always liked to do.

Mantha had had a blood clot (血块) that had unfortunately travelled to her lung and despite the paramedic’s best efforts, they were unable to save my beloved, fun, wonderful aunt.

So close to New Year, none of us felt like celebrating and we decided we’d have a quiet day at home, surrounded by family. The silence lasted until my sister-in-law, Vera, told us about some colleagues of hers who’d just arrived in the UK far away from friends and family. And they were eager to experience a proper English New Year.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 开头已给出。
Paragraph 1:

Hearing this, we were in a dilemma.

Paragraph 2:

When the day finally came, we welcomed them into our house.

2024-05-19更新 | 317次组卷 | 4卷引用:2024届浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高三下学期5月模拟考试英语试题
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