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文章大意:本文为三篇说明文。文章第一段介绍了Jane Goodall的生平和工作并概述了她的生活,她的激情,以及她对理解和保护动物的贡献。文章第二段介绍了查理·卓别林的背景和早年生活。文章第三段介绍了为什么哪儿有迪士尼乐园哪儿的旅游业就会增长。
1 . 课文语法填空

For forty years Jane Goodall, has been    1    (outspeak) about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for    2    (entertain) or advertisement. She has helped to set up special places    3     they can live safely. She is    4    (lead) a busy life.

Not that Charlie’s own life was easy! He was born in a poor family in 1889. His parents were both poor music hall    5    (perform). You may find    6     astonishing that Charlie was    7    (teach) to sing as soon as he could speak and dace as soon as he could walk.

With all these    8     (attract), no wonder    9    (tour) is increasing    10     there is a Disneyland. If you want to have fun and more than fun, come to Disneyland.

2024-03-03更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市第十八中学2019-2020学年下学期期末联考高一英语试卷(扫描版无答案)
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . How to Teach Kids to Be Calm

Children often get overwhelmed by emotions. There`re some gentle but powerful ways to bring your child to a state of peace and teach him how to calm himself.

    1    However stressful it is to deal with a screaming child, you`ll only make things worse if you shout. Take deep breaths, remember you’re an adult and use a calm voice.     2    

Speak to your child about what has caused an outburst after he has calmed down. It’s much easier to address the causes of lack of calm when the child is in a state of calm. As soon as he is old enough to talk, encourage your child to express his feelings and explain what was wrong.    3     And discuss with him how he could have addressed those feelings in a calm way.

Teach your child to recognize the signs that he is about to lose his calm.     4    If you notice that he is getting angry, stop and say you have noticed he is tensing his body, starting to throw things—or whatever behavior he is displaying. Tell him you have noticed that he does those things when he is angry and ask him how he is feeling and what he needs to do to help him stay calm.

Teach your child a routine to go through when he or you recognize that he is starting to lose his calm. Find a quiet place where he can calm down. Show him how to take three deep breaths.     5     The important thing is that he has a method he can use each time he is going to lose his calm.

A.Keep yourself calm.
B.Prevention is better than cure.
C.Stay close to your child when he is angry.
D.Listen patiently even if his problems don’t make sense to you.
E.An angry adult isn’t a good model for teaching a child calmness.
F.Or teach him a simple gentle song about happiness or calmness.
G.Set aside a time each day for you and your child to be calm together.
2024-03-03更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市第十八中学2019-2020学年下学期期末联考高一英语试卷(扫描版无答案)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . A sense of humour, God’s greatest gift to mankind, is universally considered the most valuable personality. It is born within every person’s heart, but has to be cultivated (培养). A person without humour is just like a spring without flowers, or like a dish without seasoning (调味品). In a sense, your personality lies in your sense of humour.

Humour can improve physical as well as mental well-being. It helps us bear our burdens, reduce our tension, overcome our frustration. With a piece of joke, all our worries and sadness disappear like smoke, and we are all full of energy once again.

Humour helps us live in harmony with others. It is unavoidable to have misunderstanding and tension with others during work and study. But humour can help us solve these problems more quickly than angry words or quarrels. With it you can always keep on good terms with others.

A sense of humour is really one of the keys to happiness. It gives fun and interest to life to make it worth living.

Here are five ways to improve your sense of humour.

1. Begin to cultivate an atmosphere of humour and laughter in your relationships.

2. Start association with humourous, fun loving people.

3. Learn to laugh at yourself.

4. Collect cartoons and jokes and share them with others.

5. Use humour to deal with conflict in your relationships:

Remember that a sense of humour is learned, not inherited (遗传). You can sharpen your sense of humour if you really want to.

1. What would be the best title for this passage?
A.A Sense of Humour—a Great PersonalityB.A Sense of Humour—the Secret to Success
C.How to. Improve Your Sense, of Humour.D.Humour Helps to Improve Our Health
2. This passage doesn’t tell us that____________.
A.a person without humour is dullB.humour can make us happy.
C.humour can help us deal with worriesD.humour can help us solve all the problems
3. The underlined word “harmony” probably means ”____________”.
4. According to the passage, a sense of humour cannot be____________.
2024-03-03更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市第十八中学2019-2020学年下学期期末联考高一英语试卷(扫描版无答案)
语法填空-短文语填 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . 语法填空

My father and I haven’t met for more than two months. It is due to the horrible novel coronavirus epidemic (传染病)     1     we can see each other only through phone video calls. My father is a warrior     2     (dress) in white in the war without smoke     3     the virus although he is not a soldier. My father told me that the ward is     4     (he) battlefield, saying that he is duty bound to fight the virus and protect as many patients as possible. Today, I saw he     5    (wear) a blue medical cap and a pair of transparent     6    (protect) glasses over his own glasses. The eyes were full of love, tears,     7    (strong), power and courage. I know he is in a     8    (danger) situation, but his eyes seem to say, “I’m fine.” He is a real hero,     9     will live in our hearts forever. May God bless all the courageous doctors and nurses     10    (fight) on the front line.

2022-08-04更新 | 149次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届江西省景德镇市高三下学期第三次质检英语试题
完形填空(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Never in my life will I forget that most Americans expect immigrants to talk and act like Americans. However, if those people spent even a week in an alien country where English isn’t the __ language, I think they’d learn just how unfair that __ is. As for me. I wouldn’t say that I was ever__ upon immigrants, but I definitely didn’t go __ my way to assist them either.

Then, when I was in college, I chose to study __ in Tokyo. Japan for a semester. __, I had been majoring in Japanese for almost 3 years by the time I __ Japan. But even with 3 years of the language under my belt. I still __ to communicate effectively. Everyday things that we often take __ were a battle. Going to the grocery store for the first time was quite __, because I couldn’t take in a single thing the cashier conveyed to me. When I __ a package which was assigned (指) to be   __ to my dorm, I had to have a Japanese friend call the post office and __ a new time to have it delivered, because I failed to comprehend Japanese over the __.

Since coming __ to the United States, I have discovered that I am much more __ with those who are adjusting to life in America and may not be perfectly __ in English. Besides, most Americans aren’t so intended to earnestly perform for __ . While in Japan, it seemed like everybody I met was super __ to help me get where I was trying to go.

Studying abroad was not only an eye-opening __ in that I got to see and experience another culture, but, as well, it gave me a new view on my own culture.

A.on toB.away fromC.in toD.out of
A.seek afterB.left forC.call forD.think of
A.in totalB.under controlC.as expectedD.for granted
A.think aboutB.set aboutC.put upD.set up
2022-08-04更新 | 207次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届江西省景德镇市高三下学期第三次质检英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

6 . Millions of A$50 banknotes in Australia have an embarrassing typographical error that was overlooked by the country’s central bank before they were printed and circulated.

The goof first became known on Thursday when a listener on radio outlet Triple M sent the station a magnified photo of the Reserve Bank of Australia’s (RBA) new A$50 note highlighting the word “responsibility“ misspelt as ”responsibilty” three times.

The A$50 currency is the most widely circulated in Australia and accounts for nearly half the total value of other banknotes in use, according to the RBA. But for now, around 46 million of the new notes are in use across the country.

The note came into circulation on Oct. 18, 2018 with new security features designed to deter counterfeiting and with tactile (触觉的) elements for the visually impaired .

But it has no intention of withdrawing or recalling the notes from circulation. The error will be corrected in the next print run, the RBA said.

An RBA spokeswoman said in an emailed statement to Reuters the Bank “is aware of it and the spelling will be corrected at the next print run.”

“This does not affect the legal tender status of the banknotes. We have reviewed our processes to remove the likelihood of such an error occurring in the future,” an RBA spokeswoman said.

It sports a head-shot of Edith Cowan, who served as the first woman elected to an Australian legislature from 1921 to 1924.

“ It is a great responsibility to be the only woman here, and I want to emphasize the necessity which exists for other women being here,” it says.

The Bank said in its latest annual report its note printing subsidiary delivered 227 million Australian banknotes in 2017/18, including around 184 million new series A$50 banknotes.

1. What’s the author’s purpose of writing the passage?
A.To introduce Australian Central Bank’s annual report on A$50.
B.To recall the newly-printed A$50 banknotes due to printing error.
C.To report a printing mistake of A$50 banknotes in Australia.
D.To warn Australian people of the typographical error in A$50 banknotes.
2. What is the underlined word “goof” in the second paragraph?
3. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.A listener on radio Triple M called the station to tell the error of new A$50
B.The new A$50 notes account for most of the total value of other banknotes in use in Australia.
C.The RBA will withdraw new A$50 notes and they will not be in circulation.
D.The RBA is aware of the typographical error and it will correct the printing error in the next print run.
4. What can we infer from the passage?
A.The correct spelling in the new A$50 note is “responsibility”.
B.The typographical error affects the legal status of the banknotes.
C.The new A$50 note with typographical error came into circulation on August,2018.
D.The new A$50 note has a head-shot of Mr. Cowan who was once an Australian legislature.
2022-08-04更新 | 129次组卷 | 2卷引用:2020届江西省景德镇市高三下学期第三次质检英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

7 . A YOUNG girl raises her hand in class to answer the teacher’s question. She proudly gives the correct answer when her classmates start to giggle . Among them, she hears somebody call her a “know-it-all” and sees another roll his eyes. She doesn’t dare to speak up again because confident women are often called“ “bossy”.

Despite decades of advances, it seems that women continue to face prejudice when it comes to holding a position of power.

Laila Farah, an associate professor at DePaul University in Chicago in the US, said the reason for this stereotype lies in history.

“This is an old phenomenon which reflects the fact that many people think females don’t have the same brain capability compared to the male brain,” Farah said.

What’s more, the prejudice is so deep in our society that it has become hard to ignore. “Gender bias is found in the media, schools, the workplace-basically everywhere,” Farah said. “It is learned in infancy and goes from toys chosen to assuming females aren’t good at math.”

Another reason for confident women being called bossy is that “some people aren’t used to women being confident enough to speak their minds”, said high school junior Jessica Bella from Illinois. Embarrassing women by calling them “bossy” has caused some of them to tone down their confidence.

In a study done by the Girls Leadership Institute, a program that helps girls develop strong leadership skills, many girls said the biggest thing holding them back from participating in class was being judged.

“Sometimes, I know I have the right answer in class, but I don’t raise my hand because I don’t want to be annoying, ” said high school junior Emily Grigg from Illinois.

Still, some women have bravely stood up against this stereotype.

“If women in leadership positions are considered to be bossy, then I like to do all I can to prove that wrong. We all have an equal opportunity to present our knowledge no matter how that may come across, ”said Christina Jakubas, an English teacher from Illinois.

Maybe what we need to do is turn being bossy into something empowering for women. After all, bossy people get the job done.

1. Why does the author write about the experience of a girl raising her hand in class?
A.prove that confident women tend to be bossy
B.explain why bossy women are unpopular in groups
C.explore what stops women from being themselves
D.show how women should fight against gender bias
2. What do the underlined words ”this stereotype“ in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Females failing to do as well as males in math.
B.Gender bias becoming hard to ignore in society.
C.Women who hold a position of power facing prejudice.
D.Females not having the same brain capabilities as males.
3. Which of the following would the author probably agree with according to the article?
A.Confident women tend to possess strong leadership skills.
B.Bossy women usually get their jobs done better than men.
C.Females in leadership positions should try to avoid being bossy,
D.Females should ignore negative comments and bravely speak their minds
4. In which part of the magazine can we read the passage?
2022-08-04更新 | 59次组卷 | 2卷引用:2020届江西省景德镇市高三下学期第三次质检英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 在我们的生活中,每时每刻都要面临着挑战,挑战此刻,挑战未来,更重要的是挑战自己。最近你校校报正开展主题为“Challenges contribute to growth”的征文活动,请你写一篇作文参加征文活动。内容包括:
1. 你的观点;
2. 给出理由。
2022-04-17更新 | 101次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届江西省上饶市六校高三第二次联考英语试题

9 . A group of teenagers in Chicago’s Austin neighborhood were looking for a way to uplift their marginalized(被边缘化的)West Side community. With a little help from their friends, these young entrepreneurs(创业者)_________ an old store into Austin Harvest, a food market to _________ healthy food for their undeserved neighborhood.

For areas like Austin, classified as “food deserts”, fresh produce and healthy food are _________ to come by even at the best of times. The situation _________ when several area grocery stores were forced to _________ temporarily after being destroyed. Thus, one of the _________ that concerned the teens most was the _________ of healthy food in the area, which was the _________ of years of racism. In their community, Austin Harvest has since sprung to life, where there were only two food markets.

“Food is a(n)_________need,” Azariah Baker, one of the teens said, “but it’s also something __________ to us.”

Their project got __________ from a lot of professional athletes. “People care. It’s a time for people to show up. I think our world has __________.” Baker said, “So for us, to be able to come together and say we’re going to lead that change is __________.” Together, they raised $500,000.

The vision(构想)for Austin Harvest was shaped and implemented(实施)by the teens. “We’ve been behind the project __________,” Baker said. “We’ve discussed how we want to __________ our market—where we want our market to be, what we sell, and what we look like. It is we who __________ it.”

Taking a “teach someone to fish rather than give someone a fish” approach, The Hatchery Chicago, a food business incubator(孵化器), also helped to __________ lessons in real-world business __________ including licensing and customer service, as well as cooking classes aimed at helping interested teens work toward careers in the __________ industry.

This is a real entrepreneurship opportunity for the teens and also a(n)__________for them to bring food justice(公正)to their neighborhood.

2022-04-17更新 | 262次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届江西省上饶市六校高三第二次联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

10 . The huge billboard at the side of the highway is no joke; transporting firewood in certain areas is a crime, punishable by a four-thousand-dollar fine. The reason? Emerald Ash Borer disease, or EAB disease, a new addition to the long list of dangerous foreign pest infestations(虫害)on American soil. It was in 2002 when the Emerald Ash Borer beetle(甲虫)was first discovered in Michigan. Not long after, the pest was found in Ohio. Originally from Asia, this green beetle probably found its way to North America through a wooden box made of ash wood and immediately settled into a local ash tree. In little time, the species managed to kill millions of ash trees.

To date, much work is underway to stop ash trees ending up in the same group as elm and chestnut trees, which are all dying out in many areas. Ash Borer Infestations are particularly troublesome because they are difficult to identify until the ash tree is heavily infested. In addition, other ash trees in the area surrounding the source will probably also be infested, making control a hard task.

Researchers are working on many issues related to the control and removal of this harmful beetle. For example, it has been discovered that Asian ash trees are not destroyed by this native borer. It may be that, Asian ash trees have developed genes(基因)to protect them from the insect; therein, perhaps, lies the secret to controlling this pest. Insecticide(杀虫剂)treatment is also being explored on several fronts. Research is underway to determine which insecticides are proving to be the most successful. The proper application of the insecticides is being debated.

However, all possible solutions require a great deal of study and research. In the meantime, careful steps must be taken. Methodical identification of infested trees is taking place. Identified trees are being cut down and destroyed to get rid of the beetle colonies(群). In the end, this puts a huge drain(消耗)on city budgets, as tree removal can be extremely expensive.

Even though it will be expensive to deal with this problem in the short term, the costs of doing nothing could be far higher, since we could lose an entire species of tree.

1. What can we learn about the Emerald Ash Borer beetle?
A.It is a newly found species.
B.It can be used to fight foreign pest infestations.
C.It is native to North America.
D.It can cause damaging harm to American ash trees.
2. What is special about Ash Borer infestations?
A.They affect Asian ash trees most frequently.
B.They are difficult to identify and get rid of.
C.They break out at certain times every year.
D.They spread slowly in a small area.
3. What method is currently used to control EAB disease?
A.Gene activation.B.Insecticide use.
C.Removing infested trees.D.Introducing the beetle’s enemies.
4. Which of the following might the author agree with?
A.Healthy trees should be relocated and protected.
B.Protecting the ash tree should be done at any cost.
C.Government budget for tree removal should be cut.
D.Measures that have side effects should be avoided.
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