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1 . 这是一部适合家长和孩子共同阅读的书籍,不仅能促进亲子关系更加和谐,还能让孩子在以后的成长和学习的道路上少走弯路。(…such…that…)(汉译英)
2 . 研究表明,人们极有可能因为自己没有充分发挥出全部潜能而懊悔莫及。(likely)(汉译英)
2021-12-17更新 | 107次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市宝山区2021-2022学年高三年级上学期期末教学质量监测英语试卷
翻译-整句汉译英 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 雨越下越大,他不得已只有打车回家。(oblige)(汉译英)
2021-12-17更新 | 67次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市宝山区2021-2022学年高三年级上学期期末教学质量监测英语试卷
书面表达-概要写作 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Romantic Attraction

Sometimes, it seems we are attracted towards people romantically in a puzzling manner. We see someone and our romantic side bursts out. However, it is not a mystery to science and people who study sociology. There are definite causes as to why people become romantically attracted to each other. These factors are, similarity, communication, and honesty.

Though people often say opposites attract, similarity often connects individuals in a romantic way. In fact, based on research done by the University of Colorado Boulder, we tend to choose partners who have a similar DNA to ours. Of course we cannot examine the DNA of others readily, but we can naturally “feel” if people are a genetic match for us.

Communication is another essential factor in the romantic attraction way. If we feel a deep connection to someone through the ease of talking with them, we are much more likely to be attracted to that person. It is difficult to be romantically involved with someone you can barely communicate with. And as a side note, there are people we are not attracted to each other in appearance, but after communicating with them for some time, we suddenly become romantically interested in them.

Friends often connect through noticing the honesty of others, but this also lends to romantic attraction. According to Kelly Campbell, PhD, “Chemistry occurs most often between people who are down-to-earth and sincere. This is because if a person is comfortable with themselves, they are better able to express their true self to the world, which makes it easier to get to know them, even if perspectives on important matters differed”. This adds to the perspective that easy communication between people contributes to romantic attraction.

2021-12-17更新 | 83次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市宝山区2021-2022学年高三年级上学期期末教学质量监测英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约490词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . Transhumanism, first coined in 1957 by biologist Julian Huxley, meant “man remaining man, but going beyond himself by realizing new possibilities of and for his human nature.” Generally speaking, transhumanism in its modern meaning implies that human beings can be enhanced by the means of science to the extent when they rise above biological limitations and capabilities programmed by nature. The species into which humanity transforms this way will be called post human, or trans human, as it would have been something new — based on human nature, but going beyond it at the same time.

There are numerous areas which, according to transhumanists, require enhancement, as well as there are countless proposals on the means of such enhancement. In particular, transhumanists work on such problems as overcoming the physical boundaries of the human body. Starting with aging, which they believe to be rather a disease than a natural process, and ending up with replacing organs with their artificial ones, transhumanists believe that the human body is imperfect, and that it should be improved. All kinds of nanotechnologies for repairing damaged organs; nerve stimulants and drugs to alter mood and eliminate negative emotions; brain implants and implanted technologies to allow interconnectivity between multiple human beings and to advance intelligence—these and many more actions are just some of the means transhumanists plan to use to make humanity better. Some of the technologies transhumanists plan to employ to push the boundaries of humanity are available already. For example, gene therapy allowing to cure or stop certain diseases that were considered terminal; CRISPRi or SHARP-2 methods, which were discovered not so long ago, have already proved to be efficient in treating a number of complicated medical conditions, and in case further research is conducted, they might significantly improve the quality of medicine worldwide. Virtual reality, another technology from science-fiction movies of the late 1980s, has become not so virtual either, after all. VR device can be easily purchased from online stores, and the prices are affordable — given that we are speaking of technology capable of substituting actual reality. So far, it has been mostly used for games and education, but in the future, the range of its useful applications will definitely broaden. Other technologies, which have not yet been invented but which definitely will, include large scale engineering, self-copying robotics, artificial intelligence, mind uploading technologies, molecular manufacturing, space colonization, and other technological wonders.

About a hundred years ago, the idea of flying in the skies seemed absurd, until Wilbur and Orville Wright proved this assumption wrong. Who knows, perhaps in a couple of decades the concepts listed here, no matter how fantastic they look now, will become reality. Moral aspects and the price humanity will have to pay for such advancements are a different subject.

1. Which of the following statements is true about transhumanism?
A.Promoting human health but remaining their physical appearances
B.Improving the human condition through social and cultural change
C.Developing human beings beyond their natural capabilities by technology.
D.Going beyond human beings physical limitations through natural evolution.
2. Transhumanists’ plan is based on the belief that_________.
A.replacing organs with their artificial ones is ideal
B.aging is rather a disease than a natural process
C.it’s practical to use nanotechnologies to improve life
D.the human body is imperfect and needs improvement
3. The underlined word “absurd” (last paragraph) is closest in meaning to_________.
4. This passage is particularly written about_________.
A.various kinds of definitions of transhumanism
B.different technologies substituting human reality
C.proposals on the human beings enhancement
D.artificial intelligence and human beings life
2021-12-17更新 | 138次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市宝山区2021-2022学年高三年级上学期期末教学质量监测英语试卷
阅读理解-六选四(约480词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Why You Should Not Worry About Procrastination

Perhaps every person on Earth has at least once been in a situation when he or she has an urgent task to do, but instead of challenging it head on, he or she postpones working on this task for as long as possible. This delay can take various forms: from doing nothing, to doing a lot of work–just not the work that should be done. The phenomenon described here is called procrastination, and its roots go much deeper than mere laziness.

    1    . They invent dozens of strategies how to stop procrastinating and increase their efficiency, forgetting about the fact that like many other psychological mechanisms, procrastination serves its own purpose, and probably even carries a message worth decoding. So, instead of blaming yourself for being lazy, the next time you procrastinate, try to look past it, and figure out what is happening to you. Most likely, procrastination is your friend. Why?

There are several arguments proving this statement. First of all, it helps you figure out your most pressing priorities. Usually, you will not procrastinate over some minor task such as sharpening a pencil or drinking a glass of water. Problems start when there is something important or difficult that needs to be done. Reasons keeping you from doing work can be different, but here is a clue to remember: try to figure out what exactly makes you avoid–as a rule, it should be exactly what your top priority task is at the moment.     2    . On the other hand, procrastination may serve you as an indicator that you are doing something wrong, or that you are pushing yourself too hard and need to take some time to rest. Either way, the means you use to overcome procrastination is a different story; so far, try seeing procrastination as a marker, an index–and you will discover that it can be quite useful.

Surprisingly enough, procrastination can even help you fix a relationship with another person. If you had a fight, for example, there is a period of time when whatever you say to each other will most likely be perceived with skepticism or even hostility.     3    . In this case, procrastination may give you enough time to make up your mind, find your courage, and think of the proper words or actions for an apology. The same works for another person: after a cool down period, he or she will be more susceptible to what you have to say. Use this to your advantage.

As we can see, procrastination is not necessarily a bad thing.     4    . But it is rather a psychological instrument, the main function of which is to slow you down and give you enough time to sort out your priorities, gather information before making an important decision, or finding proper words to make your amends with another person. Thus, instead of avoiding and denying procrastination, you might want to embrace it–at least sometimes.examly.cn

A.Besides, you might have noticed how unwilling you may be when having to apologize in front of a different person–even if it was you who were wrong.
B.This varies depending on the weight of a decision that needs to be made.
C.Unlike many people got used to believing, procrastination is not a negative feature of character such as laziness.
D.Usually, people tend to see procrastination as something bad.
E.In fact, procrastinating in this case is also beneficial.
F.A pressing matter, an urgent document that needs to be written by the end of the day, an especially difficult piece of work, whatever.
2021-12-17更新 | 188次组卷 | 5卷引用:上海市宝山区2021-2022学年高三年级上学期期末教学质量监测英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Even if the world makes it hard to relax, we all need to find a way to reset and recharge. We go through life thinking we’ve rested because we have gotten enough sleep―but in reality we are missing out on the other types of rest we desperately need. Saudra Dalton-Smith, a physician, outlines different types of rest that are essential for human growing.

Physical rest

This is the usual definition of rest were a familiar with. But while we know we need to spend a decent number of hours in bed to stay healthy, a steady persistent support of studies shows a large proportion of us still don’t get enough physical rest.

Mental rest

Always have a tornado of thoughts spinning in your head from the moment you wake up to the moment you finally fall asleep? You need more mental rest, and even if you sleep a solid eight hours a night, you’re not going to feel fully recharged until you get it.

“The good news is you don’t have to quit your job or go on vacation to fix this. Schedule short breaks to occur every two hours throughout your workday these breaks can remind you to slow down. You might also keep a notepad by the bed to write down any painful thoughts that would keep you awake,” suggests Dalton-smith.

Sensory rest

Staring at screens all day and all night means your eyes never get a proper rest, but this isn’t the only reason many of us never give our senses a break. Noisy cites, sharp sound announcements and loud music all contribute to constant sensory stimulation. Your brain needs a rest now and again. Consciously close your eyes and give yourself the gift of silence for short periods throughout the day.

Emotional rest

This “means having the time and space to freely express your feelings and cut back on people-pleasing,” Dalton-smith explains. “Emotional rest also requires the courage to be genuine. An emotionally rested person can answer the question, ‘How are you today?’ with a truthful ‘I’m not okay’, and then go on to share some hard things that otherwise go unsaid.”

In other words, we all need the space to stop pretending for ourselves and others and get real about our feelings.

1. Which of the following statement is true about the types of rest mentioned in the passage?
A.Physical rest means lying in bed for a proper period and exercising.
B.Mental rest indicates resting every two hours when you’re working.
C.Sensory rest means keeping silent frequently and staring at screens.
D.Emotional rest means pretending to share private affairs with others.
2. What type of rest do you need most if you’re working with a computer in an office?
A.Physical restB.Mental restC.Sensory restD.Emotional rest
3. It can be concluded that if a person feels tired, he should_________.
A.try to identify just what sort of rest he’s lacking exactly
B.spend some time with those who can energize him
C.have the four types of rest mentioned in the passage in order
D.have a need to feel connected to something larger than himself
阅读理解-阅读单选(约590词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Early on, by age nine perhaps, I discovered my passion for both reading and writing fiction. The discovery was sudden and unexpected: one very hot summer day in Birmingham (no air conditioning), while reading, I realized I was trembling with cold. I had become caught up in a Laura Ingalls Wilder description of a snowstorm. How is this possible? I asked myself, and the answer came immediately. It’s these words. Just these words have made me feel cold. Full of wonder and admiration for Laura’s writing, I thought, I’d like to be able to do that someday.

Nonetheless, I found myself beginning college as a premedical student with the intention of becoming a doctor. You see, I wanted to do good, or to be a good person, one devoted to the welfare of others. And what of my own love of reading and my interest in imaginative writing? Both still gave me immense pleasure, though I was failing chemistry. But what good is literature? I asked myself. And I asked my serious-minded student friends the same question. To spend my life merely doing what I loved seemed unacceptably self-centered.

One day in a literature class at my small, excellent liberal arts college, the knowledgeable professor, who was also dean of the college, posed a question that none of us could answer: “In what way are Huck of Huckleberry Finn and Pip of Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations alike?” While I did not know the answer, what I did know—in a strange flash of awareness—was that whatever the answer, it would be of crucial importance to the young man sitting across the corridor from me.

And who was he? A brilliant person, a troubled person for all his brilliance, someone I loved and admired.

The professor answered his own question. “Both are boys in search of a father.” And I knew my friend across the corridor, through literature, suddenly understood his own confusion. He knew in an instinctive way something of vital importance. What was true of those fictive boys was also true of him: he needed to become a guiding father to himself.

The class was over. As my friend Dwight and I walked out the door together into the hall, he said without looking at me, “And how can you doubt, Sena, that literature can do good in the world?” Without looking at him, but sure both his eyes and my eyes were shined with tears, I replied, “I know. I know.” I knew that literature could and does make ideas and feelings real, dramatic, and accessible in a way that enhances the quality of our lives.

And so I gave myself permission to embrace a literary life, both as reader and as writer. If something I might come to write offered one wonderful person a new and needed perspective, then I could justify choosing a life for myself in literature.

That was all a very long time ago, about half a century ago. My friend would die in an auto accident before he was twenty-one. And I would live to be extraordinarily happy in my choice of professions.

This I believe: that the arts must be a part of education at all levels, that the arts can and do offer us not only pleasure but also invaluable insights into ourselves and our world.

1. What was the embarrassing situation Sena the author of the passage faced?
A.She was attracted by Laura’s writing but felt extremely cold.
B.She did not know how to answer the question but it was important.
C.She loved literature but wanted to do something good for humanity.
D.She admired her brilliant friend Dwight but he died in an accident.
2. The author of the passage mentioned her friend Dwight to demonstrate_________.
A.only he could answer the professor’s question
B.he was the very person she loved and admired
C.literature becomes a guiding father to himself
D.literature offers us priceless insights into ourselves
3. It can be concluded that the author decided to_________.
A.follow her passion for being a doctor
B.devote herself to literature in her life
C.be a reader to enhance the quality of her life
D.be a doctor and engaged in literature sometimes
4. What might be the best title for the passage?
A.A life in literatureB.A medical career
C.An unforgettable lessonD.An unexpected accident
2021-12-17更新 | 96次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市宝山区2021-2022学年高三年级上学期期末教学质量监测英语试卷

9 . While people who are both trustworthy and capable are the most sought after when it comes to team assembly, friendliness and trustworthiness are often more important factors than ability.

“We assume that people are_________for important task forces and teams because of the knowledge, skills and abilities they bring to the table. However, this research suggests that people may often get picked because team members feel_________with them,” said Cynthia Maupin, assistant professor of organizational behavior and leadership in Binghamton University’s School of Management. “People may be willing to_________a bit in terms of performance in order to have a really positive team experience.”

Maupin and her colleagues focused on a group of MBA students to conduct their study. Students were_________ assigned to teams at the beginning of the semester to work on class projects and assignments. Toward the end of the semester, students were asked to form their own teams and _________why they selected each member of their group.

“We wanted to find out what people did to_________ to others that they might be someone who would be good to team up with in the future,” Maupin said.

The researchers_________looked at how students signaled their human capital, the ability to do their tasks well, and their social capital, the_________to which they were friendly and trustworthy, to other students by studying their use of either challenging or supportive voice:

●Challenging voice: Communicating in a way that challenges the present circumstances and is _________new ideas and efficiency.

●Supportive voice: Communicating in a way that __________ social ties and trust, and builds friendly unity of a team.

The researchers found that people who__________both abilities, through the use of challenging voice, and trustworthiness, through the use of supportive voice, were the most in-demand people when it came to__________teams.

“As might be expected, anyone who was very strong in terms of signaling both their human and social capital were extremely sought after. They’re doing all the right things to__________that they’re both trustworthy and a good worker,” Maupin said.

However, the researchers found that students who only exhibited social capital through__________voice were more sought after than those who only signaled their ability through the use of challenging voice.

“Our findings suggest that when people feel like they can trust you, even if you’re not__________ the best worker, they’re going to be more likely to want to work with you,” Maupin said. “They know that there are likely to be fewer interpersonal issues in that case.”

A.engaged inB.focused onC.gotten acrossD.taken off
2021-12-17更新 | 169次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市宝山区2021-2022学年高三年级上学期期末教学质量监测英语试卷
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need
A. potentially       B. results       C. rewards       D. sensitive       E. survival       
F. transmit       G. distinguish       H. responding       I. developed       J. conscious       K. rapidly

Sense of smell is our most rapid warning system

“The human avoidance response to unpleasant smells associated with danger has long been seen as a    1     perceivable process, but our study shows for the first time that it’s unconscious and extremely rapid,” says the study’s first author Behzad Iravani, researcher at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet.

The organ relating to the sense of smell takes up about five per cent of the human brain and enables us to    2    between many million different smells. A large proportion of these smells are associated with a threat to our health and    3    , such as that of chemicals and rotten food. Smell signals reach the brain within 100 to 150 milliseconds after being breathed in through the nose.

The survival of all living organisms depends on their ability to avoid danger and seek    4    . In humans, the smell sense seems particularly important for detecting and reacting to    5    harmful substance.

It has long been a mystery just which sensory systems are involved in the change of an unpleasant smell into avoidance behavior in humans. Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have now    6    a method that for the first time has made it possible to measure signals from the human smell organ, which processes smells and in turn can    7    signals to parts of the brain that control movement and avoidance behavior.

Their    8     are based on three experiments in which participants were asked to rate their   experience of six different smells, some positive, some negative, while the electrophysiological activity of the smell organ when    9    to each of the smells was measured.

“It was clear that the organ reacts specifically and    10    to negative smells and sends a direct signal to the outer layer of the organ within about 300 ms,” says the study’s last author Johan Lundström. ” The signal causes the person to unconsciously lean back and away from the source of the smell.”

2021-12-17更新 | 77次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市宝山区2021-2022学年高三年级上学期期末教学质量监测英语试卷
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