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1 . 短文改错
Dear Sally,

I am extreme pleased that you are visiting Xi’an this summer vacation. I’d like to express your warm welcome and offer you a few suggestion. Xi’an had a long history and 13 dynasties, included Western Zhou, Qin, Western Han, Sui and Tang, made Xi’an their capital. There are plenty of places of interest in Xi’an, among where the Terracotta Army is the most attractive. Besides, visiting the Big Wild Goose Pagoda and Shaanxi History Museum are the best choice. If you are hiking lover, you can climb the Cuihua Mountain, on top of which you can get a wonder view of our city. By the way, you had better to taste famous Xi’an snacks.

Looking forward to your coming.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

2023-11-06更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省榆林市榆阳区榆林市第二中学2022-2023学年高二上学期10月期中英语试题

2 . It’s two o’ clock in the afternoon. Sophie Hanson is running a marathon. She’s wearing T-shirt that ____“Go the Extra Mile”, but she feels ____. She can hear her schoolmates ____and she knows she has to finish. She grabs a bottle of water,takes a long drink and ____. By the time she ____, she will have raised £200.

Halfway around the world, in Sierra Leone, Africa, Mohammed Koroma is ___, so he picks up a cup of water and takes a long drink. The water is from a new ____ in his village, so it isn’t ____. It’s cool and clear and Mohammed has not been ill for weeks.

Sophie and Mohammed are two teenagers with very ____ lives, but magically they are ____ by charity. Sophie is ____ a huge national event that raises money for people in the UK and abroad — a sponsored ____ for Sport Relief. Mohammed’s village has a new well that was ____ with money from the same event. Every year, Sport Relief and its sister charity, Comic Relief, raise money for good ____. By the end of this year, people will have completed more than 350 events and will have ____ over £50 million. That’s enough money to ____ the lives of thousands of people.

Teenagers play a big role in this culture of ____ . Although they may not have much money to give, they often ____ in other ways. They ____ their free time and volunteer, making a ____ to the world.

A.hangs outB.carries onC.breaks downD.shows up
A.preparing forB.going overC.taking part inD.taking charge of
2023-05-27更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届陕西省榆林市定边县定边中学高考冲刺卷(一)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The brain function of very late risers and “morning larks(早睡早起的人)” during the hours of the working day is different, according to a study.

Researchers scanned the brains of night owls(夜猫子)with a bedtime of 02: 30 and awake time of 10: 15, along with early risers. The tests performed between 08 : 00 and 20 : 00 found night owls had less connectivity in brain areas linked to keeping consciousness. They were more likely to be scatterbrained and they also had slower reactions and increased sleepiness.

Scientists took 38 people who were either night owls or morning larks (people who went to bed just before 23 : 00 and woke at 06 : 30) and studied their brain function at rest. The volunteers then carried out a series of tasks at various times, from 08 : 00 to 20 : 00, and were asked to report on their levels of sleepiness.

Morning larks were least sleepy and had their fastest reaction time in the early morning tests. They were also found to perform significantly better at this time than night owls. In contrast, night owls were least sleepy and had their fastest reaction time at 20 : 00, although they did not do significantly better than the larks at this time.

The brain connectivity in the areas that predicted better performance and lower sleepiness was significantly higher in larks at all time points, suggesting connectivity in late risers is impaired(减弱的) throughout the whole working day, researchers said.

The lead researcher, Dr Elise Facer-Childs, of the University of Birmingham’s Centre for Human Brain Health, said the findings “could be partly driven by the fact that night owls tend to compromise throughout their lives.” He added, “Night owls during school have to get up earlier, then they go into work and they have to get up earlier, so they’re constantly in conflict.”

Therefore, Dr Facer Childs called for more researches to understand the effects of night owls performing on a work or school schedule to which they are not naturally suited.

1. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “scatterbrained” in Paragraph 2?
2. What conclusion did the researchers draw from the tests?
A.Morning larks were more tired in the morning.
B.Night owls were more active in the morning.
C.Morning larks perform better all day.
D.Night owls perform better all day.
3. According to Dr Facer-Childs, what should later research concerning night owls focus on?
A.The workings of their brain.
B.The effects of their compromises.
C.Whether they can turn into morning larks.
D.How to help them adapt to the normal schedule.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To solve a problem.
B.To give practical advice.
C.To tell an interesting story.
D.To present a research result.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Using your phone to diagnose (诊断)disease or track your medical condition is the goal for remote health monitoring. So far it’s been impractical to combine the two in a single device. But the University of Cincinnati (UC) engineers have come up with the next best thing.

UC professor Chong Ahn designed a tiny portable lab device that plugs into a phone, connecting it automatically to a doctor’s office through a custom app. With a single drop of blood or saliva on a custom plastic lab chip, the device smaller than a credit card can diagnose infectious diseases such as coronavirus, malaria, HIV, Lyme disease, or countless other health conditions like depression and anxiety.

Ahn’s research team developed the device by creating a novel lab chip that uses natural capillary (毛细血管) action, the tendency for a liquid to adhere to (依附) a surface, to draw a sample down two channels called a “microchannel capillary flow assay”. One channel mixes the sample with freezedried detection antibodies. The other contains a freezedried material to read the results when the split samples combine again on three sensors.

“The performance is comparable to lab tests. The cost is cheaper. And it’s simple to use,” Ahn said. “We wanted to make it simple so anyone could use it without training or support. ”

While the device has applications for diagnosing or monitoring viruses or other diseases, Ahn said he sees potential in the field of mental health. Mental health providers already use smartphones to track the wellness of patients through regular surveys. But psychosocial data can be subjective(主观的). By routinely testing the biomarkers associated with depression or anxiety, Ahn said he could help doctors connect how patients feel with actual changes in their biochemistry. This could improve treatment for countless patients.

Ahn is pursuing a patent to commercialize his device. The biggest barrier could be making people feel confident and comfortable enough to use the unfamiliar device at home. “My dream for the rest of my career is to improve public and mental bealth by providing a new mobile health tool,” he said.

1. What can we infer about Ahn’s device?
A.It is really user-friendly.B.It has been widely used by doctors.
C.It relies heavily on blood tests.D.It is designed to diagnose common illnesses.
2. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.Why Ahn’s device uses different channels.B.What makes Ahn’s device accurate.
C.What natural capillary action means.D.How Ahn’s device functions.
3. How can Ahn’s device benefit patients with mental illness?
A.It connects them with doctors by smartphones for timely diagnosis.
B.It monitors their psychological status through regular surveys.
C.It enables doctors to give them evidence-based treatment,
D.It tests viruses to predict other potential diseases.
4. What does Ahn expect of his device?
A.It’ll make a big profit for him.B.It’ll be fully accepted by people.
C.It’ll help diagnose infectious illnesses.D.It’ll cut the cost of improving public health.
2023-05-27更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届陕西省榆林市定边县定边中学高考冲刺卷(一)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . I had been standing there for five minutes, trying to get across a busy traffic circle in the middle of Istanbul, Turkey. A police officer was gesturing and shouting at me: Olmaz! Olmaz! I thought he was saying Go! I started across the street. Suddenly there was a loud noise as several cars hit their brakes (刹车). One of them almost hit me. The officer had actually been saying, Don’t. I returned to my hotel and didn’t go out again until the next morning.

During my first few months in Turkey, I dealt with the difficult task of learning Turkish. Knowing a little bit of the language kept me from getting in trouble more than once. One day when I got sick, I had to get some medicine from the drug store but, I didn’t understand the instructions at first, and almost ended up taking too much. Having a Turkish friend explain it to me really helped.

After about a year, I was able to speak and understand quite a bit of Turkish and I discovered that I could use this skill to save money. When I went to the Covered Bazaar, I listened to the salesmen bargaining with tourists in English. There appeared to be a drawback to bargaining in English. The prices didn’t go down very much. However, when I started bargaining in Turkish, the process became much warmer and friendlier and the prices really dropped!

Probably the most important benefit of learning Turkish was that it enabled me to develop a deeper understanding of the Turkish people and their culture. Once someone saw I was trying to learn the language, they immediately opened up to me. I would get various insights (见解) into ways in which our attitudes toward life differed and ways in which they were the same.

My own personal safety was the main reason I decided to learn Turkish. However, as time passed, I also discovered other benefits. If I hadn’t decided to learn this second language, my time in Turkey would have been much less interesting and rewarding. What I learned has changed me in some very fundamental ways.

1. What happened to the author when he misunderstood the police officer?
A.He was nearly knocked down by a car.
B.He was taught how to cross the street.
C.He was caught by the police officer.
D.He was forced to stay at the hotel.
2. What advantage did the author get by knowing a little bit of Turkish?
A.Understanding the local culture.
B.Saving money when shopping.
C.Reading the instructions.
D.Keeping himself safe.
3. How did the salesmen react when the author began speaking Turkish?
A.They talked a lot with him.
B.They lowered the price a lot.
C.They asked him about business.
D.They refused to sell him anything.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Learning Turkish to get a reward
B.Understanding Turkish culture
C.Using language to open doors
D.Sharing a different experience
2023-05-27更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届陕西省榆林市定边县定边中学高考冲刺卷(一)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Explore the Woonasquatucket

Below is a list of the “Explore the Woonasquatucket” summer recreational activities, which include paddles, bike rides, and hikes. The activities are sponsored by the Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council.

Explore Downtown Providence

Explore a beautiful stretch of hidden wilderness from the water and learn about the exciting. Plans for the development of the Promenade/Kinsley section of the Woonasquatucket River. We will start at the boat launch on South Water St.

Date: August 29
Time:5: 00 PM -7 : 00 PM
Cost: $ 10.50

Paddle Georgiaville Pond

Relax on this early evening paddle on Georgiaville Pond in Smithfield. We’ Il launch from the Smith - Appleby House and make our way to the town beach, where participants are invited to take a short hike to the Georgiaville Pond dam.

Date: September 1
Time:5 : 00 PM-7 : 00 PM
Cost: $ 15.50

A Promenade on the Promenade

Join us on a biking tour of the historic Promenade / Kinsley Avenue stretch of the Woonasquatucket River. On this bike tour, we’ll look to the past of this storied corridor(狭长地带).

Date: September 9
Time:5 : 30 PM -7 : 30 PM
Cost: $ 12.50

Hike Connors Farm Conservation Area

Located in the Town of Smithfield, Rhode Island, Connors Farm is a 2.9-mile loop trail (环形线路)that passes by small brooks (溪)and ponds and features a picnic area at the top of a lookout spot.

Date: September 18
Time: 5: 00 PM -7 : 00 PM
Cost: $ 11.50
1. How will people get around during the activity on August 29?
A.By bike.B.By boat.C.By bus.D.On foot.
2. Which activity is history-themed?
A.Paddle Georgiaville Pond.B.Explore Downtown Providence.
C.A Promenade on the Promenade.D.Hike Connors Farm Conservation Area.
3. How much should a couple pay for the Connors Farm trip?
A.$11.50.B.$ 23.C.$25.D.$31.
2023-05-27更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届陕西省榆林市定边县定边中学高考冲刺卷(一)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Look on the bright side, and you may live longer, a new study has found. Researchers in the US have linked optimism and longevity (长寿) after a study of tens of thousands of people. Researchers at Boston University School of Medicine analyzed 69,744 women and 1,429men, studying them for 30 years. The participants answered questions in a survey. The questions assessed their levels of optimism.The surveys matched these levels with the participants’ overall level of health. They were also asked about their levels of exercise, their diets, as well as how much they smoked and drank.

Researchers discovered that people who thought positively were more likely to live to the age of 85. The people who thought negatively were 11-15 percent less likely to live to that age.

However, researchers are not clear why more optimistic people are likely to live longer. Laura Kubzansky, a professor of social and behavioral sciences, added, “Other research suggests that more optimistic people may be able to regulate (调节) emotions and behavior as well as deal with stress and difficulties more effectively.” Researchers also said those who were more optimistic were more likely to have healthier habits, such as taking part in exercise,and less likely to smoke.

Laura Kubzansky thought this study was meaningful because it suggested that optimism had the potential to help humans live longer. Interestingly, optimism might be improved using relatively simple techniques or therapies (疗法).

She had some advice for pessimists who might want to live longer. The advice was to “imagine a future in which everything has turned out well” . She urged people to increase levels of optimism.

1. What can we know about the study?
A.Different factors were considered.
B.The participants were all healthy.
C.More men were studied.
D.Most participants lived to the age of 85.
2. What are optimistic people more likely to do?
A.Exercise regularly.B.Avoid difficulties.
C.Take part in social activities.D.Deal with stress by smoking.
3. What’s Kubzansky’s suggestion for pessimists?
A.Developing healthier habits.
B.Improving optimism by imagination.
C.Learning to regulate emotions.
D.Communicating with optimistic people.
4. What is the text most likely from?
A.A guidebook.B.A diary.
C.A novel.D.A magazine.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . French artist Henri Matisse(1869-1954) was described as “a man ahead of his time” . In honor of the artist, an exhibition titled “Matisse by Matisse” will be held in China this year. It follows Matisse’s works across sixty years.

Originally, Matisse aimed to become a lawyer. He attended law school and worked as a law worker until he came down with a disease in1889. To help him kill time on the road to recovery, Matisse’s mother bought him painting tools. His feeling for color was waken up and he decided to become an artist.

Matisse wanted to create his own style. Instead of painting realistic objects people saw he preferred to express his emotions and feelings toward these objects. One way he achieved this was through using bold(大胆的) colors. In his eyes, colors had more meanings than people would usually think of.

Yet his style was so unusual that Matisse was called the “father of Fauvism(野兽派)” . Even so, Matisse never gave up digging out more for art. Matisse once wrote in the book Jazz that “an artist should never be a prisoner of himself”. In the later years of his life when he suffered from cancer and couldn’t paint, he tried a new kind of art: paper cut-outs. He took brightly painted papers, cut them into shapes, and arranged them in designs. That’s what Matisse called “painting with scissors”.

With great creativity, Matisse’s works have been welcomed and used in many forms of popular art. For example, Yves Saint Laurent, an influential European fashion designer, showed a section of his 1981 autumn-winter collection in honor of Matisse’s works. Now his cut-out patterns and stylish colors are still seen on album covers, T-shirts and in ads.

1. What inspired Matisse’s feeling for color?
A.The disease.B.His career as a lawyer.
C.Some painting tools.D.His mother’s encouragement.
2. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Showing his feelings toward objects.
B.Realizing his dream to be an artist.
C.Drawing objects in real life.
D.Looking for his own painting style.
3. Why did Matisse turn to paper cut-outs?
A.He was tired of painting.
B.Cut-outs were becoming popular.
C.His poor health stopped him continuing painting.
D.He was asked to create a new art form.
4. Which word can be used to describe Matisse’s works?
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

After watering the trees and grass in our yard yesterday, I’m pleased to see that it is raining this morning. The tree and grass are dry and they are dying for lack of water. We really need some showers to give the yard a drink and bring freshness to the air and coolness, making the morning pleasant. There is nothing quite like a rainy day in spring and the simple joys it brings.

In fact, as a boy I hated rainy days. They meant that I was stuck in the house and couldn’t go out to play. It was only as the years passed that I realized there could be no water without rain and there could be no life without water. The truth is that rain is a gift from nature. Now I look at each gentle rainfall with a smile and know that nature is giving the world and us the water we need to live.

Of course, we all prefer the sunshine after the rain. The sun gives us light. It energizes us. The white clouds and blue skies just naturally make us feel good. When my thoughts are racing, my mother comes over. “Henry, your morning coffee. It’s raining today. Why don’t you sleep more?” I smile and say, “Mum, it is a nice day. After the rain, the plants in our yard will come alive again. But I have an important thing to do today.” She seems to understand and says, “Go ahead, baby. Have a good day!”

Maybe rainy days give us a chance to rest today, and even rest on the fields for the next day. I know there would be no morning coffee or afternoon tea without rain. I think when I go out to help others in the rain today, I will send thanks to nature. When the rain falls on my head, it brings me great fun, but it also causes trouble for some homeless people on the streets. On the other hand, the rain seems to make me a little sad. I decide to walk out and see if there is anyone in need.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

I am walking along the streets.


I decide to help the person in need.

语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The city of Canberra     1     (date) back to 1913 when it was purposefully built to be the capital of the nation of Australia. It has grown over time to not only be the seat of the government of the nation, but also a city with     2     (it) own culture.

It sits on the shores of Lake Burley Griffin and is one of the     3     (good) places to travel to in all of Australia for anyone looking forward to     4     (find) out more about the history of the country and the people. Some of the more interesting things to see in Canberra include Australian National Botanic Gardens and kangaroos in     5     wild, which are exactly fit     6     those nature-lovers.

Visitors can enjoy themselves in Canberra, but they should try to make travel     7     (arrangement), so that they can attend any of the festival activities     8     are interesting and exciting. There are many     9     (office) and folk festivals in Canberra. Canberra Day is     10     (actual) a public holiday to celebrate the naming of Canberra. Canberra also offers the chance to learn a little bit about how Australia was formed, and how it developed.

2022-11-11更新 | 127次组卷 | 2卷引用:陕西省榆林市横山区实验中学等4校2022-2023学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
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