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语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

From the beginning, I’ve been committed to     1     (create) a “brand”that never going to teach, coach, post or write about something I’ve tried or tested. I’m not going to represent people, things, ideas or     2     (product) I don’t believe in.

I’ll say what is on my mind even when it’s     3     (possible) unpopular. Whenever I do this, someone     4     (message) me, saying that “You shouldn’t say that. You’ll lose followers or won’t get clients. ”All I can say is that I didn’t start this journey to become anyone I’m not. I refuse     5     (give) in just because that’s what people are comfortable with or used to.

That commitment to remaining authentic (真实的)     6    myself is a constant struggle. It’s not easy. But it’s     7    promise I made to myself when I started, and one I intend to keep.

Whatever your dreams are, make a promise to always stay true to     8    makes you authentic. Don’t let other     9     (people) opinions water down your dreams or change your “brand”. In the end, it’s that ability to remain true to yourself that will set you apart from the pack and bring you success, even when everyone     10     (try) to convince you otherwise.

2022-12-18更新 | 152次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届贵州省贵阳市第六中学高三上学期第一次高考模拟英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . We have featured people who lost weight by following many different methods. Some focused strictly oneating well.     1    Here are some lessons you can learn from those people.

One thing most of our wellness winners had in common was a turning-point moment. For San Boeuf, her journey started when her unhealthy weight was threatening her dream of becoming a mother. She focused on her goal of being healthy enough to have kids.     2    

Many of our winners relied on technology to assist them on their weight-loss journeys. There 're numerous apps, devices and online communities.     3    So using all the tools available makes a difference, whether those are apps to log your food, smart devices to track your exercise, or online communities to find the support you need.

Losing a significant amount of weight is a long process.     4    All of the wellness winners experienced struggles along the way but managed to stay or get back on track and maintain their healthy habits. Susan Elizabeth Chaney struggles with an eating disorder after losing a significant amount of weight.

    5    Choose a diet you can stick with. In other words, the specific plan matters a lot less than the effort you put into it. Some used intermittent fasting( 间歇性禁食), while others found eating smaller meals throughout the day to be more sustainable.

A.They can help people lose weight.
B.Set a healthy lifestyle for yourself.
C.There’s no magic diet for wellness winners.
D.There are struggles and setbacks along the way.
E.But finding help and support made a big difference.
F.Along with lots of hard work, she managed to lose 167 pounds.
G.Others found a love of exercise—or a healthy combinations of both.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Do you prefer to watch TV or listen to the radio? There was a time when some people thought moving pictures beamed live into our houses would spell the end of tuning in to the radio for entertainment and information. But radio survived and flourished. And now, despite the growth in sophisticated smartphones offering high-definition pictures, the popularity of podcasts (播客) is booming.

Perhaps the growth in podcasting is not surprising — it offers a digital audio file that can be downloaded and stored for listening at any time. It can also be streamed from the Internet and played on a computer or MP3 player. And it’s not just broadcasters, like the BBC, who are producing podcasts: now commercial broadcasters, individuals and companies with no connection to broadcasting are making them. In fact, anyone with something to say, and a few pounds to spend on the equipment, can get involved.

But where did this trend for making portable audio programmers begin? Journalist Ben Hammersley told the BBC that “two changes transformed the market — one cultural and one technical” . Apple launched the iPhone podcast app, recording and editing equipment became cheaper, and 4G mobile phone connections and Wi-Fi became widespread.

Technological development has driven many changes in our media consumption habits. But however good the tech may be, there still needs to be something worth watching or listening to. The BBC’s Jamie Robertson writes that for podcasts, Serial — a piece of non-fiction investigative journalism — captured people’s imagination. It was a piece of high-quality audio with a gripping story. To date, the first and second seasons of the show have had more than 340 million downloads. Advertisers soon realised the money-making potential of this and other successful podcasts.

Now there are podcasts about anything and everything — even the educational content that BBC Learning English offers! And these aural treats are available on a wide range of platforms. Audiences are very specific, which can help advertisers target what they want to promote.

1. Why is it easy for almost anyone to make a podcast?
A.The cost of making a blog is low.
B.It can be streamed from the Internet.
C.It can be played on a computer or MP3 player.
D.Making a podcast doesn’t require any technology.
2. What can be done with a digital audio file?
A.It can be played without power.
B.It can be used to make phone calls.
C.It can offer high-definition pictures.
D.It can be downloaded and stored for listening at any time.
3. What does the underlined word “gripping” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
4. What can we infer about the future of podcasts from the passage?
A.It’s uncertain.B.It will be promising.
C.It will be miserable.D.It won’t be outstanding.
2022-12-18更新 | 121次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届贵州省贵阳市第六中学高三上学期第一次高考模拟英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了来自台湾的学生Chen Wencheng在疫情期间做志愿者,为保护他在北京的社区发挥了关键作用。

4 . Student from Taiwan played a key role in safeguarding his community in Beijing during pandemic outbreak and is working to establish closer ties between young people across the Straits.

Chen Wencheng from Taiwan, a postdoctoral student at Peking University, had been doing volunteer work in his neighborhood since Spring Festival. This was the first Lunar New Year holiday he didn’t celebrate in his hometown of Zhanghua, Taiwan, during his nine-year stay in Beijing.

Chen, 31, from the university’s department of philosophy and religious studies, chose to stay in Beijing’s Haidian District with his pregnant wife, who gave birth to their daughter last month. After the COVID- 19 outbreak hit Beijing in late January, he soon applied to be a community volunteer to help with pandemic prevention and control.

He started work on the day he signed as a volunteer on Feb4, with his duties including such tasks as checking passes and the temperature of people entering the community or delivering food and other necessities to his neighbors in self-quarantine.

The buildings in the community have five floors with no elevators. Chen sometimes had dozens of deliveries each day, including big rice bags and barrels of cooking oil, among other daily supplies.

Those were heavy, and that’s why the community needed us younger people to help, ”Chen says.

“The volunteer job looks like petty work, but it matters as it enhances the safety of the more than 2, 000 residents in our community, ”Chen says. “The work also allowed me to get to know more of my neighbors, which makes the whole community feel like a big family. ”

1. What made Chen Wencheng play a key role in safeguarding his community?
A.His rich knowledge.B.His wife’s request.
C.His selfless devotion.D.His classmates’ invitation.
2. What does the underlined word “Those” in Paragraph 6 refer to?
A.The deliveriesB.The big rice bags.
C.The barrels of cooking oil.D.The daily supplies.
3. Which of the following best describes Chen’s work during pandemic outbreak?
A.The volunteer job.B.The brave helper.
C.The teacher.D.His septuagenarian.
4. What’s the purpose of the passage?
A.To praise students from Taiwan.
B.To carry forward the national spirit.
C.To introduce a true volunteering spirit.
D.To help with pandemic prevention and control.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Some of the World’s Most Famous Libraries

Libraries are storehouses of information and resources, organized systematically, and maintained by an individual, a group, or an institution, for public use. They were initially known as archives, as they also maintained a record of unpublished books. Some of the famous libraries are listed below:

Russian State Library—44. 4 million items

The Russian State Library houses 17 million books as well as 13 million journals, 150, 000 maps, and thousands of musical records and scores. The Russian State Library is located in the capital city of the country, Moscow and is freely accessible to the public of the country. It was founded on July lst, 1862.

Library and Archives, Canada—54 million items

The Library and Archives of Canada is maintained directly by the federal government of the country. The current collection includes nearly 20 million books, 24 million photographs, private and government archives, aboriginal magazines, non-fiction and fiction films, Canadian periodicals, and more. The Library and Archives of Canada was formed in 2004 by the amalgamation (融合) of the functions performed by the National Library of Canada and the National Archives of Canada and reports directly to the Parliament of the country.

New York Public Library—55 million items

The system of libraries in New York, the New York Public Library, is world-famous for its extensive collection of 55 million items including books, periodicals, musical records and other publications and albums. It was established in 1895. The main branch of the library is located on Fifth Avenue in New York at the intersection with 42nd Streel. In 1965, it was designed as a National Historic Landmark. Today, the New York Public Library has 4 research libraries, branch libraries in Bronx, State Island and Manhattan and several smaller libraries affiliated (附属的) to it.

British Library—150 million items

The British Library can proudly boast of its collection of 150 million books, manuscripts, magazines, music recordings and scores, patents, databases and much more. The library is the national library of the United Kingdom and is located in the capital of England, between the Euston and St. Pacras railway stations in London.

        The library was established by the British Library Act in 1972 as an independent entity on July lst, 1973.
1. What can you consult in Library and Archives, Canada?
A.Musical scores. B.Aboriginal magazines.
C.Musical records. D.The Diamond Sutra.
2. What’s special about New York Public Library?
A.It was established in the 1800s. B.It includes some other libraries.
C.It was established as an independent entity. D.It is located in the capital city of the country.
3. Which of the following has the longest history?
A.Russian State Library. B.Library and Archives, Canada.
C.New York Public Library. D.British Library.
2022-12-18更新 | 108次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届贵州省贵阳市第六中学高三上学期第一次高考模拟英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Jiang Mengnan, a 30-year-old woman who was born in a small village of Yizhang County, Chenzhou City, received the 2021 Touching China Award.

She lost all her     1     (hear) due to misusing drugs when she was six months old. Since then, she has been living in a silent world, where she can only communicate with others by looking at their mouths and reading their lips. By doing so, Jiang     2     (final) was able to “listen” and “speak” in her own way.

Jiang’s parents,    3     are both teachers, love reading books and newspaper. It is because of their decision to encourage her     4     (learn) lip reading that Jiang could go further in her pursuit of study.

Jiang has always been strict with     5     (she). However, it’s not easy for her to “listen” to teachers in class like normal students. Therefore, most of the time she had to read what teachers write on the blackboard     6     continue to study by herself after class in order to keep up     7    others. In spite of this, she never attended any special education school.

Her     8     (determine) and perseverance later also earned her the admission to Jilin University, a prestigious (久负盛名的) college in China where she     9     (get) a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree.

“Make solid efforts for your goal and don’t worry about     10     (gain) and losses,” Jiang said. In September 2018, Jiang was admitted as a doctoral candidate in the School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University.

2022-08-22更新 | 221次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届贵州省贵阳市高三5月模拟试题
完形填空(约220词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . Madhavan stood proudly next to a young mahogany (红木) tree. It’s one of 100 he planted on his _________ in Meenangadi. His two _________ of land in the village are used to plant _________ crops—coffee, black pepper and betel nut, but the worsening environment has _________ his production.

Now the mahogany _________ is one of his only reliable sources of income, _________ him up to 5,000 rupees (卢比) a year—and all he has to do is to keep the _________ standing.

The 84-year-old _________ is being paid to plant and _________ trees through a “tree banking” program, which __________ to create India’s first carbon-neutral (碳中和) village by 2025.

Madhavan got his saplings (树苗) __________ from the village council (村委会),which will lend him 50 rupees per __________ for every year if he does not __________ it down until 2031. At that point, the loan is written off (一笔勾销) and he can do what he likes with the trees without __________ back, including cutting them to __________ and make money.

“Every morning, I spend some time __________ these trees. I am really happy to say that except for three which died __________, all are steadfastly growing,” Madhavan said, “Sooner or later, my farm will become a small __________ filled with greenery.”

The tree-banking project gives farmers an ongoing __________ to protect trees so as to make the climate better, said Jayakumar, director of the carbon-neutral program. “The message here is that climate __________ is being linked with climate justice (气候正义), he said.

A.in panicB.for sureC.in reliefD.for free
A.looking afterB.cutting downC.climbing upD.picking out
2022-08-22更新 | 377次组卷 | 2卷引用:2022届贵州省贵阳市高三5月模拟试题
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Biologist Marc Bekoff studies dogs, wolves and coyotes.     1    . If they’re in the same pack, animal friends may sleep close to one another. They greet one another, travel together, share food and groom each other. Animal friends are nice to one another, and they even play together.    2    .

Playing together, for instance, helps animals bond and keeps them close to the group. “Coyote pups who don’t play together are more likely to go out on their own.    3    .” says Bekoff. “If an animal has a special friend, both friends benefit by having someone to watch out for them.”

    4    . When a young rhinoceros sets out on its own for the first time, it may look for an older travel friend, and this companion helps to find food and water and avoid predators. Young male elephants hang out together when they leave their mothers’ herds, and young dolphins do, too. Pairs of bottlenose dolphins sometimes form strong bonds and pal around together for years. Among chimpanzee groups, some pair up to groom each other, hunt together, share food and defend each other from danger.

Why do animals have friends? “Mainly because in the long run they benefit from friendships,” scientist Franz de Waal says. “It is all give and take.    5    .”

A.Young animals often team up for protection
B.He believes that many animals do have friends
C.He thinks that many animals seldom have friends
D.Therefore, playing together sometimes is harmful
E.And leaving the protection of the group can be dangerous
F.This friendly behavior can be important to an animal’s survival
G.Sometimes one gives more, the other takes more, but in the end both parties gain
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . There are many different types of houses in the UK. You may see detached, semi-detached, terraced houses or even end-of-terrace houses on a typical street. You might see apartments in wealthier parts of town, or people living in bungalows, preferring to live a life without stairs. Strange cottages may dot the countryside, while heading to the cities you could see any number of types of flats, including houses turned into flats, studios and duplexes. But one thing you will notice is that many houses come from different eras, and asking a British person about their ideal home, many of them will have a specific period property in mind.

For some, it could be Victorian houses, which are often seen with bay windows, high ceilings, stained glass doors and colored brickwork. During the Victorian era, a huge number of houses, particularly terraced, were built in towns and cities to accommodate vast numbers of workers who were moving from more rural areas.

Georgian architecture refers to houses built during the period of 1714 and 1830 during the rules of four British monarchs. Usually houses with this architectural style have a more symmetrical theme, both internally and externally, with a small square garden in front. For those not into older properties, new builds from the 1990s onwards offer better insulation against the cold and newer electrics. And those who prefer less repairs could always go with the open-plan or minimalist look of the modern era.

So, whether it’s high ceilings, better insulation, brickwork, bungalows or square gardens, people in Britain have a wide variety of preferences when it comes to where they live. And their ideal home may just simply be a case of what style feels like home.

1. What do the Victorian houses have?
A.A small square garden in front.B.High ceilings and colored brickwork.
C.A more symmetrical theme than any other era.D.Broken windows and stainless doors.
2. Why does the author mention Victorian and Georgian houses?
A.To display the wisdom of the architects.B.To introduce the origin of them.
C.To attract people fond of British houses.D.To show the diversity of British houses.
3. What can we learn from the text?
A.The preference of British for the houses.B.The history of the Georgian houses.
C.The house structures of Britain.D.The fine scenery in Britain.
4. What will the author probably talk about next?
A.Ideal British home.B.Terraced houses.
C.Georgian houses.D.Square and gardens.
2022-08-22更新 | 179次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届贵州省贵阳市高三5月模拟试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Many people think that you need to travel great distances and go on expensive trips to create beautiful photos. If you consider macro photography, which is capturing (捕捉) tiny details, an entirely new world may open for you right in your own backyard. This is what I decided to do to challenge myself recently! I chose a relatively small area in my neighborhood to revisit over a couple of days, but the only rules I gave myself were not to photograph anything above the knees.

Using a 50 mm macro lens (微距镜头) on a traditional DSLR camera, I walked around looking for different opportunities. I also often use two extension (伸缩) tubes, which help me get ever closer to my subject matter and increase the magnification (放大率). In the evening light, the high contrast helps you see small things like jumping grasshoppers or other insects flying around, but during the day it can be more challenging. To find good subject matter, I like to crawl (爬) around and look at the world from a lizard or snake’s point of view. It adds significantly more drama, improves the image. It also has the power to transform a beautiful subject into a beautiful piece of art.

I really also pay attention to the background elements, not just the subject matter, especially with wildflowers. How in focus the background is, or how out of focus it is, can change an image. I like to shoot with a fully blurred (模糊的) background, called bokeh, though sometimes increasing depth of field and not having total blurriness can be beneficial to the composition, too.

You also don’t need a special camera set up to do this. Using a smartphone, you can easily use tools like portrait mode, to help blur the background. Some apps also allow for a greater level of control with depth of field and close-up photography. It’s less about the camera you use, and more all about how you use it!

1. What makes a splendid composition?
A.Taking an expensive trip.B.Capturing the details of life.
C.Shooting anything above the knees.D.Looking at a beautiful subject.
2. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.A traditional DSLR camera.B.The ways of macro shooting.
C.Shooting down at subjects.D.Insects flying around.
3. What does “this” refer to in the last paragraph?
4. What would be the best title for this passage?
A.My NeighborhoodB.The Backyard
C.Crouching down YourselfD.Macro Photography
2022-08-22更新 | 120次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届贵州省贵阳市高三5月模拟试题
共计 平均难度:一般