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语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

CCTV’s Sports Channel uses the slogan “sport is power”, and these words proved true when China     1    (host) the FISU World University Games in Chengdu, Sichuan province, from July 28 to Aug 8.

Nothing is     2    (powerful) than letting thousands of foreign athletes, team members and visitors from around the world     3    (witness)and experience the energy of China. The games successfully showed China’s achievements to the world.

Chinese media should capitalize on the success of the games by producing more     4    (video) that highlight the amazing and touching aspects of the games     5    sharing them on social media platforms. This will help spread China’s success stories around the world.

For China the games will facilitate the     6    (grow) of university sports in the nation,     7     is crucial for improving the physical health of its students. It is most fitting that China     8    (take) Aug 8 as National Sports Day ever since.

It is only natural     9     the nation to work hard to host more international sports events, as these provide the perfect platform to showcase China’s successes. There are already other upcoming opportunities. China might also aim to host a FIFA World Cup,     10    (regard) as the most spectacular international sporting event.

2 . In recent years, a global campaign ______ by the Space Agency to promote further development of the manned aviation.
A.launchedB.has launchedC.was launchedD.has been launched
3 . The epidemic swept through the city, and conditions got worse and supplies ______.
A.ran outB.ran acrossC.ran forD.ran off
4 . We had a couple of days of extremely terrible weather, but our vacation was ______ perfect.
5 . The majority of patients are happy to ______ a normal life without having a transplant.
A.carry outB.carry throughC.carry awayD.carry on
6 . This company was the first ______ portable computer as well as visual telephone at that time.
A.producingB.to produceC.having producedD.produced
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Is walking good exercise?

For exercise to really count, it has to be hard or complicated, or leave you totally wiped out with muscle pain for days-right? Not at all! While high-intensity activity certainly has its place, so does the most basic, accessible form of exercise: walking.    1    

Walking is great for all exercise levels.

One of the biggest reasons walking is so popular is because it’s a low-impact exercise. It doesn’t put nearly as much pressure on the joints(关节)as running or any sort of jumping or hopping movement.     2     It’s a gentle way to get the blood flowing and circulate oxygen and nutrients(营养物质)to muscles.

Starting is easy.

For people just getting started with fitness, walking is a wonderful form of aerobic exercise(有氧运动).    3     Just get up and walk, and you’ll get your heart and lungs working. Unlike other forms of cardio-like running, biking, dance workouts, or boxing-walking isn’t frightening, and it doesn’t require lessons or special equipment.


Enhanced blood flow is going to improve recovery and help ease muscle pain. Although it is not going to completely heal it, it can help reduce it and accelerate the muscle repair process.     5     Chemicals that are released in the body when our cells create and use energy to power through a tough workout may further boost recovery.

A.Not just for beginners.
B.Excellent for recovery.
C.The risk of injury is relatively low.
D.Walking can also help the body sweep away waste products.
E.Walking is a form of mental health treatment for many people
F.You don’t need any earlier or special knowledge or training to start.
G.Recently, it’s become an even more vital physical activity for many people.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . My birth was a little more dramatic than the standard. Within minutes of coming out, I was taken away into another room while doctors gave my parents the difficult news: I was born missing my left hand. I’m sure it was quite shocking for them.

Indeed, that announcement of my limb (肢体) difference might have been a disaster if it hadn’t been for what happened next. I’m told that a nurse wrapped me up, took me back into the room, placed me in my mother’s arms and instructed. “You will take her home. You will raise her like you would any baby girl.”

My parents took that instruction seriously. I played sports, acted in theater, excelled in school, participated in student government and had playdates with friends. As kids do, I quickly learned to adapt, working around the missing hand. One of my earliest memories is my father trying to teach me to tie my shoes. His two-handed method wouldn’t work for me, so I figured out a way to do it with one hand.

However, that fact that I was different hit me hard when was 13, an age of great self-conscious and the need to fit in. I remember getting on the school bus and one of the kids stared just a little too long at my left arm. The staring unnerved me in a way it never had before, and I felt a sudden urge to hide my hand, so I quickly slipped it into my pocket. I told myself that I’d just hide it that one day, while I was trying to make friends. But one day of hiding turned into a week, which turned into a month, which became years.

After a two-decade struggle, I accidentally joined the Lucky Fin Project, where I met a group of people with limb difference. Among them, I felt no need to hide anymore. When I wasn’t so focused on hiding myself, I was able to look around, learning to appreciate the world and love myself.

1. What prevented the author’s limb difference from becoming a disaster?
A.The life lessons her teachers gave her.
B.The determination of the author herself.
C.The talents she showed in school activities.
D.The nurse’s instruction after her birth in hospital.
2. Why does the author mention learning to tie shoes in Paragraph 3?
A.To memorize the love and care from her father.
B.To recall a beautiful childhood memory.
C.To show her adaptability to daily tasks.
D.To introduce an academic success.
3. What led to the author’s hiding of her hand for years?
A.The self-consciousness of her disability.
B.The stare from a kid on the school bus.
C.The experiences of being ignored.
D.The desire to please her friends.
4. What can be a suitable title for this passage?
A.Time Waits for No One.B.There’s Nothing to Hide.
C.One Hand Equals Two.D.It’s All About Family.
完成句子-根据中文句子补全英文 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 他继续这个实验的原因,是因为他希望能成功的完成这项任务。(定语从句)
The reason ___________ was that he was in the hope of completing this task successfully.
完成句子-根据中文句子补全英文 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 要是你早一点认真听我的,你就弄明白这个问题了。(figure out)
If you had listened to me carefully earlier, you____________ the problem.
共计 平均难度:一般