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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I got through another long, annoying day teaching high school English via Zoom. Upon reaching my office, I pulled up my work email. There was a message from a woman who I didn’t know: Gigi Shepherd, who asked how she could join my class. “Was she a new teaching assistant?” I wondered. I’d never done any co-teaching. And I certainly wasn’t interested in doing it now with a stranger.

The email must be a mistake. Before I could figure it out, the principal called. She explained that Ms. Shepherd had got the passcode that would grant(同意) her admittance to my Zoom space.

“It’s good news!” the principal said. “Our district is trying to improve teachers’ skills by placing experienced part-time teachers with new full-time educators. It means more help for you.”

“Can’t you put her in another classroom?” I said. “I’m just fine alone.”

“The assignments have been made,” she said. “This will be fine.”

Deep down, I disliked changes. When things didn’t go as I wanted, I tended to get anxious. That evening, I emailed the stranger, as I’d come to think of her, with directions for joining us online.

The next morning, my screen was filled with the image of Gigi’s husband, as he helped her sign on. Gigi looked to be about my age. I put her on the spot, asking her to teach a lesson supporting the students’ emotional needs. To my surprise, the students became cheerful and lively as Gigi led them in a discussion on ways to stay connected. “Remember-even when we’re apart physically from friends and family, we needn’t feel alone, " she said in a breathy, sweet yet deliberate(从容的) voice, like a grade schoolteacher. And all the students responded. That was totally different from my teaching style.

Her kind words weren’t reserved only for students. “What a wonderful lesson,” she said before we signed off. “I really like the way you express yourself, Lori,” she told me.


After school that day, Gigi and I got to know each other.


Since then, I had learned a lot from Gigi.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Biophilic design (亲生物设计) is a concept used within the building industry to increase people’s connection with the natural environment by using direct nature, indirect nature, space, and place conditions. It is argued that this idea has health, environmental, and economic benefits for building occupants (居住者) and urban environments, with few drawbacks. Although its name was coined in recent history, indicators of biophilic design have been seen in architecture from as far back as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Studies show that incorporating the natural environment into buildings can have a positive influence on physical and psychological well-being.

Studies by Roger S. Ulrich have consistently found physical health promoting outcomes associated with viewing nature scenes through windows. In his studies, he assessed patients' recovery from surgery. Half the patients had rooms with a view of green trees while the others saw a brick wall. Patients in the rooms with the nature view stayed in the hospital for fewer days and had a more positive recovery process in general than the patients who had a view of the wall. Similar results were found in a field study of office workers by Rachel Kaplan.

Additionally, children in low-income urban housing who had problems with learning because of being unable to pay attention to things for very long showed improved scores on a standardised measure of attention deficit disorder (注意力缺陷障碍) when they moved to houses with more outdoor natural vegetation.

From an economic aspect, people are likely to spend more on houses that have views of nature; buyers are willing to spend 7% more on homes with excellent scenery, 58% more on houses that look toward water, and 127% more on those that are next to water.

Appreciating natural beauty isn’t something that some people can enjoy and others can’t; it happen without effort or even conscious awareness. So the more our buildings can make use of our ancient sense beauty, the more likely they will support us psychologically and emotionally, as well as functionally.

1. What do we know about biophilic design?
A.It originated in Babylon.B.It has no disadvantages.
C.It rarely uses indirect nature.D.It enjoys a long history.
2. What does the underlined word “incorporating” probably mean in paragraph 2?
3. How does the author show people's preference for nature in paragraph 5?
A.By giving examples.B.By conducting surveys.
C.By listing figures.D.By analyzing causes.
4. Which of the following shows the structure of the text?
(I=Introduction; P=Point; Sp=Sub-point; C=Conclusion)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . In 1931, Americans were suffering through the Great Depression. It was The Good Earth by Pearl Buck that brought comfort, the top-selling book that year.

Born into a religious workers’ family in 1892, Pearl Buck left the United States and moved to China with her parents. Her education began at home with her mother teaching her American school things while a Chinese tutor taught her other subjects, including writings of Confucius. In 1910, she went back to America to study philosophy. After graduation, she returned to China and married John Lossing Buck, an agriculture expert, eventually settling down in a small village in the north of China.

Had it not been for their first child Carol, who had an unusual disease causing her to have trouble learning, Pearl Buck might never have become a famous writer. The reason was money. She needed it to pay for her daughter’s care. She recalled why she chose China and its people as the subjects, “If none of you want to write these wonderful farmers. I will write about them. So, I wrote The Good Earth.”

The Good Earth tells the story of a poor Chinese man named Wang Lung and his wife O-Lan. It recounts how they work hard and finally make enough money to purchase some land for a farm. They stick to the land even in times of starvation, themselves begging on the streets. Experiencing ups and downs, Wang finds happiness in owning land and raising crops. He even forbids his sons to sell the land after his death.

Pearl Buck told her China stories with honesty and Americans were impressed by the new images of the Chinese totally different from those in Hollywood movies. The book earned Pearl Buck the Pulitzer Prize and was later adapted into an Oscar-winning movie. In 1938, she became the first American woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

1. How did Pearl Buck benefit from her education?
A.She thought the best education lay in home.
B.She highly appreciated education in the countryside.
C.She preferred Chinese education to Western education.
D.She gained a lot from a combination of different styles of education.
2. Why did Pearl Buck decide to write books?
A.Some Chinese advised her to do it.B.She was in desperate need of money.
C.She couldn’t bear the boring rural life.D.She desired a good education for her kid.
3. What can we infer from Paragraph 4?
A.Good fortune always favors the characters.
B.Owning land is the lifeline for Chinese farmers.
C.Chinese farmers lead a terribly miserable life.
D.The characters make a fortune by buying and selling land.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The moral values of The Good Earth.
B.The fighting spirit of Chinese farmers.
C.A woman writer’s sacrifice to save her ill child.
D.A woman’s great China-themed literary achievements.
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Choosing to study abroad is one of the best    1    (decide) I have ever made. This past summer I lived in Rome, Italy for six weeks through a program    2     (call) Study Abroad Italy. I chose to study abroad because I felt that I needed a change in my life and it sounded much    3     (interesting) than working behind a desk in a familiar environment. The life lessons and people skills    4     I acquired while in Italy are what I could have only learned    5     an experience like this, not from sitting in a classroom.

The Romans    6    (be) the nicest people you will ever meet. They were so    7     (help) when I was trying to talk with them and were just so excited and honored that I chose to visit    8     (they) country. I fully experienced the phrase “When in Rome…”and loved how they live everyday to the fullest. I can’t fully describe how     9    (amaze) this whole experience was but I can say that if you have the opportunity    10     (go)abroad, then take it and enjoy every minute of it.

完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了十六年前作者因为妻子在路上一直唱《圣诞之歌》感到厌烦,于是编造了一个关于歌中Jack Frost的恐怖故事,妻子完全相信了作者。今年作者唱起《圣诞之歌》的时候,告知了妻子实情,她非常生气,作者因为这个谎言而不再被信任,但这件事成了作者家最快乐的节日故事。

5 . Sixteen years ago, while we were driving on vacation, my wife decided to pass the time by singing “The Christmas Song”. She sang it over and over again. Somehow, I decided to _________ with her.

When she got to the _________ “Jack Frost nipping (捏) at your nose,” I said, in my most horrified voice, “Why are you _________ that song?” As she looked confused, I proceeded to _________ her that Jack Frost was the name of a violent patient who _________ an asylum (精神病院) on Christmas in the 1920s and went around devouring (吞噬) faces, _________ noses, which he had acquired a _________ for.

Shocked and terrified, she _________ it completely.

Fast forward to this year. It’s snowing outside and I was in a good mood. I started singing “The Christmas Song” and my wife then _________ me that Jack Frost, the serial __________ biter, had forever __________ that song for her.

I laughed and __________ that I was teasing that day and that I honestly didn’t think she believed me. She got quite __________ since for all these years she had cheerfully shared this dark and shocking story with anyone who would listen and it turned out a __________.

As for me, though I am now the King of Lies who is never to be __________ again, it has become the most cheerful holiday story in our family ever.

A.made fun ofB.took charge ofC.broke out ofD.got ahead of
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 在美食节举行之际,你校正在组织以“我最喜爱的美食”为题的英语作文比赛。请你写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
1. 你最喜爱的美食;
2. 你喜爱该美食的原因。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

My Favourite Food

阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . In honor of the 70th anniversary of the Beijing People’s Art Theater, we select a group of its original works.


Playwright: Cao Yu

Thunderstorm was the first work of Cao Yu. Praised as one of China’s most enduring dramas of the 20th century, Thunderstorm tells of a tragedy (悲剧) between two families during the1920s. The intense conflicts are all presented in a day’s time within the drama.


Playwright: Cao Yu

Sunnse is set in Tianjin in the 1930s. It centers on the tragedy of Chen Bailu. It discloses the social conflicts and unfortunate life of those living at the bottom of society at that time. The drama also expresses the longing for brightness indicated by the name and order of its four acts — dawn, dusk, midnight and sunrise.

Rickshaw Boy

Playwright: Mei Qian

The drama Rickshaw Boy is adapted from the novel of Lao She, a Chinese literary giant. It tells the sad story of`Xiangzi, a rickshaw boy in Beijing in the 1920s who dreams of running his’ own firm. However, after a series of misfortunes, Xiangzi is no longer an honest and optimistic young country boy.

The Teahouse

Playwright: Lao She

Consisting of three acts, the play tells stories taking place in the Beijing Yutai Teahouse and the fate of Wang Lifa, the owner of the teahouse. It mirrors the great social changes in China from 1898 to the 1940s. The Teahouse is also the first Chinese drama production to be performed overseas.

1. Which story takes place within a day’s time?
C.Rickshaw Boy.D.The Teahouse.
2. What may the title of Sunrise imply?
A.The desire for brightness.B.The dream of Chen Bailu.
C.The social conflict at that time.D.The order of the acts in the drama.
3. What do Rickshaw Boy and The Teahouse have in common?
A.Both dramas are sad stories.
B.Both plays are written by Lao She.
C.Both stories are set in the same place.
D.Both stories are made up of three scenes.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . For some people, nothing beats a long walk on a sandy beach. But there’s no denying that it’s not as easy or as fast to get around on the beach as it is on a road or a sidewalk. But why is it so hard to walk on sand?

The problem with sand is that it’s soft; you “sink in” at each step. This forces you to use 2.1 to 2. 7 times more energy with every step you take. Another idea is that people walk more difficultly on soft than they do on hard surfaces, a study found. The researchers compared how people walked on foam (沫) and hard surfaces by analyzing the forces under their feet and how much oxygen each person consumed. They found that walking on soft surfaces, such as sand, mud and snow, caused people to take longer steps — actions that use more energy than walking on a hard surface.

But as experienced beach walkers know, there’s a way to make it easier to walk on sand: Just add water, When sand is wet, it becomes more compact (紧密), and walking on it is more similar to walking on hard surface. In other words, it’s much easier to cross a beach by walking along the shoreline, where the waves roll in and out. This is a balance though; too much water could make the sand soft once again. If water isn’t an option, there is another way to make walking on sand easier — increasing your surface area. This could be accomplished by wearing shoes.

Although it’s more difficult, there are some good reasons to exercise on sand. The impact forces are lower on sand than on hard surface. Research suggests that walking across sand is much easier on your joints (关节) and muscles, especially compared with an unforgiving surface such as concrete (混凝土). This means sand is a better surface for helping athletes recover more quickly from workouts.

1. Why is the question raised in the first paragraph?
A.To show problems.B.To call up readers’ memories.
C.To invite readers to answer it.D.To draw readers’ attention to the topic.
2. How can you walk on sand more easily?
A.By putting on shoes.B.By taking longer steps.
C.By walking in the water.D.By using special breath methods.
3. Which of the following surfaces is unsuitable for athletes’ training?
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.Tips for Beach VacationB.All Kinds of Sports on the Sand
C.Why Is It So Hard to Walk on Sand?D.Where Are We With the Sand Research?
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Traveling with friends or family is always a fun bonding experience, and one of the best ways to do that is by taking a charter (租赁) bus.       1     .

Security and safety

    2     . When hiring a bus, it is much harder for someone to steal it because there are not enough cars or people they can distract during an escape attempt. Additionally, some companies provide their security personnel on board their buses which adds an extra measure of safety for all passengers and the company itself.


When chartering a bus, you have more flexibility than renting cars or traveling by train. You’ll also have the convenience of being able to specify precisely how much space and comfort everyone in your group needs during the trip, which is essential if there are mobility issues among some members of your party.


If you’re traveling with more than one or two people, there may be more comfortable ways to travel than staying in a car.     4     , especially if you’re traveling long distances. The seating will be comfortable, and there will probably be many electrical outlets where you can plug your devices in.


There are many advantages of booking a charter bus over a rental car when traveling with a group, but the biggest one is convenience. If you book a charter bus, the bus company will pick you up at your start location, drive you to your end location, and even wait for you at any place where you want to stop.     5     .

B.Room for personal belongings
C.In short, the bus is your vehicle, and you can use it as you please
D.The first reason is security when you travel with more than one person
E.You just have to worry about having fun safely with other fellow travelers
F.A chartered bus will give everyone in your group some much-needed comfort
G.Here are the reasons why you should book a charter bus when traveling with a group

10 . A student at Hellesdon High School in England has been called “Rubbish Girl” for her environmentally­friendly ways. _____, that has not stopped her from cleaning up the environment.

Using the basket on her bicycle, 12­year­old Nadia has been _____ rubbish along her two­mile route to and from school since September of last year. _____ her good intentions, some of the kids at Nadia’s school have nicknamed (给……起绰号) her “Rubbish Girl” and have bullied her for her selfless efforts to help the _____. But instead of letting them bring her down, she’s using their negativity as motivation (动力).

“I’m not going to _____ doing the right thing because of them,” she said. “I’m doing something to _____ the world which they also live in. It’s everyone’s job. We are all _____ for keeping this world safe, instead of believing it’s always someone else’s job.”

Nadia’s mum, Paula, said she is _____ proud of Nadia for not only standing up to her bullies, but also standing up for what she believes in. “I told her she had two _____ — she could either stop collecting rubbish, stop attracting their ______ so that they would leave her alone, or she could face the challenge, be the ‘rubbish girl’ and keep her ______.”

As a result of the local media attention, Nadia has created a group named “Team Rubbish Girl”, where she shares updates on her green efforts. Positive ______ have poured in, all in ______ of Nadia, encouraging her to carry on with the green efforts.

“Sweetheart, you are a star that ______ really bright above the rest. Hold your head high and never let others ______ you. You are doing something selfless and amazing. Shame on the bullies,” wrote one of the local citizens on her web page.

A.picking upB.taking offC.giving awayD.leaving behind
A.DespiteB.WithoutC.Due toD.Thanks to
共计 平均难度:一般