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语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Do you know the importance of Chinese culture? In fact, the “rice bow!” culture of China has also played a role in some Asian     1     (country) such as Japan, Korea and Vietnam since human beings started to use chopsticks (筷子)     2     they are eating food.

Chopsticks are usually two long thin pieces of wood or bamboo. They can also be     3     (make) of plastic, animal’s bone or metal. The most important thing is that chopsticks are great inventions (发明) in ancient China.

When did people start to use chopsticks? Maybe five     4     (thousand) years ago, people usually cooked their food in large pots, using sticks to take     5     away. Later, people found it difficult to eat all the food and began     6     (cut) the food into small pieces. Food in small pieces could be eaten     7     (easy) with twigs (细枝) by people. And twigs were changed into chopsticks little by little.

Some people think that the famous Confucius (孔子) who lived     8     about 551 BC to479 BC pushed the development of chopsticks. Confucius believed that using chopsticks     9     of knives would tell people to stay away from killing and violence (暴力) at table. We enjoy our food with our family members or friends while we are feeling     10     (peace) and enjoyable by using chopsticks at table anytime.

昨日更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京汉德三维集团2023-2024学年高一上学期第一次联考英语试卷

3 . Big City Bus Driver

When I was 20, I went to stay with a friend for two weeks in Vancouver. My friend worked during the day, so I decided to go _______ on my own. I knew where I was and where I wanted to go, the Vancouver Aquarium (温哥华水族馆). It sounded _______.

But soon I was completely _______. I boarded a bus, figuring it must do a circle, right? I rode a good half hour before becoming impatient and then got off. I walked quite a while, up and down various blocks, but had no idea where I was.

I’ve lived in a tiny town all my life, rarely leaving it. Being a “small town girl”, I admit I’m fairly _______ about city life. People at home always told me city people were cold and unconcerned about others, so I was afraid to _______ to anyone.

I got on another bus, and then another again. Finally, after hours, I decided to get on ONE bus, and stay on until I recognized something. I rode over half an hour. Nothing ever seemed _______. When I became the only passenger on the bus, I began to get _______. I had no cellphone, and didn’t even know my friend’s office telephone number.

As I was about to give up and leave the bus, the driver asked where I wanted to go, I told him the aquarium, and he laughed, saying his bus wouldn’t go anywhere near. I _______ back in my seat, really afraid and upset. He asked where I was from, and I told him what had happened and now I just wanted to go back to my friend’s place.

_______, the driver pulled the bus over and called me to the front. He gave me detailed ________ as to which buses to take, and how to understand the bus system. He ________ printed the bus tickets I needed from his machine.

I was shocked. He spent a good twenty minutes with me, telling me everything I needed to know, before giving me the tickets. I thanked him repeatedly, and asked him how much I ________ for the tickets. “Nothing. Just get yourself to your friend’s home.”

Thanks to his ________, I was able to make my way back to my friend’s house. I don’t know what I would have done if that driver had not taken the ________ to help me. What people had told me was not true. City people ________, just like the driver. I never did learn his name, but I’ll always remember him.

2024-08-26更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市北京师范大学第二附属中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 .

Cooking Meat Poultry
Meat and poultry cooked throughout to these temperatures are generally safe to eat.







Ham, Raw




(Cook before

Well Done






Ground Beef



Ham, Fully






(Heat before







Well Done







(Cook before






















Turkey Roasts







*Rare beef is popular, but you should
know that cooking it to only 140℉ means some food poisoning organisms may survive.
   (Inside or


   the bird)



Bacteria are the one of the main food prisoners. So, to get food on the table safely, you need to know and follow the rules for food care.


High food temperatures (165℉ to 212℉) reached in boiling, baking, frying, and roasting kill most food poisoning bacteria. If you want to delay serving cooked food, though, you have to keep it at a holding temperature — roughly 140℉ to 165℉. Steam tables and chafing dishes are designed to maintain holding temperatures. But they don’t always keep food hot enough. So it’s not wise to leave hot food out more than 2 hours.

When cooked food is left out unheated, the possibility of bacterial growth is greater, since the food quickly drops to room temperature where food poisoners multiply.

To serve hot foods safely — particularly meat and poultry, which are highly affected by food poisoning — follow these rules:

● Cook thoroughly — Cook meat and poultry to the “doneness” temperatures given in the above chart. To make sure that meat and poultry are cooked all the way through, use a meat thermometer (温度计). Insert the tip into the thickest part of the meat, avoiding fat or bone.

       ● Don’t interrupt cooking — Cook meat and poultry completely at one time. Partial cooking may encourage bacterial growth before cooking is complete.

● Cooking frozen food — Allow frozen food more time to cook — generally 1.5 times the period required for food that has been thawed (解冻).

1. At what temperature do bacteria grow the fastest?
2. To keep food safe, it is suggested that ________.
A.hot food should not be left out over two hours
B.frozen food should be thawed with a microwave oven
C.raw ham should be cooked to the “doneness” temperature at 71℉
D.steam tables and chafing dishes should be used to keep food hot enough
3. What can be learned according to the guideline?
A.The only way to ensure food safety is to keep it hot enough.
B.High food temperatures above 74℃ destroy most poisoning bacteria.
C.Compared with goose, ground beef should be cooked to higher temperatures.
D.Insert the tip of a thermometer into the thickest part of the fat to control the temperature.
2024-08-24更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市北京师范大学第二附属中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Alone in the wilderness. Nothing but jungle. A world of shadow with the rays of light falling like blonde hair from the crowns of the giant trees. Jungle in the midday sun. Everything motionless. Not a sound from sky or earth. Complete silence. Only some coconuts falling, at long intervals, very far away. The world reduced to the soft touch of cool grass along my naked back, and a sweet smell of rich soil and vegetation. Stretched out with closed eyes beside my heavy burden of fruit and firewood, I enjoyed the feeling of fresh blood streaming through every part of my body and fresh jungle air filling every corner of my lungs.

Resting motionless, I could see the sun through my closed eyelids, alone in the sky, as lonely as I, and as motionless and silent as everything else. The earth had surely stopped turning and somewhere on this planet there was supposed to be roaring traffic in busy streets. What a crazy, unbelievable thought!

Another coconut fell, to make the world come to a complete standstill. I had to roll over onto my stomach to feel that at least I could move and make noises. Then I found company. A little brown ant was struggling to find its way with a bit of dry straw through the jungle of leaves and grass below my nose. I wondered if I could give the little fellow a lift with its burden, but it showed not the slightest sign of tiredness and struggled on with all six legs, head first or head last, waving its feelers energetically as if the trip had just started. Who ever saw a tired ant? Tiredness, disagreeable tiredness, is restricted to hunted animals, slaves and modern man. It is as great an effort for an office clerk to walk five blocks with a loaded brief-case as it is for a jungle-dweller to cross a valley with a goat on his back. It is as hard to get up and climb or run when you have been seated for years as it is to get up and walk when you have been in bed for months. The body is strange. Spare it, and you get really tired for almost nothing; use it, and almost nothing makes you really tired.

I rose to my feet. I had heard a horse neighing down in the valley. Above me, on the open highland plains, there were wild horses. But down in the valley there was never a horse unless there was a man on it. Somebody was making his way up the valley and my wife was alone.

1. The author mentions coconuts’ falling to ________.
A.show his lonelinessB.add beauty to the jungle
C.express his love of natureD.stress the absolute silence
2. How does the author feel about the ant?
A.He admired its attitude toward work.
B.He was amazed at its tireless efforts.
C.He showed sympathy for the little ant.
D.He was content to have it as a companion.
3. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the author would probably ________.
A.work harder than beforeB.talk to the man on the horse
C.make his way homeD.stay in the valley
4. We can learn from the passage that the author ________.
A.enjoyed being aloneB.had an unforgettable adventure
C.missed his busy life in the cityD.experienced a world of quietness
2024-08-21更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市北京师范大学第二附属中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约510词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了人工肉(cultured meat)的产生、优点以及对未来的影响。

6 . The constant rise of global demand for protein poses a threat of meat shortage in the agricultural sector. To address this, a few scientists use artificial meat as an alternative to traditional ones, which from the growing process to its benefits proves it does no harm or even it does good to us.

Currently, one of the most advanced techniques to grow meat in the lab involves taking cells from an animal and changing them to muscle cells. The cells are then cultured with nutrients and essential vitamins and can be developed to any quantity and then shaped into hamburgers, steaks or mince, and so it is also called “cultured” meat. “Cultured meat is not genetically engineered,” Dr. Mark Post of Maastricht University says. “It is meat grown from the same cells that produce the meat in the cow, but this time outside the cow.” He believes that cultured meat shouldn’t be any better or worse for you than old-school animal flesh.

This may sound like science fiction, but it is not such a strange idea and there are reasons to be excited about it. The environment impacts of cultured meat could be lower than those of meat produced in the conventional way,“ said Hanna Tuomisto, a researcher at Oxford University. The process would require between 7% and 45% less energy than the same volume of conventionally produced meat such as pork, beef or lamb, and could be engineered to use only 1% of the land and 4% of the water associated with conventional meat. Tuomisto’s research also shows that cultured meat could be part of the solution to feeding the world’s growing population, at the same time cutting emissions (排放) and saving both energy and water.

Aside from the above benefits, cultured meat should also provide cheap nutrition. Animal protein is an increasing part of diets, as millions of people in rapidly emerging economies are drawn out of poverty and become able to afford more meat in their diets. The pressure this creates has been an important factor in rapidly rising grain prices, deforestation in the Amazon basin, increasing water shortage and rising pressure to find new farmland. Growing meat artificially could potentially take huge pressure off farmlands around the world.

Another benefit would be to help animal welfare and protect endangered species. If most of our meat was grown, there would be no need for factory farms. Conditions for animals could be greatly improved. Elsewhere, it could also stop illegal endangered species hunts by providing an alternative way to produce meat form these species.

Exactly how long it takes before the meat is sold in supermarkets depends on the investment in research and development. One thing seems clear: Unless vegetarianism catches on in a very big way, the world’s demand for meat will soon outpace our supply of cows, chickens, pigs and other edible animals. The health and environmental impacts of cultured meat aren’t going to be hypothetical (假设的) for much longer.

1. What does the underlined word ”cultured" probably mean?
2. Compared with traditional meat, the artificial meat ____________.
A.tastes much betterB.contains more nutrients
C.saves more natural resourcesD.changes people’s habit of eating meat
3. The author tries to persuade the readers to accept his argument mainly by.
A.comparing the results from different researches
B.showing the current situation of food consumption
C.presenting the problems caused by meat shortage
D.explaining the advantages of the artificial meat
2024-08-21更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市第十一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Gertrude Elion的生平事迹及其在药物研发领域的重大贡献。

7 . With the drugs that she created, Getrade Elion achieved her life’s mission: to relieving human suffering. Beyond the individual drugs she discovered, she pioneered a now, more scientific approach to drug development that forever changed medical research.

When she was 15, Elion’s grandfather died from cancer painfully. The experience decided her career path. At age 19, with a degree in chemistry, she looked for work. She took jobs as a secretary, a chemistry teacher, and an unpaid worker in a lab. Finally, in 1944, Elion found the job of her dreams, assisting George Hitchings at Burroughs Wellcome, a drug company.

Hitchings and Elion gave up the traditional trial-and-error approach to drug development, in favor of a scientific approach. Starting from the understanding that all cells require nucleic acid (核酸) to reproduce, they reasoned that rapidly growing bacteria (细菌) require even more to keep the pace of growth. Find a way to disrupt (扰乱) their life cycle, and you find a way to stop disease.

Elion’s first major discovery was a substance that disrupts the formation of leukaemia cells. But the effect failed to last long. Elion determined to find a way to make the effects of her drug last longer.

Elion’s final major breakthrough was in the development of the drug acyclovir. Scientists doubted that drugs could be invented to fight viruses: any substance that would kill a virus would be poisonous to the body. However, through tireless efforts, the drug Elion’s team developed could be used to fight many diseases. Elion’s name appears on 45 patents for life-saving and life-changing drugs.

Though her individual discoveries were significant, when Elion received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1988, it wasn’t for one particular drug — it was for a new, more reasonable approach to drug development. As a result, although she died in 1999 at the age of 81, Gertrude Elion is still saving lives.

1. What inspired Elion to go into medical research?
A.Her grandfather’s death.B.Her teaching experience.
C.A drug company’s influence.D.George Hitching’s encouragement.
2. What was the key to stopping disease according to Elion?
A.Finding a poisonous substance to kill viruses.
B.Quickening the speed of growth of all cells.
C.Preventing the formation of bacteria.
D.Removing tissues attacked by bacteria.
3. What did other scientists think of the drug acyclovir at first?
A.It should be put into use immediately.
B.It might be harmful to human bodies.
C.It could only have short-term effects.
D.It could be used to fight many diseases
4. Why did Elion win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine?
A.She pioneered a new way of developing drugs.
B.She discovered a life-saving drug.
C.She obtained 45 patents.
D.She adopted a trial-and-error approach in medical research
2024-08-21更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市第十一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题
选词填空-单句选词填空 | 较易(0.85) |
8 . 用方框中词语的适当形式完成下列句子,每个词语只能用一次(每组有一个多余的选项)。
complain,             set off,             extreme,             demand,             influence,            obsess over

1. This is a highly ____________ book. Almost everyone has read it.
2. She ____________ that no one had been at the airport to meet her.
3. Earthquakes are ____________ difficult to predict, which makes them even more dangerous.
4. I enjoy ____________ fireworks at the Spring Festival.
5. Stop ____________ your hair. It’s fine.
2024-08-19更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市北京师范大学第二附属中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题
9 . 用方框中词语的适当形式完成下列句子,每个词语只能用一次(每组有一个多余的选项)。
reject,             convince,             make sense,             used to,             get used to,             ambition
1. He has changed a great deal, so we’re not as close as we ____________ be.
2. She is an intelligent and ____________ woman who is determined to get on in the world.
3. Her arguments couldn’t ____________ everyone, but changes were made.
4. Don’t worry. You ____________ the weather here soon.
5. It ____________ to save money while you can.
2024-08-19更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市北京师范大学第二附属中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约80词) | 容易(0.94) |
10 . 语法填空

Consuming food can be a pleasurable thing. It is no wonder that we spend so much time preparing and eating food. But what many of us don’t consider is how our emotions     1     (affect) by what we eat. For me, it’s the     2     (healthy) foods that put a smile on my face — fried chicken, cakes and ice cream. It might seem obvious that bad food     3     (usual) makes us happy. But dieticians (营养师) tell us that     4     (eat) bad food can also affect our mental state and bring on depression.

2024-08-19更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市北京师范大学第二附属中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般