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| 共计 74 道试题
1 . 为单词选择正确的词义。
A. 居民 B. 复苏 C. 旋转;环绕 D. 僵硬的;固执的
1. resident ________
2. revival ________
3. revolve ________
4. rigid ________
2022-06-21更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京师范大学第二附属中学2021-2022学年高二下学期6月月考英语试卷卷
2 . 根据语境,选择下框中的单词替换句中划线部分的单词或短语,使之意思一致。框中有两个为多余的单词或短语。
addict, view, admire, strategy,   impress on,   obviously,   contact,   actually,   request
1. All of us respect him for his sense of responsibility.
2. If necessary, please reach me on this number.
3. I always help the children understand that if they work hard they will succeed in life.
4. He is a rock music fan.
5. The ability to talk is clearly something that marks humans off from animals.
6. Each person may believe that he is correct and that the other person's opinion is wrong.
7. The energy secretary will present the plan tomorrow afternoon.
2021-11-12更新 | 95次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省福州外国语学校2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷
3 . 根据语境选出画线部分的汉语释义。
1. The atmosphere at the house soured.
2. Gerry offered to partner me at tennis.
3. The local theatre group is staging a production of “Hamlet”.
4. John lost his credit card and he was in hot water.
5. Be yourself and don’t let anybody push you around.
6. I exercise every day, but I can’t get rid of these love handles.
7. We should make up our minds soon, or we’ll miss the boat.
8. Her hope of going to college went up in smoke when her father lost his job.
2022-08-25更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市顺德区伦教中学2021-2022学年高一上学期初高中衔接考试英语试题
4 . 词义匹配
A. to plan to spend an amount of money for a particular purpose
B. the speed at which something happens.
C. unable to move or escape from a place or situation
D. to think about sb./sth. until you understand them/it.
E. really; sincerely
F. a piece of writing or speech that says what sb/sth is like
G. used to introduce a summary when you have mentioned a number of different things.
H. to get used to a new situation by changing the way you behave and think
I. to make something increase, or become better or more successful
J. freedom to live as you choose without too many restrictions
K. expressing that you dislike sb/sth and saying what you think is bad about them
L. not making the best use of time; not so productive
1. He quit the job in the government as he had had enough of the inefficient working style.
2. The right to vote should be a liberty enjoyed by all.
3. You will quickly adjust yourself to student life.
4. It took them about one month to figure out how to start the equipment.
5. Children learn from handling everyday materials, and they develop at their own pace.
6. If we budget carefully, we'll be able to afford the trip.
7. The two men died when they were trapped in a burning building.
8. The food was good and we loved the music. Altogether it was a great evening.
9. Berlin sounds fascinating from your description.
10. Tom is genuinely appreciative of all the success he's had.
5 . 为单词选择正确的词义。
A. 收据; 收条 B. 食谱 C. 水花;喷射 D. 闪耀;闪光
1. sparkle ________
2. receipt ________
3. spray ________
4. recipe ________
2022-06-21更新 | 79次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京师范大学第二附属中学2021-2022学年高二下学期6月月考英语试卷卷
6 . 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出单词的正确释义。
A. 追求   B. 比例   C. 药方;处方 D. 永久的
1. proportion
2. pursue
3. permanent
4. prescription
2022-05-08更新 | 78次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京师范大学第二附属中学2021-2022学年高二下学期期中英语试卷
7 . 请匹配单词及其英文解释。
A. a special event or celebration
B. to officially agree to a plan, request, etc.
C. done willingly, not because you are forced
D. to fill your time or keep you busy doing something
E. the protection of animals, plants, and natural resources
F. to come from a particular place or start in a particular situation
G. an informal talk involving two people or a small group of people
1. She occupied herself with routine office tasks.
2. Because of smartphones, many people have lost the art of conversation.
3. Although the technology originated in the UK, it has been developed in the US.
4. If you are invited to any special occasion, you will have to be appropriately dressed.
5. The state has approved the building plans, so work on the new school can begin immediately.
2022-09-11更新 | 79次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区九江中学2022-2023学年高三上学期摸底测试英语试题
8 . 为单词选择正确的词义。
A. 壮观的 B. 扭伤(关节) C. 嗅;闻 D. 斜坡;山坡
1. sprain ________
2. slope ________
3. sniff ________
4. spectacular ________
2022-06-21更新 | 78次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京师范大学第二附属中学2021-2022学年高二下学期6月月考英语试卷卷
9 . 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出单词的正确释义。
A. 觉察;发觉 B. 绿洲   C. 准时的 D. 禁止
1. punctual
2. perceive
3. prohibit
4. oasis
2022-05-08更新 | 75次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京师范大学第二附属中学2021-2022学年高二下学期期中英语试卷
10 . 根据句子内容从每组的选项中选出句子中画线部分意义的选项。选项中有两项是多余的。
A. to be sick
B. correct and true in every detail
C. causing a lot of anxiety and worry
D. to show what somebody think or feel
E. knowing that something exists and is important
F. at the end of a period of time or a series of events
G. a new or difficult task that tests somebody’s ability and skill
H. to make something look more attractive by putting things on it
I. the state of continuing to live or exist, often despite difficulty or danger
J. to help sell a product, service, etc. or make it more popular by some special ways
K. the ability to stay calm and accept a delay or something annoying without complaining
L. to tell somebody that something is good or useful, or that somebody would be suitable for a particular job, etc.
1. In many stressful situations, the body’s responses can improve our performance.
2. Write a poem about how courage, determination,and strength have helped you face challenges in your life.
3. On the afternoon of September 10, some of us decorated our classroom with paper flowers and balloons.
4. With their patience and efforts, they successfully developed a combination of artificial breeding (人工繁殖)and natural reproduction.
5. At first Robert wouldn’t let his daughter go diving, but eventually he gave in as she was so confident about her skills.
6. If your awareness is as sharp as it could be, you’ll have no trouble answering these questions.
7. The wider the spread of a species, the better its chance of survival.
8. Technological innovations, combined with good marketing, will promote the sales of these products.
9. As a retired ear doctor, I heartily recommend TV Ears to people with normal hearing as well as those with hearing loss.
10. As you work on expressing your ideas in clear, accurate language, you will improve your ability to think.
共计 平均难度:一般