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1 . One of Britain’s bravest women told yesterday how she helped to catch suspected (可疑的) police killer David Bieber — and was thanked with flowers by the police. It was also said that she could be in line for a share of up to £30,000 reward money.
Vicki Brown, 30, played a very important role in ending the nationwide hunt. Vicki, who has worked at the Royal Hotel for four years, told of her terrible experience when she had to walk silently into Bieber’s bedroom and to watch him secretly. Then she waited alone for three hours while armed police prepared to storm the building.
She said: “I was very nervous. But when I opened the hotel door and saw 20 armed policemen lined up in the car park I was so glad they were there.”
The alarm had been raised because Vicki became suspicious (怀疑) of the guest who came at 3 pm the day before New Year’s Eve with little luggage and wearing sunglasses and a hat pulled down over his face. She said: “He didn't seem to want to talk too much and make any eye contact .” Vicki, the only employee on duty, called her bosses Margaret, 64, and husband Stan McKale, 65, who phoned the police at 11 pm.
Officers from Northumbria Police called Vicki at the hotel in Dunston, Gateshead, at about 11:30 pm to make sure that this was the wanted man. Then they kept in touch by phoning Vicki every 15 minutes.
“It was about ten past two in the morning when the phone went again and a policeman said ‘Would you go and make yourself known to the armed officers outside?’. My heart missed a beat.”
Vicki quietly showed eight armed officers through passages and staircases to the top floor room and handed over the key.
“I realized that my bedroom window overlooks that part of the hotel, so I went to watch. I could not see into the man’s room, but I could see the passage. The police kept shouting at the man to come out with his hands showing. Then suddenly he must have come out because they shouted for him to lie down while he was handcuffed (戴上手铐).”
1. The underlined phrase “be in line for” (paragraph 1) means________.
A.getB.be paidC.ask forD.own
2. Vicki's heart missed a beat because ________.
A.the phone went againB.she would be famous
C.the policemen had already arrivedD.she saw 20 policemen in the car park
3. David Bieber was most probably handcuffed in ________.
A.the passageB.the man's room
C.Vicki's bedroomD.the top floor room
4. The whole event probably lasted about ________ hours from the moment Bieber came to the hotel to the arrival of some armed officers.
2016-02-26更新 | 97次组卷 | 2卷引用:2010年重庆一中高一下学期期末考试英语卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.64) |
2 . I never knew how amazing it would feel to help a family 4,560 miles away from my home. I never knew how great an effect I could have on that single family.
From the moment I walked into French class, I knew almost instantly that I belonged there. My teacher, Madame Weiser, is a kind and caring woman, and is the person who started the interest within me to help a family abroad, no matter how many miles apart.
Back in 2011, my teacher traveled as a tourist to Maxi, a country settled in West Africa with a large French-speaking population. She didn’t expect to adopt an entire family, but fate had other plans. Madame met a nice man named Monsieur Diarra, a driver who had shown her the way through the dry lands of Mali.
Mali is now a war-torn country and unsafe for tourists to visit, leaving little work for taxi drivers. Madame Weiser realized how Monsieur Driarra’s family struggled on a daily basis, for he had a wife and four children to support as well as their grandmother, so she made a final decision to send the family as much money as she could raise every month.
Now, three years later, Madame Weiser has still kept up her fund, collecting money from family and friends as well as students to support _____ It has become more than just my teacher donating to her adopted family abroad.
As president of French Club at my high school and a French Honor Society member, I decided that our club should work to raise money for the family in need. By washing cars, we raised over $1,000.
From my experience, I’ve learned that making an effort is worth more than anything. Its effect is priceless!
1. Why do taxi drivers have difficulty finding work in Mali?
A.People don’t like taking a taxi.
B.Tourists visiting Mali are few.
C.Mali is very unsafe for them.
D.Public transport is enough.
2. What does the underlined expression “the cause” refer to?
A.Teaching Trench in West Africa.
B.Looking for jobs for the drivers in Mali.
C.Helping the homeless as much as possible.
D.Donating money to the adopted family abroad.
3. What did the writer think of her experience?
4. What is the best title of this passage?
A.The Love for Africa.B.A Kind Foreign Driver.
C.My Helpful TeacherD.My Unforgettable Class
2016-01-25更新 | 99次组卷 | 1卷引用:2016届重庆第一中学高三12月月考英语试卷
3 . 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Nowadays a lot of people will like to have some adventurous experience. Some will try to go to the _____ sea to have a close look at the bottom of it _____ some others will like to arise into the sky _____ up till now to greet the so-called heavens. But you see, ____ all of them will have good memory after the adventures. Don’t you believe that? So enjoy the following story and then have a ____ thought the next time some one invites you to do some ____ .
George liked to have all kinds of ____ He had once bought a racing car and sometimes_____ to 200 kilometers an hour. He had also had a hand on _____ into the sea and boasted a lot in front of his friends. _____ to his description, he usually returned________ and alive after many of the death-risking adventures.
When George was thirty-five, he bought a ________ plane and learned to fly it. He soon became very good and made his plane do all kinds of________. George had a friend. His name was Mark. One day George _____ to take Mark up in his plane. Mark thought," I've travelled in big planes several times, but I've _____ been in a small one, so I'll go." Up they went, and George flew ____ for half an hour and did all kinds of tricks in the air. When they came down again, Mark was very glad to be back _____, and he said to his friend in a _____ voice, "Well, George, thank you very much for those two trips in your plane." George was very ____ and said, "Two trips?" "Yes, my first and my _____," answered Mark.1.
A.set upB.sped upC.flew awayD.drove down
2016-01-04更新 | 140次组卷 | 1卷引用:2016届重庆万州第二高级中学高三11月月考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.64) |
4 . Ronald Hoffman born in 1937 is Polish-born American organic chemist and Nobel laureate(桂冠). As a theoretical chemist, Hoffmann studied energy levels in chemical bonds during chemical reactions. He put computers to use to solve his problems and, despite the complexity of his research, was able to explain his theories and discoveries to the non-specialist. For his work he was awarded the 1981 Nobel Prize in chemistry, which he shared with Fukui Kenichi.
Born in Poland, Hoffmann settled in New York City as a child and became a United States citizen. He received his undergraduate degree in premedical studies from Columbia College in 1958. He attended Harvard University, where he received his PhD. degree in chemical physics in 1962. He joined the faculty of Cornell University in the mid-1960s and remained there throughout his career.
Hoffmann and Nobel laureate chemist Robert Burns Woodward developed rules, based on quantum mechanics, to determine how energy levels in atomic electron orbits influence how a chemical reaction takes place. These simple rules, known as the Woodward-Hoffmann rules, allowed chemists to predict reaction results and was quickly accepted and put to use in a wide variety of situations.
Hoffmann later turned his research to a variety of problems related to discovering the molecular structure of inorganic and organometallic compounds. Hoffmann is also known for what is called the Isolobal Analogy, which is yet another discovery linking all areas of chemistry. It is useful in predicting the behavior of new molecules based on the orbit structure of the components used to form them.
Aided by computers, Hoffmann was able to generate a vast amount of data to support his ideas. Unlike the scientific papers of many chemists, Hoffmann's publications contain little raw data but instead are filled with diagrams and pictures to explain his results. His drawings of shaded balloons to indicate eigenvectors, a unit used in mathematics, are now the accepted scientific notation for illustrating this value.
1. What can be inferred from the above passage about Hoffman?
A.He left his homeland when he got the Nobel Prize.
B.He went to the United States to gain his Nobel Prize.
C.He might find the Unites States a better place to learn chemistry.
D.His family may have settled in the United States.
2. How did Hoffman make his research popular?
A.He applied some computer skills to help explain his ideas.
B.He established a special computer system to help.
C.He drew some forms explaining his ideas.
D.He did series of experiments to prove his ideas.
3. The underlined word “generate” in this passage might most probably mean “______”.
A.bring in
B.break down
C.move away
D.keep secret
4. Why was Ronald Hoffman awarded the 1981 Nobel Prize for chemistry?
A.He established rules to predict chemical reactions .
B.He succeeded applying computer science to chemistry research.
C.He shared what he had achieved with another scientist named Fukui Kenichi.
D.He succeeded in both chemistry and computer researches.
2016-01-04更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:2016届重庆万州第二高级中学高三11月月考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较难(0.4) |
5 . Animals are not always animals. Some of them will try to cheat or cow some others in the way the human beings often do. Here is a fairy tale from Aesop for you to enjoy.
An eagle(鹰)made her nest at the top of a high tree while a cat, having found a convenient hole, moved into the middle of the trunk, and at the same time a wild pig, with her young took shelter in a hollow at its foot. The cat then decided to make all serve her in her wise way.
To carry out her design, she climbed to the nest of the eagle, saying, "Destruction is preparing for you and for me too, unfortunately. The wild pig, whom you see daily digging up the earth, wishes to uproot the tree, so she may on its fall seize our families as food for her young."
Having thus frightened the eagle out of her senses, she crept down to the cave of the pig, saying, "Your children are in great danger, for as soon as you go out to find food, the eagle is prepared to jump upon one of your little pigs."
Having filled these fears into the pig, she went and pretended to hide herself in the hollow of the tree. When night came she went out silently and obtained food for herself and her children, but pretending to be afraid, she kept a lookout all through the day. Meanwhile, the eagle, full of fear of the pig, sat still on the branches, and the pig, terrified by the eagle, did not dare to go out from her cave. Thus they both, along with their families, starved from hunger, and afforded good food for the cat and her children.
1. What was the eagle afraid of?
A.Her home would be destroyed.
B.Her children would get lost.
C.She would be taken as the cat’s food.
D.Her family would be eaten by the wild pig.
2. What was the pig frightened of?
A.The eagle would kill her young child.
B.The eagle would cheat her away.
C.The cat was telling the true story.
D.She could not find enough food.
3. How did the cat get what she wanted?
A.By running here and there.
B.By cheating both the eagle and the pig.
C.By waiting and catching the chance.
D.By fighting against the eagle and the pig.
4. Which of the following might be the best title of the above passage?
A.Believe it or not.B.Animal stories.
C.How one can be successful.D.Don’t be afraid.
2016-01-04更新 | 115次组卷 | 1卷引用:2016届重庆万州第二高级中学高三11月月考英语试卷
完形填空(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . My grandma is good at gardening. She could make anything bloom(开花). ____ me. In my eyes, she was inspiring and ____ For most of her life, she lived on a farm, where she brought up four children, and buried my grandpa.
I visited her on weekends. After the gardening work, I was ____ to climb the mountain, singing songs and gathering flowers. Sometimes the plants scratched me. She would say, "Beauty has a ___. I hope it was worth it."
"Yes, ma' ma," I'd say. "____ was."
I loved gathering flowers on my own. But what I loved best was gathering them with her. Even then, as a child, I knew what I wanted most from my grandma was not her flowers, but her ____ She's been gone for years, but sometimes, when I ____down to pick a flower or pull a weed, I see her ____, not mine.
I thought I'd grow up to be a gardener too. I told myself, someday my children had children, I'd be a gardening grandma. Then the grandbabies started showing up, and I discovered 1'd much rather run after them ____ go digging. Actually I'm no gardener. I'm a ____, not a planter. I differ from my grandma in lots of ways, but this: I will always carry ____ me a heart she made from her own.
I needn’t plant a garden. My children are my flowers. They delight and complete me with a beauty that is worth any price. All I need to do is ____ them with time, water them with love, and hope that someday, when they hold their first grandchild, they might see my hand.1.
2015-12-04更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:2015届重庆巴蜀中学高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试卷
完形填空(约340词) | 适中(0.64) |
7 . 完形填空(共20小题;
My dad, “Mutt” Mantle is____ a father to me, sometimes more like a good judge of talent—“故选A”
He was ____ about baseball. He made his living working in mines. But he played baseball in several town teams.
From the day I was born, Dad said he wanted me to make my living as baseball player. He named me Mickey____ a catcher he liked. He hoped I would play for the New York Yankees.
Dad often ____ a toy baseball to my crib(摇篮). One day,____ I caught one. Then he was sure that I’d be a ball player!
I learned about the ____ on a ball field before I learned my ABC’s. When I was three, Dad had Mama make me little uniform. He liked to ____ around town in it.
When I five, I started school. That same day, I had my first ____ in switch-hitting(左右手都能击球)
Dad and Grandpa were in the yard when I came home from school. They had a small bat and two____“Mickey,” said Dad, “ Grandpa and I have thought up at a new ____ Take this bat and try to hit our
pitches(投掷).I’m left-handed. When I throw, you swing right-handed ____ you always have. Grandpa’s right-handed. When he throws, turn around and swing left-handed.”
Dad was going to make me a ____ ! He knew that a player who can bat both right and left has a good ____ of making hit.
That day I tried and tried. But I couldn’t swing left-handed. After about 15 minutes, I yelled to Mama for help. She said, “ I know it’s easy. But please try____ to make Dad happy.”
So, every day after school we had switch-hitting ____ After two weeks, I didn’t ____ it any more. My ____ were getting trained. I began to hit a few.
After a year or two, Dad and Grandpa began throwing as ____ as they could. And they put real curves(曲线)on those tennis balls. Then as I grew older, they began to use baseball ____.
So you know____I, today’s baseball star Mickey Mantle, got my star as a Switch-Hitter.1.
A.more thanB.rather thanC.other thanD.less than
A.on purposeB.by intentionC.by chanceD.without accident
A.see me offB.take me offC.carry me offD.show me off
A.baseballsB.tennis ballsC.uniformsD.cribs
A.baseball starB.good pitcherC.baseball playerD.switch-hitter
2015-11-19更新 | 165次组卷 | 1卷引用:2016届重庆巴蜀中学高三上学期中英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.64) |
8 . When Dekalb Walcott III was just 8 years old, his father, a Chicago fire chief, let him_____on a call. Dekalb says a lot of kids idolized basketball player Michael Jordan when he was growing up in Chicago in the 1990s. Not him.
"I wanted to be like Dekalb Walcott Jr.," he says of his father.
So when his dad asked if he wanted to go on that call with him when he was 8, Dekalb was excited. "I'm jumping up and down, saying, 'Mom, can I go? Can I go?'"
The experience changed Dekalb's life, he tells his dad on a visit to Story Corps. "My eyes got big from the moment the alarm went off." the younger Dekalb says. "This is the life that I want to live someday."
Now 27, the younger Dekalb is living that life. He became a firefighter at 21 and went to work alongside his dad at the Chicago Fire Department. Before his father retired, the pair even went out on a call together—father supervising(监督)son.
"You know, it's everything for me to watch you grow," his father says. But he also recalls worrying about one particular fire that his son faced."
I received a phone call that night. And they said, 'Well, your son was at this fire.' I said, 'OK, which way is this conversation going to go? ' Dekalb Walcott Jr. recalls.
"And they said, 'But he's OK. And he put it out all by himself. Everybody here was proud of him.'
And the word went around, 'Who was out there managing that fire? Oh, that's Walcott! That's Walcott up there!' So, you know, moments like that, it's heaven on Earth for a dad."
Dekalb Walcott Jr. retired in 2009. The younger Dekalb says he's proud of being a second-generation firefighter. "You know, it makes me look forward to fatherhood as well, because I'm definitely looking forward to passing that torch down to my son."
1. The underlined phrase tag along in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A.put out fire
B.watch basketball
C.follow his father
D.ask his mother’s permission
2. Dekalb Walcott III determined to become a firefighter at the age of _________.
3. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Dekalb Walcott III wants his son to become a firefighter too.
B.Dekalb Walcott Jr. is proud to be a second-generation firefighter.
C.Dekalb Walcott Jr. wants to pass the torch to Dekalb Walcott III.
D.Dekalb Walcott III is proud that his son has become an excellent firefighter.
4. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.Putting Out Fire: A Challenging Job for Father and son
B.Passing The Torch: A Firefighter Dad's Legacy
C.Dekalb Walcott III: A Second-generation Firefighter
D.Dekalb Walcott Jr.: A Chicago Fire Chief
阅读理解-阅读单选(约220词) | 适中(0.64) |
9 . How to Become Cleverer
Once a boy came to ask a fisherman how to become cleverer, because his mother always called him “foolish boy”.
“That’s easy,” answered the fisherman. “I know one way to make you become cleverer.”
“Of course. It is said a fish head is good for brain. If you eat one, you’ll become cleverer indeed. Pay only three pounds for one fish head.” The boy paid him three pounds and the fisherman cut off a fish head and handed it to him.
A raw fish head is not good—not even for a hungry boy to eat but the boy ate it up in two gulps.
“Do you feel anything?” asked the fisherman.
“Not in my head,” said the boy.
The boy lay on the ground and thought. “One whole fish costs only two pounds. I had paid him three pounds for the fish head. Why couldn’t I have the whole fish for soup, a head for brain and one pound left over?” He jumped up and shouted at the fisherman. “You thief! You are fooling me!” The fisherman laughed, saying, “The fish head works now, you see.”
1. The boy ate up the raw fish head only in two gulps, because he __________.
A.enjoy it
B.wanted to taste it
C.took it as a good medicine
D.was a foolish boy
2. The boy came to the fisherman in order to __________.
A.buy a fish headB.ask the fisherman a question
C.buy a whole fishD.A and C
3. The boy paid three pounds. He should have had __________.
A.a whole fish
B.a fish head and one pound back
C.a whole fish and one pound back
D.a whole fish, a fish head and one pound back
4. __________ helped the boy become cleverer.
A.A good mealB.The raw fish head
C.NothingD.What had happened
10 . I can still remember every change of intonation whenever I recall what that old lady said to me, “Life may give me up, but I’ll never give up my life.”
She was admitted to hospital because of her stroke(中风)for the second time, which also meant that I need to spend a lot of ____ with her.
Honestly, she was a good patient, with no complaint, no ____ requirements, and she always cooperated with me very well, which I ____ very much. And she always held an optimistic point of view toward her condition, ____ I guessed she knew that there wouldn’t be much improvement. I actually asked why in a ____ way, and she said to me the very sentence. It was not spoken very clearly, since her stroke had ____ the movement of her tongue. I was not moved then, since after spending a few months in this hospital, I was almost ____
And that old lady had ____ stroke a few days later, which made her unable to speak or move anymore. I thought she would be ____ as others, lying there, waiting the day, and crying sometimes. But I was wrong. She still held that someday, somehow, she would fully ____, though both she and I knew the possibility for that was extremely small.
Then, the very sentence she said ____ to me. A patient with absolute no hope still held the optimistic aspect in her life, regardless how ____ it was. How could I lead my life in that way? Since then, I’ve tried harder and worked harder. I would not give up my life either.1.
A.lived upB.looked forwardC.made senseD.worked out
2015-07-07更新 | 133次组卷 | 1卷引用:2015届重庆万州分水中学高三生学业调研抽测试卷第二次英语试卷
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