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完形填空(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

1 . We were sitting in the doctor’s waiting room when my father said something that _________ me. “Are you my daughter or my sister? ” My heart broke as I stared at him.

The doctor told us my father had Alzheimers (阿尔茨海默病). It was a big _________ for me. I was facing a battle on two fronts, emotional and physical, and I was _________ for it. The disease didn’t snatch him away suddenly. Instead, it slowly _________ him. It made me sad to watch my father hide his _________ to read the clock.

As the disease continued to progress, his behaviors became _________ . We had to face another painful truth — we could no longer provide my father with the level of _________ to keep him safe at home. He _________ to move to a skilled nursing facility.

Babies are born helpless; parents keep on _________ . Children grow up and learn that relationships are reciprocal (相互的). However, the parent-child relationship isn’t __________ . The parents remain the giver, and the children remain the taker. That is the natural order of the world — __________ the child becomes the parents caregiver.

When a(n) __________ appears, we can do something to change the fact. __________ , my father is alive and taken good care of in the nursing home. If he can __________ the illness, then I can make it. I will give him everything he deserves to have as a great father. And we will be awarded a(n) __________ future by doing our best.

A.took hold ofB.got rid ofC.paid attention toD.got used to
A.get throughB.learn fromC.tun downD.make out
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What does the speaker mainly talk about?
A.His school lessons.
B.His important friends in life.
C.Some values learned from his brother.
2. How did the speaker probably feel when he said sorry to Mrs. Holt?
3. Which was the most important lesson Steve taught?
A.Learning to respect life.B.Returning the object to the loser.C.Being responsible for our behavior.
4. How many lessons are talked about?
2021-11-21更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东潍坊五县联考2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
3 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What does the woman think of her trip?
A.Quite satisfying.B.Just so-so.C.A bit annoying.
2. What is the man doing?
A.Boarding the plane.B.Seeing the woman off.C.Expressing thanks of Mrs. Zhang.
3. Where does the woman most probably live?
A.In Austria.B.In Australia.C.In China.
2021-11-21更新 | 296次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东潍坊五县联考2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,根据其内容和所给段落的开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One day Sofia was taking a walk with her mom while window shopping. They both knew they wouldn’t be buying much.

They were in a high-class neighborhood and they lived in a small overpriced apartment building at the edge of their county. Sofia’s mom chose to move there because the schools in the neighborhood were good. But now it was the first time that Sofia had realized that they didn’t belong there.

The little girl was looking up at the people they passed as they walked. Ladies wore five-inch heels, bright clothing and jewelry. Gentlemen wore expensive perfumes which can wipe away the wrinkles on their faces. A sense of uneasiness started to rise in her chest. She was feeling ashamed of her mother, which she would not deny any longer. At the moment, mom looked so plain compared with the well-dressed passers-by. Mom was wearing cheap clothes and worn-out shoes. Sofia could see the heavy lines around mom’s eyes and mouth clearly. Her eyes were tired from working hard to earn enough money to be able to support the family. Sofia felt strongly that her shabby and exhausted mom was so out of the place. She didn’t want to be seen with her mom although there was no one important around to see her anyway. She felt embarrassed about being at mom’s side. How she wanted to have a young, beautiful, and fashionable mom! She just wanted to get out of here. However, her mom didn’t notice that. Mom was still in high spirits and she insisted on buying a new dress for her lovely daughter.

Now they were standing in the middle of a high-end clothing store and mom was holding a beautiful sweater. “This will look good on you. Do you want it?” mom asked Sofia excitedly.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph l:

It was much too expensive, but Sofia almost thoughtlessly answered “yes”.

Paragraph 2:

Suddenly, mother was beautiful and extraordinarily wonderful in Sofia’s eyes.

2021-11-20更新 | 61次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省聊城市2021-2022学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . March is my mother’s birthday month. This year she would have turned a hundred and ten. She lived through two world wars and the Great Depression, which she spoke of with pain and sorrow.

Like so many, her family lost all their money when the economy collapsed. My mother, then in her first year of college, had to give up the education for she so desperately wanted to help support her mother, an immigrant with few survival skills. As a smart and fearless woman, my mother eventually enrolled in secretarial school and became the private secretary to a bank president. Later, she got a job as a lab technician at a local hospital.

I wonder where she turned for support and comfort, and what belief she had. My mother didn’t have the opportunity to take advantage of modern psychology or mental practices. I want to ask her what her anchors(支柱)were when she was overcome with difficult emotions. I absolutely believe that she would say, “I only focused on my job.” These would have been her anchors. She believed “heaven blesses the hardworking”, which is undoubtedly true and surely a tried-and-true method that many of us use when we feel bad.

It strikes me that this may be a very good time to take a minute to sit down to think about some questions. What is the anchor in your life? Of course, different people have different anchors. When you feel frightened, anxious or frustrated you should work hard, which can help you forget your troubles. Focusing on your job and working hard are much better than doing nothing but mourning your misfortunes in hard times.

Facing the chaos and sufferings in work and life, I get really frustrated and puzzled now and then. My mother’s lessons are my lessons. As her daughter, I’ll take advantage of her methods to overcome the difficulties I meet.

1. What did the author’s mother do in her first year of college?
A.She quitted school to help support her family.
B.She tried her best to do well in her studies.
C.She took a part-time job in a hospital.
D.She got the degree she desired.
2. How did the author’s mother fight with negative emotions?
A.By doing her mental practices.
B.By sharing them with her friends.
C.By concentrating on her own work.
D.By finding comfort from her family.
3. Which of the following can best describe the author’s mother?
A.Persistent, courageous and hardworking.
B.Loyal, humorous and optimistic.
C.Kind, ambitious and confident.
D.Active, strong and healthy.
4. Why does the author write this text?
A.To express gratitude to her mother.
B.To introduce her remarkable mother.
C.To show the greatness of mother’s love.
D.To inspire herself with her mother’s story.
2021-11-20更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省聊城市2021-2022学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
完形填空(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . When Stephanie, my best friend, told me she wanted to run a marathon, I ________ to talk her out of it. “You hate running and the training is ________.” I argued.

I couldn't change her mind, so 1 told her she should at least do it ________: choose a right race and I'd run with her. Finally, we chose the Honolulu Marathon, one of the ten ________ marathons in the world with ________ 22,000 finishers each year. But more importantly, 35 percent of them are first timers. The race seemed perfect for ________ runners like Stephanie.

Although I had run many races, I was surprised by the ________ I felt in this one. Being in charge of your own race is one thing. Being the ________ of someone else is another. It was my job to encourage her when she wanted to ________ . I felt strongly that her ________ of running across the finish line was in my hand.

That day ________ to be hot and sunny. After running for hours, Stephanie was showing ________ of heat exhaustion (中暑). I told her to ________ until I was sure it was safe for her to keep running again. Soon, the finish line was ________ and as we crossed the line, we hugged, and tears flowed. I knew why Stephanie was crying. It's amazing when you complete something you never thought ________.

A.give inB.give upC.relaxD.challenge
A.in sightB.in controlC.on the wayD.in the distance
2021-11-20更新 | 109次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省泰安市2021-2022学年高三上学期期中统考英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . The clothes you wear. The food you eat. The color of your bedroom walls. Where you go and how you get there. The people you hang around with. What time you go to bed. What do these things have in common? You're asking.     1    

As a kid, you didn't have a say in everything; your parents made decisions about everything from the cereal you ate in the morning to the pajamas you wore at night.     2    Kids need this kind of protection on their own.

But finally, kids grow up and become teens. And part of being a teen is developing your own identity-one that is separated from your parents. But as you change and grow into this new person who makes your own decisions,your parents have a difficult time adjusting.

    3    And issues like the type of friends you have or your attitudes to partying can cause bigger argument, because your parents still always want to protect you and keep you safe, no matter how old you are.

The good news is that in many families the arguing will lessen as their parents get more comfortable with the idea that their teens have a right to certain opinions. It can take several years for parents and teens to adjust to their new role, though.     4    

Sometimes this can feel impossible-like they just don't see your point of view and never will. But talking and expressing your opinions can help you gain more respect from your parents. Keep in mind, too, that your parents were teens once.     5    

A.And it's a good thing, too.
B.Meanwhile focus on communicating with your parents.
C.So, in most cases, they can relate to what you are going through.
D.So don't be shy to share these annoying problems with your parents.
E.In many families, this adjustment can cause a lot of fighting between teens and parents.
F.There are always arguments about various things between you and your parents in daily life .
G.They're just a few examples of many hundreds of things that your parents controlled for you.
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
8 . Where did Mike use to travel a lot?
A.In China.B.In the U.S.C.In Britain.
2021-11-19更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省临沂市兰山区、罗庄区2021-2022学年高一上学期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . When I was growing up in Dallas, there was only one activity that could get me, my mom and dad, and my three siblings (兄弟姐妹) to stop going in six different directions and all pay attention to the same thing. It wasn’t celebrating holidays. It wasn’t watching Dallas Cowboys games. It was any time one of the kids had to do a science experiment for school.

Both my parents worked for NASA. I remember when my little sister tried to grow jars of mold (霉菌) in her room, my mom liked to check her progress every day. Another time, we were packed into the car in the middle of the night to watch the Apollo launches at a family friend^ house. Sure, my parents had worked on the project, but this was something our family did because we believed in exploration, whether we were exploring the surface of the moon or a jars of mold.

When I became a mom, I realized that I didn't have a carefully thought-out plan for every situation that arose. But I tried to carry on the tradition of science experiments at home. We had a habit of “Science Saturdays” for a long time. And as the kids are growing up, I am so proud of the way they look at the world, as a series of wonders to discover.

I think all children are naturally curious. But I’m not sure they all have the confidence to ask and answer hard questions. Many children worry that they aren’t creative or smart enough. That’s part of what great parents can do: help young people overcome self-doubt, awaken their curiosity, and encourage them to do whatever is in their heart.

1. What made the author’s families get together?
A.Having holidays.B.Making family trips.
C.Watching spoils games.D.Doing science experiments.
2. What is the mother's reaction when the little sister tried to grow mold in the room?
A.She stopped her at once.
B.She was quite supportive.
C.She was doubtful about it.
D.She helped her make progress.
3. What happened to the author’s own kids?
A.They lost curiosity as they grew up.
B.They were not interested in science at first.
C.They made important discoveries in later life.
D.They were influenced by the author's love for science.
4. What is the purpose of the author in writing the text?
A.To show the importance of science.
B.To show love and thanks to her parents.
C.To ask readers to get kids curious about things.
D.To describe how she became interested in science.
2021-11-19更新 | 64次组卷 | 2卷引用:山东省菏泽市一中系列2021-2022学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题(A)

10 . My 65-year-old grandpa was diagnosed with liver cancer last year. He was always positive in our_________,but I know a regret_________in his heart.

My grandpa moved from his birthplace of Chicago to Boston when he was a child. 60 years passing by, the _________memories of his childhood still called him back to his hometown, so he and my father prepared to head for Chicago._________,he fainted at home and was sent to hospital just two days before.

The doctor said his_________started to get worse off. Worried and_________, we could do nothing but wait. But one day, an idea_________in my mind: we can make our home a small_________of Chicago. The family all agreed and committed themselves to various_________.

With my grandpa’s birthday__________,we finished our preparations. That morning, I stepped into his ward and came over, whispering in his ear: “Let’s go home for your birthday.”

When we reached home, his eyes__________. Ahead of him, the house looked like Chicago, which was decorated with huge pictures of famous sites in Chicago__________to the walls. My aunt showed my grandpa around, and then my grandpa, deeply amused, pointed out a__________: “I didn’t have this awesome TV at that time!” Everyone burst into laughter.

Two months later, my grandpa passed away__________. Through the meaningful and kind act, I began to understand the__________of helping people achieve their deepest wish.

A.lit upB.turned overC.rolled overD.closed up
2021-11-18更新 | 91次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省临沂市2021-2022学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
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