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1 . A teenager needs to have a sense of independence in their life to feel secure (安全的). To some teenagers independence means a lot to them, and I think that some parents don’t allow their teenagers enough independence.

Independence has something to do with freedom. Some kids are not allowed to go anywhere alone, and the only thing their schedule includes is going to school, coming home, going to sleep, and repeating the process the next day. Parents tend to be afraid that their kids can get hurt if they go outside into the world. But if parents control their kids too much, they may never learn to live on their own. The best way for a teenager to learn lesson is through experience. I think it is beneficial for teenagers to have freedom.

Teenagers’ lack of freedom can also stop them from having good friendship at school. Some might say this is a good thing, because it helps them focus more on their school work. I argue that this can only discourage them not to do their school work. Some parents do not allow their children to be around their friends outside the school, thinking that this will get them into trouble. But I don’t think so. Instead, isn’t this a good reason for parents to get their children a cellphone? Cellphones allow teenagers to stay in touch with their parents, and communicate with friends.

Privacy is another issue between parents and their teenagers. Teenagers tend to enjoy relaxation by themselves in their own room. This also gives them a sense of independence. It often annoys teenagers when their parents enter their room when they are not home. I know that my mom always goes in my room when I’m not home, and this has brought me to the point where I have asked many times to get a lock on my door.

1. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A.Kids know how to live independently.
B.Some parents allow their kids no freedom.
C.It benefits teenagers to have freedom.
D.Kids have a dull routine every day
2. In the opinion of the author, ___________.
A.parents should make it easy for kids to communicate with their friends
B.good friendships between kids harm their school work
C.it is unnecessary for a kid to have a cellphone
D.kids should focus on the school work
3. How do teenagers usually feel when their parents enter their rooms in their absence?
4. The author hopes to have her door locked in order to ___________.
A.keep her father from reading her dairy
B.prevent her mother entering her room
C.Protect herself from any harm
D.Stop thieves from going in
2024-03-05更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄北华中学2023-2024学年高二上学期11月期中考试英语试题.
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Philip Loveday为自己的祖母Scilla重新拍摄了她小时候伦敦的照片,然后把它们放进了一本新相册里。祖母对新相册很满意,想起了自己少时的经历。

2 . The photographs that Scilla took as a 16-year-old girl on the streets of London in 1955 stayed largely in her album over the years. Scilla is now 83, and her self-developed black-and-white photos have been brought back to life after they were discovered by a teenage photographer.

Over the past year, Philip Loveday, 16, has been revisiting his grandmother’s path across the capital to carefully rephotograph the pictures. His journey through time with a camera has been especially moving, because his grandmother, Scilla, has Alzheimer’s disease (阿尔茨海默症) and has lost many of her memories.

Philip took new photos that looked like the ones Scilla took long ago, and put them in a new album. Each page of Scilla’s old album was copied and put in the new one, with Philip’s new photos on the opposite pages. Philip’s mother, Catherine Loveday, said Scilla had been happy with the new album, which had “put her back in her shoes” as a teenager.

Philip said his mother showed him the album she had found at her mother’s house. Greatly absorbed in how modern London would compare to the city photographed by his grandmother, Philip and his mother began to make trips into central London. During the trips, they had the idea of retaking the photos.

Some of the places are similar, like Big Ben. Others show how the city has modernized. Unlike Scilla’s view of St. Paul’s Cathedral from the Thames, Philip’s retake has the Millenium Bridge. When Scilla photographed the John Lewis store on Oxford Street, it was a one-storey building—now it has seven floors. Philip had to use his imagination to recreate other sights. Scilla has repeatedly returned to her new album since receiving it. Philip said: ”It’s nice for her to see someone taking an interest in those photos and going back over them, and also good for her to connect her past to where are now.“

1. What did Philip do for Scilla during the past year?
A.He taught her how to use a camera.B.He took her to visit London streets.
C.He found a new way to treat her disease.D.He recreated photos of London she had taken.
2. What influence did Philip’s work have on Scilla?
A.It inspired her to take photos.B.It made her think of her teenage days.
C.It encouraged her to travel across London.D.It raised her confidence to fight off illness
3. What does the underlined word “absorbed” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. What is the best title of this passage?
A.A teenager sensed the great changes of London.
B.An old lady suffered a lot from Alzheimer’s disease.
C.A teenager and his mother travelled to London for fun.
D.Retaken photos awakened old memories.
2024-03-04更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄市精英中学2023-2024学年高一(上)期末考试英语试题
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3 . To those normal kids, it’s not unusual to hear “Goodnight” when you kiss them, saying “Goodnight” to them. For most parents, it’s just a storm in a teacup. However, for me it’s opposite.

My son James, suffered from the autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. Some people with ASD may have advanced conversation skills whereas James is an exception.

Pre-diagnosis, I’d give James a big kiss and whisper goodnight when putting James to bed. Post-diagnosis, the silence that I received in return was deafening. It had never occurred to me before to be concerned that when I said “Goodnight, James. I love you”, my toddler said nothing in response.

I needed to hear him say something. My husband and I began to promote James to say goodnight back to us. “Say goodnight, Mommy.” For over a year, “Say goodnight, Mommy” was the parting routine of the day. Every night, it made me cry. I never got used to it. But I never gave up hope.

With more efforts, one night, I’d hear something more organic come out of James’s mouth. He dropped the “say”— and his response became “goodnight, Mommy” when James turned four. It was fantastic — but it was still prompted. At six, I got my first unprompted, “Goodnight, Mommy. I love you.” Next to my wedding, and births of my children, this was the most exciting night of my life.

James, now eight, routinely kisses us goodnight and tells us he loves us. The other evening, after giving me a big hug and kiss, James told me, “You’re a great mom! You’re not a mom with feathers, or a mom with colors and markers. I’m glad you’re a... a person!” I don’t know if he had the book Are You My Mother? on his mind, or if this was just one of the many random thoughts that crossed my son’s brain on a daily basis. I do know it was music to my ears.

1. What do most parents think of a kiss goodnight from their normal children?
A.It’s an advanced conversation skill.B.It’s a precious routine they treasure.
C.It’s a privilege they take for granted.D.It’s a good way to recover from ASD.
2. What did James behave after suffering from ASD at first?
A.He was too talkative.B.He couldn’t say anything.
C.He daren’t sleep alone.D.He was lack of security.
3. What can we know about James’ interaction before he goes to sleep?
A.It has evolved over time.B.It always upsets his parents.
C.It benefits face-to-face talk.D.It helps exercise James’ mind.
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.The Cycles of LifeB.A Mom with Feathers
C.The Symptoms of ASDD.Unusual Bedtime-Routines
2024-02-26更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:【金科大联考】 2021-2022学年高三5月质量检测英语(河北卷)(含听力)
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4 . When I was ten years old, Mum got paralyzed (瘫痪) . Before that, she was a lively and active woman who amazed many with her energy. I admired her for all the things she did.

However, everything changed when she turned thirty-one.

I still have vivid images of her before her paralysis. She would play popular music, creating a cheerful atmosphere for lively gatherings. She would joyfully rearrange the furniture to make room for friends to abandon themselves to dance. She often spent hours filling the house with flowers, which we picked fresh from the gardens.

After Mum’s paralysis, I began to take care of my 2-year-old sister, Mary Therese. In no time at all, I learned to bathe and feed her. For me it was a giant step beyond playing with dolls. One moment stands out even today: the time Mary Therese fell and skinned her knee, burst into tears and ran past my mother’s outstretched arms into mine. Too late, I noticed slight hurt on Mum’s face, but all she said was, “It’s natural that she should run to you, because you take such good care of her.”

When I was grown and entered the field of corrections, Mum became interested in working with prisoners. She taught writing to them. One day, she asked me to mail a letter to one prisoner, Waymon. I asked for my mother’s permission to read it first. It read: when you said that I couldn’t imagine what it is like to be in prison, I felt like I had to tell you that you are mistaken. When I awoke one day to find that I was completely paralyzed, I felt trapped, overwhelmed by a sense of being imprisoned in a body that would no longer allow me to dance or carry my child in my arms. But then, I made a choice about whether I would smile when I saw my daughters again or I would weep. I made a decision to live as fully as I could.

By the time I finished Mum’s letter, my vision was clouded by tears. For the first time, I saw my mother in a clearer light.

1. How can we describe Mum before her paralysis?
2. What do Mum’s words about Therese’s choice imply?
A.Mum had a sharp insight
B.Mum was emotionally generous
C.Mum was worried about her position
D.Mum was absent-minded at the moment
3. Why did the author cry?
A.She regretted for what she had done.
B.Waymon’s experience was saddening,
C.She witnessed Mum’s character shining through.
D.There was some secret between her and her mother.
2024-02-23更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省唐山市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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5 . Phillip, 27, from the UK, pulled at the heart strings of people across the world after giving his mother, Trish, a special New Year present — he surprised his mom with a voice recording of his late father, which he made with the help of AI.

The young man’s dad, John, passed away from cancer in 2022 — leaving his wife and children mourning. After seeing his mom struggling to get through the holidays, he turned to AI to give her a gift she would never forget.

In a video, which has so far had more than 6.2 million views, the 27-year-old showed viewers his mom’s reaction to hearing her late husband’s voice.

“My dad passed away from cancer 1.5 years ago so I decided to do something special for my mom this New Year,” he said as his mother unwrapped the present. “It’s been so long since we heard his voice, so I made her a video using AI software to match his exact voice. And the result was amazing.”

In addition to his father’s voice, Phillip made a video that featured photos of his dad. When Trish opened the photo book, tears immediately formed.

“Hi, honey. I love you. I want you to know you are the best mother to our kids and the strongest woman in the whole world,” the AI voice said. “I’m always with you. I hope you guys have a happy New Year.”

Phillip revealed that his wife, Kassandra, first gave him the idea to use AI to recreate his dad’s voice. Although he was skeptical at first, once he got to work using the text-to-speech software, he was shocked at the outcome. “When the program said it in his voice... I got chills(寒战) all over my body. That’s why I decided to do this no matter what,” Phillip said.

1. What does the underlined phrase “pulled at the heart strings” in paragraph 1 mean?
A.Encouraged creativity.B.Touched the hearts.
C.Promoted good deeds.D.Provided comfort.
2. Which of the following best describes the young man?
3. How did Trish react to the special gift?
A.She was terribly frightened.B.She took it for granted.
C.She viewed it as a dream.D.She was wild with joy.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Phillip’s interest in making the recording.
B.Phillip’s doubt over making the recording.
C.Phillip’s struggle for making the recording.
D.Phillip’s inspiration to make the recording.
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6 . I was looking through old photos with Mom. “Where on earth is that photo of Dad and Mumpsy?” I asked. It was my favorite one of Dad holding his dog.

“Maybe Jean has it,” said Mom. “We could ask her.” I looked at Mom as if she had the third eye. She could not be serious! Grandma had two sons, Dad and Uncle Ralph, who was married to Jean. Mom and Jean hadn’t got along since I was a little boy. Jean would say hurtful words to Mom, and Mom tried to let it go. After Grandma passed away, our connection with Uncle Ralph and Jean fell apart.

Yet here was Mom, intending to reach out to Jean after nearly 30 years. “We’re in our eighties,” Mom said. “Neither of us has many years left. Why not give it a try?”

Mom called Jean. Jean said the photos weren’t organized, and she invited Mom over to help look for the photo.

Sitting down at the table, Mom and Jean got through all the boxes from Grandma but didn’t find the photo. After a short talk, Jean said sorry for what she had done years before. She said that over the years, she had come to realize her mistakes but the fear of not being forgiven had stopped her saying sorry. Over the next few hours, they talked about what had happened in their lives.

“Jean received a college degree, and she’s become an artist. She has even sold a few of her paintings.” Mom later told me. “Then Jean pulled out a photo album (相册) of her family, just to share with me.”

“I suppose you didn’t find the Mumpsy photo,” I commented.

“Oh, I almost forgot. Guess what was stuck into the back cover of the album and fell out when she opened it?” Mom held up the photo of Dad and Mumpsy — lost until the recovery of Jean and Mom’s wounds.

1. How did the author treat her mother’s idea of asking Jean?
A.He was serious about it.
B.He showed disbelief in it.
C.He was angry at it.
D.He thought highly of it.
2. What do we know about Jean?
A.She became a successful artist.
B.She wasn’t an organized person.
C.She never realized her mistakes.
D.She got along with Grandma badly.
3. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Treatment of Family Issues
B.Adventure of a Special Photo
C.Bridging the Gap of Understanding
D.Rediscovering Connections Through Photos
2024-02-18更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用: 河北省唐山市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
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7 . There’s a quote putting, “life doesn’t come with a manual (手册); it comes with a mother.” Thankfully, for Jabez and Christopher, their manual — or mother — found a creative way to keep her little boys’ fingers safe around a sewing machine. And as a result, she turned them into successful business owners.

Queenie Jenkins from Atlanta worked in the fashion industry and in her spare time, made matching scarves and skirts on her sewing machine at home. But once she became a mother with two energetic boys at her feet, her hobby became both difficult and dangerous. So, she turned the problem into a life lesson. Jenkins taught her boys how to use the sewing machine skilfully and safely. It wasn’t long before the boys were no longer green hands. As they grew older, they knew how to change the trousers into shorts for the summer months well.

When Jabez’s elementary school held a Career Day, he made 30 bow ties and 30 hair bows to sell. Within minutes, all of them had sold out. Then Jabez launched Kings and Gents Accessories, a small workshop, in 2018 with his brother. In addition to making and selling their bow ties, the brothers have also written a book and created a YouTube channel to host meetings for other potential “kidpreneurs (儿童企业家)”.

Now as a freshman in high school, Jabez said inspiring the next generation of business owners is an important part of their mission. “We just wanted to show younger kids how we got started, and how they can get started,” said Jabez, “We’re no different than any other kids.”

Jenkins has plenty to be proud of. Not only have her boys created a successful business, but they’ve gained valuable life skills along the way. “They’ve learned not to give up, to be more creative, and to be thinkers,” said Jenkins. “They don’t allow their fear to stop them.”

1. In which aspect do Jabez and Christopher benefit most from their mother’ sewing machine?
A.Life skills.B.Safety rules.
C.Business plans.D.Cloth materials.
2. What do the underlined words “green hands” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Awkward learners.B.Attractive experts.
C.Admirable pioneers.D.Amazing artists.
3. Which of the following best describes the brothers’ impact on other potential kidpreneurs?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Mama’s sewing machine
B.Business on the rocks
C.Sewing the seeds of success
D.Developing creative thinking
2024-02-06更新 | 67次组卷 | 4卷引用:河北省安平中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题
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8 . Recently, my husband and three kids were playing in the Mediterranean, swimming and floating in the picture-perfect sea. It was extremely beautiful in Majorca, Spain. The way the sun danced across the water and how the blue horizon was dotted with storybook sailboats were such beautiful scenes. I almost couldn’t believe my eyes.

My husband and I always dreamed about taking our kids on a trip around the world. It was something we always wanted to do “one day”. It was one of the things we talked at length about, when we imagined our life with the children we hoped we would have.

Fourteen years later, we had three boys who were growing up faster by the day. It was time to make good on those plans.

We spent dozens of hours discussing, researching and planning. We had to learn how to “road school” our kids and arrange time off from work. We renewed our passports, and then packed our bags. We showed our kids the world. It was about experiencing the dozens of flights and trains and taxis together. We showed them how wonderful, how diverse, and how amazing the world is. We wanted them to learn all that we had learned ourselves, through our own travels as young adults.

But there was something more than that: What we really wanted is to slow down time. We wanted the days to last a bit longer, and the weeks to take their time. The years with our children are going too fast. We wanted to put the brakes on (阻止) our busy lives for a year, and just be with our kids. We wanted a break from the daily morning routine of making lunches, eating breakfast and rushing out of the door in time for school. We needed a family time-out.

It was a wonderful two-month trip in Europe, full of incredible moments. And when we look back at our lives, I know we’ll be glad we did it. I know we’ll be happy that this is a chapter of the story of our family.

1. What was the author’s attitude toward the trip when planning it?
2. What does the underlined part “make good on” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What was the author’s main purpose of taking this trip?
A.To teach her children to value life.
B.To allow her children to see the world.
C.To enjoy a family breakaway from their life routine.
D.To enable her children to learn something out of class.
4. How did the author feel about their two-month stay in Europe?
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9 . Some of my earliest memories involve sitting with my dad in his study every night when he came home from the office, I’d watch as he put his personal items away; his watch, wallet, comb and car keys They would always occupy the same spot on the table every time.

Dad’s comb was jade green. I heard he bought it when he married Mum. Every night, he would smile, hand me the comb and say, “Be a good girl and help Daddy clean it, OK?”

I was more than happy to do it. At age five, this kind of task brought me such joy. I would excitedly turn the tap on, and then brush the comb with a used toothbrush as hard as I could. Satisfied that I’d done a good job, I would proudly return the comb to Dad. He would smile at me, and place the comb on top of his wallet.

About two years later, Dad left his sales job and started his own wholesale business. I started primary school. That was when things started to change. Dad’s business wasn’t doing so well, and our stable life started getting shaky. He didn’t come home as much as he used to. And when he did come home, it was always late and I’d already be in bed. 1 started to get mad. Why didn’t he listen to Mum and just stick to his old job? Why did he take the risk and place the whole family in trouble? Over the years, I stopped waiting for him to come home, and stopped going downstairs to check on him.

Now 28, I’ve graduated from college and got a job. Dad’s business has also started to get back on track. Yet the uncomfortable silence between Dad and me went on.

Two days before my birthday last year, Dad came home early. On that evening, I helped him carry his bags into his study as usual. When I turned to leave, he asked me to clean his comb. I looked at him for a while, then took the comb and headed to the sink.

It was the same comb. After cleaning it, I passed it back to Dad. He looked at it and smiled. But this time, I noticed something different. My dad had aged. He had wrinkles next to his eyes when he smiled, yet his smile was still as heartwarming as before.

1. From the first three paragraphs, we can learn___________.
A.the author would study with Dad every evening
B.the precious green comb of Dad was made of jade
C.the earliest memories with Dad were full of joy
D.the author was unwilling to clean the comb for Dad
2. What probably made Dad decide to start his own business?
A.He was eager to get everything on track.
B.He wanted to keep his family life stable.
C.He was laid off and had to make a living.
D.He hoped to earn a better life for the family.
3. What emotional changes did the author experience when staying with Dad these years?
4. Which could be the best title for the text?
A.My Dad’s Comb
B.Dad’s Wholesale Business
C.Changes of My Dad
D.My Earliest Memories with Dad
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10 . It was freezing winter when Dad told me that he found a delicate small bag in the snow on his way out of a doctor’s appointment. “It was filled with seeds, so I planted them in pots in the living room window that gets such great light.” Dad was excited to have a planting project in the winter. He liked tending his garden plot , which was the size of a small farm.

I now lived far away from Dad, but he reported in his daily phone calls, “These plants seem to double in size overnight. It’s only been a few weeks, and they are almost touching the ceiling.” Since Dad had green fingers, I wasn’t surprised about that. I couldn’t imagine what plant would do so well. I knew photos would not come soon because Dad had to use up the film in his camera and then developed the pictures.

During one call, Dad said, “Today at work, one of my co-workers was wearing a T-shirt with a screen-printed picture of the same leaf as my mysterious houseplants. I told him that I had those same herbs, which were growing like weeds, and I had to get rid of them.” Dad continued, “He eagerly took them off my hands, and now I can see out the window again.”

This awakened my curiosity, and I decided to do some research. In those days, that meant going to the library’s reference section. I did some reading and photocopied some articles. I mailed them to my father.

Dad called, “I just couldn’t believe what I read in the papers you sent. Those pictures are exactly what my plants looked like. No wonder my co-worker was so willing to take them.”

We both laughed till we cried when we realized my father had just raised a harvest of precious Chinese herbs used to ease pain.

1. Why did Dad plant the seeds?
A.Because it was the doctor’s advice.
B.Because he had a small farm at home.
C.Because it satisfied his eagerness for gardening in winter.
D.Because the seeds would bring him rich rewards.
2. What does the underlined word “that” mean in paragraph 2?
A.The type of the plant.B.The herbs’ growing quickly.
C.Dad’s efforts to tend the seeds.D.A planting project in the winter.
3. What can be inferred about the co-worker?
A.He had little interest in the plants.B.He recognized the value of the plants.
C.He desired to learn from the author’s dad.D.He wanted to show his knowledge about plants.
4. What is a suitable title for the text?
A.A precious Chinese herbB.Window scenery
C.Helpful co-workerD.An Innocent gardener
2024-01-18更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省唐县第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期9月月考英语试题
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