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The buzzing cellphone threw Mike out of bed. Blue Monday again! He parted the curtain and grey skies greeted him. This worsened his mood. But a sweet smile spread over his face when he saw Helen sleeping soundly like a Snow White.

Opening the door gently, Mike walked outside and into the kitchen. It was a routine for him to cook breakfast early, for both he and his wife, Helen, were high school English teachers. Although they were already 52 years old, they always attended the first period starting at 7:30 on time, rain or shine. We can call them “empty nesters”, with their two kids Catherine and Amanda in key universities in Yorkshire. Two bottles of hot milk, two boiled eggs and pieces of bread were their calories. Then Mike awoke Helen, who was a great beauty even compared with the Helen in the Trojan War.

They finished their breakfast quickly before going downstairs to their car. With a turn of the key, the engine roared to life. It was shaking a little, as if feeling cold. The drive from home to school took roughly 30 minutes and Mike was driving fast, for there was little traffic. “Beautiful stars, huh?” Mike said. “Yeah. When we arc off work, beautiful stars will swim in front of eyes!” Helen replied jokingly. Teaching so many students was indeed a back-breaking job, especially for teachers of advanced years.

They arrived at the already crowded parking lot in the school. Finding a place to squeeze the car in, Mike was going when Helen reminded him that today was her birthday. “Oh, dear, I forgot it! I will make up with a big dinner,” Mike said apologetically and warmly. When she heard this, Helen’s face lit up and blossomed into a big smile.

Paragraph 1:

Time slipped by and it was time to go home.

Paragraph 2:

Just as they were eating, there came some knocks on the door.

2021-12-31更新 | 201次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省实验中学2021-2022学年高三上学期第三次诊断考试英语试题
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His father said, "All set, boy?" and Johnson nodded, picking up his gun with, awkward gloved bands. His father pushed open the door end they went out into the freezing dawn together.

Ordinarily Johnson would take out his camera to record the scenery, but not this morning. This was the morning, particularly sacred, when 14-year-old Johnson would go duck hunting for the first time.

However, he hated it, and had hated the whole idea since his father bought him a gun. But he was determined to go through with it. He loved his father, and wanted his approval more than anything in the world.

They came to a narrow and hidden place facing the bay. Johnson sat down nervously and waited. To reduce fear he took a picture of his father against the clean water. Then he put the camera hurriedly on the grass and picked up his gun.

Johnson got his gun ready. "I'll let you shoot first," his father said, loading his own gun. "You know, I've been waiting for a long time for this day. Just the two of us…" He broke off, bending forward, eyes narrowed. "There's a small fight heading this way now. Keep your head down. I'll give you the word”.

The sun came out. Johnson could see everything clearly: his father's face, tense and eager, the white frost on the gun. His heart was beating wildly. He prayed, "Don't let them come, please!"

But they kept coming. "Four black," his father said. "One mallard (绿头鸭)." High above, Johnson heard the pulsing whistle of wings as the fight began to circle. The mallard was leading, his feet dropping down, reaching for the silver-colored water. Closer, clos…"Get set," his father whispered.

"Now!” cried Johnson's father. "Take them!”

Johnson felt his body obey. He stood up, holding the gun. In the same instant, the wild ducks saw the gunners and flew. "Shoot!" said something sharply in Johnson's brain. But up went the mallard higher still, until suddenly it caught the full force of the wind and flew away, out of range.

His father asked in a controlled voice, "Why didn't you shoot?"
To Johnson's surprise, his father was handing the camera to him.
2021-12-27更新 | 160次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市金陵中学2021-2022学年高三12月学情调研英语试卷
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Kathy's family vacation to the beach was usually the highlight of her summer. This year, however, her parents announced a new rule: no phones for the entire week.

“But my friends will be expecting updates about the trip, "Kathy complained. Kathy's mom gave her a serious look. Unwillingly, Kathy handed her phone over and her mom locked it away.

The drive to the beach house took most of the day. As they turned off the highway onto country back roads, the clouds darkened. Rain started to pour. "Even more beautiful in the rain," her mother said. " What do you think, Kathy?" Kathy glared at her mom. "Beautiful, "she muttered.

That night after dinner, Kathy wandered into the kitchen, where her father was washing dishes. She gave her father a loving look and said in her sweetest voice, "Couldn’t I have my phone back, just for one second? Just so I can tell everyone what an amazing time I'm having?”

“Can't, "he said. "It's not here. Remember?" Kathy was very annoyed. Having nothing better to do, she examined the dusty bookcase in the living room. The books looked as dull as the weather. On the top shelf, however, she spotted a puzzle. She took it, emptied the pieces on the table, and began to sort them.

After what seemed like a few minutes, she looked up. It was past ten o'clock. She had been working for almost two hours! She yawned. The puzzle was less than half done, but she was exhausted. So, she went to bed.

When Kathy awoke the next morning, she jumped out of bed and threw open the curtains. A blazing sun was rising over the blue ocean. The sky was cloudless. The scene reminded Kathy of a photo that her friend betty had recently sent her.

This view was even better. It would leave everyone speechless. Kathy dashed to her bedside table and reached for her phone. But there was nothing there. She sighed. Still, she wandered in front of the window, admiring the sunrise.

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After a quick breakfast, Kathy headed to the beach.


Appreciating the finished puzzle, she realized she hadn't thought of her cellphone for hours.

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The Trouble With Chores (家庭杂务)

The twins, Jenna and Jeff, were good at most things. Their dad was good at most things, too. But there was one thing the twins and Dad were not good at—that was chores. It wasn’t that Dad and the twins didn’t want to do their chores. It was just that they always seemed to have reasons not to do them. And they had such good excuses.

“You’re right, my dear,” said Mum. “The grass does need cutting. But a spider has spun a wonderful web on the lawn mower and I haven’t the heart to put all her hard work to waste.”

“Mum,” said Jenna, “I know it’s my week to put up my cards. It’s just that I’m waiting for them to dry. They’ll be easier to scoop up that way.”

“Mum,” said Jeff, “may I skip setting the table tonight? There’s a TV show on the Ice Age, and I have to do a report on the Beast of Baluchistan.”

There were also the endless quarrels about who did what and who got the easy job. Mum sighed. If only Dad and the twins were as good at doing their chores as they were at arguing about them, life would be easier. Talking of chores, Mum thought instead of pushing them for chores, it would be a lot easier to do them herself. And that was what she did. She put away all cards and set and cleared the table. She chased the dust bunnies from under the furniture and cleaned up the twins’ messy room.

The twins did pick up and put away things occasionally. Dad did cut the grass once in a while. Not surprisingly, things began to slide. Everybody got a little unhappy, especially Mum, who spent much time doing chores. Something had to be done. But what?

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Mum decided to host a family meeting.
Living in all that messy build-up wasn’t much fun.
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Grandma Agnes is ninety-nine years old and still live in the same house a he's lived in for more than sixty years. She was one of thirteen children raised on a farm. And now. she is rather set in her ways,

For twelve years, Grandma ages enjoyed the c or up any of her dog, Snoopy. The black and white spotted must was a constant presence in her home and her yard. During the time that she had Snoopy, Grandma Agnes started showing signs of dementia. My family worked together to keep her living independently but safe.

It was difficult for my dad the day he pulled the battery from her car to keep her from using her still valid driver's license, Every visit after that day, Grandma Agnes would insist that he buy her a new car battery because hers was dead again. Dad nodded and agreed to do it, knowing that the conversation would soon be forgotten.

Three years ago. Snoopy passed away, My dad. Aunt Carol and Uncle Ed thought of ways to ensure that Grandma Agnes would know that Snoopy was gone, They had burial service in the back yard with Grandma. Uncle Ed printed a picture of Snoopy with “Rest in Peace” written across the bottom and stuck it to the refrigerator, But on the daily visits. Grandma Agnes still asked about Snoopy, She accused the neighbors of taking her dog because she was sure that she heard bin barking from their yard.

Having a family member with dementia is heartbreaking and trying. For every visit I've made in the past five years, my dad has made a point to tell me that she probably won't remember who I am nor that my kids are her great grandchildren, I've sat through conversations where we patiently repeated answers to questions that were answered a few moment sago. Grandma Agnes is still there. and she's still her stubborn self. but she doesn't grasp the world around her, And yet she insists on living independently and asking about Snoopy constantly.


A few months ago, Uncle Ed came up with good idea and bought a robotic dog for Grandma Ages.


Everyone in our family is pleased that Grandma Agnes has been so kind to Snoopy.

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As I sat by the window of our schoolhouse that afternoon, my heart began to sink further with each passing car. This was a day I had been looking forward to for weeks. Miss Pace had kept a running countdown on the blackboard, and our class had almost gone crazy by the time the much-anticipated “party Friday” had arrived.

I had happily volunteered my mother when Miss Pace requested cookie volunteers. Mom’s chocolate chips were the best on our block, and I knew they would be a hit with my classmates. But two o'clock passed, and there was no sign of her. Most of the other mothers had already come and gone, dropping off their offerings of dessert. My mother was missing in action.

“Don’t worry, Robbie. She’ll be along soon,” Miss Pace said as I looked sadly at the street. I looked at the wall clock just in time to see its black minute hand shift to half past two.

Around me, the noisy party went on, but I wouldn’t leave my window watch post. Miss Pace did her best to comfort me, but I just stayed there, holding out hope that the familiar family car would appear, carrying my embarrassed mother with a tin of her famous cookies under her arm.

The three o'clock bell soon awoke me from my thoughts and I sadly grabbed my schoolbag and headed home.

On the four-block walk, I plotted my revenge (报复). I would slam the front door upon entering, refuse to return her hug when she rushed over to me, and never speak to her again.

The house was empty when I arrived and I looked for a note on the refrigerator that might explain my mother’s absence, but found none. Heartbroken and angry, I was lying face-down on my bed upstairs when I heard her come through the front door and mount the steps.

When she entered my room and sat beside me on my bed, I didn’t move but instead stared blankly into my pillow, refusing to acknowledge her presence.

“I’m so sorry, honey,” she said. “I just got busy and forgot.”
I desperately tried to recall the words she had used to comfort me from times past when I cried.
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Kindness Is Precious

The sound of glass breaking is instantly recognizable. I’d been telling my best friend Missi a silly story and had spun around in the living room when I heard that sound and froze.

When I looked down at the carpet, it was covered with tiny pieces of red, pink and clear glass. Missi said. “Oh, no, not the vase,”

“Why? What did I do?” My face reddened.

“Abby, that glass vase was one of the few items my relatives brought when they came to America.” Missi replied nervously. “If you’d broken anything else in the apartment. I would have gladly said I did it. But you’ re going to have to tell my mom that it was your fault, and she’s going to be really mad.”

I was terrified. I’d destroyed a priceless family heirloom(传家宝). Why did I have to spin around like that?

We gathered up the pieces. I kept saying that maybe it could be fixed, but Missi said gently it didn’t look possible. I insisted we keep the pieces. The glass was so fragile. Some of it broke even more as we tried to sweep it up carefully.

Would her mom yell at me or punish me? Would she tell me I couldn’t stay in their apartment for the weekend? I couldn’t stop playing those fifteen seconds over in my mind, me spinning fast and the sound of glass crashing. The only thing I could think of to say was “I’m sorry, ”

A couple of minutes after six, we heard a key turn in the door. Her mom was home.

Right from the start, we could see she was in a good mood. “Hello! It’ s hot today. I want to treat you girls to that frozen yogurt(酸奶) I know you like. Let’s go! ” her mom said, She pointed at the open door.

“But before that. I need to tell you something,” I said.

“We can talk at the yogurt place,” her mom said.

“No. I need to tell you now. It’s important,” I insisted. I could feel my voice shaking and tried not to cry.


What is it, dear?” her mom asked.


Her mom looked at me, expressionless, and then she laughed and thanked me.

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8 .        
2021-12-16更新 | 120次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市第三中学2021-2022学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
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The Little Girl Who Dared To Wish

As Amy Hagadorn rounded the corner across the hall from her classroom, she knocked into a tall boy from the fifth grade running in the opposite direction.

"Watch it , squirt(矮子)." The boy yelled as he passed by the little third-grader. Then, with a bad smile on his face, the boy took hold of his right leg and copied the way Amy limped(跛行)when she walked.

Amy closed her eyes. Ignore him, she told herself as she headed for her classroom.

But at the end of the day, Amy was still thinking about the tall boy's mean teasing. It wasn't as if he were the only one. It seemed that ever since Amy started the third grade, someone teased her every single day. Kids teased her about her speech or her limping. Amy was tired of it.

Back home at the dinner table that evening, Amy was quiet. Her mother knew that things were not going well at school. That's why Patti Hagadorn was happy to have some exciting news to share with her daughter.

"There's a Christmas wish contest on the radio station," Amy's mom announced. "Write a letter to Santa, and you might win a prize."

Amy giggled. The contest sounded like fun. She started thinking about what she wanted most for Christmas.

A smile took hold of Amy when the idea first came to her. Out came pencil and paper, and Amy went to work on her letter.

Dear Santa Claus,

My name is Amy. I am nine years old. I have a problem at school. Can you help me Santa? Kids laugh at me because of the way I walk and run and talk. I have a serious disease. I just want one day where no one laughs at me or makes fun of me.Love, Amy.

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
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When Amy's letter arrived at the radio station, manager Lee Tobin read it carefully.


Suddenly the postman in the community was a regular at the Hagadorn house.

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10 . 假定你是李华,你校英语报以“No one is born a winner”这一主题征文。请你根据以下提示写一篇文章投稿。
1. 结合实例说明你的理解;
2. 你的感想。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
2021-12-10更新 | 158次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省五市十校教研教改共同体2022届高三上学期第二次大联考(12月联考)英语试题(含听力)
共计 平均难度:一般