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阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

1 . The teenage years are a transformative period marked by great physical, psychological, and emotional changes.     1     They refer to the feelings that arise during interactions with others, such as gratitude, shame, sympathy, guilt, and pride.

Understanding and managing social emotions can help develop teenagers’ identities. Teenagers experience a wide range of emotions from social interactions, which significantly influences their self-understanding and social awareness. In the process, they learn to understand, and appropriately respond to both their own emotions and those of others.     2    

In academic settings, social emotional competencies like self-regulation, motivation, and social awareness directly impact a teenager’s ability to learn, participate, and engage in school activities.     3     Teenagers with strong social emotional skills are better equipped to handle stress, resist peer pressure, and avoid risky behaviors, reducing the likelihood of developing mental health issues.

Learning social emotions involves a combination of personal experience, guidance, and formal education.     4     This environment influences teenagers’ earliest understanding of how to communicate and manage their emotions. They feel safe and supportive to express their emotions freely and learn to manage them without fear of judgment. Schools also play a significant role through social emotional learning programs that teach these skills in a structured environment. Community involvement, extracurricular activities, and peer (同伴) interactions offer additional opportunities for teenagers to practice and refine their social emotional skills.

    5     It contributes to a teenager’s ability to manage their own emotions, understand others’ emotions, and face social complexities. This learning is a cornerstone for shaping their identity, influencing their interpersonal relationships, academic success, mental health, and future life outcomes.

A.What exactly are social emotions?
B.The journey into mature emotion is quite easy.
C.Social emotion learning for teenagers is essential.
D.Central to this phase is the concept of social emotions.
E.This helps shape their own personal principles and beliefs.
F.Families play a crucial role in modeling and developing these skills.
G.Moreover, social emotional skills are closely linked to mental health.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . It’s hard to please everybody all the time. Whatever you do, and no matter how hard you try, there will always be certain people who dislike you. There are often times you can overlook them and go on with your life. Sometimes, however, a person’s negative feelings for you might affect your grades or your ability to meet and get along with other people.     1     .

Have an open conversation

This might be awkward, but sometimes the only way to know what is going on or why someone has a problem with you is to speak out straightforwardly.     2     . That means instead of saying “Why don’t you like me? ”, say something like “I feel like there is some tension between us. Is there anything I have done or anything I can do to help? ”


If you’ve done something to hurt or offend someone and that is the reason why the person dislikes you, the best course of action is to try to make it right. Clearly say the words, “I’m sorry. ” Be sure not to say “I’m sorry you were offended. ” or “I’m sorry you felt that way. ” or anything else that places the blame on the other person for misinterpreting your intentions.     4     .

Learn to let it go

    5     . Importantly, you have to choose not to allow the person who dislikes you to influence you or get you down. It is OK to be disliked. Remember that even the most popular and well-loved celebrities are disliked by some people!

A.Build self-confidence
B.Apologize and make it right
C.Try to redirect feelings of anger by breathing deeply
D.In these situations, it might be time to deal with the problem
E.Instead, be humble and own to the fact that you’ve hurt someone
F.It’s OK to be disliked if you’ve done everything and are still disliked
G.Try to express your ideas with “I-phrases”, which focus on your feelings
2024-04-12更新 | 237次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广东省湛江市高三下学期二模考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . “Anxiety.” The very word invites discomfort. Its effects—shortness of breath, pounding heart, muscle tension—are outright upsetting. But, as a clinician, I find that we tend to miss out on many valuable opportunities presented by this human emotion. In and of itself, anxiety is not deadly, nor is it a disease. Quite the contrary: it is an indicator of brain and sensory health. Once we accept that it is a normal, though uncomfortable, part of life, we can use it to help us.

We all know working out at the gym is hard. By nature, a “good workout” is uncomfortable, since it involves pushing our physical strength past what we can easily do. The sweet spot of exercise is always a somewhat challenging experience. Similarly, if you want to be emotionally stronger, you need to face some tension. For example, one effective treatment for fear is exposure therapy (疗法), which involves gradually encountering things that make one anxious, reducing fear over time.

Humans are social creatures. When my patients learn to open up to their partners about their anxieties, they almost always report a greater sense of emotional closeness. Also, as international relationship expert Sue Johnson teaches, when we express our need for connection during challenging moments (e.g., “I’m having a hard time right now and could really use your support”), it creates greater connection and turns our anxiety into love.

From time to time, we find ourselves at the end of our rope. Our responsibilities pile up, our resources break down, and we feel uncomfortably anxious—what we’re experiencing is called stress. Simply put, the demands placed upon us outweigh our available resources, just like a set of scales (天平) going out of balance. Focusing on work and pretending everything is OK only leads to disastrous results. Medical treatment for stress may function for a while, but it tends to make things worse in the long run. The only solution to deal with stress is to do the mathematics to balance the scales.

1. What does the author say about anxiety?
A.It is an invitation to diseases.
B.It indicates stable mental health.
C.It costs us many valuable chances.
D.It is a natural emotional expression.
2. Why does the author mention “good workout” in paragraph 2?
A.To prove how exercise influences emotions.
B.To suggest an effective way to challenge limits.
C.To explain how anxiety builds emotional strength.
D.To show a positive connection between mind and body.
3. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The key to closeness is partners’ support.
B.Sharing anxieties improves relationships.
C.Humans are defined by their social nature.
D.Expressing feelings keeps us off anxieties.
4. According to the last paragraph, how can we deal with stress?
A.Devote more energy to our work.
B.Increase resources available to us.
C.Seek professional medical treatment.
D.Master advanced mathematical skills.
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Do you find it difficult to feel content in your own company? Do you feel pressure to be constantly connected to others, resulting in overwhelming anxiety when you’re alone? If the answer is yes, then you’ll be pleased to learn that there are tips to help you enjoy solitude without feeling lonely.

Find companionship in your passion

Whether your passion is art, writing, or knitting, being alone is a great opportunity to get connected to it. Investing mindful, quality time into doing something you love is beneficial to your mental health.     1    .

Design a plan

You may find yourself just going through the motions in life. While structure is a good thing, it can also prevent us from moving forward. When you’re alone, sit down with a pen and paper and design a plan.     2    . It could be as simple as aiming to save money, or looking for new hobbies and classes to attend. Being mindful about the direction of your life allows you to feel in control.


One of the biggest consequences of finding yourself alone is that you may automatically believe you’re bored.     4    . Climb that mountain you always wanted to climb or lift those weights you always wanted to lift. Do something that you see as a challenge and then focus your mental energy on achieving the goal of completing it.

Practice Meditation

Please understand that loneliness is a feeling, one you can take control of. If you’re a social person most of the time, when you’re alone your brain maybe guilty of convincing you there’s something wrong.     5    . Breathe...Taking time to focus on your breath and meditate has proven to be a great way to reduce those feelings of hopelessness and worry.

A.Challenge yourself
B.Do your favorite sports
C.This is far from the case
D.It doesn’t need to be a life-changing plan
E.Then you’re more likely to succeed in career
F.Therefore, you become worried and desire to be around someone
G.It keeps you focused, thus reducing anxiety and helping to keep you happy
2024-03-09更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省普通高中南粤名校2023-2024学年高三下学期学科综合素养评价2月联考英语
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

What my father wore embarrassed me! I wanted him to dress like a doctor or lawyer, but he always dressed like my father, getting up before dawn every day to make breakfast for my mother and me.

We lived in South Texas, where my father worked as a repairman. He often wore a pair of jeans and a shirt, keeping his pencils, glasses and wrenches (扳手) in his breast pocket. His boots were those with steel toes that made them difficult to pull off his feet, which I sometimes helped him with when he returned from repairing cars — his job that also shamed me.

I blamed the way he dressed. I felt that my classmates laughed at me because they’d seen him mowing lawns (修剪草坪) in cut-off jeans and black boots. My classmates’ families paid men to beautify their lawns, while their fathers travelled in the bay wearing lemon-yellow sweaters and expensive shoes.

He preferred clothes that allowed him the freedom to move under cars. So even when taking part in a school trip with me, he was dressed in his repairman’s suit. On the school bus to the campsite, all students on the bus happily chatted with their parents except me, who lowered the head, avoiding spotting my classmates’ mocking glance (讥笑的眼光) or hearing their jokes, which I thought was about nothing else but what my father wore.

I regretted telling my parents the school trip, and I was very angry why my mother had no spare time while my father happened to have a vacation. But my father failed to read my mind. He was very happy, whistling a tune along the way.

Though my father didn’t sense my bad mood, the school bus seemed as sad as I was. It drove more and more slowly and finally it stopped on the roadside. The driver got out to check the bus but found nothing wrong. Students and parents on the bus began to whisper about what was happening, worried that the delay might spoil the journey.

1.续写词数应为150 左右;

When others were complaining, my father stood up.


The school bus restarted and everyone cheered.

阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . Soothe the Sunday Scaries

As the weekend comes to an end, many of us are missing out on Sunday Funday and anxious about the upcoming week. Experts have nicknamed this worry the “Sunday scaries”.     1    

Here’s how you can ease your end-of-weekend anxiety.

When structuring your Sunday, try not to arrange too many errands and chores. If you’re feeling more stress, it’s important to make space for some activities to relax yourself. And there’s no right way to do so — maybe a midafternoon shower or bath, maybe an engaging movie or show.     2    

Anxiety is a normal human experience, and one of the main ways to manage it is to identify your personal triggers.     3     Is it a deadline, meeting, or presentation? Even if there’s not a single reason behind your Sunday anxiety, organizing the stress you expect from the week ahead into small pieces can help it.

Getting rid of the Sunday scaries isn’t just about minimizing the gloom of the week ahead, either. Having something to look forward to gives you something pleasing to think about, rather than only focusing on the anxiety you feel.     4     Instead of focusing on the awful things you expect from the week, build excitement over a lunch date with a friend.

Make Sunday nights about doing something for yourself to reduce your anxiety about Monday. Plan some favorite foods to enjoy or go all in for some self-care.     5     Do your best to honor this time and make Sunday night all about you—leave the work emails for Monday morning.

A.It’s a form of shifting your thoughts.
B.This is an opportunity to give yourself a refreshing time.
C.Try to figure out what’s really causing you to fear the week.
D.It doesn’t mean you have to shift your thoughts to something fun.
E.But even though the Sunday scaries are common, they are manageable.
F.It can be whatever feels like a helpful distraction to relieve from the stress.
G.Instead of sitting on the sofa and watching the clock, do something that you enjoy.
完形填空(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Every year on my birthday, a white gardenia (栀子花) was _________to my house. But no card or note came with it. Calls to the flower shop were always _________— it was a cash purchase. After a while I stopped trying to discover the sender’s identity and just _________in the beauty and heady perfume of that one magical, perfect white flower lying in soft pink paper.

But I never stopped _________who the giver might be. My mother _________to these imaginations. She asked me if there was someone for whom I had done a special kindness who might be showing _________. I had more fun imagining that it might be a boy I fell in love with or one who had a _________on me even though I didn’t know him.

One month before my high-school graduation, my father died. My feelings _________from sorrow to fear and anger: my dad was _________some of the most important events in my life. I became completely __________in my coming graduation, the senior-class play and the ball. But my mother would not hear of my losing any of those things. Mother and I had gone shopping and found an impressive dress, but it was the __________size. When my father died, I forgot about the dress.

The day before my ball, I found that dress — in the right size — hanging over the living room sofa. It was __________to me so lovingly. I didn’t __________if I had a new dress or not. But my mother did. She wanted her children to feel __________, filled with a sense that there was a beauty even in the face of __________.

My mother died ten days after I was married. The following year the gardenia stopped coming.

A.usefulB.helpfulC.in vainD.in hope
2023-09-26更新 | 180次组卷 | 2卷引用:2023届广东省揭阳市惠来县第一中学高三最后一模(临门一脚)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Tips for you to overcome comparison

Identify your triggers (诱因) and avoid them. To stop comparing yourself to others, pay attention to the people or events that cause your behavior. Do you feel discontent with your life after looking at luxury goods?     1     Write down your comparative thoughts as soon as they happen so you can limit your exposure to these situations or avoid them altogether.

    2     When you minimize your abilities, it becomes easier to compare yourself to others. To avoid this negative behavior, make a list of your strengths and talents. By acknowledging your best qualities, you can learn to love yourself.

Keep a gratitude journal. To start journaling, reflect on the little things that bring you joy and write down why you’re grateful for them. Keeping a gratitude journal can increase your chances of overcoming comparison, but you may forget about it if you have a busy schedule.     3    

Work on improving your abilities. Instead of focusing on your “weaknesses”, reflect on the areas you can improve.     4     Besides, don’t be afraid to ask other people for help along the way. By prioritizing yourself, you can boost your self-confidence and find your place and value.

Appreciate others instead of envying them.     5     If you have friends who are highly achieving people, you might consider that their networks are full of people who might be able to help you become more successful in your life. Instead of envying their success, be supportive and use their success to your advantage.

A.Write down your positive qualities.
B.Do you set goals to achieve your dream?
C.Consider the advantage that others can bring you.
D.Recognize everyone’s circumstances are entirely unique.
E.Take classes or workshops to develop your skills and techniques.
F.Is there someone who constantly makes you feel bad about yourself?
G.Set a reminder to write at least once a week so you can actively express appreciation.
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . How to Live a Fulfilling Life

How awesome would it be to get out of bed each morning feeling purposeful and happy about your day? What about going to sleep each night with a grin(露齿的笑)of satisfaction on your lips?     1    Here are some tips that may help you.


To lead a more fulfilling life, you first need to know what part of your current life is troubling or unsatisfactory. Reflect on different aspects of your life to figure out which are upsetting you the most. Try closing your eyes and questioning “What part of my life dissatisfies me the most?” Whatever comes to mind first is probably where you’ll want to start.

● Building good habits.

One of the best ways to build good habits that support a fulfilling life is by doing something each day that challenges you. Identify one thing you can take action on that pushes you beyond your comfort zone and do it. This might be sharing ideas with your boss when you typically stay quiet.    3    For example, if you’ve been trying to lose weight, but you spend too much time on the couch, reduce your time on TV or do an exercise while you watch.

● Having good health and well-being.

    4    You’ll have trouble feeling fulfilled if your energy only goes out. Just as you pour love and support into others, you must return that love and support to yourself. Take time to improve your own self with passions or self-care. Fulfillment also translates to perfect mental and physical health, so make time to exercise regularly. Schedule it into your day.     5    

A.Addressing your dissatisfaction.
B.Learning to avoid dissatisfaction.
C.It’s important to set aside “me” time.
D.End each day by reflecting on your daily challenge.
E.Replacing your bad habits with good ones is also suggested.
F.That way, it will be just like any other task on your to-do list.
G.This may seem difficult, but leading a more fulfilling life is entirely possible.
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . To show empathy (同感能力) is to identify with another’s feelings.     1     The ability to empathize is directly dependent on your ability to feel your own feelings and identify them.

If you have never felt a certain feeling, it will be hard for you to understand how another person is feeling. This holds equally true for pleasure and pain. If you have never put your hand in a flame, you will not know the pain of fire. Similarly, if you have never felt defiant (违抗的), you will not understand those feelings.     2    

    3     Our innate (天生的) emotional intelligence gives us the ability to quickly recall those instances and form associations when we encounter discrimination again.     4     This is one of the ways nature slowly evolves towards a higher level of survival. In other words, over time, awareness of our own feelings may lead us to treat others in a more pro-survival way.

For this process to work, the first step is that we must be able to experience our own emotions. This means we must be open to them and not distract ourselves from them or try to numb (使麻木) ourselves from our feelings. Next, we need to become aware of what we are actually feeling — to acknowledge, identify, and accept our feelings.       5     That is one reason why it is important to work on your own emotional awareness and sensitivity.

A.Only then can we understand another person’s feelings.
B.It is to emotionally put yourself in the place of others.
C.Therefore, it is a top priority to help children stay in touch with their feelings.
D.Once you have felt discriminated against, it is easier to understand that feeling.
E.We then can use the “reliving” of those emotions to guide our thinking and actions.
F.Intellectually knowing about a feeling is different from actually experiencing it yourself.
G.If one can not get on well with others, it is because they do not have the same feelings.
2023-05-31更新 | 97次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届广东省部分学校高三5月联合考试模拟预测英语试题
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