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1 . Imagine that you’ve just experienced something unpleasant—your friend has forgotten your birthday, you’ve been rejected for a new job, or you’ve just woken up after a long holiday and remembered you need to go to work. How would you typically respond to those feelings? You might try to tell yourself that it doesn’t matter, and not to let it get to you. This tendency could be described as “mood shame”: The belief that having bad feelings is a personal failing.

Continually looking on the bright side of life might seem strong, even courageous. While it’s natural that we might prefer to avoid uncomfortable feelings like disappointment, worry, anger, or sadness, recent psychological research supports the idea that they serve useful purposes in our lives. By learning to see that value and accept those feelings without judgement, we may enjoy better physical and mental health.

Consider anxiety. We may assume that anxious feelings destroy our concentration and reduce our performance on difficult tasks—that we can only succeed on an exam or in an interview if we learn to relax. Alternatively, we can see the feeling as a source of energy. Besides, disappointment may feel unpleasant—but you could recognize that the emotion helps us to learn from our mistakes. And by assigning a more positive meaning to the feeling and acknowledging its potential uses—rather than feeling it is somehow unhealthy—you might change the brain and the body's responses to an upset.

Rather than judging yourself harshly for bad feelings, you might lean into that bad mood, and allow yourself the self-care you need to get through it. Without fighting the emotions themselves, you could start to question whether those feelings have value. Perhaps they’ll help you to identify an important change you can make in your life.

1. What do the underlined words “get to” in Paragraph 1 mean?
2. What can we learn from the psychological research?
A.Bad moods lead to bad health.
B.Exercise will keep people in high spirits.
C.Positive feelings help improve people’s working efficiency.
D.Negative feelings can have positive effects if handled properly.
3. How is the third paragraph developed?
A.By making a comparison.B.By giving examples.
C.By analyzing causes.D.By following the order of time.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The causes of bad feelings.B.The consequences triggered by bad feelings.
C.The suggestions of dealing with bad feelings.D.The preventative measures against bad feelings.
2022-04-25更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市名校联盟2021-2022学年高二下学期第一次联合考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . Do you experience worries that get stuck in your head? Do these thoughts come with physical symptoms such as restlessness, muscle tension, or a racing heart?     1    

Your parents may help you move past anxiety by telling you “You don’t feel safe, but you are safe” and giving you space to experience discomfort and coming out the other side of it.     2     Many of these are the ones that you can apply in the moment without them being obvious to others.

● Practise mindful noticing. Mindfulness is the exercise of being aware in the moment and noticing your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Practising mindfulness can help shift your focus away from anxious thoughts and toward self-regulation. Try focusing on an object in the environment and giving it all your attention.     3     The more details you point out, the more your brain will focus on that object instead of the anxious thoughts.

    4     More demanding than simply counting in order, randomly picking numbers requires more attention. Again, this shifts attention away from anxiety-related thoughts and onto the task of reciting random numbers, which, though boring, do not cause anxiety.

● “Silence, Bruno!”     5     Recognizing an anxious thought for what it is can help put things in perspective and give one the chance to challenge the unhelpful thoughts. Disney’s 2021 film Luca delightfully demonstrates this skill. The character, Alberto, tells his friend Luca to quiet the doubt and fight against thoughts (Bruno) in his head by shouting, “Silence, Bruno!”

A.Recite numbers in order.
B.Count numbers randomly.
C.The best way is to talk back to anxiety.
D.If so, you may be suffering from anxiety.
E.The response is to look away from your anxiety.
F.And there are other techniques that can be helpful.
G.Do this by describing all the details of some object within your view.
2022-04-09更新 | 391次组卷 | 3卷引用:2022届重庆市缙云教育联盟高三第二次诊断性检测英语试题
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3 . My mom taught me songs. However, she never taught me how to sing. Of course I never really learned the English ________ then, but I realize as I grow up that one does not really ________ to understand the language of a song in order to ________ it completely. I also realize that music has become an important aspect of my ________. I use music to ________ my emotions, my joys, and my sorrows. Also, music is an ________ aspect of our culture. For example, some people use music to celebrate weddings.

When I came to the UK I realized that music has ________ me to deal with times when I miss home. It has become my ________ and when I miss home, especially my mum,   I find myself ________ the songs that we used to sing together. ________ I hear a song that makes me think of my brother and I find myself smiling or crying.

People use ________ instruments to create music, yet none of the lyrics and ________ have similar effect on all of us. When I listened to people singing as they ________ the world cup, I realized that music can actually bring ________ to this world and through songs the people of this world can be ________ as one!

A.dancing toB.performingC.listening toD.writing
2022-01-26更新 | 243次组卷 | 3卷引用:重庆市第八中学2021-2022学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Nature has developed the emotional state we call anger to help us stay alive. Anger energizes us to prepare us for action. It can be used either in productive ways or just the opposite. When we feel energized by anger, we might ask ourselves how we put this energy to the most productive use.

Perhaps the most helpful thing to remember about anger is that it is a secondary emotion. A primary feeling is what is felt immediately before we feel angry. We might first feel afraid, attacked, offended, trapped, or disrespected. If any of these feelings are intense enough, we think of the emotion as anger. Generally speaking, secondary feelings do not identify the unmet emotional need. When all I can say is “I feel angry”, neither I nor any one else knows what would help me feel better. A helpful technique, then, is to always identify the primary emotion.

Assume someone wants us to do something we prefer not to do. At first we feel a little pressured, but not enough to get angry. When they keep pushing us, we begin to get irritated. If they continue, we get angry. Such anger damages relationships.

If we feel angry, it is evident that we feel strongly about something. Instead of saying, “I can’t believe how irresponsible she is. What a cold-hearted, evil witch she is.” A more productive response is: “Am I really upset by this? Why does it bother me so much? What specifically am I feeling?” From the answers, we can decide to pick the best one to calm the anger. As soon as we “upshift” and begin to think about our options and their consequences, we start to feel more in control and less threatened. We get out of the automatic stimulus-response mode and realize that we have choices.

There is a quote from Victor Frankl that goes like this: “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lie our growth and freedom.”

1. What’s the author’s attitude towards anger?
2. What can we know about anger?
A.It reflects one’s intense feeling.B.It refers to a minor emotion.
C.It can identify emotional need.D.It surely causes a violent reaction.
3. What does Paragraph 4 mainly deal with?
A.What questions we ask about anger.B.How we respond to the anger.
C.How we develop growth and freedom.D.When we consider the consequence.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Ways to know about anger.B.Reasons to arouse anger.
C.Managing anger in a good way.D.Calming anger at the right time.
2022-01-26更新 | 137次组卷 | 3卷引用:2022届重庆市高三第一次联合诊断测试英语试题
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5 . One of my earliest childhood memories: I’m maybe six, and it is Easter Sunday morning. I wake up early and skip down the hall to my parents’ bedroom to wake them up so that we can get straight down to the _______hunt. My dad is still in bed _______; my mum is nowhere to be seen. After _______my dad with finger for a bit, I go over to windows _______ the garden. I draw back the curtain to see if I can find any chocolate eggs that may be _______, perhaps   even the Easter Bunny (复活节兔子) himself going about his work. _______ I see my mother with a little basket of Cadbury’s Creme Eggs in one hand, crouching (蹲) to_______them here and there among planters and flower beds. What I am _______ makes no sense at all. It _______ in the face of everything I know to be true. Yet here it is unthinkable, ________ right in front of me. Hurt by my own expanding comprehension of what is happening, I turn to my sleepy father. "Mummy is the Easter Bunny!" I say, and burst into ________.

As losses of ________ go, this thing fades away slowly. But in retrospect (回想), what upset me most about this ________was my understanding that a part of my childhood had been gone forever. I was ________ able to enjoy the innocence I ________so highly in the first place.

A.surveyingB.tidying upC.overlookingD.laying out
2021-08-24更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市凤鸣山中学2021届高三下学期第一次月考英语试题
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6 . A recent study showed that Dutch teens are the happiest in the world. The study surveyed 48 countries that represented nearly 7,000 teenagers. The survey asked a range of questions about body image, life satisfaction, and school environment.

Out of the 48 countries, the U.S. was fairly low on the list for teen happiness. America has experienced an increase in depression rates. So, what exactly makes Dutch teens happier and less anxious about life?

“I think Dutch children have generally positive reactions from their families and schools,” said Dr. Simone de Roos, a researcher. “They have a supportive environment at home, with friends and also at school. Dutch parents give a lot of support and have mild control. There’s a very good climate, teachers accept the feelings of pupils, and pupils trust teachers.”

The study also shows that Dutch teens’ daily habits have a huge effect on their overall health. According to the report, Dutch teens are five times more likely to eat breakfast during the week and have kinder classmates. Dutch teens are less likely to experience bullying (欺凌) and reported fewer rates of obesity. Prof. Ruut Veenhoven, director of World Happiness Day, said that across Europe young people do not feel anxious about living up to high expectations.

“If you look across Europe, the Dutch and the Danes are the most generous and they prefer to have their children develop self-independence rather than force them to obey others,” he said. Children have more freedom to do what they want, and in doing what they want, they develop an idea of what they really like as well as social skills. A happy boy may be sometimes not a very good boy.”

Actually, there are many more benefits to a Dutch childhood: they have comparatively little homework in school and experience regular family meals. Dutch kids are also more likely to be educated than their parents, and grow up in one of the most peaceful countries in the world. Maybe it’s high time that the U.S. took a page out of the Netherlands’ playbook.

1. What do we know about American teens?
A.They are satisfied with their school life.B.They are the most active in the study.
C.They feel less happy than Dutch teens.D.They have scored lower than others.
2. What accounts for Dutch teens’ happiness according to Dr. Simone de Roos?
A.Good social surroundings.B.Their positive attitudes.
C.Comfortable living conditions.D.Their good body images.
3. How is a Dutch teen’s childhood?
4. What are American parents advised to do?
A.Learn from the Dutch.B.Play together with kids.
C.Develop teens’ social skills.D.Guide kids to live a happy life.
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Life became dull when social distancing began in March due to the coronavirus. The_________all faded (消逝) together into what felt like one unexplainable long day. Not only did I have no opportunity to_________with my friends, but as more time passed in solitude (独处), I lost any_________to be around people.

That is, until July, when one of my_________from another state asked me to go camping with her family. I agreed, although somewhat_________. Once you have forgotten the pure_________of being among friends, the idea of driving six hours to live in a tent in the middle of a bug-infested (虫子滋生的) forest doesn't hold much_________anymore.

I don't remember the drive there, and even the scenery slowly_________from my mind. What I do remember is the_________feeling of happiness that washed over me. Within seconds, I remembered what it was like to live each second to its__________. I slept under the stars,__________from cliffs (山崖) into the crystal-clear water and walked through a night so__________that I couldn't see 2 inches (5cm) in front of me. I made new friends that are among my closest friends to this day. I instantly fell__________in love with the liveness of life.

The coronavirus brought on the hardest couple of months of my life. But I wholeheartedly__________that it was worth it.__________the advantages of the past gives you a greater appreciation of them when they finally return. Those five days in New York will forever be among my happiest.

2021-08-10更新 | 181次组卷 | 2卷引用:重庆外国语学校2020-2021学年2022届高二下学期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . To show empathy is to identify with another’s feelings. It is to emotionally put yourself in the place of another. The ability to empathize is directly dependent on your ability to feel your own feelings and identify them.

If you have never felt a certain feeling, it will be hard for you to understand how another person is feeling. If you have never put your hand in a flame, you will not know the pain of fire. If you have not experienced jealousy, you will not understand its power. Reading about a feeling and intellectually knowing about it is very different than actually experiencing it for yourself.

Among those with an equal level of emotional intelligence, the person who has actually experienced the widest range and variety of feelings — the great depths of depression and the heights of fulfillment, for example, — is the one who is most able to empathize. On the other hand, when we say that someone “can’t relate” to other people, it is likely because they haven’t experienced, acknowledged or accepted many feelings of their own.

Once you have felt discriminated against, for example, it is much easier to relate with someone else who has been discriminated against. Our innate emotional intelligence gives us the ability to quickly recall those instances and form associations when we encounter discrimination again. We then can use the “reliving” of those emotions to guide our thinking and actions. This is one of the ways nature slowly evolves towards a higher level of survival.

For this process to work, the first step is that we must be able to experience our own emotions. This means we must be open to them and not distract ourselves from them or try to numb ourselves from our feelings through drugs, alcohol, etc.

Next, we need to become aware of what we are actually feeling — to acknowledge, identify, and accept our feelings. Only then can we empathize with others. That is one reason why it is important to work on your own emotional awareness and sensitivity — in other words, to be “in touch with” your feelings.

1. How does the author explain the feelings of empathy?
A.By giving examples.B.By having classification.
C.By making comparison.D.By providing data.
2. Which statement may the author agree with?
A.Low level of empathy leads to fewer varieties of feelings.
B.The deeper one’s feelings are, the more empathetic one is.
C.Empathy is a way we recently picked up for better survival.
D.Rich experiences may not go with a high level of empathy.
3. What’s the purpose of the last two paragraphs of the text?
A.To advise a sincere attitude to one’s experiences.
B.To suggest a right understanding of empathy.
C.To require a real bond with one’s emotions.
D.To call for true acceptance of one’s feelings.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.How Empathy UnfoldsB.Be Open to Your Emotions
C.Why Is Empathy ImportantD.Accept Your True Self
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

As a child, I clearly remembered watching the PBS cartoon character Arthur get glasses. The poor guy felt ashamed and was laughed at by other kids due to his glasses. So I was thankful that I had good eyesight.

However, when I entered the eighth grade, I could no longer see very clearly the writing on the blackboard. Luckily, I was usually seated in the front of the classroom, and my study was not affected. So I didn't turn to glasses.

During my first year in high school, my eyesight became poorer. My eyes were examined, and the doctor determined that my eyesight was quite bad. I would either have to wear glasses full time, or try contact lenses (隐形眼镜). Since I had watched the cartoon character Arthur before, I was afraid to be judged by others due to my glasses — it made me believe the glasses would affect a person’s beauty. And being a teenage girl, I cared much about my self-image. Besides, at that time, there were few students around me wearing glasses. So I chose to wear contact lenses. I felt they would not affect my appearance. On the contrary, they would make me more attractive. And after wearing contact lenses, my entire world was transformed. Trees actually had leaves. People around me showed clear expressions. I was overjoyed at my new-found sight and appearance, and I had more self-confidence.

But when my junior year came along, I began to have trouble with my eyes. Once in a while, the contact lenses would irritate (刺激) my eyes, almost to the point where the pain was unbearable. It would take me thirty minutes just to get the lenses in comfortably every day, which made me so upset. With time going by, the pain only got worse.

In spite of endless visits to the hospital, my doctor found nothing wrong with my eyes. He tried countless mediations to ease my pain, However, none of them worked, and there was nothing left to try.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:

He suggested that I wear my glasses full-time. __________________________

Paragraph 2:

Later in my summer camp, I met a very outgoing girl who also wore glasses.

2021-07-01更新 | 628次组卷 | 3卷引用:重庆市第八中学校2022-2023学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题
完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . When Amanda Moore noticed that the new student from Mexico always sat alone at lunch, she decided to befriend Rafael Anaya. She also noticed that he________ to understand English. Then she used the Google Translate app to hand-write a letter in Spanish asking him to________her for lunch. Her action________her the “Student of the Month” award for October at school.

Actually, Rafael always________ because he felt so lonely. “He always ate lunch alone and I felt ________ about that,” Amanda said. She knew he spoke Spanish and he seemed lonely. She spent the whole afternoon ________ writing the letter, using the app to help her.

The next day Amanda handed the letter to Rafael and waited for his________.It wasn’t until their math class that he said “yes”. The two had been________together for lunch ever since. The letter helped Rafael feel more comfortable and encouraged him to________his English harder. “I think for Rafael it made a huge________,”said their teacher. “He really wants to learn English to talk to Amanda. The two used hand gestures and Google Translate for ________now but they hoped it would become ________ when Rafael's English improved. And, Amanda was learning some________.

Amanda’s mother felt________moved by her daughter’s action. “It is just so sweet,”she said. I think this ________ is special.”

A.put up withB.work onC.show offD.look forward to
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