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| 共计 25 道试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较易(0.85) |

1 . I was sitting at my kitchen table the other day with a pen, notebook, calculator and a pile of bills. I was doing my monthly budget. There were bills for electric water, rent, insurance, the car payment, the phone bill, and the cable bill. Plus money needed to be set aside for food, gas, clothes and hopefully a little left over to save for those unexpected bills that always seemed to show up. When I was done, I shook my head, closed my eyes and thought of a time long ago when I would regularly get treasures.

When I was a boy, we lived across the road from Camp Caesar. It held week long camps all through the summer and my grandma who I lovingly called “Nanny” worked in her big kitchen. I remember slipping there getting a smile, a hug, a kiss and a hot roll from Nanny. Then she would always take deep in her pockets and pull out a treasure, a shiny quarter. She would give it to me and I would run down the hill to either get an ice cold can of coke from the pop machine or I would head to the camp’s swimming pool where I could buy a warm cup of cherry coke for 15 cents and a tiny 10 cent bag of chips from a stand. I took my time because it was always a big decision. It was nice too feeling so rich for a few minutes.

Looking back now I can see that the real treasure was not the quarter at all. It was the love with which Nanny gave it to me. I would have still visited her at work every day if I had never gotten a single quarter. It was her smile, hugs, and kisses that were priceless in my heart then and now.

The old saying is true, “With your work you can make a living, but it is with your love that you make a life.” You can always welcome love into your heart, soul and mind. And you can always share your love with others. It is that one treasure that lasts forever.

1. According to Paragraph 1, what was the author trying to figure out?
A.Where to get treasures.B.What food and supplies to buy.
C.How to sort out these bills at hand.D.How to balance the money available.
2. What does the underlined word “roll” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.A kind of breadB.A kind of act.
C.A sound.D.A greeting.
3. Which of the following best describes Nanny?
4. Why does the author mention the old saying in the last Paragraph?
A.To change people’s heart and soul.
B.To show what we should value in life.
C.To explain work and love can make a life.
D.To advise more love and sharing in childhood.
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 容易(0.94) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

A couple have been living together for 30 years. On the 30th anniversary of    1    (they) marriage, the wife has baked the bun(圆面包)as usual. She baked it every morning,    2    was a tradition. During the breakfast, she cut it across, buttered both    3    (side) and as usual gave the top to the husband, but her hand stopped halfway.

She thought, "On the day of our 30th anniversary, I want to eat this rosy part of the bun. I    4    (dream) about this for 30 years. Finally, I was a good wife for 30 years and raised good sons for him. I put so much effort and health for the well-being of our family." So she made    5    decision and gave the bottom of the bun to her husband, but her hands trembled-    6    (break) the 30-year-old tradition!

Her husband took the bun so    7    (excite) and said to her, "What a wonderful gift you gave me today, my dear! It has been 30 years. I did not eat my favourite-the bottom part of the bun, because I thought that it rightfully    8    (belong) to you."

It's not diamonds and flowers that can give us happiness in daily life,    9    the little things-and taking these small simple steps over time will produce    10    (big) and happier results.

2021-06-23更新 | 323次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省大联考2020-2021学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约130词) | 较易(0.85) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Lindsay didn’t feel herself last month. She was a really good student, but to her     1    (anxious), her grades were falling. That was because she sometimes felt     2    (confuse) about what the teacher said and sometimes had trouble     3    (concentrate) on her study. Her behavior attracted her father’s attention. He asked what had happened     4    her, but she refused     5    (communicate) with him and just cried.

Worried that it affected her daily life     6    (terrible), the father turned to his neighbor — a knowledgeable architect for help. The architect told him     7     unique solution to the problem. He recommended that he     8    (plan) a trip for his daughter. By getting close to nature and experiencing a different life, Lindsay did recover from it.     9     you have such signs, don’t worry. Maybe travelling     10    (be) a good choice for you.

阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Humans have a lot of emotions. Expressing anger over a broken promise or a lost opportunity is as healthy as expressing joy and sadness and should be encouraged. However,if anger is frequently expressed, it can prove to be harmful for many reasons.     1     Let's take a look at some ways that you can manage your anger.

    2    A recommended way to do with anger and recognize how frequently you have this emotion is by keeping a journal to track your emotions. In order to understand your feelings better, note the causes that push you to outbursts, as well as the thoughts that run through your mind when this happens.

Try positive exercises. When you feel the obvious signs of your anger building up, try to focus on positive practices like deep breathing to calm yourself down.    3     This can help to prevent an outburst and the negative outcomes that accompany it.

Reach out to loved ones. Just as you would open up to loved ones over the pain of heart break or the joy of a promotion, calling loved ones when you're about to lose control of your temper is a healthy way of dealing with the emotion.    4    

See a psychologist. Sometimes you feel that your emotions are too strong and unstable to be contained through self-help.     5     It's always a welcome way to get things under control.

A.Keep a mood journal.
B.Note all the thoughts in your mind.
C.Seeking professional guidance is your best choice
D.Repeat the exercise until your anger is controlled.
E.They can act as a support group, calming you down.
F.But joy is a necessary part of your well-being in life.
G.So learning to deal with this emotion becomes important.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . How do we rid ourselves of the negative (消极的) thoughts and return to a place of peace and acceptance? Read on for some expert-guided tips.

First, don’t suppress (抑制) the negative thought. “Research shows that it’s important not to suppress negative thoughts as this only makes it worse.     1     Then, select a positive thought or visual to engage with in place of the negative thought that you set free,” Dr. Carla Marie Manly, and author of Joy from Fear, tells She Knows.

Don’t forget to breathe. “Close your eyes and breathe in for a count of four; then breathe out slowly to the count of four. When worries and stress begin to rise, be kind to yourself.     2     A worried mind gets very calm when it’s focused on breathing rather than worrying,” says Manly.

    3     “Just because you have a thought doesn’t mean it’s true. When you notice you’re being hard on yourself or thinking very negatively, take a step back and question the thought you’re having,” suggests Touroni. “    4     Are you jumping to conclusions?”

Try a positive message mantra (咒语). When negative thoughts get a hold on you, Manly recommends focusing on a positive message or mantra that feels strong and calming for you. “For example, your mantra might be, ‘All will be well.     5    ’ ” Manly suggests keeping a copy of your mantra in your wallet, on your mirror, and on your desk for a handy reminder during stressful moments.

A.Things will work out.
B.Think of a peaceful image instead.
C.Don’t believe everything you think.
D.And then pause to relax and breathe.
E.Is there any evidence to support this?
F.Can you trace back to where this all started?
G.Instead, notice the negative thought and then let it float away.
书信写作-感谢信 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 假定你是李华,国庆节期间参加了Angele公司的旅游团。你感到该公司的旅行路线物有所值,你对导游Lily的服务感到尤其满意。请给Angela公司写一封感谢信,内容包括:
完形填空(约220词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . When I was a little boy, my parents and brothers would often play cards in the afternoons. It was a (n) ________ way to pass the time and after watching countless games, I started to ________. I was only five but I learned________ and was soon winning as often as I lost. When I started school, I found out the hours of playing cards had made me good with ________. I was getting full marks on my math tests until high school when I ________ they had a thing called Algebra   (代数) . I was ________to see letters mixed in with the numbers and I struggled to ________ it. Then one day I opened a Calculus (微积分) book. One look was all to know that I would not major in math.

Instead I found ________ studying literature, history, psychology, and philosophy, which all put me on a path that I am ________on today: it is a journey of learning all I can about life and________ . One thing I did learn was that love has its own unique math that isn’t logical yet makes________. In the Calculus of Love the more love you________, the more love you have. Sharing sorrows means subtracting (减去) them. Sharing________means multiplying them.

Love like life is often more than we can ________. But our soul can. May you choose it, share it, and learn it. Only then will your life add up ________.

A.join inB.mark outC.get throughD.break away
A.talk aboutB.set asideC.give awayD.hope for
阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . It’s normal to get nervous about an important event or life change, and there are steps you can take when anxiety starts to take hold. Try these expert-backed suggestions to help you regain control of your thoughts.

    1     Anxiety is a future-focused state of mind. So instead of worrying about what’s going to happen, move yourself back to the present; that is, focus on what’s happening right now. Besides, ask yourself: Is there something I need to right now? Must I solve this problem now?     2     In this way, those distant possibilities don't throw you off track.

People with anxiety often pay attention to the worst things that could happen. To get rid of these worries, think about how realistic they are.     3     Rather than think, “I’m going to bomb,” say, “I’m nervous, but I’m prepared for this task. Some things will go well.”

As you know, it may be appealing to reach for sweet things when you’re stressed.     4     The reason is that research shows eating too much sugar can worsen anxious feelings. Instead of reaching into the candy bowl, drink a glass of water or eat protein, which will provide a slow energy your body can use to recover.

Following the 3-3-3 rule may fight anxiety. Whenever you feel your brain going 100 miles per hour and out of control, look around you and name three things you see. Then, name three sounds you hear. Finally, move three parts of your body — your ankle, fingers, or arm.     5    

A.But that could do more harm than good.
B.Then map out your future in a realistic way.
C.It’s suggested that you stay in your time zone.
D.You may regard them as a method of reliving anxiety.
E.Let’s say you're nervous about a big presentation at work.
F.This trick can help center your mind on the present moment.
G.If not, make an “appointment” to check in with yourself later.
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文.续写的词数应为150左右.

My mom is really a good cook (I bet all of us have this same claims) and she never really taught me how to cook.She enjoys experimenting various dishes and occasionally she will ask for my help to grind chili,onions or garlic.Basically all simple chores.I sometimes look at how she prepares the dishes and became more observant over the years.Every day she will buy meat or vegetables from a local market near us and just store it in the fridge to be cook later for dinner.She works for the government and she is not available to cook lunch.Every day after coming back from school I would always open the refrigerator and see what she bought and I can always tell what will be for dinner that night.If I see chicken,potatoes and shredded coconut,I would be very excited because I know she will make my favorite dish – Chicken Curry.

My parents do okay but we are by no means wealthy.I think we are comfortable in our daily basic needs but we definitely have no room for luxuries.But when it comes to our dinner,my mom will always make 3 dishes for dinner without failure.It’s almost like eating in a restaurant.I have to admit I was spoiled by my mom when it comes to my eating habits and have high expectations when eating somewhere else.      

One day my mom came back from work in the office and she was really in bad mood.She was complaining about how untidy we are and we (my siblings) never contributed in the household chores.To me that is not a fair statement as my elder brother and I took turns to wash the dishes.I was also given the privileged of ironing my mom and dad’s office attire each week.I was 14 at that time and being a boy,I have no intention of letting my friends know.Most of my friends have a maid to do all this but my parents simply couldn’t afford one.

Back to the scenario(情形) where my mom was in bad mood and complaining about our lack of involvement with the chores.
I tried my best to remember what the taste were like if my mom were to cook it.
书信写作-其他应用文 | 较难(0.4) |
10 . 如今,越来越多的人利用消费评分进行消费,然而有的人获得了愉快的购物体验,有的人却被虚假的消费排名欺骗,请你写一篇短文谈谈你对消费评分(ratings)的看法,并用2-3个理由支撑你的看法。

Nowadays, it has become a new trend for customers to choose a certain product based on ratings on the Internet.

2021-05-18更新 | 126次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省衡水中学2020~2021学年高一下学期三调考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般