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Xi’an, capital city of Shaanxi, served as the capital of 13 dynasties in Chinese history, which in total     1    (last) about 1,100 years. Consequently, the ancient history of Shaanxi is to some degree the ancient history of China. Shaanxi History Museum considers     2     a duty to be a showcase of Chinese ancient civilization.

People call Shaanxi History Museum “Bright Pearl in Ancient Capital and Precious Treasure of China”, for it is an art palace     3    (full) showing Shaanxi history and culture as well as Chinese ancient civilization. Its architectural buildings and exhibits have made it famous as a first-class museum in China     4     it was opened to the public in 1991. It covers     5     total area of 65, 000 square meters.

The basic halls in the museum are divided into three exhibition halls     6     2,000 cultural remains to display the history of ancient times in chronological (编年的) order. The first exhibition hall     7    (locate) on the ground floor while the other two are on the second floor.

While     8    (design) the buildings in Shaanxi History Museum, the great designer used     9    (tradition) palace construction of Tang Dynasty for reference. Adopting symmetry axis (轴对称) layout with main and supporting buildings in order, the complex     10    (architecture) show the unique presence of Tang Dynasty.

2024-01-19更新 | 347次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届福建省泉州市高三上学期毕业班质量监测(二)英语试题
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2 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The recent opening of a new exhibition building at the Sanxingdui Museum, in Guanghan, in Sichuan province, made the place     1     instant tourist hot spot. The bronze heads, golden masks, holy trees and various statues reveal the    2     (mystery) faces of a culture dating back more than 3,000 years.

For those who cannot make it to Guanghan,     3     the extensive site of Sanxingdui is located, an immersive exhibition     4    (equip) with digital technology, titled Hello Sanxingdui,     5     (offer) an alternative means to be awed by the magnificence of this Bronze Age culture. It is running at the Longfu Art Museum in Beijing until Feb 29.

It provides a time-travel experience for both an educational and artistic appeal. The journey begins     6     a brief timeline of texts, photos and videos, showing how Sanxingdui was first discovered in the 1920s, when objects were found by farmers digging an irrigation ditch (灌溉沟渠); and it highlights the important moments in the past century’s continued archaeological efforts, to reveal the myths surrounding Sanxingdui and the secrets yet     7     (uncover).

On show     8     life-size reproductions of dozens of astonishing artifacts, supervised by Sanxingdui Museum, such as 2.6-meter bronze statues, 3.8-meter-wide bronze masks and “the holy tree” standing nearly 4 meters.

Images of these objects found at Sanxingdui and their     9     (pattern) have been digitalized, animated and projected on screens, leading the audience into the ancient kingdom of Shu, a     10     (civilize) that thrived for centuries in the southwest during the Zhou Dynasty, and disappeared suddenly, leaving many myths and legends.

2024-01-16更新 | 716次组卷 | 4卷引用:语法填空变式题

3 . Canada is a very large country. It is the second largest country in the world. By contrast (相比较) it has a very small population. There are only about 29 million people there. Most Canadians are of British or French origin, and French is an official language of Canada as well as English. About 45% of the people are of British origin, that is, they or their parents or grandparents, etc, come from British. Nearly 30% are of French origin. Most of the French-Canadians live in the province of Quebec.

Over the years, people have come to live in Canada from many countries in the world. They are from most European countries and also from China, besides other Asian countries. However, Canada was not an empty country when the Europeans began to arrive. Canadian-Indians lived along the coast, by the rivers and lakes and in forests. Today, there are only about 350,000 Indians in the whole country, with their own languages. In the far north live the Inuits (因努伊特人). There are only 27,000 Canadian-Inuits. Their life is hard in such a difficult climate.

1. About ______ live in Quebec.
A.30% of the French-CanadiansB.45% of the Canadians
C.29,000,000 peopleD.8,700,000 French-Canadians
2. The official languages of Canada are ______.
A.Chinese and InuitsB.French and English
C.Indian and FrenchD.English and Chinese
3. The word “origin” in the passage means ______.
4. About 25% of people came from ______.
A.EnglandB.China and some other Asian countries
C.FranceD.some other countries except France and Britain
5. Among the 29 million people in Canada, only about ______ of the people are Canadian-Indians.
2023-12-07更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省福州至一华伦高中2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . 语法填空

Terracotta Army it is amazing sight in Xi’an. There are more than 8, 000 statues     1     (make) in the third century BCB to guard the tomb of the Chinese Emperor Qinshihuang. All the statues have different faces, leading researchers to believe that each one is a copy of a real soldier. The statues fill only one part of the emperor’s huge tomb,     2     still has not been     3     (complete) unearthed. No one in modern times knew about them until 1974.

2023-11-13更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省厦门第六中学2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

5 . For archaeologists (考古学家) in Israel, eight prehistoric ostrich (鸵鸟) eggs-thought to be between 4,000 and 7,500 years old-proved as valuable as treasure when they were dis-covered near an ancient fire pit in the Negev, a desert region in the south of the country.

They were discovered during an archaeological excavation (挖掘) in the agricultural fields of Be’er Milka, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced on Thursday. The eggs’ location suggests that they were collected by the prehistoric (史前的) desert nomads (游牧民) who used the campsite, according to a press release from IAA, and further lab analysis will provide more information about their uses and ages. Although the nomads did not build permanent structures at this site, the finding allows us to feel their presence in the desert. The campsites were covered by sand, keeping the eggs exceptionally well-preserved.

Ostriches were common in the region until they became extinct in the wild during the 19th century. Their eggs were beautifully decorated and were prized items during the Bronze and Iron Ages (青铜和铁器时代). As well as being used as decorative items, ostrich eggs were also used as a source of food. One ostrich egg has the nutritional value of about 25 normal chicken eggs.

While ostrich eggs are not uncommon in excavations, the bones of the large bird are not found. This may indicate that in the ancient world, people avoided dealing with the ostrich and were content with collecting their eggs.

1. What did archaeologists find in Israel?
A.Ostriches.B.Burnt tools.C.Ostrich eggs.D.The bones of ostriches.
2. What protected the ostrich eggs well?
A.The trees.B.The fire pit.C.The campsites.D.The sand.
3. Why did nomads collect ostrich eggs?
A.To provide shelter for them.
B.To protect agricultural fields.
C.To get food or decorations.
D.To do some research on them.
4. What can we learn from the text?
A.Ostrich eggs have high nutritional value.
B.Ostriches were found near an ancient fire pit.
C.People tended to hunt ostriches as food sources.
D.Ostriches were common in Israel in the 20th century.
2023-11-11更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省龙岩市龙岩一级校联考2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题
短文填空-根据课文内容填空 | 较易(0.85) |
6 . 课文内容填空

Many people are confused about the     1    (mean) of the names: the United Kingdom, Great Britain, Britain and England.     2     (solve) this puzzle, knowing a little bit about British history will help.

In the 16th century, the nearby country of Wales     3    (join) to the Kingdom of England, followed by the country Scotland in 18th century. In the 19th century, the Kingdom of Ireland was added to create the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.     4     (final), in the 20th century, the southern part of Ireland broke away    5    the UK, resulting in the full name we have today: “the United Kingdom” or “the UK”. People from the UK are called “British”,     6     means the UK is also often referred to as Britain or Great Britain.

Even though the four countries which     7     (belong) to the United Kingdom work together in some areas, such as using the same flag, sharing the same currency and military     8     (defend), they also have some differences. Anyhow, the United Kingdom has     9     long and interesting history to explore, which can help you understand much more about the country and     10     (it) traditions.

语法填空-短文语填 | 较易(0.85) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

In 2016, the first phase of the Digital Huang resource database went online. People from all over the world could enjoy high-quality     1     (image) and panoramic (全景的) tours of 30 caves on the Digital Huang website,     2     showed a totally new idea of cultural relics protection philosophy. This project was intended to pursue overall digitization, including the collection, processing and storage of the Magoo Grottoes and related cultural relics using     3     (advance) science and technology.

2023-08-08更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省厦门第二中学2022-2023学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题(含听力)
听力选择题-短文 | 较易(0.85) |
8 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What did British scientists find about Stonehenge?
A.Why people built it.
B.Where some stones were from.
C.How people moved the stones.
2. What did the researchers do to the small piece of stone?
A.They kept it secret.
B.They used it to build structures.
C.They performed chemical testing.
3. What does the speaker mainly talk about?
A.A research on Stonehenge.
B.The secrets of Stonehenge.
C.The process of building Stonehenge.
2023-07-08更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省晋江二中、鹏峰中学、泉港五中2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Why You Should Visit the Four Imperial Cities of Morocco


Fez is arguably the most storied of the four imperial (皇家的) cities. It was founded in the late 9th century and it served as a capital seven times, most recently in 1912. Thanks to its long run as a capital in different eras, the city is home to numerous historical museums and important monuments. Visit Fez to learn more about Morocco’s history, check out its unique architecture, and experience its energetic culture.


Marrakesh was founded in the late 11th century and it served as the capital for four different dynasties. It is now considered the No.1 tourist destination in Morocco, with visitors from all over the world coming to see its luxury imperial palaces, splendid gardens, and ancient markets and try some of the best food in this part of the world.


Meknes was Morocco’s capital between 1672 and 1727. Even this short period was enough to leave a lasting mark on the city in the form of old imperial palaces, castles, and gates. The city also has plenty of other fascinating things to check out, like the Museum of Moroccan Art, several old mosques (清真寺), old markets, and nearby Roman   Ruins.


Rabat is the current capital of the country. It was founded by the Almohad dynasty in the 12th century with this purpose, although it took until 1955 for the city to claim this status officially. There are numerous historical tourist attractions to check out in Rabat, including the Mausoleum of Mohamed V, the unfinished Hassan Tower, and the Chellah Roman Ruins. Being situated at the seaside also means that you will be able to have other activities besides sightseeing.

1. What is Fez famous for?
A.Its luxury palaces.B.Its numerous art museums.
C.Its Roman Ruins.D.Its long term as a capital.
2. What can you see in both Marrakesh and Meknes?
A.Old markets.B.Imperial castles.
C.Ancient mosques.D.A Splendid gardens
3. When was the current capital confirmed?
A.In the 12th century.B.In the 17th century.
C.In the 19th century.D.In the 20th century.
2023-05-11更新 | 91次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届福建省宁德市普通高中毕业班5月份质量检测英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Tangshan started to revive itself and get back up on its feet. With strong support from the government and the     1     (tire) efforts of the city’s people, a new Tangshan     2     (build) upon the earthquake ruins. Tangshan city has proved to China and the rest of the world that in times of disaster, people must unify and show the wisdom     3     (stay) positive and rebuild for a brighter future.

2022-12-13更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省厦门市湖滨中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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