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1 . If you’ve got more than one kid, you’re showing favoritism, whether you know it or not.

“Parents may favor one child over another, for a lot of reasons. The child may have an easy temperament (性情) or might behave particularly well or may look like you,” says Susan Newman, a psychologist. “But regardless of the reason, every child must be made to feel loved and special, in order to fully develop.” Newman warns that favoring one child over their siblings (兄弟姐妹) publicly can have a significantly negative effect.

“The unfavored child can feel defeated, and unmotivated, as a result of working hard to get parental support, with no success,” says Yelena Gidenko, a licensed counselor. “He orshe may also suffer from depression and become angry, bitter, or jealous,” she adds Children feeling this way may act out, in an effort to get their parent’s attention, making matters worse. They may also behave inappropriately, becoming the black sheep, which they believe their parents already see. “Unfavored children may have a hard time accepting who they are, since they do not feel accepted by their parents,” adds Gidenko.

Favoritism is not exactly a boon for the favored child, either. Kids who feel that they are their parent’s favorite sometimes translate that into a go pass for their behavior in future relationships. “Favored children may feel a sense of entitlement, and that rules do not apply to them,” says Gidenko. This can negatively affect the way they act in school, at work, and in their friendships.

It may seem absurd, but the opposite can also occur. Favored children may experience anxiety and insecurity, resulting from their favorite child status. “Children are observant. They know when they are getting praise for things they have not earned, such as being your favorite. For this reason, they know, and fear, that these things might be taken away fromthem at any time, for any reason,” says Gidenko

Newman urges parents to remember that it’s not possible to treat children equally because they are all different. What parents can, and should do is talk to their kids about how, and why, they treat them the way they do. “According to research, parents don’t talkabout this. They don’t say why one child gets more time than another. If they do, they are preserving their bond with each child,” says Newman

1. What can we learn about unfavored children?
A.They want to please their parents
B.They care little about their siblings.
C.They tend to lack a sense of identity
D.They hope to be the black sheep of the family.
2. What does the underlined word “boon” in paragraph 4 mean?
3. What does Newman suggest parents do in the last paragraph?
A.Treat their children equally
B.Explain themselves to their children
C.Strengthen their bond with their children
D.Remove the differences between their children
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The solutions to parental favoritism
B.The consequences of parental favoritism
C.An analysis of why parents play favorites
D.A contrast between favored and unfavored children
2023-11-10更新 | 337次组卷 | 4卷引用:河南省南阳市第一中学校2023-2024学年高二上学期第三次月考英语试题
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2 . Carlos Slim’s proposal that we work a three - day week sounds crazy. But many, in 1922, thought Henry Ford crazy when he announced that his staff would work a five - day week.

Our working week seems normal to us because it is what we all always do. He certainly could be for those he was most concerned about when he made his three - day - week statement at a business conference in Paraguay: the workers who are not ready to retire. As Mr. Slim said, it no longer makes sense for people to stop working in their fifties or sixties when they may still have up to a third of their lives ahead of them. “People are going to have to work for more years, until they are 70 or 75, and just work three days a week - perhaps 11 hours a day.” he said.

Keeping older employees at work makes sense for societies, especially those with a diminishing number of young people who are expected to support long - living retirees.

He appeared to be suggesting that these short - week workers earn the same as they did full - time. That is what happens at Telmex, his Mexican fixed - line phone company, where those qualified for retirement can choose to work four - day weeks on full pay.

Older workers elsewhere might prefer shorter weeks on reduced pay - and eight or nine - hour days rather than 11. Their companies might value keeping their experience while saving money on their salaries. What about everyone else? There are those who are unemployed, or in unstable jobs, who would be delighted to have three secure, well - paid days of work a week.

Shorter weeks don’t work in every job, but they work in more jobs than most tradition - bound managers think. Agreeing to them requires two shifts in management thinking. The first is the realization that much of the time spent in offices is wasted anyway. Second, senior executives need ro understand that the best way to measure people is by the work they produce - not by how much time they spend at their desks.

People living longer, in better health, are changing working life too. Mr. Slim’s idea is in tune with the times.

1. According to paragraph 2 why did Mr. Slim think it unwise for people in their fifties or sixties to retire ?
A.Because they have longer life to live in their future.
B.Because they have children and old parents to support
C.Because they have much interest in their present work.
D.Because they have more experience than young workers.
2. What can we infer from the passage ?
A.The decision of working five days a week by Ford was considered normal in the past.
B.Old people continuing working can reduce young people’s pressure to support their old parents
C.Some companies don’t want their old workers to go on working because they can save money.
D.Much time spent at work is wasted if managers don’t agree to reduce old employees’working time.
3. What does the underlined phrase “in tune with” mean in the last paragraph ?
A.Different from.B.Superior to.
C.Far from.D.Consistent with.
4. What is the best title for this passage ?
A.Retire Or Not, This Is A Question!
B.Shorter Weeks Is Welcome By All
C.Working Three Days A Week: A Great Idea
D.Carlos Slim - Crazy For More Resting Time
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . Today it is common to see people who walk about with colored wires hanging from their ears wherever they go. They move about in their personal bubbles,sometimes unaware of what’s happening around them.     1     Outside life is shut out. So are you one of “them”?

For me, walking around in my own personal bubble is perfect.     2     What’s even better, wearing earphones seems to give a signal to people which says:“I'm not available for chatting at the moment.”

Suppose you’re at work and about to make an incredible breakthrough,but a colleague suddenly turns up. At this precise moment,the slightest disturbance would break your concentration.     3     Once again,those wires hanging from your ears would be sure to give that “Go away!” signal.

    4     It’s probably part of the growing up stage when they just want to ignore their whole family. While their mothers give them lectures about why they should do their homework,they can just turn up the volume on their MP3 player, smile and say “Yes, Mum.” Problem solved.

Pretty soon,not only will we have pretty colored wires hanging from our ears,but also our brains will be directly plugged into some new high-tech instrument. We’ll be in a virtual world,communicating with everyone else,as we like. In this world,we will all be permanently plugged in.     5     And they are changing our social habits along the way.

In the end, there is a thin line between using technology as a tool for making life better and being a slave to it! It’s so strange—suddenly. I don’t feel like wearing my earphones anymore.

A.Our instruments are changing quickly.
B.I also have wires hanging from my ears.
C.In the home situation,teenagers love these wires.
D.I don’t have to deal with the noise from the environment.
E.After all,I am listening to my favourite music and would rather not be disturbed.
F.They walk around in their own spaces, with their personal “digital noise reduction systems”.
G.Listening to music through earphones is one of the perfect ways to ignore such interruptions.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Parenting styles have evolved over the years in response to the rapid social changes. Whether it is tapping technology or applying the best parenting practices, parents nowadays generally invest more time in finding out how best to raise their child.

Modern parents have access to the internet and social media for ideal parenting advice and tips. There are also numerous parenting groups for different age groups on social media that parents can join. A parent can post questions from how to manage the constant cries of an infant to how to talk to a moody teenager, and chances are, the parent will be flooded instantly with advice and relevant articles. The availability of resources has helped modern parents to be more involved and supportive of their children’s development, academically, emotionally and socially. Modern parents are also keener to find out about effective parenting methods to raise disciplined and confident children.

Meanwhile, one of modern parenting styles, helicopter parenting, arises. When parents become over-involved, over-concerned and over-controlling, they start helping children with what they are capable of on their own, for example, selecting activities and friends for them. Such a parenting style can restrict the children’s ability to handle responsibilities independently. Children might be ill-equipped with life skills such as operating a stove or monitoring their schoolwork. Overprotecting children from failures may also be prevented from developing resilience (韧性) and acquiring skills like problem-solving.

On the other hand, parents in the past tended to supervise (监管) less. Children were given more control over how they managed their schoolwork and the friends they chose to play with. They were often expected to shoulder the responsibilities of caring for younger siblings and managing household chores. Living in the preinternet era, parents were less informed about different parenting approaches and personalities.

There is no one right way to raise a child and there is no need to doubt about the best parenting style. Each child is unique and should be raised differently by parents who are present, but not hovering (盘旋);who are supportive but not controlling; and who protect but not spoil.

1. What does the author explain by mentioning “an infant” and “a moody teenager” in paragraph 2?
A.Devotion to kids.
B.Easy access to guidance.
C.Effective parenting.
D.Tricky parenting problems.
2. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about concerning modern parenting?
A.Its benefits.B.Its influence.
C.Its characteristics.D.Its type.
3. What can we learn about parents in the past?
A.They had strengths and weaknesses in parenting.
B.They were wiser than modern parents in1 parenting.
C.They were to blame for child development prospect.
D.They contributed to the children’s well-rounded abilities.
4. What is the purpose of writing the article?
A.To recommend how to parent wisely.
B.To appeal to learn from modern parents.
C.To inform how parenting has changed.
D.To introduce two parenting strategies.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . Ariel Procaccia has thought a lot about how to cut a cake over the last 15 years. As the father of three children, he knows how hard it is to divide a birthday cake to everyone’s satisfaction. But it’s also because Procaccia’s work focuses on exploring the mathematical rules for dividing stuff up fairly. One way to do that is to think abstractly about dessert.

For decades, researchers have been asking the seemingly simple question of how to cut a cake fairly. The answer reaches far beyond birthday parties. A mathematical problem at its heart, cake cutting connects strict reasoning to real-world issues of fairness, and so attracts not only mathematicians, but also social scientists, economists and more. “It’s a very elegant model in which you can distill what fairness really is, and reason about it,” Procaccia says.

The simplest approach is called the “divider-chooser” method, where one person cuts the cake into two equal pieces in his view, and the other person picks first. Each receives a piece that they feel is as valuable as the other’s. But when personal preferences are taken into account, even the easiest rule becomes complicated. Suppose Alice and Bob are to divide a cake, and Alice knows Bob prefers chocolate, she may knowingly divide the cake unequally so the smaller piece contains more chocolate. Then Bob will choose according to his preference, and Alice will get the larger piece. Both of them are satisfied with what they get, but the meaning of fairness changes in this situation.

The cake is a symbol for any divisible good. When cake-cutting principles are employed to settle disagreements, they are potentially helping the world find solutions. Procaccia has used fair division algorithms (算法) to model food distribution. Social scientist Haris Aziz is exploring situations ranging from how to divide up daily tasks to how to best schedule doctors’ shifts in hospitals.

Even after decades of investigation, cake cutting isn’t like a simple jigsaw puzzle (拼图) with a well-defined solution. Instead, over time, it has evolved into a kind of mathematical sandbox, a constructive playground that brings together abstract proofs and easy applications. The more researchers explore it, the more there is to explore.

1. What does the underlined word “distill” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Get the essence of.B.Find the opposite of.
C.Keep the focus on.D.Reduce the impact on.
2. What can we learn about fairness from the example given in paragraph 3?
A.Its standard is stable.B.It prevents unequal division.
C.Its concept is complex.D.It dominates personal preferences.
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about concerning cake cutting?
A.The application of its rules.B.The details of its process.
C.The problems it produces.D.The harmony it symbolizes.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Who benefits most from fairness?
B.How has fairness changed over time?
C.What method works best in cake-cutting?
D.Why are researchers so interested in cake-cutting?

6 . Recycling is a great way of doing your bit for the environment and helping to protect the earth’s precious resources. However, a new study has revealed that our desire to be sustainable maybe doing more harm than good. According to waste company Biffa, this is because of “wish-cycling” — assuming that items such as disposable coffee cup sand pizza boxes will be recycled if put in the recycling bin. In fact, pollution from those items or other non-recyclables can result in recyclable items that have been put in the correct bin going to landfill. David Heaton, a business director at Biffa, said: “Pollution happens when items are disposed of in the wrong bins or haven’t been cleaned before being recycled.”

Experts at Biffa analyzed the amounts of non-target and non-recyclable materials that entered UK material recycling facilities between 2016 and 2020. It was found that, in 2016, the average pollution rate of recycling waste was 13.4 percent, rising over four years to 17 percent by the end of 2020. This shows that, even as people are becoming more eco-conscious, wish-cycling is increasing both in households and businesses.

The Biffa experts say that one of the best ways to prevent pollution of recycling is to clean recyclable waste before putting it in the bin. They suggest cutting off the top of old pizza boxes and only recycling that part to avoid pollution from the grease (油脂). Check the on-packaging recycling label to check it can actually be recycled When it comes to plastics, Biffa recommends checking the resin code, the number in the plastic triangle, to know whether it should go in the recycling bin. In general, resin codes 1, 2, 4 and 5 are recyclable, while 3, 6 and 7 are not. Larger items, like electronics, furniture and batteries, can also be recycled but often can not go in household recycling bins as they need specialist separating. These will need to be taken to recycling centers or sustainable waste management companies.

“It’s vital as a nation that we get better at effective ‘pre-cycling’— sorting waste correctly before collection to reduce pollution rates,” added Mr. Heaton.

1. What’s the truth of “wish-cycling” according to the first paragraph?
A.The desire to lead a sustainable life.
B.The good intention to help recycling.
C.The habit of throwing items that end up in landfills.
D.The practice of recycling items that can not be recycled.
2. What has experts at Biffa concluded after their analysis?
A.People are becoming more eco-conscious.
B.Wish-cycling is on the rise in recent years.
C.Pollution happens less frequently in recycling facilities.
D.People are used to cleaning recyclable waste before putting it in the bin.
3. Which of the following is a proper way of recycling?
A.Dispose of electronics together with household waste.
B.Skip the step of checking the on-packaging recycling label.
C.Check the resin code of plastics to see whether it is recyclable or not.
D.Cutoff the top of old pizza box and throw the rest to the recycling bin.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Recycling: a Big ProjectB.Wish-cycling: a New Trend
C.Wish-cycling: a Growing ConcernD.Pre-cycling: an Effective Method
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . Going against the tide of flocking to well-known tourist destinations on vacation, a growing number of holidaymakers in China tend to spend their leisure time at lesser-known attractions. Reverse tourism (逆向旅游) has appeared as a   new trend among young holidaymakers in China.

According to data from an online travel agency, the number of rooms booked at hotels in less-traveled cities during the holiday was up 30 percent year-on-year. Bookings for four-star or five-star hotels in less-traveled places all increased ten times at a minimum. Some lesser-known scenic spots posted double-digit (两位数的) growth during the holiday. Baimaiquan Park in Jinan, the capital of Shandong Province, received 52,100 visits in the seven days, up to 15.78 percent year-over-year.

Besides crowds, some vacationers chose less-traveled places to save on the cost of trips to popular destinations. In addition, lesser-known attractions are not as “commercial” as developed ones and are able to offer more actual experiences and natural encounters.

Essentially speaking, total relaxation is becoming a real expectation for many people when they travel. Changes in demand may be the fundamental reason for the popularity of reverse tourism. COVID-19 is another key factor fueling reverse tourism. As preventive measures continue, traveling has an unpredictable quality. Travelers have thus become more cautious and tend to choose local attractions or places with fewer tourists.

“The rise of reverse tourism is not a bad thing,” said Zhengzhou Daily. It means that vacationers now have more options, which brings more possibilities to the tourism market. More importantly, it noted, the trend is set to force popular destinations to improve themselves instead of resting on their past honor.

Jiang Han, a senior researcher, said that reverse tourism will become one of the future directions for the market. To give a real boost to the tourism market, Jiang suggested that more efforts be made to tap the potential of underestimated, lesser-known destinations. It is necessary to dig deeper into the local customs and highlight the local characteristics to improve the quality of local tourism.

1. What do the statistics in paragraph 2 tell us?
A.The popularity of travel agency in China.
B.The high income of hotels during holidays.
C.The contributions of tourism to the economy.
D.The increasing trend of reverse tourism in China.
2. What may be the root cause of the rise of reverse tourism?
A.The impact of COVID-19.
B.Holidaymakers’ changing needs for travel.
C.The lower cost of heading to less-traveled places.
D.The lack of innovative improvements in famous attractions.
3. What does Zhengzhou Daily think of reverse tourism?
A.It will drop with the recovery of economy.
B.It benefits both tourists and the tourism market.
C.It is beneficial to spread local culture to tourists.
D.It blocks the development of some popular resorts.
4. What is Jiang Han’s advice on developing the tourism market?
A.Upgrading the supporting facilities in tourist areas.
B.Improving the management rules of tourist attractions further.
C.Exploring the potential and features of lesser-known attractions.
D.Promoting the local characteristics of China through online media.

8 . Grandparents Answer a Call

As a third-generation native of Brownsville, Texas, Mildred Garza never planned to move away.Even when her daughter and son asked her to move to San Antonio to help with their children, she politely refused.Only after a year of friendly discussion did Ms.Garza finally say yes.That was four years ago.Today all three generations regard the move as a success, giving them a closer relationship than they would have had in separate cities.

No statistics show the number of grandparents like Garza who are moving closer to adult children and grandchildren. Yet there is evidence suggesting that the trend is growing.Even President Obama’s mother-in-law, Marian Robinson, has agreed to leave Chicago and move into the White House to help care for her granddaughters. According to a study by grandparents.com, 83 percent of the people said Mrs.Robinson's decision will influence grandparents in the American family.Two-thirds believe more families will follow the example of Obama’s family.

“In the 1960s we were all a little wild and couldn't get away from home far enough or fast enough to prove we could do it on our own,”says Christine Crosby, publisher of Grand, a magazine for grandparents. “We now realize how important family is and how important it is to be near them, especially when you’re raising children.”

Moving is not for everyone. Almost every grandparent wants to be with his or her grandchildren and is willing to make sacrifices, but sometimes it is wiser to say no and visit frequently instead.Having your grandchildren far away is hard, especially knowing your adult child is struggling, but giving up the life you know may be harder.

1. Why was Garza’s move a success?
A.It strengthened her family ties.
B.It improved her living conditions.
C.It enabled her to make more friends.
D.It helped her know more new places.
2. What was the reaction of the public to Mrs.Robinson’s decision?
A.17% expressed their support for it.
B.Few people responded sympathetically.
C.83% believed it had a bad influence.
D.The majority thought it was a trend.
3. What did Crosby say about people in the 1960s?
A.They were unsure of themselves.
B.They were eager to raise more children.
C.They wanted to live away from their parents.
D.They had little respect for their grandparents.
4. What does the author suggest the grandparents do in the last paragraph?
A.Make decisions in the best interests of their own.
B.Ask their children to pay more visits to them.
C.Sacrifice for their struggling children.
D.Get to know themselves better.
2016-11-26更新 | 3004次组卷 | 32卷引用:河南省信阳市多校2021-2022学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . Kindness is seen as a true strength, and the success of civilizations relies on kindness. As parents and teachers, we also teach children from a young age to “be kind to one another” and “treat others the way you want to be treated.”

In addition to being helpful to our interpersonal relationships, research has shown that kindness can even contribute to our well-being. According to the Mayo Clinic, when we perform acts of kindness, the pleasure center in our brain is activated, releasing the stress-reducing hormone (激素). Individuals who volunteer on a regular basis report greater life satisfaction. And what is even greater is that kindness rarely stops with just one person. There can be a positive contagion (扩散) effect, where other people are motivated to be nice if they receive a random act of kindness. The question then arises: Could kindness be harmful to us when it has such clear benefits? Let’s think about this in the workplace or in an organization.

You are the new person on the team and you want to be well-liked and respected by your colleagues. You are a kind person and tell your team, “Let me know how I can help you; I’m always available to help.” Though you may truly mean this, there are unfortunately people in this world who can see your kindness as a weakness. This can lead to you being taken advantage of by others.

Let’s fast forward a year. You have been in your position now for one year, and you are working with the same team. You are noticing that your colleagues continue asking for your help over and over again. In fact, the only time they communicate with you is when they need something. You have been so helpful to your colleagues and there has rarely been any return from them.

In a very broad sense, it is advantageous to be kind to others, and your kind acts will be appreciated and, perhaps, paid forward. However, you need to be willing to say “no”. Recognize when your plate is already too full. When people ask you a favor, assess if you have the time, energy, and attention to give to them. To truly be kind, sometimes you need to be more comfortable saying “no” to others and saying “yes” to yourself.

1. What has the Mayo Clinic found concerning kindness?
A.It does good to our mind.
B.It reduces hormone levels.
C.It adds years to people’s life.
D.It leads to the success of civilizations.
2. What might the new person feel one year later?
3. What does the underlined part in the last paragraph mean?
A.When you’re too full to eat anything.
B.When your kind acts get appreciated.
C.When you should ask others a favor.
D.When you’re physically and mentally tired.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Your kindness counts for your well-being!
B.Are we tiring ourselves with kindness?
C.Why are random acts of kindness important?
D.Never underestimate the power of kindness at work!
2023-10-18更新 | 291次组卷 | 14卷引用:河南省新乡市原阳县原阳县第一高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . A worrying rise in social media posts, suggesting that people leave their Halloween pumpkins in the woods to feed wildlife after October 31, has made wildlife experts concerned. Thousands of pumpkins are discarded in woods across Britain. While well-meaning pumpkin carvers might think they are doing the local animals groups a kindness, leaving your leftover jack-o’-lantern in the woodland is actually doing more harm than good.

“A myth seems to have built up that leaving pumpkins in woods helps wildlife, but behind it are many hidden issues.” said Paul Bunton, engagement and communication officer at The Woodland Trust, according to The Telegraph.

One of the main issues is that the leftover of the Halloween pumpkins are often eaten by already struggling hedgehogs(刺猬). In early November, hedgehogs are looking to gain as much weight as possible to survive their winter hibernation. However, eating pumpkin is harmful to their little hedgehog stomachs, leading to diarrhea and dehydration. This means they may struggle to put on weight, and in some cases can even be fatal.

Moreover, leftover Halloween pumpkins can contain candles and plastic decorations which can also be fatal to wildlife if mistakenly eaten. The rotting leftover can also attract less popular wildlife, such as rats, to an area. According to The Woodland Trust, the additional nutrients in the pumpkins can negatively affect the soil balance as well. “Pumpkin flesh can have a really harmful effect on woodland soils,plants, and fungi(真菌),” Bunton pointed out.

So what should you do with your beautifully carved pumpkin creation after October 31? Most experts recommend composting (堆肥) it yourself at home if you can, or asking if a local farm will accept it as a donation. You could even try some scientific experiments to produce more energy from the throw-away wasted. Either way, the hedgehogs will thank vou.

1. What does the underlined word “discarded” mean in paragraph 1?
2. Why do hedgehogs try to eat so many pumpkins in early November?
A.To enjoy the sweet food.B.To fill their stomachs.
C.To prepare for the winter.D.To improve their health.
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The additional nutrients in the leftover pumpkins.
B.The damages of candles and plastic in the pumpkins.
C.The attraction of the rotting leftovers to some wildlife.
D.Further explanation of the effect of leftover pumpkins.
4. What are people advised to do with the leftover pumpkins after Halloween?.
A.Stop leaving your pumpkins in the woods.
B.Keep your beautiful pumpkin creations at home.
C.Feed the hedgehogs with the leftover pumpkins.
D.Bury the pumpkins leftover deep under the ground.
2023-02-10更新 | 294次组卷 | 2卷引用:2023届河南省部分学校高三下学期开学摸底联考英语试题
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