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1 . Future Industries: Which Ones Will Rule?

As we move towards the future, it is important to consider which industries will have the greatest potential for growth and success. Here are a few of the most promising sectors:


The technology industry has been on an upward trend for years and shows no signs of slowing down. From artificial intelligence and virtual reality to blockchain and the Internet of Things, there are countless opportunities in this field.


With an aging population and increasing demand for healthcare services, the healthcare industry is expected to see significant growth in the coming years. This includes everything from medical devices and medicines to telemedicine and home health care.



As concerns about climate change continue to mount, there is growing demand for clean and sustainable energy sources. Solar, wind, and hydropower are just a few of the renewable energy sectors that are ready for explosive growth.


Online shopping has become increasingly popular over the past decade, and this trend shows no signs of stopping. As more people turn to e-commerce for their shopping needs, businesses in this space will continue to thrive.


With the rise of automation and artificial intelligence, there is a growing need for workers with specialized skills and knowledge. This has led to a large increase in demand for education and training programmes, making this sector a promising one for investment.

These are just a few of the many industries that are expected to see significant growth in the coming years. By keeping an eye on these trends, investors can position themselves for success in the future.

1. Which industry has been promoted by the continuous aging society?
2. What is the direct reason for the increasing emphasis on renewable energy?
A.Global climate change.
B.The improvement of technology.
C.The shortage of non-renewable resources.
D.The globalization and industrial competition.
3. What makes education a promising industry in the future?
A.An increase in population.
B.The demand for online shopping.
C.The development of economy.
D.Training for talents with particular skills.

2 . It is an ancient Chinese tradition to cherish grain. In ancient China, farming promoted the development of civilization so people regarded grain as a God. The ancient people firmly believed that “food is the most important thing for the people”. The earth God “She” and the grain God “Ji” were the earliest gods worshipped by our ancestors and the country was called “Sheji”.

Chinese believe in food conservation. Scholars have strongly advocated that “every single grain is fruit of hard work” and nothing should be wasted. Strong daily practices are associated with “respecting” the grain. Families that run out of rice never leave their container completely empty. There is always a little rice left in it. Parts of the poultry (家禽) and livestock that are unsuitable to be the main dishes are always deliciously cooked.

Food also helps bring people together. In Chinese culture, “Ju” (get together) is a very particular word. There are many ways to get together, but the word “Can” is usually added to it in case of festivals, birthday celebrations, moving to new houses, weddings and funeral. “Ju Can” (get together and have dinner) is an important way for Chinese families to bond.

But these ordinarily frugal (节俭的) people often end up wasting food during “Ju Can”. Some reports show that the annual waste of grain in China is close to 6% of the total grain output, of which, the waste rate of a large party is as high as 38%. The food waste is driven by people’s flamboyant nature—they think the plates must be full and taking away packed food from a party is “disgraceful”. The dishes at a dinner party have become a symbol of a person’s wealth and having too many dishes at the menu has become fashionable, thus promoting waste.

Small to a person, a family, big to a country, the whole human race, to survive, to develop, we have to be frugal. Being frugal does not mean being mean, it simply means one is wise enough not to waste food. If the culture of diligence and frugality is more widespread in all countries, it would provide for a stronger foundation for national security and family happiness.

1. Why does the author mention “Sheji” in Paragraph 1?
A.To prove China enjoys a long history.
B.To explain Chinese tradition of cherishing food.
C.To show farming promoted Chinese civilization.
D.To clarify who is the earliest god in China.
2. What does the author intend to show with the example of parts of the poultry and livestock?
A.Chinese cuisine is diverse.
B.Chinese don’t waste food.
C.The ancient Chinese lived a difficult life.
D.Chinese are skillful at cooking delicious food.
3. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The disgraceful behaviour in “Ju Can”.
B.The human nature revealed in food waste.
C.How much food Chinese people waste in “Ju Can”.
D.The food waste in “Ju Can” and the reason behind it.
4. What does the author most likely want to tell us?
A.Farming is crucial to China’s development.
B.Food plays a vital role in bringing people together.
C.We should cherish food and form the habit of frugality.
D.We mustn’t leave the container completely empty in case of running out of food.
2023-05-30更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届陕西省铜川市高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题

3 . Good afternoon. I am Sullivan. Now think about a question: What determines the way we are when we grow up? Let’s start with the TV program Seven Up. Do you still remember it? It started following the lives of a group of children in 1973. We first meet them as wide-eyed seven-year-olds and catch up with them at seven-year intervals: nervous 14-year-olds, serious 21-year-olds and then grown-ups.

There are ups and downs in their lives, but interestingly, in almost all the cases the children’s early hopes and dreams are shown in their future lives. For example, at seven, Tony is a lively child who says he wants to become a sportsman or taxi driver. When he grows up, he goes on to do both. How about Nicki? She says, “I would like to find out about the moon.” And she goes on to become a space scientist. As a child, soft-spoken Bruce says he wants to help “poor children” and ends up teaching in India.

But the program would have been far less interesting if the lives of all the children had followed this pattern. It was the children whose childhood did not prepare them for what was to come that made the program so fascinating. Where did their ideas come from about what they wanted to do when they grew up? Are children influenced by what their parents do, by what they see on television or by what their teachers say? Many film directors, including Steven Spielberg, say that an early visit to the cinema was the turning point in their lives. One of my colleagues, Dr. Margaret, who has devoted herself to researches in this area and published her findings in Science, thinks that the major factors are parents, friends and the wider society.

1. From Paragraph 2, we know that ________.
A.people will make great achievements if they have dreams in their childhood
B.the children’s childhood dreams are more or less the same
C.the lives of the children in the TV program are not smooth
D.a large number of poor people in India are in need of help
2. From Spielberg’s story we can conclude that ________.
A.going to a movie at an early age helps a child learn about the space
B.parents and friends can help a child grow up properly
C.a single childhood event may decide what one does as a grown-up
D.films have more influence on a child than teachers do
3. Which one is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The TV program is not so appealing.
B.One of the children, Bruce, ended up teaching in India because he is not strong.
C.The children in the TV program made good preparations for their future in their childhood.
D.In the TV program, the research on the children is done every seventh year.
4. We can tell that Sullivan may be ________.
A.a radio announcerB.a professorC.a librarianD.a geologist
2022-08-23更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省铜川阳光中学2021-2022学年高二上学期期末调研英语试题
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4 . The world celebrates Earth Day every year on April 22. But one school in Maryland tries to honor Earth Day every day.

Children at that school love being outside in the open air, running after each other, sliding and swinging on playground equipment. And children at St. James Children’s School also have fun by observing worms and picking up trash in the school yard. Besides, they learn to save water and electricity. They also recycle and reuse things. And every spring they get the soil ready to plant flowers and vegetables in the school garden.

Rebecca Boker teaches the children the importance of taking care of the Earth. She said, “If children learn it early on when they are younger, it will become part of their daily lives. It’s not something they have to think twice. It should be something that everyone does.”

St. James children observe the growth of plants from seeds to sprouts in cups kept in the classroom. Then they watch the plants continue to grow after placing them in the garden. The students also observe the lifecycle of butterflies and other insects and learn about rain and sea life. They try to use as much recycled material as possible.

But do these very young children really get the message that their teachers try to communicate? Ms. Boker says yes. “Oh they do. They completely understand,” she said.

On April 22 the kids at St. James will go out to the school’s garden for the yearly clean-up. But for them, Earth Day will continue for the school days ahead as well.

1. Rebecca Boker thinks that children should ________.
A.think twice before they do anythingB.make it a habit to take care of the Earth
C.spend less time on their schoolworkD.do what everyone does in their daily lives
2. Paragraph 4 shows that children at St James Children’s School ________.
A.spend most of their time observing thingsB.don’t have a chance to learn about sea life
C.make money out of recycling wasteD.know a lot about nature through observing things
3. What Rebecca Boker says in Paragraph 5 tells us ________.
A.children at her school don’t like doing what they are told to do
B.teachers at her school communicate with the students very carefully
C.children at her school know the importance of protecting the Earth
D.children at her school are much smarter than students at other schools
4. What do children at St James Children’s School do on April 22?
A.They pick up trash in the streets.B.They observe the growth of plants.
C.They clean up the school’s garden.D.They plant trees in the school’s garden.
2021-10-22更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省铜川市耀州区耀州中学2021-2022学年高一实验学部上学期第一次月考英语试题
改错-短文改错 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 假定英请课上老师费求同学之间交换修改作文请你修改你同桌写的以下作文,文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

One evening my brother and I was ready to see a film at Sangan Cinema along the main highway of Chennai. As we were afraid of being late the film, we walked faster than usual along the noise road. Suddenly, there was the loud cry, I saw a man roll on the ground. The man was knocking down by a car. The car driver was driving at a normal speed while he noticed a lorry coming from the opposite direction. The lorry was being driven very much fast. He tried to turn her car aside, but the car was out of control. It ran into the men and hit the pavement.

2021-08-06更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省铜川市王益区2020-2021学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
6 . 近年来大城市交通拥堵严重,影响了人们的生活和经济发展,对此人们十分抱怨。假如你是李华,请根据以下要点用英语给报社写封信。
Dear editor,

I am writing to you to talk about the heavy traffic.


I do hope my suggestions will be helpful and well taken.


Li Hua

2021-07-16更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省铜川市2020-2021学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题

7 . The new garbage sorting regulation has taken effect in Shanghai starting from July 1. Many citizens are still confused about the classification of the four different types of trash. Thankfully, authorities have released an official guideline to explain the new rules.

The guideline, published by the Shanghai Greenery and Public Sanitation Bureau, provides a rather clear definition on the four kinds of waste: recyclable waste, harmful waste, household food waste and residual (剩余的) waste.

Harmful waste, as the name suggests, includes various poisonous materials like used batteries, light bulbs, out-of-date medicines, paint and pesticides.

Household food waste — which is translated to “wet trash” in Chinese — refers to food leftovers, rotten food, pet food, fruit peels, remains of TCM herbs (中药) and flowers.

Paper, plastic, glass, metal and textiles (纺织品) are counted as recyclable waste.

The definition of residual waste is a little confusing. Anything that is not listed above belongs to this category.

As specific as the new guideline is, residents still have a hard time sorting trash correctly and are finding it challenging to memorize them all. For instance, both plastic bottles and bubble tea or coffee cups are plastic materials. However, the former falls to the category of recyclable waste and the latter belongs to residual waste. To save the hassle, some netizens have come up with their own way to sort trash.

“We should do this from a pig’s angle,” commented one netizen. “Those edible (可食用的) for pigs are household food waste. Those even pigs don’t want to eat are residual waste. If a pig consumes something and dies of it, then something must be harmful waste. Those that can be sold and the money we gain can be used to purchase pigs are recyclable waste.”

The new regulation came into effect on July 1. Those who do not sort their trash properly will be fined RMB 200.

1. What do the old coats that you want to throw away belong to?
A.Harmful waste.B.Wet trash.
C.Recyclable waste.D.Residual waste.
2. What is the common point of “wet trash”?
A.They can be broken down easily.B.They all come from plants.
C.They all have bad smells.D.They all have poisonous materials.
3. What is the tone of the netizen like?
4. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.The four sorts of garbage are forbidden in Shanghai.
B.Shanghai garbage sorting enforcement begins.
C.People are still confused about garbage sorting.
D.The netizens in Shanghai support the garbage sorting policy.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Almost one in five drivers had dozed off behind the wheel, a shocking news report had showed. Of those who were dozing off, 29% have done so with their cars speeding at 70 miles per hour. The report also found a quarter of men have fallen asleep while driving, making it almost twice as many as women.

The Safety on Wheel Report, by Post Office Insurance, also looked at how often tiredness or a lack of concentration caused accidents. Three in ten drivers have experienced an accident, from passing a walker crossing to hitting another vehicle, because of a lack of concentration. Meanwhile, almost half (49%) of UK drivers have driven when they do not concentrate.

Paul Havenhand, head of insurance at Post Office, said, “ When tiredness strikes, drivers should avoid the roads.” There is no measurement for tired driving, unlike driving under the influence of alcohol, yet it could result in an equally dangerous accident.

Drivers are advised to take a 15-minute break from driving every two hours. However, a third (36%) are so eager to reach their destination that they will ignore feelings of tiredness. What’s more, almost one in five (18%) will drive for longer than four hours without a break, while 6% carry on for up to 6 hours. Just over a quarter (27%) choose a quick stop to buy a cup of coffee, which is a very popular way for drivers to get rid of tiredness, and only 17% stop to have a rest until they feel energetic again. Mr. Havenhand added, “Drivers should plan ahead and rest before starting a long journey; besides, they can take regular breaks to recharge their batteries while on road; in some cases, if they do feel too tired to concentrate on the roads, they could consider an alternative means of transport.”

1. Which suggestion is NOT put forward by Mr. Havenhand?
A.Preparing well for a long journey and taking a complete rest before it.
B.Having breaks regularly in order to feel refreshed.
C.Choosing another method of transport instead.
D.Choosing a quick stop to grab something to eat.
2. What does the underlined phrase “recharge their batteries” in the last paragraph mean?
A.Put a new supply of electricity into their batteries.
B.Get back their energy by resting for a while.
C.Accuse them of stealing batteries.
D.Pay twice more money for their batteries.
3. It is implied in the last paragraph that for drivers the most popular cure for tiredness is _____.
A.drinking coffee
B.talking with others
C.ignoring feelings of tiredness
D.singing songs
4. What’s the purpose of the writer in writing this passage?
A.To warn people of the danger of tired driving.
B.To tell people to be careful when walking on the street.
C.To inform people of the importance of a good rest.
D.To introduce some dangers while driving on the roads.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Reading is the ability to process text, understand its meaning and to integrate it with what the reader already knows. Of all the reading skills speed-reading is a necessary skill in the Internet age. We skim over articles, e-mails and WeChat to try to grasp key words and the essential meaning of a certain text. Surrounded with information from our electronic devices, it would be impossible to cope if we read word by word, line by line. But a new trend calls on people to unplug and enjoy reading slowly, listing benefits beyond the intelligent stimulation.

A recent story from The Wall Street Journal reported on a book club in Wellington, New Zealand, where members meet in a cafe and turn off their smartphones. They sink into cozy chairs and read in silence for an hour. Unlike tradition book club, the point of the slow reading club isn’t exchanging ideas about a certain book, but to get away from electronic devices and read in a quiet, relaxed environment. According to The Wall Street Journal, the Wellington book club is just one example of a movement started by book lovers who miss the old-fashioned way of reading before the Internet and smartphones.

Slow readers, such as The Atlantic’s Maura Kelly, say a regular reading habit sharpens the mind, improves concentration, reduces stress levels and deepens the ability to sympathize. Another study published last year in Science showed that reading novels helps people understand others’ mental states and beliefs, a fundamental skill in building relationships.

Yet technology has made us less attentive readers. Screens have changed our reading patterns from the top-to-right, left-to-right sequence to a wild skimming and skipping pattern as we hunt for important words and information. Reading text punctuated with links leads to weaker comprehension than reading plain text. The Internet may have made us stupider, says Patrick Kingsley from The Guardian. Because of the Internet, he says, we have become very good at collecting a wide range of interesting news, but we are also gradually forgetting how to sit back, reflect, and relate all these facts to each other.

Slow reading means a return to an uninterrupted, straight pattern, in a quiet environment free of distractions. “Aim for 30 minutes a day,” advises Kelly from The Atlantic. “You can squeeze in that half hour pretty easily if only during your free moments, you pick up a meaningful work of literature,” Kelly said. “Reach for your e-reader, if you like. Kindles make books like War and Peace less heavy, not less substantive, and also ensure you’ll never lose your place.”

1. The book club in Wellington mentioned in Paragraph 2 shows____________.
A.the new trend of slow readingB.the decline of electronic devices
C.the importance of exchanging ideasD.the increasing number of club readers
2. According to Patrick Kingsley, people are stupider partly because of_____________.
A.a non-stop reading patternB.the straight, left-to-right screen
C.a wide range of interesting newsD.the lack of reflection
3. According to the passage, slow reading___________.
A.contributes to understanding among people
B.promotes the current technology advances
C.provides people with a quiet environment
D.cures the memory loss of elderly people
4. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Benefit of Reading ClubsB.Return of Slow Reading
C.Reading of the Internet AgeD.Influence of Speed Reading
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . Parents are a child’s first teachers. But some parents never learned from good examples. In New York City, a nonprofit agency called Covenant House tries to help homeless young mothers become good parents.
The twelve or so teenagers who live at the shelter attend parenting classes four days a week. The class is called Mommy and Me. Teacher Delores Clemens is a mother of five and a grandmother. She teaches basic skills, like how to give a baby a bath and how to dress a baby depending on the season.
She remembers one student who learned from her mother not to pick up a crying baby. The mother said that would only make the child needy and overly demanding. Delores Clemens says, “that's not true. You have to hold your baby! He is crying for a reason. If you never pick him up, he's going to keep crying. Pick your baby up. Cuddle your baby. Hug him! And she started to do that. They just want a little cuddling and a little love. And it works!”
Delores Clemens says her students also learn how to be good mothers by letting themselves be mothered. Around three hundred fifty teenage mothers graduate from Covenant House's Mommy and Me class every year.
In class, with her baby son is Natasha. She lived on the streets. She is glad not only for the warmth and shelter of Covenant House. As she told reporter Adam Phillips, she is also glad for the help they offer in seeking a more secure life.
The World Health Organization says the United States has forty-one births for every one thousand girls age fifteen to nineteen. That is higher than other developed countries, as well as some developing ones. By comparison, northern neighbor Canada has fourteen births and southern neighbor Mexico has eighty-two.
1. What is the text mainly about?
A.Parents who are a child’s first teachers.
B.A class where teens learn mothering and are mothered.
C.A nonprofit agency that offers a more secure life.
D.A kind teacher who help homeless young mothers.
2. Covenant Houses’ Mommy and Me class is intended to _____.
A.help homeless young mothers become good parents
B.provide homeless young mothers with a warm shelter
C.help mothers in New York be good parents
D.teach some parents how to love their children
3. What can we know about Delores Clemens from the text?
A.She has a mother of five and a grandmother.
B.She thinks a crying baby should be picked up and hugged.
C.She teaches advanced skills on how to be good mothers.
D.She is very glad for the warmth and shelter of Covenant House.
4. According to the World Health Organization, which country has the highest births for girls age fifteen to nineteen?
A.CanadaB.the United States of America
2016-11-26更新 | 924次组卷 | 13卷引用:陕西省铜川市2020-2021学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
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