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1 . Michelle Obama once said, “You have to go to college. You have to get your degree. Because the one thing people can’t take away from you is your education. And it is worth the investment (投资).” How unfair is it that she is trying to decide people’s future for them? There are many different ways a person can choose to live their life. A common lifestyle that is followed by many people is the lifestyle that leads you to college. Once you make it through high school, college is followed. This is where the college experience is achieved, the schooling is leading you to a so-called bright future, and the living experience is building up the responsibility, so that one day you will be ready to have a family and keep economic independence on your own . But, is this life really the life for everyone? Not all jobs need a college education. People have other plans besides continuing education after high school. Besides, college is just really expensive. Going to college is certainly not for everyone.

Granted, some people would argue that students could apply for scholarships to help pay for college, but this still is only helping pay for parts of the schooling bill. Another argument someone could make is that college will help a person become more responsible. In fact, a person who will start living on their own will cause them to have to make more responsible decisions. Also, becoming responsible is something that is done on its own. It is mostly self taught. There are a ton of more ways to become a responsible adult other than college. Lastly, someone could insist that education gives you a chance of more open future. This is a poor argument considering how many jobs are out there that don’t involve a college education.

In conclusion, college is not meant for all high school graduates.

1. What’s the purpose of putting Michelle’s words at the beginning?
A.To attract the readers’ attention.B.To praise his educational views.
C.To enrich deep cultural details.D.To lead into the author’s opinion.
2. What’s the author’s opinion on going to college?
A.It’s where everyone prepares for bright future.
B.It’s not necessary for everyone to go to college.
C.It’s the only way you build up the responsibility.
D.It’s an educational experience you should not miss.
3. How is the responsibility built up in the author’s view?
A.By learning making decisions on one’s own.
B.By grasping the chance of a more open future.
C.By considering which job doesn’t need education.
D.By gaining the living experience in a university.
4. Which of the following statement is not true according to the passage?
A.Not all people can afford to go to college.
B.A college education isn’t a must for jobs.
C.A college education isn’t the right path for everyone.
D.You become responsible mainly because of your parents’ teachings.
2022-07-02更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省抚州市2021~2022学年高一下学期期末学业质量监测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Hosting an international sports event is an important thing that has to be prepared well. Due to that, many opinions exist.

Firstly, positive views need to be talked about. When a country gets to host such a famous event, it will probably get well-known by other nations, and surely that can help the country a lot. For instance, the government and residents have a chance to use the opportunity to advertise their culture to foreign people. Above all, by doing that, the country’s economy might increase sharply during the event. Besides, it will satisfy some people’s wish to meet famous sports players. They have a high rate of talking to their favorite players whom they really want to talk to once in their life.

However, the risk of hosting a big event still exists. An important event is not necessarily good at all. That is why there is a debate about this topic. If a country can’t be able to prepare for the event in a period, they have to do as many ways as possible to finish preparation on time, and serious results may happen. The most obvious thing is that people attending that event will have a bad experience and are sure to make grumbles. This then affects the country’s image. For example, Qatar is a country that will host the 2022 World Cup. The government has to rush to finish building big stadiums, over 6,000 migrant workers sacrificing (牺牲)their lives for that. Hearing the sad news, some people around the world disagree to go to Qatar to attend the World Cup. The result is that Qatar has been badly affected.

In conclusion, hosting an international sports event is both good and bad, and good things or bad things depend on that country’s attitude and responsibility.

1. What might benefit most from hosting an international sports event in a country?
2. Why do people have different opinions about hosting big events?
A.Because even important events are not always good.
B.Because countries don’t prepare for events well.
C.Because people present often have bad experiences.
D.Because building big stadiums costs too much money.
3. What does the underlined word “grumbles” mean in paragraph 3?
A.Proper plans.B.Possible challenges.
C.Poor comments.D.Great contributions.
4. What’s the author’s attitude to hosting international sports events?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . There is a popular saying in the English language: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Well, that is not true. Unkind words, name-calling or even the so-called “the silent treatment” can hurt children as much as being physically hit, sometimes even more so. A recent study of middle school children showed that verbal (言语的) abuse by other children can harm, the development in the brain. The study was a project of researchers at Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts. Researcher Martin Teicher and his team studied young adults, aged 18 to 25. These young men and women had not ever been treated in a cruel or violent way by their parents. The researchers asked the young people to rate their childhood exposure to verbal abuse from both parents and other children. Then the researchers performed imaging tests on the brains of the subjects.

The images showed that the people who reported suffering verbal abuse from peers in middle school had underdeveloped connections between the left and right side of the brain. The two sides of the brain are connected by a large bundle of connecting fibers called the corpus callosum. This was the area that was underdeveloped.

The middle school years are a time when these brain connections are developing. So, unkind, hurtful comments from children or adults during this period have the greatest effect. The researchers tested the mental and emotional condition of all the young people in the study. The tests showed that this same group of people had higher levels of fear, depression, anger and drug abuse than others in the study.

The researchers published their findings online on the American Journal of Psychiatry's website.

Parents cannot control what other people say to their children, but they can prepare their children.

1. Why does the author use the popular saying at the beginning?
A.To show the power of words.
B.To introduce an opposite view.
C.To prove the author's argument.
D.To show ancient people's wisdom.
2. What did the people studied in the research have in common?
A.They were hurt by unkind words.
B.They performed poorly in imaging tests.
C.They had their brain slightly damaged.
D.They experienced no physical abuse at home.
3. What will be discussed in the next paragraph?
A.Comments on the findings.
B.Approaches to further studies.
C.Suggestions to parents.
D.Different opinions on the matter.
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Unkind words hurt the brain.
B.Verbal violence should be stopped.
C.The way we speak matters.
D.Words are worse than sticks and stones.
2022-04-28更新 | 205次组卷 | 18卷引用:江西省抚州市临川二中、临汝中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Have you felt annoyed when a cellphone rings during the class? Something must be done to stop this. Now in New York City, USA, a rule is carried out in schools. Students can't even bring cellphones to school. Is it a good thing or not?

Anxious parents say that cellphones are an important tool in holding New York City's families together.

“I worry about it,” said Elizabeth Lorris Ritter, a mother of a middle school kid. “It's necessary in our everyday life. We have a washing machine. We have running water, and we have cellphones.”

Many American parents think they can contact their children on buses, getting out from subways, or walking through unknown places.

“I have her call me when she gets out of school,” said Lindsay Walt, a schoolgirl's mother. “ No one in New York is going to let their child go to school without a cellphone.”

What about the cellphone owners, the students? Most of the students say cellphones are essential and that they are like extra (额外的) hands or feet for them.

“I feel so empty,” said May Chom,14. “There is also no way to listen to music on the way to school without my phone. It will be a really, really boring trip.”

1. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Many American parents don't think cellphones are necessary for the students.
B.Cellphones only bring troubles to the school life.
C.Cellphones connect children with their families when they are outside.
D.Cellphones can help students learn better.
2. What does the underlined word “essential” mean?
3. What may students do by using a cellphone according to the passage?
A.To enjoy listening to music.B.To make phone calls to their teachers.
C.To listen to some uptodate news.D.To guide themselves to school.
4. What does this passage mainly talk about?
A.The problems caused by using cellphones.
B.Parents' concern over students' study.
C.The debate about forbidding students to use phones in school.
D.The importance of using phones in school for children.
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Spending time in a bookshop can be quite     1     (enjoy), whether you are a book-lover or merely you are there to buy a book as a gift. You may even have entered the shop just     2    (find) shelter from a sudden shower of rain. Whatever the reason, you can soon become     3    (total) unaware of your surroundings.

You soon become absorbed in one book or another, just out of     4    (curious) and usually it is only much later that you realize you have spent far too much time there and have to hurry away to keep a     5    (forget) appointment without buying a book eventually, of course.

This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I think, the main attraction of a bookshop. There are not many places     6     it is possible to do this. An assistant always approaches you, greeting “Can I help you?     7     assistant might look as if she were not interested in selling a single book.

You should be careful not to     8    (attract) by the variety of books in a bookshop. It is very easy in enter the shop looking for a book about ancient coins and to come out     9    (carry) a copy of the latest best-selling novel. This sort of thing can be not worthy. Apart from spending a huge sum of money, you can waste a great deal     10     time wandering from section to section.

2022-01-20更新 | 113次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省赣州市2021-2022学高一上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . E-commerce (电子商务) is causing some damage on the streets of Shanghai. According to the city’s Information Office, there were 325 traffic accidents and five deaths involving delivery drivers during the first half of 2019. While for the whole of 2017, there were only 117 delivery-related accidents in the city.

Shanghai’s data shows a global problem: Cities are unprepared to absorb the physical effect of e-commerce. For now, most problems don’t yet rise above the level of annoyances. But the risks will grow quickly.

The industry has grown exponentially (以指数方式) since those early days. Between 2009 and 2018, the number of parcels delivered by the US Postal Service doubled to 6.2 billion annually. The mountains of cardboard in apartment trash rooms are proof, In New York, about 4 in 10 residents receive at least one delivery per week. And many packages are sent to offices rather than homes during peak business hours. In London, where congestion (拥堵) charges have reduced the number of private cars on the road during the day, delivery trucks and ride hailing services have more than made up the difference. Researchers in Seattle found that about half of the trucks making deliveries downtown were parked illegally, blocking and slowing other traffic.

The problem is only going to get worse. There are no easy fixes. New York and other cities have demonstrated that forbidding peak hour ones can help reduce urban congestion. More bike lanes(车道) and parking spots will cut down on accidents and traffic in developing world cities.

Finally, public education activities could better inform consumers about the effect of e-commerce on the shared urban environment. More than a few consumers might choose to give up some individual convenience for a safer and less chaotic city.

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To explain the meaning of e commerce.
B.To give an example of traffic accidents.
C.To introduce the topic to be discussed.
D.To show the importance of c-commerce
2. What problem does Shanghai’s data show?
A.E-commerce is becoming better and better.
B.Traffic accidents have increased sharply in cities.
C.Traffic jams have always been a serious problem.
D.Cities aren’t ready for the real effect of e-commerce.
3. Why are there congestion charges in London?
A.To improve the health service in London.
B.To encourage people to shop online at home.
C.To raise money for the development of e-commerce.
D.To reduce the number of private cars on the road during the day.
4. How can we better improve the city environment?
A.By ordering takeout food often.
B.By receiving at least one delivery per day.
C.By having packages sent to offices instead of homes.
D.By raising public awareness of the impact of e-commerce.
2022-01-20更新 | 102次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省赣州市2021-2022学高一上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Volunteering jobs from 4 organizations

Ageing Well

The aim of this organization is to improve the health of older people by encouraging and supporting them to be more active—particularly those who join little or no physical activity. Ageing Well is looking for enthusiastic volunteers to come forward with new ideas for activities of the program.

Availability:from Monday to Friday/Morning or Afternoon


G64 COVID Help

During the COVID-19 pandemic(流行病), the role of volunteers within our community has never been more important. These job chances include helping with shopping,driving and check-in calls for those who can't leave their houses.There are also many other activities you can get involved in to help make a difference in your local community. In addition,personal protective equipment will be supplied.

Availability:from Monday to Saturday/Morning or Afternoon

Minimum age:16

Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland

Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland(CHSS)supports people across Scotland with heart or brain conditions. When knowing such diseases, many people experience fear and loneliness and struggle with the influence on their lives. CHSS helps deal with that. The care and support they deliver every day make sure that people can live the life they want.

Availability:from Monday to Friday/Morning or Afternoon

Minimum age:16

Give Blood 4 Good

Give Blood 4 Good is looking for students at the University of Edinburgh to raise awareness of blood donation(献血)in Scotland. We also focus on educating young people (aged17-24) about blood donation because the regular donation is the lowest among this age group in Scotland. We want to raise awareness and educate people about blood donation.

Availability:from Monday to Sunday(24 hours day/night)

Minimum age:17

1. Which volunteer below may Ageing Well prefer?
A.The volunteer who has higher education back grounds.
B.The volunteer who is able to work at weekends.
C.The volunteer who is sociable and creative.
D.The volunteer who can speak at least one foreign language.
2. How is CHSS supporting the society?
A.By taking care of hard-working volunteers.
B.By helping treat some deadly diseases.
C.By reducing patients' mental stress.
D.By teaching people how to fight against pandemics.
3. Which of the following organizations is suitable for a college student free on Sundays?
A.Give Blood 4 GoodB.G64 COVID Help.
C.Ageing WellD.Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland.

8 . How many phone numbers can you remember by heart? It’s probably fewer than you would like. Actually, you are not alone. Out of more than 1,000 Americans who were surveyed, more than half said that they couldn’t recall the phone numbers of their friends and neighbors. In their eyes, there is no point in filling their heads with phone numbers if they are all stored in smart phones that are with them almost all the time.

In fact, most people are suffering from a sort of digital amnesia(健忘). more than 90% of those surveyed agreed that they used the Internet as an online of their brains. Rote memorization(死记硬背) was once an important part of modern education, but we just need a click or slide now. That’s making us worse at remembering things.

Researchers found that when people expected to use the information online, they were less likely to remember actual facts, but more likely to remember how to find them. As a result, we are already becoming ones with our computer tools, growing into interconnected systems that remember less by knowing information than by knowing where the information can be found.

However, some believe it isn’t necessarily a bad thing--maybe it gives them more chances to think through things. We certainly acquire more knowledge now than ever, even if it isn’t all stored in our brains.

Even so, I still believe that there are more risks to this new world of memory beyond losing our ability to recall some information such as who the 15th President was. That kind of information may always be a click away, but the important things are personal ones, like the way your parents smiled at your wedding. It’s harder to recall or find online. If you’re relying on yourself to keep track of those memories, they will be much more meaningful.

1. Paragraph 1 is mainly used to _______.
A.serve as the backgroundB.introduce the topic
C.explain new researchD.show some data to readers
2. What’s the main cause of people’s suffering from digital amnesia?
A.Dealing with too many thingsB.Seldom thinking about questions
C.Relying on the internet too muchD.The changes of their memories.
3. It can be learned from the passage that _______.
A.over 90% people are suffering from digital amnesia
B.people can gain knowledge more easily than before
C.rote memorization no longer exists in modern life
D.People find it hard to remember how to find information
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards people’s memories now?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Guangdong Province is set to make swimming lessons compulsory (必修的) in primary schools starting from 2020, and suggesting the courses be given from the fourth grade. Do we need to make swimming compulsory in schools? Forum readers share their opinions.

White Bear (Poland)

In Poland swimming lessons are not compulsory, but most of the schools have them. I think that when it is only possible -- there should be the swimming lessons for kids. It is a lifesaving skill.

Mister Panda (France)

I come from France where swimming lessons in school are compulsory. I even got my lifesaving certificate (证书) in school.

Jet. feng (China)

As a boy born in a rural area, I learnt swimming in a river near my home when I was 7 or 8 years old. I just learnt how to dog paddle (breaststroke) because no one taught me. Until I entered university, I got a chance to improve my swimming skills in PE lessons. Compared with my classmates, I felt lucky because most of them couldn't swim. I think it’s a good idea for schools to teach students to swim.

Boilermaker21 (Unknown)

There are swimming lessons in my city, but I felt upset about how they were taught. The kids spent 45 minutes of the one hour lesson practicing strokes ON DRY LAND. They only spent 15 minutes in the water. All of the children panicked (惊恐) and sank immediately to the bottom. Then all of the parents scolded the children, telling them that they weren't paying attention to the teacher and that they were failures.

Cecilia Zhang (China)

It is a pity that many Chinese athletes won world championships in swimming while most schools don't have the swimming facilities. Swimming is an essential lifesaving skill that everyone should access to. The earlier, the better. The government needs to put money into the popularity of the sport.

1. What do we know about Jet. feng?
A.He suggests children in China learning swimming in rivers.
B.He had a good command of swimming skills when he was a child.
C.He can swim as well as most of his classmates in university.
D.He considers it necessary for schools to give swimming lessons.
2. What does Boilermaker21 think of the swimmin lessons in his city?
3. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Swimming is a lifesaving skill.
B.How students in different countries learn swimming?
C.Should swimming lessons be compulsory in schools?
D.Countries show different attitudes towards swimming lessons.
改错-短文改错 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

A cosmetic company's quirky(古怪的) video advert has backfired with customer saying they will refuse to buy its products.

Purcotton, the Chinese company owned by Winner Medical Co., released the video on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok. The video starts with a woman walking along and being followed by a man who face is covered. Looking concerned, the woman produces a Purcotton wet wipe and removes his makeup. When the man taps her shoulder, she turns out and a man's face is shown.

"What’s up, brother?” asks the woman, in a manly voice. Vomiting sounds and visual effects have been added.

More than 3,000 commented, mainly offended by how acceptable the video is, stated it’s appalling that they should normalize stalking(骚扰). A female Weibo user said it was really not funny that a woman’s looks were being made fun.

China Women’s News condemned Purcotton and comment that the video was full of bias, gender stereotypes and ignorance.

Purcotton has withdrawn the video and apologized for the discomfort caused to women, saying future advertising content will be strict examined.

2021-02-06更新 | 85次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西师范大学附属中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
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