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1 . Imunek narrowly avoided a disaster last year. At that time, Imunek already had a 1 year old and was eight months pregnant with her second kid. She was still working her job as a bus driver for local ________.

The day was fairly ________ until a strange smell began to fill the ________. “I had the driver window down and thought the ________ was coming from another car at first, but then smoke ________ coming through my heater, so I ________,” Imunek recalled.

She ________ to use her radio phone to discuss the problem, but it didn’t take long for her to ________ that she didn’t have time for a ________. Instead, she gathered the 37 kids she ________, ranging from primary to high school, and got them off the bus as quickly and ________ as possible. Fifteen to thirty seconds after the ________ child got off the bus, the bus was on fire.

Although Imunek breathed in a good amount of smoke, she and her baby were found to be ________, as were all the children on her bus. To express their ________, all of the children’s parents wrote thank you notes for the ________ bus driver.

A.got offB.went awayC.pulled overD.stood up
2023-12-31更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区2023-2024学年高一上学期学业水平测试英语试题

2 . With video meetings, taking selfies (自拍) and posting on social media, it’s easier to see one’s own image online. And for some people, this can lead to feelings of appearance dissatisfaction. In the past few years, screen time has increased for both adults and children. What’s worse, recent research suggests that the video and photo images we see of ourselves are distorted (扭曲的).

One study found that those who spent more time comparing their appearance during a video call experienced lower appearance satisfaction. This study also found that people who used more photo-editing features in video chat were more likely to compare themselves with others and spend more time looking at themselves on video calls.

A 2023 study found that discomfort with one’s appearance during video meetings led to an increased attention to appearance, which in turn led to poor work performance. Researchers also suggest that appearance dissatisfaction is connected with boredom in online meetings. The research reports that this could be due to negative attention to oneself and worry about being looked at or being negatively treated based on appearance.

If you find yourself criticizing (批评) your appearance every time in a video call, it may be time to be intentional about paying more attention to what other people are saying instead of looking at your own face.

When it comes to helping others who have difficulty with appearance dissatisfaction, it is important to care more about the person’s qualities beyond appearance. When viewing yourself or your partners on video and social media, try viewing the person as a whole and not as parts of a body.

Reducing screen time can make a difference as well. Research shows that reducing social media use by 50% can improve appearance satisfaction in both teens and adults. When used in a right way, video chatting and social media are tools to connect us with others, which finally is a key piece in satisfaction and well-being.

1. Who is more likely to suffer from appearance dissatisfaction?
A.Children who like taking selfies.
B.Adults who often attend video meetings.
C.Teenagers who enjoy posting on social media.
D.People who always compare appearance in video chatting.
2. What is the possible result of appearance dissatisfaction during video meeting?
A.Less focus on one’s own image.
B.Harmful effects on work performance.
C.Anger about being looked at by others.
D.Boredom of looking at one’s own face.
3. How can we help people with appearance dissatisfaction?
A.By taking their words seriously.B.By caring much about their faces.
C.By viewing them as parts of a body.D.By placing importance on their qualities.
4. What is the writer’s attitude towards video meeting and social media?
2023-12-31更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区2023-2024学年高一上学期学业水平测试英语试题

3 . Many youngsters in China enjoy gathering a couple of good friends and taking a relaxing walk through the streets, which is a popular form of visiting a new city, that is, Citywalk. They can follow a special urban route (路线), exploring old building, drinking a cup of coffee, or eating local snacks. It can be a special guided trip for a small group of people, or simply a relaxing walk for one or two to explore new areas, sticking to the key point: avoiding famous tourist attractions and big crowds to get a more interesting experience of the places you visit.

In China, the Citywalk trend (趋势) is spreading from big cities like Beijing and Shanghai to other cities, encouraging more people to take part. Xiao Yiyi is a young visitor from Changsha exploring new possibilities while traveling. Recently she tried six Citywalk routes to walk in different cities and posted them on her social media account, with the aim of sharing experiences to “walk in open-air museums”.

Citywalk not only offers a way for young people to interact with a city but also provides an opportunity for people who share the same interests and ideas to easily make friends. Xiao Yiyi said her group usually includes a few or so people and her trips last around half a day.

Even though Citywalk is a new trend, industry insiders say that its future possibility is huge. It is offering a beneficial change to travelers as they can better choose the experiences that suit their interests and needs. At the same time, Citywalk gives an opportunity for tour guides and travel service providers to offer a more professional service to meet ever-changing market needs.

1. What does paragraph 1 mainly tell us about Citywalk?
A.What it is.B.Why it is popular.
C.Who take part in it.D.What routes are popular.
2. Which is one of the advantages of Citywalk?
A.It offers many routes to choose from.
B.It enables travelers to socialize with others.
C.It attracts people to famous tourist attractions.
D.It allows people to spend more time on travel.
3. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To introduce a new travel trend.
B.To encourage readers to organize a trip.
C.To point out the importance of Citywalk.
D.To explain why Citywalk becomes popular.
2023-12-31更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区2023-2024学年高一上学期学业水平测试英语试题

4 . Students at West Side Elementary School in California, with the help of their art teacher, created a telephone hotline to offer cheerful advice during difficult times. In just days, the hotline began getting thousands of calls an hour. The hotline, available in English and Spanish, offers the happy voices of children of different ages sharing positive messages.

Most people agree that with concerns like Covid-19, extreme weather, and the climate crisis, the last years have been stressful.

“To hear the pure joy from kids is extremely comforting in these difficult times,” art teacher Jessica Martin says.

Ms. Martin called the project “Pep Talk”, which later changed to “PepToc” to draw an ad for the hotline. The project had two parts, one the hotline, and the other creating encouraging posters. Along with artist Asherah, she worked with students from kindergarten to sixth grade. Students working on the hotline thought of what they would like to say. When they were ready, Ms. Martin recorded each one. Later, she sorted out the recordings into the different parts of the telephone hotline. For example, pressing 2 results in words of encouragement and life advice. This includes messages like: “The world is a better place with you in it.” and “You are okay!” Pressing 4, you hear the sounds of children laughing — a sound certain to bring a smile to anyone’s face. Other students took part in making encouraging posters to hang up around the town. Many posters had strips of paper that people passing by could tear off and take with them.

Ms. Martin thought the project would attract interest from people near the school. But word of the hotline spread quickly on social media. The hotline has become popular with stressed adults, patients in hospitals, older people in homes, and others to beat stress by hearing the happy voices of children.

1. What’s the purpose of the telephone hotline?
A.To get people to express themselves.
B.To provide a way for people to cheer up.
C.To inspire children to face difficulties.
D.To have children learn foreign cultures.
2. Why was the name changed to “PepToc”?
A.To satisfy the need of an advertisement.
B.To make it attractive to people of all ages.
C.To add to the humorous effect of the hotline.
D.To show the work value of Ms. Martin.
3. What did Ms. Martin do after making the recordings?
A.She sorted out the most cheerful information.
B.She advertised them in the local radio station.
C.She put them into different parts for the hotline.
D.She added children’s laughter as the background.
4. What can we infer about the hotline from the last paragraph?
A.It will grow popular all over the city.
B.It greatly reduces people’s loneliness.
C.It puts ads in media for its existence.
D.It can help people deal with stress.
2023-10-13更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省宜春市2022-2023学年高一下学期学业水平模拟考试英语试题

5 . Our Earth’s oceans contain some of the most valuable resources. As the use of fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions began to rise in popularity, the polluting of the Earth’s oceans did as well, leaving lifelong effects on all of its ecosystems.

Commercial whaling has left several whale species in danger of extinction. The blue whales of the Antarctic have less than one percent of their original numbers. Over 90 percent of plastic isn’t recycled, and a large part of that number finds its way into the ocean and surrounding beaches. The huge amount of plastic damages whales’ existence. Plastic is being eaten by sea life as well as entangling(缠住) them, putting them all at major risk. Without change, our Earth’s oceans will not be able to continue on for much longer.

The Delta Corporation was set up in 1972, later known as Ocean Conservancy. In the beginning years of Ocean Conservancy, its main initiative(倡议) was the Whale Protection Fund. This fund focused on saving the species and protesting against commercial whaling. They gained the support of many.

Ten years later, the International Whaling Commission finally banned commercial whaling. It then changed its focus to not only whales but to seals and sea turtles as well. Though they made great progress with these animals, they came to the conclusion that these animals cannot develop well without a healthy, sustainable environment. The workers of Ocean Conservancy then expanded their focus to the marine ecosystems and habitats.

Ocean Conservancy is one of several organizations working toward a common goal: saving the Earth’s oceans. They have started doing this by creating the Whale Protection movement that still exists. Though they have made significant progress throughout the years, there is still much to be done. Only when the common goal is shared by all groups, governments, and individuals, will real change be made. If successful, the electric bicycle meal program will be spread to all Crowne Plaza hotels in the UK, the hotel said in a statement.

1. What can we know about the plastic from Paragraph 2?
A.Plastic reduces the population of whales to the least.
B.Most of plastic ends up in oceans and sandy beaches.
C.Plastic has become part of the sea animals’ diet.
D.Recycling plastic is still a big challenge.
2. What made Ocean Conservancy pay attention to the ocean ecosystem?
A.A ban on whaling.
B.Its improved concept.
C.Its great achievement.
D.The public support.
3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Quite a few organizations have set their own goals.
B.The days of Whale Protection movement are numbered.
C.Ocean Conservancy’s work isn’t worth the praise.
D.Saving the oceans is the shared responsibility of the whole world.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Ocean Conservancy’s Target and Development
B.Ocean Conservancy’s Contribution to Oceans’ Protecting
C.A Solution to the Oceans’ Plastic Problems
D.A Step Away from a Healthy Ecosystem
2022-12-10更新 | 132次组卷 | 2卷引用:广东省清远市四校2022-2023学年高一上学期联合学业质量检测英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One fall evening, 13-year-old Briar Omar agreed to look after his four younger sisters when his parents went to the grocery store to pick up the family dinner. The parents were confident that responsible big brother Briar with their protective dog called Mandy, was capable of managing the family in their absence. During that brief time, an unexpected thing happened: The home suddenly went up in flames(火焰). It was up to Briar and Mandy to save his family.

The children smelled smoke soon after their parents left for the store. They turned around to search for where the fire came from and were shocked and frightened to find their baby sister’s playpen(玩耍护栏) on fire.

The first thought that came to Briar’s mind was to rescue his little sisters. The family had previously discussed what to do in the face of danger, so he was prepared to act.

In a few minutes, flames were climbing the ceiling(天花板). Smoke was filling up the hallways. The horrible fire quickly spread throughout the home.

Briar remained calm and focused on the urgent task of saving his four younger sisters: Peyton, 12, Jocelyn, 3, Willow, 1, and 6-month-old baby Sawyer. He quickly picked up the two babies and rushed the older sisters out of the door to safety. After making sure his sisters were far away from the danger and breathing in fresh air, he ran back to save their home despite the flames surrounding him.


He quickly held the fire extinguisher(灭火器) from the kitchen and tried to put out the flames.


Briar cheered up immediately and managed to escape from the fire to safety with the dog following the way.

2022-06-07更新 | 114次组卷 | 2卷引用:山东省济南市2021-2022学年高一5月联合考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 较难(0.4) |

7 . “A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for,” said John A. Shedd, an early 20th century author. Throughout the Covid-19, we’ve all become used to assessing risk in new ways. We’ve come to understand, though we can never get rid of risk altogether, we have great power to make choices both large and small to protect ourselves.    1    It stops us from stepping outside of our comfort zones and trying new things.

Developmental psychologists talk about “positive risks” — socially acceptable risks that our lives can benefit from.    2    But what about these, who develop into adults? Researchers have found that happiness for older adults is being able to choose how they spend their time, including ways that are adventurous, new and even-like hiking or other outdoor activities — mildly risky.

One guide to positive risk management lists ways that people can make sure their risks are on the “safe" side of risk range. For example, to ensure a successful bike ride, you should in advance equip yourself with a fully-charged cell phone and a full water bottle.    3     Or if you are, concerned about your physical capacity, consult a certified trainer or medical professional before departure.

    4    This means adapting to changing situations. In response to the deadly virus, people choose to step back into normal life only after they are vaccinated. In this way, people could be confident that the risk is tolerable.

Nobody wants to be needlessly risky. But using our newly-acquired risk assessment tools, we can once again learn and grow in our lives.    5    

A.Take risks in a positive way.
B.But the self-protective mind state carries its own risk.
C.Overall happiness is one benefit of positive risk-taking.
D.Remember to tell one of your friends or family your destination.
E.Besides taking preventive steps, flexible thinking is also encouraged.
F.Like a ship sailing away from its harbor, that is what we were built to do.
G.For teenagers, this means risks like running for monitor or trying out for a team.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了Jennifer Williams志愿捐书的爱心故事。

8 . The Book Lady

It was Jennifer Williams's mother who got her hooked on books. A librarian, she read to her three children every day. “Not until we went to kindergarten,” Williams told vadogwood.com, a local news site. “Until we went to college.”

When Williams, now 54, became an elementary school teacher and tutor in Danville, Virginia, she wanted her students to fall in love with reading just as she had. But early on, she realized that some kids had limited access to books.

“It’s very obvious to teachers of young children which kids are read to versus kids who are not,” she said. “It’s obvious at the end of the first day of school.” To Williams, the solution was simple: Give kids books. In 2017, as part of a civic event called Engage Danville, she gave away 900 used children’s books over three days. Most people would be satisfied with that.

“I was like, ‘Anybody could do that,’” she said. “I wanted to do something that’s going to stretch my faith, my work ethic, my everything.”

So she set a new goal for herself: Give away one million books. It sounds like an unreachable number, but as Williams posted on Facebook: “Don’t complain in the bleachers if you aren’t willing to work hard out on the field.”

So she got to work, first by roping in friends to donate books or money to buy books. Before long, as news of Williams’s project spread, strangers started leaving piles of books on her front porch. As quickly as the books come in, Williams gives them to local schools — free of charge — and also supplies books to little free libraries around the city of 41,000 just over the North Carolina border. She also hosts a book club for prisoners in the local prison.

In the four years she's been doing all this, the Book Lady, as Williams has come to be known, has given away more than 78,000 books — only 922,000 more to reach her goal! And she’s not slowing down. It’s too important for kids with few options.

“Reading can take you anywhere,” she told CNN. “You can travel in time and space. If you can read, you can learn almost anything.”

1. What made Willian interested in reading?
A.Her children’s hobby.B.Her mother’s influence.
C.A stranger’s encouragement.D.A teacher's impact.
2. Why did William originally contribute so many books?
A.To satisfy most people.B.To celebrate the civic event.
C.To help students love reading.D.To stretch her faith and work ethic.
3. How did William collect books for her goal?
A.By asking her friends to buy books.B.By attaining books from the prison.
C.By getting donation from free libraries.D.By receiving donated books from strangers.
4. According to the passage, what words can best describe William?
A.helpful and ambitious.B.respectable and innocent.
C.hardworking and adventurous.D.determined and humorous.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

9 . “Fire! Fire!” What terrible words to hear when one wakes up in a strange house in the middle of the night! It was a large, old, wooden house and my room was on the top floor. I jumped out of bed, opened the door and stepped outside the house. It was full of thick smoke.

I began to run, but as I was still only half-awake, instead of going towards the stairs I went in the opposite direction. The smoke grew thicker and I could see fire all around. The floor became hot under my bare feet. I found an open door and ran into a room to get to the window. But before I could reach it, one of my feet caught in something soft and I fell down. The thing I had fallen over felt like a bundle of clothes, and I picked it up to protect my face from the smoke and heat. Just then the floor gave way under me and I crashed to the floor below with pieces of burning wood all around me.

I saw a doorway in fire, then I put the bundle over my face and ran. My feet burned me terrible, but I got through. As I reached the cold air outside, my bundle of clothes gave a thin cry, I nearly dropped it in my surprise. Then I was in a crowd gathered in the street. A woman in a night-dress and a borrowed man’s coat screamed as she saw me and came running madly. She was the Mayor’s wife, and I had saved her baby.

1. When the fire arose in the middle of the night, the author was ________.
A.at homeB.sleepingC.sitting in bedD.both A and B
2. The author saved the baby ________.
A.because he was very brave.B.because he liked the baby very much.
C.but he just happened to save it.D.because it was the Mayor’s baby.
3. He ran in the wrong direction because he ________.
A.was a stranger thereB.could see nothing
C.was not completely awakeD.Both A and C
4. He put the bundle over his face and ran in order to ________.
A.save the babyB.call for helpC.protect his faceD.run quickly
书面表达-图表作文 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 随着社会的发展, 网上购物成为一种新型的购物方式。请根据下表提示, 谈谈网上购物的利与弊。
1. 语句流畅, 书写规范。
2. 包含提示内容, 并可适当发挥。
3. 词数 100 左右, 首句已给出, 不计入总词数。
4. 文中不能出现人名、地名等真实信息。
方便(convenient);24 小时营业; 不用排队。看不见物品;容易受到欺骗(be cheated); 不能享受和朋友一起购物的乐趣。

Shopping online is quite popular in our daily life now.

共计 平均难度:一般