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1 . As more people move into their golden years, many families are welcoming their senior parents into their homes. While most seniors claim to prefer to age in their own homes, safety and health concerns don’t always make this possible.

If you are preparing to welcome a senior parent into your home, everyone will have an adjustment period. This type of move will have physical, emotional, and mental influences for the whole family. Here’re a few tips to help you open your heart and home to your senior parents.

You may be excited about having your senior parent move in, but that doesn’t mean they will share your enthusiasm. Being asked to move out of their own home can be very upsetting for your parents. So it’s important to be patient with them and allow them the time to adjust to their new environment.

It’s also important to give your parents a space of their own. Before you decide to bring a senior parent into your home, you need to consider if you have enough space for them.

Then, for adult children, offering a senior parent a safe home is a priority. Before moving, you will need to make some changes around your home to help your parents stay safe. For example, install grab bars in the bathroom, repair all stairways, add anti-slip mats to the kitchen and so on. And arm yourself with knowledge like First Aid courses.

In addition, your senior parent will be used to being in charge of their own home and is likely to feel like a bother as they begin to settle in your home. One effective way is to assign them a household responsibility. Ask your parents to look after the dog or cook a meal to make them feel like an active and important part of the family.

1. Who may be the intended readers of the text?
A.People moving into their golden years.
B.People having senior parents to take care of.
C.People wanting to age in their own homes.
D.Senior people having safety and health concerns.
2. Which is the most important to move your senior parents home?
A.Being patient with your parents.
B.Giving them enough space.
C.Making sure of their safety.
D.Assigning them a household responsibility.
3. Why should you give your parents housework to do?
A.To make them feel like a bother.
B.To make them think themselves useful.
C.To make them in charge of the family.
D.To encourage them to exercise actively.
4. Which of the following is the best title of the text?
A.Troubles to live with senior parents.
B.A good way to age for senior people.
C.Take your responsibility to adjust yourself.
D.Open your heart and home to your senior parents.
2022-05-10更新 | 176次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省青岛地区2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . A first grade teacher from Suffolk, Virginia found a way to teach her students about black history by taking them back in time to meet celebrated black figures. For each day of Black History Month, LaToya McGriff has dressed up like a famous African-American pioneer and taught her students about their significant contributions to the U.S.

On Monday, February 3, she dressed up as Virginian native Mary Jackson and began her creative class. “She was a mathematician who worked as an aeronautical (航空的) engineer whom people referred to as a human computer,” McGriff wrote on Facebook. She shared a photo of herself in 1960s clothing, like Jackson would have worn when she worked for NASA.

Jackson was one of the three “human computers” described in the book and film Hidden Figures, which revealed the African-American female mathematicians whose efforts helped put men on the moon.

Once McGriff started dressing up, she kept going. By February 18, McGriff's Black History Month lessons were starting to gain attention online. She was interviewed by CBS News, and said she works at a majority-black school and “wanted students to see that people who look like them contribute”.

She said that the seeds for this project were planted in her years ago by a teacher who did something similar. “That’s what I remember, having a teacher come dressed as a storybook character. Well, I could dress up as a different figure, an African-American figure from the past or present so they can see themselves represented,” McGriff said.

“My students will want to know who I will be tomorrow. Today, they just said ‘Are you going to be so-and-so?’ Because they want to know and kind of prepare themselves for it so that they can tell me something they know about the person,” she said.

McGriff said bringing history alive kept her students curious and asking questions, and she’s hoping the overall project will give them the confidence to know that, like these historic figures, they can be great, too.

1. What can we learn about LaToya McGriff from the text?
A.Her students are all black.
B.She is a primary school teacher.
C.Her lessons receive little attention online.
D.She posted a 1960s-style photo of Mary Jackson on Facebook.
2. What is the fifth paragraph mainly about?
A.The result of McGriff's project.
B.McGriff’s reflections on teaching.
C.How McGriff came up with this teaching method.
D.Why McGriff’s students can see themselves represented.
3. How are her students according to McGriff’s words in the last two paragraphs?
A.They have a lot of energy and determination.
B.They have a strong desire to know about something.
C.They give serious attention to what is quite challenging.
D.They show the ability to invent and develop original ideas.
4. Why is McGriff carrying out the project?
A.To help her students get high grades.
B.To introduce African history to her students.
C.To stress big figures’ contributions to the US.
D.To encourage her students to trust themselves to do better.
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3 . A psychologist at Stanford once did an experiment. He assigned preschool children to three groups. The first group watched adults play rudely with an inflatable clown (充气小丑) called Bobo; another watched adults play quietly with a different toy while ignoring Bobo; and the third had no exposure to these adult role models. Next, each of the children was left alone with Bobo.

The results of the study were striking. Only the children in the first group later kicked Bobo, hit it with a stick, and sat on it just as they watched the adults do.

The above study indicates kids may follow suit if they see what others do. That’s why role models matter. When kids are exposed to role models they can relate to, it helps them set ambitious goals. Don’t assume kids know they can be anything they want when they grow up.

Take myself for example. “Angela, do you think the US will elect a female president in your lifetime?” Years ago, this was the last question of the last interview for a scholarship I didn’t win. Without hesitation I shook my head saying “no”. As the interview ended, I sensed I’d given an answer the committee found disappointing. “Of course there will be a female president,” they wanted me to say with a confident smile. “And I hope I have your vote.”

Like most children, my first role models were in my family. My dad had a PhD in chemistry. My uncles and countless cousins were mostly doctors or scientists. So, if you’d asked me in, say, third grade, “Angela, could you become a college professor someday if you tried?” Without a bit of evidence that I’d be any good at such a career, I’d have nodded my head.

So it’s quite necessary that we should go out of our way to expose kids to role models, whether it’s an Olympic athlete or a CEO. Now that we have our first female vice-president, can the first female president be far behind?

1. Why did the children in the first group treated Bobo rudely?
A.They regarded it as a mere toy.
B.They meant to make fun of Bobo.
C.They were raised to behave badly.
D.They were set a negative example.
2. What did the committee expect Angela to do with the last question?
A.To raise her doubt.
B.To respond positively.
C.To interpret its meaning.
D.To change her reply quickly.
3. How did third-grade Angela feel about the chance of being a professor?
4. Which of the following may be the best title for the text?
A.My Role Models
B.Aim High and Act Early
C.How to Become American President
D.Role Models Help Shape Kids’ Future
2022-02-02更新 | 170次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省新泰市第一中学老校区(新泰中学)2021-2022学年高二下学期期中模拟英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

In 1968, I was a student at the Sophia Hagopian High School in Beirut, Lebanon. One day, I went to the head teacher’s office and told him that my parents could not pay the tuition (学费). Although I was the top student in my class, I was sent home because of being short of money. This was a heartbreaking experience for me, as I really wanted to continue my education.

I went home and spent my day at my father’s tire-repair shop. One day, a very old man saw me in the shop and wondered why I was not in school. I told him the reason. He offered to help by calling the head teacher of the Hovaguimian-Manougian High School and asking him to accept me without tuition. The next day, I took a city bus to the school and went to the head teacher’s office. However, when I told the head teacher the reason for my visit, he shouted at me that there was no free tuition. I immediately turned around and rushed back to my home.

On the third day, one of my classmates from Sophia Hagopian High School came to inform me that the head teacher had sent him to tell me that I should come back to school and register (登记). When I arrived at school, I told the registrar that I could not pay the tuition. She said that my tuition had been fully paid. I asked the registrar who paid for my tuition so that I can thank him, I was told that the kind person wanted to remain unknown.

I went to my classroom, but kept wondering who was the person that gave me the golden opportunity to continue my education. I went back to the head teacher's office after classes and begged the registrar to tell me the name of the kind person. Finally, on the condition that I wouldn’t go and express the thanks, she told me that it was my English teacher, Olivia Balian. I promised that I would not talk to her.

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A year later, I came to the United States and finally received two Master’s degrees.


After visiting my former high school, I really wanted to see Ms. Balian and thank her for her generosity (大方).

2021-11-21更新 | 115次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省济南市章丘区2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |


Last year, the National Park Service (NPS) marked its 100th anniversary with a year-long celebration.

    1    . It recognized the preservation and protection of the 417 park service units. Now that those festivities have wrapped up, it’s time to look toward what the next 100 years might look like for the nation’s parks. Here’s a look at some of the major issues facing the nation s parks now and over the next century.

    2    . For example, at Shenandoah National Park, park officials note that rising temperatures in streams have already impacted native fish. They are also concerned that climate change will lead to more droughts, floods and wildfires. At Golden Gate National Recreation Area in California, park officials are predicting heat waves, coastal flooding and habitat destruction in response to climate change.

Visitors behave badly. Today, visitors still aim to make their mark on the natural and cultural resources.

    3    . But the NPS now has its own branch of law enforcement (执法) officials who are tasked with protecting those resources for and often from park visitors.

There is maintenance backlog (积压).    4    . But the donations may drop sharply and raise the possibility of handing the parks over to private corporations. With budget shortfalls and maintenance at all-time highs, it’s likely that these sorts of partnerships will only become more likely in the future.

Despite some major concerns, the future of the NPS looks promising. With a renewed level of interest, and the help of some corporate donations, the parks will be protected for the next century.    5    .

A.Climate change will affect all parks
B.Yellowstone National Park deserves a visit
C.The NPS took a look back at the last century
D.The maintenance burden will be removed soon
E.And they may look different in the next 100 years
F.Those are protected by the National Park Service as they did years ago
G.At the moment, donations from private corporations are limited to signs and certain exhibits
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . At the foot of the Tianmu Mountain in Zhejiang, a homestay (民宿) is attracting travelers from far and wide, which has won architectural medal at the 2021 German iF Design Awards.

The owners of the homestay are a couple in their late 30s who decided to return to their hometown three years ago. Li Xiumei used to be in charge of a division at a company in Hangzhou, and her husband was a sales director. It was an ordinary situation where Li’s husband was on business trips a lot and Li still worked on weekends. City life sometimes is not easy.

In 2018, they quit jobs and went back to Dongtianmu village, which lies in a forest of bamboo. The first time they drove into the village was one late afternoon. The cooking smoke was rising from the foot of the mountain, which gave them a very different feeling from the city.

The homestay was built beside her husband’s old countryside house. The old house is preserved (保留), while a brand-new building was built on its side and the whole site is made up of four courtyards. It has been updated to have a hall, a tea room, a kitchen, a dining room. Japanese cherry trees are planted in the east courtyard. A swimming pool is placed in the west courtyard, with a bar located on one side.

Li and her husband love gardening and music, and their new home gives them enough space to continue their interests and relax in the heart of nature. Li wants to share the quiet country life, so she makes her new home a homestay. In 2019, the homestay became an online hit after guests shared their experiences on social media. “The longer I stay here, the more I feel it was the right choice to come back, and this is more meaningful than making money,” Li says.

1. How did Li feel about city life?
2. What impressed the couple when first driving to the village?
A.The forest of bamboo.B.The smoke of cooking.
C.The fresh air in the village.D.The feeling of loneliness.
3. What can we infer about the homestay from paragraph 4?
A.It is ancient and broken.B.It can hold many guests.
C.It must have been carefully designed.D.It has been rebuilt by the couple.
4. What’s more meaningful than earning money according to Li?
A.Continuing their music dream.B.Living in the countryside.
C.Staying at the old house.D.Developing a city.
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. Who is making the announcement?
A.The student government president.
B.The school newspaper writer.
C.The football team captain.
2. How many new teams are added this year?
3. What do the music club members do?
A.They organize trips.B.They attend concerts.C.They have dancing nights.
4. Why should a student join a campus group?
A.To have friends.B.To make good grades.C.To keep up with world news.
2021-11-16更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济宁市邹城市2021-2022学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How did the woman scratch the red car?
A.Her car backed into it.
B.Her shopping cart hit it.
C.Her bags dropped on it.
2. What does the woman decide to do in the end?
A.Leave a note.B.Go to a grocery store.C.Drive away quickly.
2021-11-13更新 | 117次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东师范大学附属中学2021-2022学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
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9 . Teens who are preparing to take cosmetic surgery often have unrealistic expectations. The growing numbers of beauty treatment television shows which make cosmetic surgery seem simple have encouraged adolescents to pursue surgery to improve their physical appearance. As a result, more teenagers are going under the knife to achieve a desired look.

When teens feel the need to have cosmetic surgery, they believe that it is not a huge deal, but they may not be mature enough to make such a life changing decision. If teens feel inadequate before surgery, they will most likely feel disappointed afterwards. Not only is surgery complex and risky for mature adults, it is extremely dangerous for younger people, and some doctors are performing these procedures on kids as young as fourteen!

The cost of procedures can add up to thousands of dollars. Insurance does not cover the costs of these procedures. Teenagers often pay for surgery themselves ----- a very costly purchase for a young person. Not only can surgery become addictive for insecure teens, the consequence can be disappointing. When surgery takes an unexpected wrong turn, permanent damage can occur. Any surgery on a young, undeveloped person has a risk of complication (并发症) such as infection, which can lead to death. Even if there are no complications, there is no guarantee that surgery will provide the perfect nose or a desired shape body. No matter how minor the procedure, it is not as effortless as it appears.

Of course, there are cases where cosmetic surgery is appropriate. If a child has a serious injury or scarring from an accident, it can be beneficial. In all cases, parents must be involved in the process for the welfare of their child, and must guide them in the right direction. Fortunately, parents or legal guardians must sign documents allowing their child to have plastic surgery. Doctors also need to be a part of the decision. Most experienced and trust-worthy physicians turn down the opportunity to operate on a teenager unnecessarily.

Cosmetic surgery is a life-changing experience. Hopefully, more teens will realize that there is more to a person than physical beauty, and learn to accept themselves for who they are.

1. Teenagers are encouraged to have cosmetic surgery by _________.
A.some surgeonsB.TV show hosts
C.lots of TV programsD.their teen friends
2. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.Cosmetic surgery being too costly for teens.
B.The hidden danger in having cosmetic surgery.
C.The development of techniques of cosmetic surgery.
D.Cosmetic surgery making teens prettier without effort.
3. The author may think a teenager can consider having cosmetic surgery if he/she _______.
A.has an ugly scarB.is not very beautiful
C.is supported by their grandparentsD.has got a doctor’ s permission
4. What is the author’s general attitude towards teens having cosmetic surgery?
2021-11-12更新 | 109次组卷 | 2卷引用:山东省济南市第一中学2021-2022学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Singapore uses about two billion liters of water every day-a number it expects could double in the next four decades.

That kind of consumption is adding pressure to the Asian city state to address growing concerns about global water shortage. So it's building new technology to prepare itself for a future where obtaining clean water will be even more difficult. "Singapore truly has become a global water center,"said Shane Snyder,executive director of the Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University. “But as it stands, it imports approximately 40% of its water today. And with climate change,that water has become far less dependable.”

Singapore, meanwhile, is home to more than five million people and is covered in fountains,reservoirs and other water features-including the world's tallest indoor waterfall, The Rain Vortex that pumps about 45,000 liters of water per minute. But it has no natural water sources of its own,instead relying heavily on recycled water and imports from its neighbors.

Snyder's research facility is one of several places developing solutions for Singapore's water dependency. The hope is to create projects that could be used across the city. "What we have become used to as reliable water may quickly change-so we have to be prepared,and we have to be thinking about the basic facilities in advance. " Snyder said. " There's a big drive to become water independent-to control our own future -and that is largely dependent on the technologies we're developing. "

Another company,Wateroam, is already taking innovation from Singapore to the rest of the region. Founded in 2014,Wateroam says it has developed a lightweight,portable filtration(过滤)device that has already provided clean drinking water to more than 75,000 people across Southeast Asia. Wateroam CEO David Pong said one of the most innovative aspects of the product is its simplicity. The water filtration device is no bigger than a bicycle pump,yet it can provide clean water to villages of 100 people for up to two years.

"We've been very blessed to have access to clean drinking water," Pong said. It's necessary to bring the privilege to the rest of the region, and advocate that clean water is an essential aspect for life on Earth,according to him.

1. What worsens the water shortage problem in Singapore?
A.More water imports.B.The lack of technology.
C.The increasing population.D.Double water consumption.
2. How can water crisis in Singapore be eased?
A.Searching for natural water sources.
B.Controlling the increase of population.
C.Importing water from more neighbors.
D.Using technologies to provide clean water.
3. What do we know about the filtration device from Paragraph 5?
A.It is easy to carry and use.
B.It is larger than a bicycle pump.
C.It has already been used across Asia.
D.It has already been in use for two years.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Clean water is an essential aspect for life on Earth.
B.Technology can help Singapore out with its water shortage.
C.The increasing water consumption is adding pressure to Singapore.
D.Singapore's filtration device has provided many people with clean water.
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