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1 . Teenagers are perhaps those who are most susceptible (易受影响的) to peer pressure. In simple terms, peer pressure is what drives you to do something, whether it is negative or positive, in order to feel liked and respected by your peers.

We’re constantly warned against peer pressure, given its negative connotation (含义). It’s often the main cause that makes you give in when someone tries to convince you to skip school with them, or to try and get away with cheating, stealing, etc.

On the other hand, however, peer pressure has the capacity to have a positive influence over young lives. We go to volunteering events when our friends do. We study more when we hear that our friends got high marks on the last exam. We go to the gym because we see our friends getting more fit and want to become more physically attractive or healthy ourselves.

So how do we cultivate a culture of positive peer pressure? The examples listed above are bonded together by a pair of common themes: friendly competitiveness and egalitarianism (平等主义).

As children we were motivated by our teachers to obtain as many stars for our good behavior as we could possibly get. This worked because as humans, we love to have a feeling of accomplishment, especially when competing against those with relatively equal abilities and capacities. We’re negatively reinforced to work harder when we’re falling behind because we want to keep up and not get left behind. As long as the competition doesn’t grow to be too aggressively fierce, and as long as the playing field between competitors is relatively equal, this kind of competition can promote and improve the frequency of good behavior. Even if we’re not the winner, we still want to be on the same level as most so as not to feel left out.

In my opinion, one of the most impressive things in my high school was the positive peer pressure we experienced against drunk driving. People planned out who the designated driver would be before a party and saw him or her as someone to be respected. Likewise, if someone planned on drinking without having someone that was sober (清醒的) who could drive them home, the host would sometimes let that person drive to the party and sleep over with their car parked in the driveway.

Above all else, what most adolescents want, and frankly crave, is acceptance. Since the definition of what is “cool” and what is not is malleable (有延展性的) and within our control, we can create a culture of positive peer pressure that promotes values that are in our own best interests, and that starts with how each of us acts individually.

1. Why is it easy for teenagers to be subject to peer pressure?
A.Because they are more sensitive than adults.
B.Because they are very respectful in this period.
C.Because they are unable to tell right from wrong.
D.Because they are eager to gain peer recognition.
2. What’s the function of paragraph 2?
A.To support the author’s opinion.
B.To give a summary of the passage.
C.To introduce the topic of the argument.
D.To make the author’s argument objective.
3. What leads to positive changes on account of peer pressure?
A.Encouraging teens to compete aggressively with their peers.
B.Motivating teens to study harder when their friends excel academically.
C.Reinforcing negative behavior in order to make teens keep up with peers.
D.Creating a feeling of accomplishment when engaging in risky activities.
4. In the author’s high school, what is an example of positive peer pressure discussed in the passage?
A.Students pressuring others to skip school and engage in risky behaviors.
B.Planning for a designated driver before parties to prevent drunk driving.
C.Allowing students to drive home after drinking without a sober driver.
D.Encouraging competition between friends to see who can drink the most.
5. Which is the best title of the passage?
A.The Comparison between Positive and Negative Peer Pressure
B.The Ways to Resist Negative Peer Pressure
C.The Power of Positive Peer Pressure
D.The lmpact of Competitive Pcer Pressure
今日更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届天津市耀华中学高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题
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2 . After astonishing breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, many people worry that they will be replaced by AI. Global Google searches for “is my job safe?” have doubled in recent months, as people fear that they will be replaced with large language models (LLMs). In a recent paper Tyna Eloundou of OpenAI and colleagues say that “around 80% of the US workforce could have at least 10% of their work tasks affected by the introduction of LLMs”.

Economists, however, tend to enjoy making predictions about automation more than they enjoy testing them. In the early 2010s many of them loudly predicted that robots would kill jobs by the millions, only to fall silent when employment rates across the rich world rose to all-time highs.

Few of the doom-mongers (末日论者) have a good explanation for why countries with the highest rates of tech usage around the globe, such as Japan, Singapore and the Republic of Korea, consistently have among the lowest rates of unemployment.

Here we introduce our first attempt at tracking AI’s impact on jobs. Using American data on employment by occupation, we single out white-collar workers.

White-collar roles are thought to be especially sensitive to generative AI, which is becoming ever better at logical reasoning and creativity. However, there is as yet little evidence of an AI hit to employment. In the spring of 2020 white-collar jobs rose, as many people in service occupations lost their job at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. And in the past year the white-collar share of employment in professions thought to be at risk from generative AI has risen by 0.5%.

Of course, it’s still early days for generative AI. Few firms yet use generative Al tools at large scale, so the impact on jobs could merely be delayed.

Another possibility, however, is that these new technologies will end up destroying only a small number of roles. While Al may be efficient at some tasks, it may be less good at others, such as management and working out what others need.

AI could even have a positive effect on jobs. If workers using it become more efficient, profits at their company could rise which would then allow bosses to ramp up hiring.

A recent survey by Experis, an IT-recruitment firm, points to this possibility. More than half of Britain’s employers expect AI technologies to have a positive impact on the number of their staff over the next two years, it finds.

To see how it all shakes out, we will publish updates to this analysis every few months. But for now, a job apocalypse seems a long way off.

1. In terms of artificial intelligence, people worry about ______.
A.how to avoid being replaced by machines
B.how to keep up with the trend of technology
C.how to master new technological skills
D.how to earn higher wages by using technology
2. Economists’ predictions about automation show that ______.
A.machines prove to deal a blow to employment
B.technological breakthroughs bring an economic boom
C.economic theories don’t work well in practice
D.it is difficult to clarify the impact of machines on jobs
3. According to the text, since the spring of 2020, white-collar jobs ______.
A.have become more diverseB.have decreased in number
C.have been threatened by service jobsD.have not suffered noticeable losses
4. How may artificial intelligence influence employment?
A.It may cause mass unemployment.B.It may create new jobs for people.
C.It may enable employers to hire more.D.It may decrease people’s salaries.
5. What could be the best title for the passage?
A.Boy Cries Wolf: Generative Al is not yet killing jobs
B.Batten Down the Hatches: Generative AI will replace most of human jobs
C.Generative AI: The greatest threat to white-collar workers.
D.Generative AI: The greatest invention of the 20th century
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3 . We are in the midst of a battle for our attention. Our devices have affected our brains and destroyed our collective ability to concentrate. Journalist Johann Hair’s new book, Stolen Focus, has just joined the voices complaining about the great influence of the digital age. His and other recent books reflect a public perception that our focus is under attack.

Indeed, in our new research, we found some clear concerns. We surveyed a nationally representative sample of 2,093 UK adults in 2021. Half of those surveyed felt their attention spans were shorter than they used to be, compared with a quarter who didn't. And three quarters of participants agreed we're living through a time when there's non-stop competition for our attention between a variety of media channels and information outlets (渠道).

There has long been a worry about the threat to attention brought by new cultural forms, whether that’s social media or the cheap paperback sensation novels of the 19th century. Even as far back as ancient Greece, the philosopher Socrates complained that the written words created “forgetfulness in our souls”. There has always been a tendency to fear the effects that new media and technologies will have on our minds.

The reality is that we simply don’t have long-term studies that tell us whether our attention spans have actually shrunk. What we do know from our study is that people overestimate some of the problems. There’s no such thing as an average attention span. Our ability to focus varies hugely depending on the individual and the task at hand.

It’s also important not to ignore the many benefits that technology brings to our life. Much of the public surveyed recognized these, so while half thought big tech and social media were ruining young people’s attention spans, roughly another half felt that being easily distracted was more to do with people’s personalities than any negative influence that technology may or may not have. Also, half of the public believed multitasking at work and switching frequently between emails, phone calls, and other tasks can create a more efficient and satisfactory work experience.

1. What might be the theme of the books mentioned in Paragraph 1?
A.The main focus of social media.B.The great influence of public opinion.
C.The attention crisis in the digital age.D.The fierce competition in the digital age.
2. What can we know about some of the participants in the new research?
A.They were frequently disturbed by digital devices.
B.They felt it hard to acquire useful information online.
C.They had shorter attention spans than average people.
D.They felt challenged by fierce competition from others.
3. Why does the author mention Socrates in Paragraph 3?
A.To stress new cultural forms have limitations.
B.To show worry about attention is an age-old problem.
C.To prove the important role be played in literary history.
D.To explain cultural differences between the past and the present.
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.People tend to overestimate their abilities.
B.Digital distractions might have potential benefits.
C.Technology’s benefits have been largely ignored.
D.Switching between different tasks frequently is difficult.
5. What message does the author want to convey?
A.Digital devices can benefit our work.B.We should say “No” to digital devices.
C.We should think highly of new cultural forms.D.Digital distractions really affect us so much.
2024-05-30更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市滨海新区塘沽第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
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4 . Team-building exercises have become popular for managers trying to increase organizational and team harmony and productivity. Unfortunately, many employees are angry about compulsory bonding and often regard these exercises as a nuisance (烦事).

A paper published this week by University of Sydney researchers in Social Networks has reported participants' feelings about team-building intervention (干预), revealing ethical implications in forcing employees to take part.

“Many people see team building activities as a waste of time, so we decided to look in more depth at what's behind this,” said the paper's lead researcher, Dr Peter Matous.

“Teams are formed, combined and restructured. Staff are relocated and office spaces redesigned. All this is done with the aim of improving workplace efficiency, collaboration and cohesion. But does any of this work?” said Dr Matous.

The study found that team-building exercises which focused on the sharing of and intervening into personal attitudes and relationships between team members were considered too rude and nosy (爱打听), although the researchers say some degree of openness and vulnerability (脆弱) is often necessary to make deep, effective connections with colleagues.

"Some participants were against team-building exercises because they were indirectly compulsory. They didn't welcome management's interest in their lives beyond their direct work performance," said Matous. "Many people don't want to be forced into having fun or making friends, especially not on top of their busy jobs. They feel management is being too nosy or trying to control their lives too much."

In this study the researchers recommended a self-disclosure (表露) approach where participants were guided through a series of questions that allowed them to increasingly disclose personal information and values. The method is well-tested and has been shown to increase interpersonal closeness. However, to be successful it must be voluntary.

The researchers said there are numerous schools of thought that propose differing psychological methods for strengthening relationships. “With caution, many relational methods to improve teams and organizations can be borrowed from other fields. The question is how to apply them effectively to strengthen an entire collective, which is more than just the sum of individual relationships,” said Dr Matous.

1. Why are many employees opposed to team-building exercises?
A.They consider such exercises annoying.
B.They deem these exercises counter-productive.
C.They see such exercises as harmful to harmony.
D.They find these exercises too demanding.
2. What did Dr Matous and his team do to find out whether team-building activities would improve productivity?
A.They relocated team leaders and their offices.
B.They rearranged the staff and office spaces.
C.They redesigned the staffs work schedules.
D.They reintroduced some cohesive activities.
3. What did the study by Matous’ team find about some team-building exercises?
A.They were intended to share personal attitudes and relationships.
B.They indirectly added to the vulnerability of team members.
C.They always strengthened connections among colleagues.
D.They were regarded as a violation of employees' privacy.
4. How can the self-disclosure approach succeed in increasing interpersonal closeness?
A.By allowing participants freedom to express themselves.
B.By applying it to employees who volunteer to participate.
C.By arranging in proper order the questions participants face.
D.By guiding employees through a series of steps in team building.
5. What does Matous think of the various psychological methods borrowed from other fields for strengthening relationships?
A.They must be used in combination for an entire collective.
B.They prioritize some psychological aspects over others.
C.They place too much stress on individual relationships.
D.They have to be applied cautiously to be effective.
2024-05-25更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市南开中学2023-2024学年高三下学期第五月考英语试题
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5 . Eating out is such a pleasure-the food, the wine, the joy of having it all brought to you by someone else — that it’s a pity to ruin the experience by sharing it with other people.

Well, I do like visiting restaurants with friends. But dining out alone has its own very special attractions. For a start you can give all your attention to the food. There’s nothing worse than having to invent and deliver an opinion on school league tables or Sanchez’s move to Manchester United, plus listen to everyone else’s opinions, when all you really want to do is enjoy each mouthful along the way.

A second great thing about eating out alone is the chance to combine food with one of life’s other true pleasures: reading. You have to plan this carefully: Indian or Chinese restaurants are best—you need food you can eat with just one hand, leaving the other free to hold your reading material.

But perhaps the biggest attraction of a table for one is the chance it gives to people- watching. Restaurants and the different reasons for visiting them-first date, business meeting, night out with friends-produce human behaviour of surprising richness and variety. Will the man selling his business idea get any joy out of his possible investor (投资者)? Will the married couple think of anything to say to each other before their main courses arrive?

This “human zoo” part of eating out alone is one of the reasons I’d hate to be famous: everyone would be watching you, so you wouldn’t be able to watch them. The snooker player Steve Davis says this was one of the strangest consequences of becoming well-known: he got very worried about his eating in public, almost to the level of doubting whether he was “doing it right.”

So next time you’re considering your eating out choices, remember the advice of the businessman Nubar Gulbenkian: “The best number for a dinner party is two — myself and a super head waiter.”

1. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.The reasons for eating out alone.B.The trouble with eating in public.
C.The suggestions about dining out.D.The fear of making dining choices.
2. What is the best part of dining out alone?
A.One can fix one’s eyes on the food.
B.One can enjoy reading while eating.
C.One is likely to come across famous people.
D.One is given the chance to watch other diners.
3. What does the author intend to tell us in paragraph 5?
A.Steve Davis cared too much about table manners.
B.Famous people are always the center of attention.
C.Being famous may ruin the joy of eating out alone.
D.Being watched seems far better than watching others.
4. The underlined word “consequences” in Paragraph 5 probably means “________”.
5. What is suggested at the end of the text?
A.Dining with friends.B.Chatting over dinner.
C.Having a table for one.D.Sharing a table with a waiter.
2024-05-17更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市实验中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中英语试卷
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6 . Online classes began to be popularized just a few decades ago. They are advertised as a way for adults to finish their education and students to learn the material at their own pace—it is far more suitable for people with busy schedules.

But after being enrolled in an online course last fall semester, I came to realize online classes were merely a means to fulfil course requirements.

First of all, students lack the desire to learn, and they simply complete their assignments to receive credit for a passing grade rather than genuinely engage with the course material.

As online courses tend to have more than 100 students, most of the assignments are short and simple. They are not designed for students to interact with the material in depth but designed to be graded casily to accommodate such a large number of students.

Perhaps the biggest disadvantage of taking an online class is the absence of face-to-face interaction between the teacher and their students. Live sessions are infrequent and are often scheduled during the middle of the day when students have to attend other classes or work. The office hours of the professor may also be during inconvenient times for many students as well. Most interaction with the professor has to be through email which is often impersonal. It is nearly impossible for students to build a relationship with their professor.

There is also little interaction amongst students. It can be harder for students to create study groups and form relationships with their peers.

Online classes also require either a computer or laptop and a reliable internet connection. Not all students have access to these types of resources, whether it is for financial or other reasons, and some students can be put at a disadvantage.

Offering online classes certainly helps students who would otherwise not be able to attend classroom sessions. However, they fail to provide a genuine education with an emphasis on convenience rather than critical thinking. We need restructured online classes in which students can have a learning experience that will actually provide quality education.

1. What does the author say about students enrolled in online classes?
A.They can access course materials easily.B.They are unmotivated to learn.
C.They can learn at their own pace.D.They rarely fulfil the course requirements.
2. What does the author think of online course assignments?
A.They are made convenient to mark.
B.They are meant to facilitate interaction.
C.They are based on easily accessible material.
D.They are given to accommodate students’ needs.
3. What does the author say is one disadvantage of online classes?
A.They are frequently scheduled at irregular times.
B.They make professors’ offices much less accessible.
C.They tend to increase professors’ burden of responding to students’ emails.
D.They provide little chance for students to build relationships with each other.
4. What problem may arise if classes go online?
A.More students may find it easy to be absent from them.
B.Teachers will worry about poor internet connections.
C.Some students may have difficulty attending them.
D.Schools with limited resources will be at a disadvantage.
5. What does the author think consists of a key part of genuine education?
A.Acquisition of useful knowledge.B.Training of real-life skills on campus.
C.Development of students’ personalities.D.Cultivation of analytical thinking ability.
2024-04-29更新 | 161次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届天津市天津市十二区县重点校高三第一次模拟考试英语试题
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7 . “One of the reasons I find this topic very interesting is because my mom was a smoker when I was younger.” says Lindson-Hawley, who studies tobacco and health at the University of Oxford.

By studying about 700 adult smokers, she found out that her mom quit the right way—by stopping abruptly and completely.

In her study, participants were randomly assigned to two groups. One had to quit abruptly on a given day, going from about a pack a day to zero. The other cut down gradually over the course of two weeks. People in both groups used nicotine(尼古丁) patches before they quit, in addition to a second form of nicotine replacement, like gum or spray. They also had talk therapy with a nurse before and after quit day.

Six months out, more people who had quit abruptly had stuck with it—more than one-fifth of them, compared to about one-seventh in the other group. Although these numbers appear low, it is much higher than if people try without support.

And the quit rates were particularly convincing given that before the study started, most of the people had said they’d rather cut down gradually before quitting. “If you’re training for a marathon, you wouldn’t expect to turn up and just be able to run it. And I think people see that for smoking as well. They think, “Well, if I gradually reduce, it’s like practice.” “says Lindson-Hawley. But that wasn’t the case. Instead of giving people practice, the gradual reduction likely gave them cravings(瘾) and withdrawal symptoms before they even reached quit day, which could be why fewer people in that group actually made it to that point. “Regardless of your stated preference, if you’re ready to quit, quitting abruptly is more effective.” says Dr. Gabriela Ferreira.“When you can quote a specific number like a fifth of the patients were able to quit, that’s convincing. It gives them the encouragement, I think, to really go for it.”Ferreira says.

People rarely manage to quit the first time they try. But at least, she says, they can maximize the odds of success.

1. What does Lindson-Hawley say about her mother?
A.She quit smoking with her daughter’s help.
B.She studied the smoking patterns of adult smokers.
C.She was also a researcher of tobacco and health.
D.She succeeded in quitting smoking abruptly.
2. What kind of support did smokers receive to quit smoking in Lindson-Hawley’s study?
A.They were offered nicotine replacements.
B.They were looked after by physicians.
C.They were encouraged by psychologists.
D.They were given physical training.
3. How does Dr. Gabriela Ferreira view the result of Lindson-Hawley’s experiment?
A.It is unexpected.B.It is idealized.
C.It is encouraging.D.It is misleading.
4. The idea of “a marathon” (Para.5) illustrates the popular belief that quitting smoking
A.is a challenge at the beginningB.needs some practice first
C.requires a lot of patienceD.is something few can accomplish
5. What happens when people try to quit smoking gradually?
A.They feel much less pain in the process.B.They are simply unable to make it.
C.They show fewer withdrawal symptoms.D.They find it even more difficult.
2024-04-04更新 | 187次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届天津市天津市十二区县重点校高三第一次模拟考试英语试题
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8 . Conservationists go to war over whether humans are the measure of nature’s value. New Conservationists argue such trade-offs are necessary in this human dominated epoch. And they support “re-wilding”, a concept originally proposed by Soule where people curtail economic growth and withdraw from landscapes, which then return to nature.

New Conservationists believe the withdrawal could happen together with economic growth. The California-based Breakthrough Institute believes in a future where most people live in cities and rely less on natural resources for economic growth.

They would get food from industrial agriculture, including genetically modified foods, desalination intensified meat production and aquaculture, all of which have a smaller land footprint. And they would get their energy from renewables and natural gas.

Driving these profound shifts would be greater efficiency of production, where more products could be manufactured from fewer inputs. And some unsustainable commodities would be replaced in the market by other, greener ones — natural gas for coal, for instance, explained Michael Heisenberg, president of the Breakthrough Institute. Nature would, in essence, be decoupled from the economy.

And then he added a caveat: We are not suggesting decoupling as the paradigm to save the world, or that it solves all the problems or eliminates all the trade-offs.

Cynics (悲观者) may say all this sounds too utopian, but Breakthrough maintains the world is already on this path toward decoupling. Nowhere is this more evident than in the United Sates, according to Iddo Wernick, a research scholar at the Rockefeller University, who has examined the nation’s use of 100 main commodities.

Wenick and his colleagues looked at data carefully from the U.S. Geological Survey National Minerals Information Center, which keeps a record of commodities used from 1900 through the present day. They found that the use of 36 commodities (sand, iron ore, cotton etc.) in the U. S. Economy had peaked.

Another 53 commodities (nitrogen, timber, beef, etc.) are being used more efficiently per dollar value of gross domestic product than in the pre-1970s era. Their use would peak soon, Wernick said.

Only 11 commodities (industrial diamond, indium, chicken, etc.) are increasing in use (Greenwire, Nov.6), and most of these are employed by industries in small quantities to improve systems processes. Chicken use is rising because people are eating less beef, a desirable development since poultry cultivation has a smaller environmental footprint.

The numbers show the United States has not intensified resource consumption since the 1970s even while increasing its GDP and population, said Jesse Ausubel of the Rockefeller University.

“It seems like the 20th-century expectation we had, we were always assuming the future entailed greater consumption of resources,” Ausubel said. “But what we are seeing in the developed countries is, of course, peaks.”

1. What does the underlined word “trade-offs” refer to in the first paragraph?
A.The balance between human development and natural ecology.
B.The profitability of import and export trade.
C.The consumption of natural resources by industrial development.
D.The difficult plight of economies growth.
2. Which of the following is true of the views of the new environmentalists?
A.They believe that mankind should live in forests with rich vegetation.
B.They believe that mankind will need more natural resources in the future.
C.They believe that mankind is the master of the whole universe.
D.They believe that mankind should limit economic growth.
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph of the passage?
A.Natural resources cannot support economic development.
B.More resource consumption will not occur in a certain period of time.
C.Excessive resource consumption will not affect the ecological environment.
D.All resource consumption in developed countries has reached a peak.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Urbanization and re-wildness.
B.Human existence and industrial development.
C.Socioeconomic development and resource consumption.
D.Commodity trading and raw material development.
2024-03-22更新 | 153次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市南开中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
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9 . Whether you’re considering gap time directly after high school, during college, or a mid-career break, taking a year off is a great opportunity to learn through new experiences, grow beyond your comfort zone, and get out of your ordinary routine.

If your hunger to travel the world, meet new people, and experience new adventures can no longer be ignored, a gap year program is a great opportunity to volunteer abroad, teach abroad, intern abroad, or attend a language school. Whether you’re attracted by a quick tour across country borders on multiple continents, or a long-term stay in a near or distant city, the best way to spend your gap year is completely up to you!

Gap years are becoming increasingly common for students and young professionals. In fact, many find that when applying for jobs, their gap year experience helps their resume stand out among a sea of qualified candidates.

Because of the popularity of gap years, potential gap year travelers have tons of questions like: Is taking a gap year possible?

• Who takes a gap year?

• How much does a gap year cost?

• How can I make the most of my gap year?

• When is the best time to take a gap year?

• Will a gap year affect my college applications?

• What are the pros and cons of a gap year?

• Am I too old to take a gap year?

• Are there gap year jobs available?

Here at Go Overseas we have detailed information to help you have a year of meaningful growth through exploring your interests, passions, and curiosities, as well as supporting your desire for experiential learning, either locally or abroad. Go through gap year program listings and reviews, read through expert gap year advice and ideas, and decide how to get the most out of your gap year.

1. What do you know about the gap year?
A.It is not worthwhile.B.It mainly suits school students.
C.It does more harm than good.D.It contributes to a new routine.
2. Who can consider taking a gap year according to the text?
A.People who have only been on the job for a year.
B.People who always want to learn a new language abroad.
C.High school students who are tired of sitting all day long.
D.People who want to achieve work-life balance in the long run.
3. What does a gap year do for job seekers?
A.It makes little difference to them.
B.It makes their resumes look more authentic.
C.It makes their potential employers confused.
D.It increases their chances of being hired.
4. What is the purpose of the list of the questions?
A.To draw the attention of new gap year travelers.
B.To show the difficulties that a gap year traveler may meet.
C.To reflect what people might want to know about taking a gap year.
D.To explain why people should take a gap year into consideration.
5. What is this text?
A.A travel guide.
B.A guide to career choices.
C.An advertisement for taking a gap year.
D.Suggestions for having a wonderful school life.
2024-03-20更新 | 105次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届天津市河西区高三下学期总复习质量检测(一)英语试题
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10 . There was much discussion of the concept of “quiet quitting” meaning, doing the bare minimum at work. And perhaps that’s not surprising: nowadays employee’s stress levels are at all-time highs. When you’re exhausted and overwhelmed, it feels like something needs to give up—the pursuit of excellence at work.

But is taking your foot off the gas the answer? I’d argue it isn’t. As a writer focused on time management, I’ve come to realize that the opposite of burnout isn’t doing nothing but engagement. That’s what I found when I ran a study with more than 140 busy people. At the beginning, they spoke of feeling exhausted and tapped out. “My work to do list is never ending,”. one person said.

The participants applied time-management strategies over the course of nine weeks. But instead of asking them to scale things back, most of the strategies I taught people were additive. I had them build in regular physical activity, make space for little adventures. And when it came to leisure activities, I asked them to put “effortful before effortless”—to choose those that require action over those that are passive.

I also introduced them to the principle of taking “one night for you”—committing to doing something you enjoy, apart from work and family. As with quiet quitting, this might sometimes mean leaving work a little earlier than usual, but the point is not to do less; the idea is adding energizing activities to your schedule.

And it worked. Over weeks, participants came to feel that their schedules were brimming (充满) with activities that they had actively chosen—and as a result, time felt more abundant. Their satisfaction with how they spent their time overall rose 16 percent from the beginning to the end. They even reported making more progress on their professional goals —pretty much the opposite of quiet quitting—as their increased energy and engagement spilled over into all areas of life.

We each have the same hours every week. But time is also all about the stories we tell ourselves. When life is full of have-to-dos, we can feel beaten down by responsibilities. But add things we actually want to do, and time feels different. We feel a bit more in control of our lives. Put simply, when we put time into what we find energizing, our inner narrative changes. We no longer feel like life is a slog (苦役), when you’re feeling overwhelmed, committing time to something that feels wonderful could be a better bet than simply doing less.

1. According to Paragraph 1, quiet quitting makes one ______.
A.feel exhausted and overwhelmedB.pursue no excellence at work
C.work at all-time highsD.hardly finish the work on time
2. According to the writer, what is the best way for people to handle their exhaustion?
A.Proper participation before burning out.B.The cut-down of to-do list and a proper rest.
C.Adding active elements to be effortful.D.Time management and physical activity.
3. What does the underlined part “scale things back” mean in the passage?
A.To pay more effort than required.B.To go back to nature and relax.
C.To reflect on the old days.D.To reduce the amount of work.
4. The idea of “one night for you” is suggested, for one can ______
A.enjoy adventure with family members.B.go for physical exercises after work.
C.choose to be an active person at night.D.engage yourself in more favorable things.
5. What is the main idea of paragraph 5?
A.Actively choosing activities have positive impact.
B.People are satisfied with more free time to spent.
C.People can make progress if they do not quit quietly.
D.Too much energy may be wasted if not concerned about.
6. What is the proper title of the passage?
A.The power of time management.B.Strategies for a More Satisfying Life.
C.The secret of a happy life: Quiet Quitting.D.Rejecting Quiet Quitting: Active participation.
2024-03-17更新 | 130次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届天津市和平区高三下学期第六次质量调查(一模)英语试题
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