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阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

1 . It’s normal for teenagers to feel nervous, but if nervousness prevents you from speaking up in class or making friends, you may have a common condition known as social anxiety disorder. To overcome it, you need to take some measures.

Practice deep breathing to ease anxiety. If anxiety hits before a presentation or right before the bell rings to change, take a few deep breaths to calm down.     1    

Try to make eye contact and smile at people. Making casual conversation with other kids at school may seem too difficult.     2     Briefly making eye contact and flashing a smile helps you seem cool, so they may come up and talk to you.

Channel your anxiety into a creative activity.     3     These activities not only bring about positive self-worth, but they’ll also temporarily take you away from worries. What’s more,creative activities also allow you to release anxiety and turn it into something special, like a song or a painting.

    4     If you have friends or siblings (兄弟姐妹) your age, consider talking to them about social anxiety. Share some of your fears and ask them for support. For example, you might ask your sibling if it’s okay to sit with them at lunch so you’re not eating alone.

Practice exposing yourself to fearsome situations gradually.     5     Make a plan to expose yourself to these situations, starting with those causing the least anxiety. For example, you might start exposing yourself to eating in common areas at school.

A.Sign up for a band, drama, or art.
B.Talk to trusted ones and ask for their help.
C.Thus, avoid face-to-face communication at first.
D.You can’t expect to be free of anxiety overnight.
E.You can start by trying to present yourself as approachable.
F.Sit down with a trusted person and list the situations that cause anxiety.
G.This is a handy tool you can always use to get a handle on your anxiety.
昨日更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省名校联盟高三高考模拟卷四英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Managing Pre-Exam Anxiety

Experiencing anxiety before an exam is common.     1    . You can create a study plan, breaking down your revision into small sections. Start preparing early to avoid last-minute cramming and following are the strategies you can apply to cope with the anxiety before the exam.

    2    . Remind yourself of your preparation and abilities. Replace thoughts like “I can’t do this” with “I am prepared and capable.” Avoid comparing yourself to others, as this can increase anxiety. By consistently focusing on the positive aspects and maintaining a hopeful attitude, you can boost your confidence and improve your performance under stress.

Make regular physical activity part of your daily routine to reduce stress and improve your mood. Include relaxation exercises in your routine. Deep breathing exercises can calm you down. Progressive muscle relaxation, where you tense and then slowly release each muscle group, can also relieve tension.     3    .

Use effective study techniques to maximize your learning. Break down complex topics into simpler parts and use mnemonic devices to remember key facts.     4    , as discussing material with peers can enhance understanding and retention. Taking regular practice tests can also help track your progress and identify areas that need more focus.

Talk about your feelings with friends, family, or teachers. They can offer support and advice.     5    . They can provide professional help and coping strategies. By preparing well, maintaining healthy habits, practicing relaxation, thinking positively, managing time wisely, and seeking support, you can manage pre-exam anxiety. Some stress is natural, but with these strategies, you can control it and perform your best on exam day.

A.Challenge negative thoughts
B.Come up with some cheerful ideas
C.Group study sessions can also be helpful
D.Meditation and mindfulness can help you stay focused
E.When you were seized with tension, talk to your parents
F.Managing this stress effectively is crucial for performing well
G.If your anxiety feels overwhelming, consider talking to the counselor
7日内更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省沈阳市第二中学高三第五次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Loud noise can be very damaging to your hearing, whether it’s a loud burst or years of exposure. Approximately 15 percent of adults 18 years of age or older report some trouble hearing.     1     The good news is that taking action now may protect you from hearing loss later in life.

Get a baseline hearing test. Most people have never had a hearing test.     2     At your next physical, ask for a hearing test as part of your routine checkup. A hearing test gives your audiologist a baseline that they can compare with future results to monitor the progression of hearing loss.

    3     While you are watching TV or using mobile devices, keep the volume at a comfortable level. It should be loud enough to make sure you can hear very well, but not so loud that when you leave the room, you can still hear it from another part of your home.

Wear protective hearing devices. Think ear protection before you’re exposed to any noisy environment, such as rock concerts or airports. When you are in a noisy environment, wear protective hearing devices such as earplugs or protective earphones.     4    

Have proper earphones. If you often listen to music on earphones using a portable music or video device, it’s a good idea to have earphones that fit the unique shape of your ear canal, and block outside noise.     5    

A.The risk rises as we age.
B.Monitor the volume of your devices.
C.However, it benefits you to go against that trend.
D.Meanwhile, you will find the sound truly superior.
E.You can find them at your local drugstore or music supply shop.
F.Think about buying appliances and devices that have low noise ratings.
G.You must do something to keep age-related hearing loss from getting worse.
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . College is an exciting milestone for a lot of most important steps you’ll need to take so you’ll be ready to take on higher learning!

College is an exciting milestone for a lot of people.     1     Luckily, we've rounded up the most important steps you'll need to take so you'll be ready to take on higher learning!

Decide on the degree program you want to pursue.

Choose a path that matches your interests. You’ll be most likely to succeed in college if you choose a major that you really like.     2     Then look at degree programs that will help you get a job in that field. You could also talk to people you know well, like your parents, advisor, or guidance counselor for advice.


Sign up for the basics when registration opens. Most colleges have the same entry-level courses for freshmen, regardless of what your major is. Sign in to the school’s registration website as soon as it opens to make sure you get the classes you want. Then use the course catalog (目录) to choose the electives that you want to take that semester.

Decide where you’re going to live.

Plan whether to live on or off campus. Living on campus will require you to pay for the accommodation expenses in the dormitory. However, some financial aid requires you to live on campus, and it can be cheaper to live in a dorm than to rent an apartment near the school. You’ll also have access to on-campus meals if you live in a dorm.     4    

Study a map of campus.

Map out where each of your classes will be. College campuses typically cover a vast area — different departments are often housed in different buildings, not to mention dorms, administration buildings, the bookstore, and the food court.     5    

A.Register for classes.
B.Check the course plan for each class.
C.But there’s a lot that goes into getting ready for that first day.
D.Plan visits to a few different colleges to really get a feel for them.
E.And you won’t have to factor in transportation to your college each day.
F.To avoid getting lost, it’s better to figure out the route for each class in advance.
G.Try taking interest assessments and skills assessments to get matched with careers.
7日内更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省名校联盟高三下学期三模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . There is much conversation about boundaries these days, but what exactly are boundaries? Simply put, boundaries are limits we personally set in order to protect our physical, emotional, and mental health, and they can be set with ourselves, with others, or with both.     1     — physical boundaries, emotional boundaries, and time or effort boundaries.

    2    . They help us to protect ourselves from harm - keep us safe. They also help us to maintain our sense of self and feeling of control over our lives.     3    . The most common reason is that your boundary may mean someone else’s disappointment. Here are some tips when you are setting boundaries.

Initially, be clear and direct. The more clear and direct you are, the more others will be able to respect the boundaries you set. “I’m heading home today at 5 pm” will be understood more clearly than “I need to head home sometime around 5 or 5: 30 pm.”     4    . We can’t expect people to respect our boundaries if we don’t respect theirs. Further more, be willing for others not to like the boundaries you set. At first, this can feel difficult. But ultimately other people will respect you more for having clear boundaries and know what to expect from the relationship, which will become healthier and stronger.     5    .

Once you set boundaries, it’s important to maintain them. At the beginning, it may feel challenging to set and maintain them, but eventually, they can become second nature and we find ourselves in relationships built on mutual respect and care-the kind of relationships we all want to be in.

A.Or it will need to end
B.Boundaries have cons and pros
C.Then be respectful of others’ boundaries
D.Naturally, they may be met with resistance
E.There are many different types of boundaries
F.Boundaries are important part of a healthy life
G.However, people often have a difficult time setting them
7日内更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省上饶市信州区上饶市第一中学高三下学期仿真模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . You might know what to do if a human needs first aid, but what if your dog gets a bite or your cat eats something poisonous? Dr. Liam Donaldson, clinical director at Greencross Vet (兽医) Hospital at the University of Melbourne, says it’s important that pet owners understand basic first aid. Here, he shares his tips for dealing with common accidents and injuries.

Cuts & wounds

You don’t need to worry about disinfecting the injury site, but you do need to stop the bleeding, says Dr. Donaldson. “If there’s uncontrollable bleeding, apply pressure — even if it’s just using a T-shirt. Once you have applied pressure to reduce bleeding, take your pet immediately to a vet for assessment.” he advises.

Snake bites

Snakes have very small teeth, so their bite marks can be difficult to spot — and you might not see the bite happen. But if your pet shows signs of snake bite poisoning — sudden weakness and collapse, dilated pupils, vomiting, paralysis and shaking or twitching of muscles — get them to a vet without delay.

Tick bites

It’s a good idea to have a pair of tick-removal tweezers (镊子) on hand in case you need to remove a tick from your pet. “There’s often a lot of concern about whether you have to get all of the tick or not, but as long as you get the body of the tick off, generally the head will just remove itself over time,” says Dr. Donaldson. He recommends keeping the tick so that if your pet becomes ill, your vet can identify whether they were bitten by a paralysis tick (the type that can be deadly).


Cats eating ivy and dogs eating sago palm or macadamia nuts are some of the most common poisonings Dr. Donaldson sees. “If it’s a macadamia nut, I would just keep a very close eye on them. If they start to show any gastrointestinal signs — if they go off their food, if they become sore in any of their legs — get them checked over by a vet,” he says. “If it was lilies or sago palm, I would recommend getting them to a vet, even if they’re not showing signs of illness, just because that can typically be life-threatening.”

1. If your pet dog gets seriously injured, what is the best solution?
A.To seek medical assistance.B.To disinfect the injury site.​
C.To apply pressure to reduce bleeding.​D.To use a T-shirt to stop bleeding.
2. A cat or dog should be sent to hospital immediately it eats _________.
A.Ivy.B.Sago palm.​
C.A macadamia nut.D.A common poisoning.
3. Where is this text probably taken from?
A.A medical journal.              B.A biology textbook.​
C.A hospital advertisement.D.An animal care guide.​
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . We love our pets. In fact, for most people they are more than me re pets and become more like family members. It is likely then that their owners, at some point, are going to want photographs of their furry friends. However, pet photography presents its own special problems.     1     If you’re thinking of trying pet photography, here are a few pointers to get you started.

Find out about your subject’s personality and habits. Where does it nod off if the sun is out? What is its favourite toy?     2     It’s also worth spending a little time getting to know the animal yourself. Cats, dogs, horses, they all have personality, and you need to ensure they are comfortable being around you, and you around them.

    3     If the pet is comfortable with you, and if it isn’t too nervous, fill the frame with the pet’s face. Get the eyes nice and sharp. Just like humans, this is a natural point of focus, although focusing on the nose or mouth of a dog or cat can also make for an interesting image in its own right.

See the world from pets’ perspective. If you photograph a pet while you’re standing up, all you’re going to see is the top of their head and their backs, not what you want for a portrait. Get down to their eye level. Try pre-focusing your camera and just holding it at ground level so you can look up at the pet.     4    .

Bring a flash with the owner’s permission. While greeting or playing with a new pet, fire a couple of test flashes away from them to see their reaction. In daylight particularly, they never seem to mind the flash at all.     5    .

A.Think about getting in close to your subject.
B.It’s worth a try just for a new angle on things.
C.Animals can be unpredictable, lazy, aggressive and excitable.
D.A good photograph focuses on the subject and not the background.
E.If they do mind, then stick with natural light and use a white reflector.
F.The more you shoot, the greater your chances of hitting that perfect shot!
G.Take time to chat with the owner and observe your subject to gain some insight.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . How to Become a Morning Person

Everyone knows that early to bed and early to rise is good for health.     1     Here are some ways you can focus on that can help you become a better morning person.

Shift your bedtime.

    2     Most people should aim for at least seven hours a night — so you’ll probably need to inch your bedtime forward as you transition (过渡) to a new schedule. You could fall straight into getting up at your desired time every day, knowing that you’ll feel tired during the transition but will naturally start falling asleep earlier within a few weeks.

Relax before bed.

Don’t watch TV or fiddle around (摆弄) with laptops right before you go to bed because they are shining light into your eyes and maybe even tricking your brain into thinking that it’s earlier than it really is.     3     Try not to do anything too stimulating before bed, and instead focus on relaxing activities like taking a bath or listening to comfortable music.


The secret to becoming a morning person is exposure to bright light. That’s because light suppresses (抑制) melatonin, a hormone (激素) that plays an important role in circadian (昼夜) rhythm. Natural light is the best, so get outside or open your bedroom window.

Make mornings more pleasant.

Try to schedule something to look forward to in the morning so that getting up feels like less hard. Perhaps a hot cup of coffee, sipped in silence, and the daily crossword puzzle.     5    

A.Lighten up.
B.Work up a sweat.
C.It’s important to make sure you’re getting enough sleep.
D.But many people have great difficulty in getting up early.
E.It’s hard to stop surfing the internet late at night if you’re a night owl.
F.Make sure the light around you is not too bright when it’s close to your bedtime.
G.Knowing that something pleasant awaits can help you take that first painful step out of bed.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . “A fish out of water.” “A bike without a chain.” There are many metaphors for culture shock, all of which attempt to describe the unique experience of being far from one’s home country and culture.

Scientists have studied culture shock for over a century. Rather than focus on the purely negative aspects, psychologists describe it as a process of stress and adjustment. The first stage is the honeymoon phase, when we are filled with excitement about being in another country. Eventually, as daily challenges arise, we enter a state of crisis and anxiety, harboring unfriendly feelings about the host culture. The longer we are immersed in the culture, we adjust and recover from those negative feelings. Finally, after some time we adjust even more and fully accept the new culture.

One of the factors that determines how we react to cultural stress is our personality. Not surprisingly, extraverts (外向者) tend to have an easier time adjusting to new cultures. That is because being in a new country means meeting many new people and spending a lot of time around them, and extraverts thrive in these situations. But introverts simply prefer to be alone after spending time in groups, and only have limited energy to spend in social settings.

Cultural intelligence, or CQ, also plays its part. Cultural intelligence is defined as the capability of an individual to function effectively in situations characterized by cultural diversity. It has to do with our interest in interacting with people from culturally diverse backgrounds, and our ability to adapt to new cultural context. It is argued that the higher our CQ, the lesser the effect of culture shock on our ability to cope in new situations.

Many effective coping strategies are interpersonal. A recent study found that relating to others with empathy is significantly associated with lower stress levels abroad. The more we are able to take on other people’s points of view, the more positive our interpersonal relationships and thus our adaptation to the stress of culture shock.

1. What is the function of the first paragraph?
A.Explaining the quotes.B.Raising an argument.
C.Introducing the topic.D.Presenting an example.
2. How will a person feel the moment he arrives in a foreign country?
3. Who will most probably be affected by the cultural shock?
A.An active boy interested in anything new.
B.A shy boy unwilling to socialize with strangers.
C.A quiet girl open to diverse cultural backgrounds.
D.A communicative girl fluent in the local language.
4. What is important for dealing with the cultural shock?
A.Lowering the stress level.B.Developing self-awareness.
C.Analyzing the cause of discomfort.D.Understanding others with sympathy.
2024-06-03更新 | 84次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届重庆市第八中学高三下学期三模考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Everyone can experience loneliness from time to time, which causes concern about our health and well-being.     1    ? There are some possible courses of action, depending on who you are and where you live. Below are some suggestions on how to fight loneliness.


Some of us are lonely because we don’t have close relationships in our lives. But if that’s not the case for you, by all means let your friends or family know how you’re feeling and ask for support. Calling or texting can be an active way to shift your mood and help relieve loneliness.

Adopt a pet

There are many reasons to have pets.     3    . And these are especially helpful for people who may be isolated from other humans and feel lonely. One study finds that people who walk dogs are considered friendlier — something that's bound to help you connect if you’re looking to meet new people.

Try loving-kindness meditation (冥想)

Not everyone likes to engage in loving-kindness meditation. But it has been found to reduce loneliness, perhaps because it helps you to accept negative emotions more easily.     4    . Even when they are not around, loving-kindness meditation could help fight feelings of loneliness.

Count your blessings

    5    , its also possible to practice gratitude on your own and feel less lonely. In one study, older adults who were assigned a daily gratitude journaling exercise felt less lonely over time — and felt healthier, too.

A.Reach out to friends or family
B.Be kind to the relatives around you
C.What can you do when you feel lonely
D.Even though this practice can help you feel much happier
E.It can also help you increase a sense of connection to others
F.While expressing gratitude toward others can fight loneliness directly
G.One of them is that they can provide companionship and unconditional love
2024-06-03更新 | 109次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省秦皇岛市部分高中高三下学期二模英语试题
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