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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Charlie Plumb遇到给他打包降落伞的人,从而思考你有多少次与帮助你最多的人擦肩而过。

1 . Charlie Plumb was a Navy jet pilot. On his 75th mission, his fighter was destroyed by a missile and be was forced to ________. The only thing between him and ________ was his parachute (降落伞) that he prayed would open. The parachute did open and Charlie made it down to the ground, but he was ________ and spent 6 years in a prison camp.

One day, 15 years later, Charlie was sitting in a restaurant when he ________ two tables over was this guy who kept looking at him. Charlie looked back but didn’t ________ him. Finally the guy walked over to Charlie’s table and said, “You’re Captain Plumb. You flew jet fighters in the war. You ________ from the aircraft carrier (航母) Kitty Hawk, you parachuted into enemy territory …”

Astonished, Charlie asked, “How did you know?” The man laughed and said, “Because I ________ your parachute.”

Charlie was ________. The man grabbed Charlie’s hand and said, “I guess it worked,” and walked off.

Charlie lay awake that night, thinking about all the times he had walked through the long narrow room of the ________, with the tables where the men packed the parachutes. He wondered how many times he must have walked past this man ________ saying “hi,” or “good job” or “I ________ what you do.”

Think about this for yourself. How many times in life do you ________ the people who help you out the most? The people who come out of the ________ corners of your life just when you need them the most? The people who go the ________ mile, the people who don’t look for the ________ or the achievement medal or even the bonus check — the folks who are just out there packing parachutes?

A.prison campB.restaurant roomC.aircraft carrierD.enemy territory
2022-11-05更新 | 124次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省常州市2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题

2 . My father and I disagreed about curfew (晚间回家的时间). He’d say I was to be in by 9:30 on weekdays, and 11:00 on weekends, no exceptions without my first asking. I told him it made me _________ like a junior-high kid. He explained that _________ a curfew might sound like a restriction (限制), it’s really about people looking out for one another.

The very next Friday after that pretty heated _________, my dad and I had tickets to see our town’s professional football game. On that day he was _________ to a nearby city to meet with some major clients and _________ me that his getting home and our leaving for the game would be _________.

To make sure we could move off the moment he walked in, I got everything prepared. When a half hour had passed from the time he said he’d be home, I understood that he was a little late. But then, nearly a whole hour passed. I was getting _________. We were going to miss the kick-off! And why hadn’t he _________ me and let me know he was going to be really late? As I anxiously paced the floor, another half hour passed. That’s when I got really angry. How _________ of my father! Now we were going to miss the whole game! When yet another half hour passed, my anger turned to __________. What if something terrible had happened to my dad, like he had a heart attack or had been in an accident, or something? I began to really worry. I’d already called his cellphone about ten times, but no answer.

I was beside myself, assuming the worst had happened.

Finally, the phone rang, and my dad said __________, “Son, I’m so sorry about the game, but... there was a terrible accident...on the freeway coming home, and I __________ to help… and __________ going to the hospital. I left my cellphone in the car, so I couldn’t call until now.”

I was so __________ to hear from my father and to learn that he was safe that I actually cried. That was when I got the importance of a curfew: Checking in! It’s about knowing that someone you love is __________. It was one more proof of my father’s loving me as much as he does.

A.ended upB.took upC.gave upD.stayed up
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . I played a racquetball (壁球) game against my cousin Ed last week. It was one of the most ________ and tiring games I’ve ever had. When Ed first phoned and suggested we play, I laughed quietly, figuring on an ________ victory. After all, Ed’s idea of ________ has always been nothing more ________ than lifting a fork to his mouth. As long as I can remember, Ed’s been the least physically fit member in the family, and ________ proud of himself. His big stomach has always ballooned out between his T-shirt and trousers. Although the family often ________ about that, Ed refused to buy a ________ T-shirt or to lose weight. So when Ed ________ for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered inside his trousers but also with a stomach you could hardly ________. I was so surprised that I was speechless. My cousin must have made an effort to get himself into shape. ________, at the point in our game when I’d have predicted (预计) the score to be about 9 to 1 in my favor, it was ________ 7 to 9-and Ed was ________. The sudden realization was painful. We continued to play like two mad men. When the score was 16 up, I was having serious ________ about staying alive until 21 years old, let alone ________ that many points. When the game finally ended, both of us were lying flat on our backs, too tired to move. In a way, I think we both won: I the game, but cousin Ed my ________.

A.set outB.got readyC.arrivedD.returned
A.After allB.As a resultC.Above allD.At last
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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My teenage son, Jordan, always complained about having to be home earlier than all his friends. He would tell me that he was already seventeen, but still had a curfew (宵禁). He believed he was practically an adult. I pointed out that he was not an adult as he was still in high school.

“You don’t trust me!” he yelled. Before I continued, he rolled his eyes, slammed the door and walked away. I sighed. How could I make Jordan see that I only wanted to keep him safe?

I decided to go for a walk, hoping the December air would clear my head. I opened the front door and nearly stepped on her: a small black cat, just like a meatball. “Hi, Meatball,” I said, bringing her into my arms. I walked back in, touching her neck gently. Meatball seemed happy enough to come in the house, but after an hour or two, she sat by the door, meowing to go back outside.

“Why won’t she just stay in with us all the time?” Nathan, my youngest son asked.

I explained to him that she was happy here but she liked being able to come and go as she pleased.

“That must be nice,” Jordan muttered from the other room, complaining why the cat, not him, could come and go. He even asked me to give Meatball a curfew.

Meatball became a regular.

One night, temperatures were unusually low. Meatball stood at the door, meowing to go outside.

I shook my head at her, afraid that she might freeze to death. She stared at me and meowed again. I patted her head, “I know you’re not happy, but it’s for your own good.”

“Mom’s not being mean to you,” Nathan told the cat. “She’s just trying to keep you from turning into a frozen meatball.” We both laughed at his joke.

The next morning, I couldn’t find Meatball. I asked the kids if anyone had seen her.


Jordan nodded, “I let her out last night.”


As I drove to the animal hospital, Jordan sat in the back, holding Meatball inside his coat.

2022-09-10更新 | 1326次组卷 | 31卷引用:江苏省常州高级中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月考考试英语试卷(含听力)
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 读后续写

Ali and his younger sister, Zahra, lived with their parents in a poor neighborhood. Their mother was very sick and their father was struggling to find a job, and they had only a little money with which to buy food. As they had not paid the rent for several months, the landlord was breathing down their necks.

One day, Ali took Zahra's shoes to a shoe repairman to be fixed, but he lost them on the way home. It wasn’t until he got home that he realized he had lost the shoes. He was afraid that his parents would be angry and disappointed, so he begged his sister to keep it a secret. Zahra agreed and the two decided to share Ali’s running shoes. Zahra's school hours were in the morning, so she would wear them first. After school, she would rush back and give them to Ali. He could then run to his school, which began in the afternoon. Although he ran as fast as he could, Ali often arrived late and was warned by the school.

Ali heard about a long distance race that was held for the boys in the city.When he learned that the third prize was a new pair of shoes, he decided to take part. He ran home excitedly and promised his sister that he would win her the new shoes.

The day of race arrived. Ali had a strong start, but halfway through the race he began to get tired and his legs began to ache. Getting more and more exhausted he thought only of Zahra and his promise to her. Dreaming of the new shoes he would win for his sister gave him strength, and he stayed right behind the two fastest runners, determined to finish third. Suddenly, as the finish line drew near, another runner collided(碰撞) with Ali from behind and he crashed to the ground.

Ali looked up and saw the other boys rushing ahead.


Filled with delight, Ali walked home quickly.

2023-10-31更新 | 568次组卷 | 100卷引用:江苏省前黄高级中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期中英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Luke Grenfell—Shaw had a rare form of cancer. It started as a pain in his shoulder and the tumour spread to his lungs, making it stage four. The Oxford graduate was teaching English in Siberia when he suffered a shoulder pain and saw the school nurse. It was her reaction to a lump on his back that sent him back home to Bristol. “I was 24 years old. I had done an ultramarathon,” Luke says. “48 hours later. I was back in hospital in the UK.” On 19 June, 2018, doctors told Luke that he had cancer.

“I had kind of worked out that it was cancer, but what kind of blew me away was the fact that it was stage four cancer,” says Luke. “That day, my life felt like it had disintegrated. My life had been comfortable and conventional. I had worked hard and got rewards in terms of education, jobs, things like that. That was all taken away.” On the day of his diagnosis, Luke had one clear thought in his mind that he wanted to cycle around the world. It was something he had always hoped to do, but the cancer news made him realize that he couldn’t put it off.

“I realized that the future had to become now,” Luke explains. He decided to cycle from Bristol to Beijing—more than 5,000 miles—on a tandem bike, because he wanted to bring people along to share the experience with him. Luke will not only be joined by family and friends for certain legs of his trip, but also by other young people who are living with cancer. “This trip is something I’m going to enjoy,” says Luke. “I’s going to be the richest and most fulfilling experience that I can have.”

1. What made Luke realize the potential threat of the illness?
A.A lump on his back.B.The pain on his shoulder.
C.The school nurse’s reaction.D.The Oxford graduate’s warning.
2. The underlined word “disintegrated” in Paragraph 2 means “________”.
3. Why did Luke decide to cycle around the world?
A.To enjoy the rest of his life peacefully.
B.To seek the best doctor treating his cancer.
C.To conquer the cancer in his own way.
D.To make his dream come true.
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Luke intended to change his future life by cycling.
B.Luke planned to challenge the cancer with young men.
C.Luke wanted to end his life during the cycling trip.
D.Luke expected to challenge the tough journey.
完形填空(约230词) | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。讲述Damen Fletcher通过教孩子们国际象棋来改变他们的思维,以及对生活的态度。

7 . Chess is a game of make-believe kings and queens, pawns (卒) and rooks (车). So what does that have to do with reality? _______, quite a bit.

Damen Fletcher, who learned how to play chess at the age of 13, grew up in Compton, Los Angeles. After _______ the city to attend college, he came home to find his childhood friends _______. “Some of them had fallen into prison. Gang life and drugs... ‘Why did I have such a different _______?’ I started to _______. And it was chess,” he said. To help kids of all ages in Compton _______ the game of life and find their inner king and queen, he started Train of Thought.

“Every game of chess is 75 to 100 moves, and every single move that your opponent (对手)makes presents a new problem for you to _______,” he said. “And kids are just having fun. They don’t _______ that they’re dealing with problems.”

_______ for 12-year-old Andre, chess is more than just a(n) ________. “I use a lot of stuff that I leaned on the chess board in ________ life, like, think before you ________,” he said. He’s just one of thousands of students from some of Los Angeles’ ________ neighborhoods learning to play chess. “My main thing in class is: be a scholar-being prepared, productive and never giving up,” Andre said.

While the program is ________ in schools in Los Angeles, Fletcher’s dream is to expand it nationwide-and even bring it to schools around the ________.

A.Looks likeB.Turns outC.Ends upD.Finds out
A.farthestB.toughestC.most familiarD.most developed
2022-08-05更新 | 286次组卷 | 4卷引用:江苏省溧阳市2021-2022学年高一下学期期末教学质量调研英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Whether it be a person, an animal, or even an insect, a mother’s instincts (本能) are never wrong. This idea rings true for a mother cat who acted fast and sought out help when her kittens were in trouble. This mother cat’s quick thinking may have just saved her babies.

In the urban district of Izmir in western Turkey, a cat walked into a regular hospital bolding a kitten in her mouth. As the mother cat moved through the hospital, people were surprised to see such a sight, but let her pass. The mother cat asked for help, crying for a long time. She was familiar to the hospital staff, who had been leaving her food and water outside, but they were unaware that she had given birth to kittens.

The mother cat was concerned for her young because they weren’t able to open their eyes. After the doctors looked at the kittens, they noticed that they were suffering from eye infections. One of the doctors recalls, “We consulted with vets (兽医) and gave medicine as described. When the kittens opened their eyes a short time later, we were excited.” Later, they were sent to an animal hospital for further care. The cats are now up for adoption and will hopefully find loving forever homes.

When it comes to mother cats and kittens, kittens completely depend on mothers for the first few months of their lives. Because they are blind and almost deaf until about two or three weeks old, the mother cat must protect them from any threat or danger. Without the mother cat’s help, the kittens may not make it to adulthood.

As shown by the mother cat in Turkey, a mother’s love and protection knows no bounds. Whether the mom is a human or a cat, mothers will always look out for their babies and make sure they are safe and healthy.

1. Why did the mother cat show up in the hospital?
A.To beg for food.B.To get her babies treated.
C.To express thanks.D.To give birth to her babies.
2. How did the doctors help the baby cat?
A.They built them a home.B.They adopted all of them.
C.They operated on them immediately.D.They gave them right medicine.
3. What makes newly-born cats dependent on their mothers?
A.Their physical state.B.Their eating habit.
C.Their appearance.D.Their behavior.
4. What can we learn from the story?
A.cat has nine lives.B.One good turn deserves another.
C.Love makes a difference.D.God helps those who help themselves.
完形填空(约290词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . Marilyn managed to walk no further with her recent knee injury. I had a good _________ to stay with her at Irene’s home. The rest of our group walked back to Cathie’s to wait since we met up with Carlos’ _________ tire.

The spare one was anyhow also flat, so a trip to the farther-away town became a _________, which meant a brief stay with Irene and her daughter Lupita. _________, neither Marilyn nor I speak much Spanish and they speak little English. It appeared as though we were bound to pass an _________ period of time.

Things at times turn out to be no worse than expected. Lupita showed us how to make a rubber band bracelet (手链). She gave Marilyn and me a few she had _________ done. I secretly took one of the bracelets off my wrist into Lupita’s bag of finished ones.

While Lupita was sent to the store, which we found out later was to get some cheese for lunch.I taught Irene ho w to make a peace dove. She was a very quick learner. Even though the way of dealing with that _________ inside fold still confused her, she got the _______ of it soon.

When Lupita returned, Irene went up the concrete stair to the kitchen area, where we could hear her mixing, patting and frying empanadas. Lupita stayed and kept us _________. We made origami doves, hearts and even a little dog named Palomo — which means dove or pigeon.

Invited to share a simple, yet so generously prepared and shared lunch of homemade empanadas, we sat at the table, ____________ the language of food, creativity, kindness and   ____________.

A cock took a break from its ____________ outside the back door. Doves that____________ in the trees showed their ____________ to the harmonious scene, as we shared a meal of peace and ____________.

2022-06-29更新 | 181次组卷 | 3卷引用:江苏省常州高级中学2021-2022学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。续写的词数应为150词左右。

As the late afternoon sun beat down on his farm, Brandon Leseberg decided to call it a day. As they often did, his two sons, Louie, 7, and Everett, 5, followed.

As they headed for the house, the two boys ran ahead of their father, who stopped to close the gate. Louie paused at a water spigot (龙头) atop an old well to ease his thirst. Unknown to the Lesebergs, the board covering the well had, over time, grown brittle (易碎的). When Louie stepped on it, it caved in.

When Brandon turned around, he was shocked. “Where’s Louie?” he shouted. “He fell in the hole!” Everett said. No! Louie can barely swim! He ran to the well and heard Louie splashing below. Instinctively, he jumped in. As he fell some 5 metres down well, Brandon somehow managed to grab on to a pipe that ran down the side of the well. Finally Brandon hit the cold water, and he grabbed Louie, who was panicked, trying to stay afloat in water.

“All right, Dad, you can pull us out now,” Louie said. If only it were that easy. The pipe that he’d grabbed during his fall was too slippery to be of any use. Looking up to see Everett looking down at them from the top of the well, Brandon shouted, “Everett, you’re going to have to be a big boy and save us. Run to the road and stand by the mailbox until someone stops. Tell them we need help!”

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
Paragraph 1:

Everett did as he was told.

Paragraph 2:

The couple instantly began their rescue by throwing the rope into the well.

2022-06-28更新 | 75次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省常州市教育学会2021-2022学年高二下学期期末学业水平监测英语试题
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