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1 . A 24-year-old Seattle resident Benjamin Ramsay, has been presented with the famous Carnegie Medal. It is the highest ______ for civilian heroism in North America.

Ramsay’s heroic act ______ on April 21, 2021, at Green Lake, where he fearlessly saved a teenage boy from a life-threatening situation. The committee reported that the boy, while swimming in the lake, was ______ about 80 feet from the shore and ______ to resurface.

______ by shouts for help, Ramsay, a paddler (桨手), paddled toward the chaos. Although the ______ and 18℃ water stopped Ramsay’s ability to see beneath the water’s surface, bubbles rising to the surface near his paddle-board led him to ______ that the boy was flooded at that spot. Ramsay demonstrated extraordinary ______ by diving 15 feet to the lake’s bottom to locate the unconscious teenager.

Upon resurfacing, he found that his paddle-board was no longer within ______. Ramsay took a deep breath and repositioned the unresponsive boy. ______ an arm around his chest. He then slowly swam toward the shore.

Ramsay was ______ quickly and he struggled to keep both their heads above water. A female paddle-boarder nearby then ______ to them at a point halfway to the shore. Ramsay grasped onto the board with one arm while still carrying the boy. The woman leaned across her paddle-board and kicked until she reached shallow water while ______ Ramsay and the boy tightly.

______, the boy was moved onto the shore. During ______ to revive the boy, he expelled (排出) water from inside his body. The teenage boy recovered after treatment at a nearby hospital.

A.staring atB.pulling overC.picking upD.holding onto
今日更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长沙市长郡中学2024-2025学年高二上学期入学考试英语试题
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2 . It’s not easy for me to forget the guy, whom I call Bean. For the past year and a half, I saw Bean almost every workday morning. In the beginning I ignored Bean. After all, he’s just a beggar (乞丐) on the freeway off-ramp (匝道) who traps people at a stoplight that seems to always be red.

Over time a few things dawned on (开始明白) me. The first was that it was always the same guy at this off-ramp. The next was that he never actually asked for anything. He just danced and waved at everyone. Then finally, and perhaps the most important, was that he was ALWAYS happy. Some days he was dancing and playing a guitar. Most days he’d wave a cardboard at cars, smiling.

Bean slowly became part of my morning routine. I noticed this one day, only because he wasn’t there and nobody danced and waved at me. I missed him. I’m worried that something had happened to him. I started to look for him every morning as I came down the ramp to that red light.

One morning, after one of these absences, I was so relieved to see him that it was like the sun had come out after a week-long storm. I sat at the red light, watching his morning dancing. I realized that I, too, was smiling and found myself waving back. Wow, something as small as a wave brought blessings to my whole day. I finished the drive to work that morning, feeling lighter and happier.

I remind you now. Look around you. Look at your life, your surroundings, and even just your grocery store with eyes that truly see. What magic lies in front of you? Do you have a Bean in your life you haven’t noticed yet? Watch for them. They will touch your life in ways you can’t even dream!

1. The author calls the beggar Bean probably because _____.
A.he looks like a bean
B.it’s a name picked by the author at will
C.he makes the author think of Mr. Bean, the comedian
D.that’s his real name
2. What can we learn from the passage?
A.The author never saw unhappiness on Bean’s face.
B.Bean caught the author’s attention at the beginning.
C.The beggar would ask drivers for money when the traffic light turned red.
D.The author came across Bean nearly every day in the past 1.5 years.
3. What does the underlined word “routine” probably mean here?
A.An alarm clock.
B.A traffic sign.
C.An activity that you habitually do as part of your life.
D.A kind of exercise for better health.
4. Why did the author go and sit at the red light?
A.Because he was stopped by a red light.
B.Because he felt close to the beggar.
C.Because Bean invited him to.
D.Because it was comfortable to sit there.
7日内更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省邵阳县第二高级中学2024-2025学年高二上学期入学考试英语试题
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3 . “The erhu was like a toy when I was a child. Before I _________ learned to play with my uncle, I played it for _________,” Jiang Jianhua, a famous Chinese erhu player, says. “I am very _________ to conductor Ozawa because he offered me many opportunities and _________ his love for the erhu with international audiences. I used to focus mostly on practicing my _________, but he taught me to think about _________ the preservation and promotion of erhu music on a(n) _________ scale.”

In 1978, Jiang _________ a life-changing moment when Seiji Ozawa visited China. Ozawa had been _________ invited to work with the China National Symphony Orchestra for a week. During his trip, the conductor visited the Central Conservatory of Music, where he saw Jiang __________.

Jiang was playing The Moon Reflected in the Second Spring by Hua Yanjun, a blind musician also known as Abing. Ozawa was so __________ by the piece that he was in tears.

“I will never forget the moment when I raised my head and saw him __________. I was overwhelmed by his __________. He told me that he couldn't believe that a young student could play a piece that captured the composer's life so well,”recalls Jiang, who has __________ the classic piece, which is one of the best-known __________ for the erhu, many times.

A.applying forB.learning fromC.contributing toD.approving of
7日内更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省湖南省九月名校协作体联考2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题
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4 . On a Saturday afternoon, my friend Jenny and I wandered in the park and arrived at the section I had always feared: roller coasters. I hoped this monster would _________ Jenny the same way and we could walk past it fast. But I was wrong. She stared at the ride, her eyes _________, and asked, “Will you go on this ride with me?”

I couldn’t _________ how I would survive though each ride took time only _________ by the second. I held my breath, glancing at riders suspended upside down in the air. I could hear not only _________ but screams of fear. I felt conflicting emotions within me. I wanted to be the brave, _________ figure, the one who fearlessly tackled challenges. On the other hand, the sight of the towering, _________ metal monster filled me with a sense of fear.

“Um, Let’s do this,” I heard myself answer _________. “Yeah!” Jenny clapped her hands happily, _________ me to the entrance. As we __________ closer to our seats, my heart pounding more and more wildly. The ride began, and our car was lifted higher and higher. I could feel our car __________ up to the sky and then falling down, and it was __________ again and again. I could think about nothing but keep screaming as my face was cutting through the __________. At last, the ride touched down, and I __________. I opened my eyes, not being able to say a word for a few seconds. I had to admit it was thrilling. And there was a sense of success— the success of __________ something I had feared and avoided for such a long time in my life.

7日内更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南名校联盟2024-2025学年高二上学期入学考试英语试题
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5 . I was born in a large family of twelve siblings (兄弟姐妹). We weren’t poor, but there were times when we couldn’t _______ certain things my friends had.

Back in those days, hot lunch was a luxury (奢侈品). And usually hot-lunch buyers and the students who brought cold lunch sat _______. My siblings and l brought lunch from home every day: thick _______ of homemade bread. We would look on _______ as the rich kids proudly sat down with their _______ food like chicken fricassee (白汁烩鸡).

I never said anything, _______ my teacher Mrs. Caruso, must have seen the eagerness in my eyes. One day she quietly pressed a _______ into my hand and whispered, “Give this to your mother.”

I skipped home and handed my mom the note. She read it and smiled “Well, Mrs. Caruso said because of all your hard work, she wants to _______ lunch for you tomorrow.” The next day, I proudly carried my tray of chicken fricassee and sat with the students at the hot-lunch table. Honestly, the _______ wasn’t as great as I had imagined, but I was ________ to be a part of the group.

I don`t know why Mrs. Caruso ________ me. Maybe she also grew up in a family that ________ to make ends meet. Maybe she knew what it was like to feel just a little ________ than everyone else. Somehow, with her ________, she never made me feel ashamed. She just made me feel loved and ________. Thanks to her, I learned that I had just as much right as anyone to sit at the hot lunch table.

2024-09-13更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省株洲市第二中学2024-2025年高二上学期开学考试英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Jacky Hunt-Broersma虽然左腿由于癌症而截肢,但是借助假肢连续104天跑104场马拉松的励志故事。

6 . Most people who ran the marathon last month spent days before resting up and days after recovering. But not Jacky Hunt-Broersma. In total, she ran 104 marathons in 104 days. If it’s confirmed by Guinness World Records, that would be a new world record. And she did it all with one leg and a prosthesis (假肢).

“Someone able-bodied had done it previously. I wanted to see if I could do it on a prosthetic leg and see what would happen,” she said. “I thought it would be a great way to inspire others to push their limits because I truly believe that we’re stronger than what we think. And I’ve been so pleasantly surprised that my body has held up. everything has held up and I’ve made it to 104.”

She actually did not pick up the sport until after she lost the lower part of her left leg in 2001 to a type of cancer called Ewing sarcoma. Runners using a prosthetic leg can’t use a regular one. They need a running blade (刀锋式跑步义肢). Hunt-Broersma has two, but she was only able to run with one because of the swelling she experienced in her left leg that made it impossible to connect to the other blade. But even with the pain that occurred, she has been able to put up with it and continued.

All together, Hunt-Broersma ran over 4,385 kilometers. During that time she has had a lot of time to think and has learned a few things about herself. “It has taught me how strong one can be and how important absolute determination is. If you’re mentally strong, you can do anything,” she said. “And our bodies are just amazing... This whole journey was impressive and super hard, but it’s told me how strong I can be as a person and how far I can push myself.”

1. Why did Hunt-Broersma decide to run marathons?
A.She wanted to set a new record.B.She was driven by her interest
C.She intended to challenge herself.D.She was inspired by people like her
2. What difficulty did Hunt-Broersma meet with?
A.She didn’t get professional training.B.She found it hard to keep her balance
C.She suffered discomfort in her left legD.She couldn’t use regular running blades
3. What message does the author express through the story?
A.Rome wasn’t built in a day.B.Time works wonders.
C.A good beginning is half the battle.D.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
4. What may be the author’s attitude towards Hunt-Brocrsma?
2024-09-12更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长沙市长郡中学2024-2025学年高二上学期入学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . As a journalist with a desk job, I spend a lot of time on social media. But mostly, I’m mindlessly scrolling past things I don’t care about, which defeats the reason I signed up for these social accounts in the first place. I wanted to feel powerful, but usually, I just end up feeling exhausted.

Instead of blaming social media in general, I decided to cleanse all of my accounts for the better, which means I spent one month deleting unfriending people online.

At the start of my quest, I felt really bad about unfriending Facebook friends who hadn’t done me harm. I mean, I don’t hate them or anything; I just don’t like their social media presence, and I don’t really talk to them anymore. Then, I realized that unfriending someone doesn’t mean that there are hard feelings — it means that I won’t know their Candy Crush score or what their kid’s sandcastle looks like.

To make the process easier, I came up with what I’d like to call “the Costco test”. Basically, it’s just asking myself if I would say ‘hi’ to this person if I ran into him/her at Costco. For me, this is a pretty high standard. The test forced me to draw the line between people I was truly friends with at one point and the people I’ve said two words to in my whole life. Most likely, the people in the latter category don’t want to know all that much about me either. So I unfriended them.

I wasn’t expecting to feel such a huge sense of relief at the end of this experiment. I trimmed just under 100 Facebook friends. So when I log in, I’m actually interested in what I see. Overall, I have a clearer head and I also save time throughout the day, since I have fewer things to catch up on and look at aimlessly.

1. What’s the author’s original purpose on social media?
A.To keep informed and inspired.B.To obtain some knowledge.
C.To make more friends.D.To do a part-time job.
2. What can be inferred from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3?
A.I will lose all contact with their personal lives.
B.I will no longer be tied to follow details of their lives.
C.I will have no idea about their children’s beach activities.
D.I will be completely unaware of their children’s artistic abilities.
3. Why did the author do “the Costco test”?
A.To pick out real friends.B.To assess her sociability.
C.To know Internet social trends.D.To check her Internet popularity.
4. How does the author feel after finishing her experiment?
A.Interested and child- minded.B.Relieved and clear-minded.
C.Excited and warm- hearted.D.Exhausted and narrow- minded.
2024-09-12更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南名校联盟2024-2025学年高二上学期入学考试英语试题
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8 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

There are so many sweet souls in animal shelters that are just waiting for their owners to find them and take them home. Sadly, bigger and older dogs are usually overlooked in favor of smaller pups. Some people mistake them for being too frightening. But these big animals are actually sweethearts who will love you unconditionally. A dog named Petey is a typical example of this. After being stuck at a shelter for over a year, he finally found his forever home.

Petey was known for his cheerful behavior and was popular in the shelter. He is bigger and older than other dogs, which made some people mistake him for being too frightening, so he had run out of time at a small overcapacity shelter with no potential adopters lined up for him.

That’s when the staff of the shelter reached out to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) of Wake County to help him find his forever family.

Despite these developments, Petey never lost his spirit and was excited about the move. “As soon as he got here, he was pulling on the leash trying to get through the door. He ran into the building with his tail shaking,” recalls Simon Ranlet, a staff member of the SPCA. “He was super friendly and very playful from day one. We couldn’t believe that nobody wanted him.”

To help Petey find his forever family, Simon got Petey’s detailed information including some photos and videos from the shelter. One morning, Simon and his colleagues were watching Petey’s photos and videos. They wanted to find a way to help Petey.

“How cheerful his behavior is! So friendly and playful. Can we post his photos and videos on social media to help Petey find a suitable adopter?” one of Simon’s colleagues suggested.

1. 续写词数应为 150个左右;
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Simon agreed and took action immediately.


Petey quickly adapted to the new life in his new home.

2024-09-09更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省各校联考2023-2024学年高二上学期九月入学考试试卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

If there was one thing more than another that Brenda wanted for her birthday, it was a pair of skates. How she hoped her parents would give her a pair!

In vain (徒劳) her mother explained that Brenda might not learn to use them as easily as other children, and that she might fall many times and perhaps hurt herself before she could skate properly. Brenda wanted skates and that was that. She thought about skates all day and dreamed about skates all night. She pictured herself skating to school and home, skating to the stores for Mother, and skating all over the yard.

Her birthday came at last, and with it the precious package which she had been eager for. Before she opened it, she guessed there were skates inside. And there were — beautiful new shiny skates. Just her size, too. Brenda was on cloud nine. She felt she had never been so happy in all her life.

And now it was time to practice with them. Hardly was breakfast over when she was out on the smooth concrete(水泥地).“At last,”she thought,“I am going to skate! Hooray!”

Excitedly she put on her precious pairs of skates and eagerly she stood up. But only for a moment. Suddenly, to her great surprise, away went both her feet from under her. Down she went. Brenda stood up again. But hardly had she put one foot forward, when the other started running backward, and down she went again. This really hurt, and Brenda felt very much like crying. Slowly she got up once more despite the pain and started to walk with great care. But before she knew what was going on, she was sitting on the concrete again. She felt very sad, tears filling her eyes. All her hopes of skating to school and town like the other girls disappeared. She began to wish she had never asked for skates for her birthday. She cried, taking off the skates from her feet and throwing them inside the back door.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;

Mother saw all this and asked Brenda what was wrong.


Slowly Brenda put on the skates, got up and tried again.


10 . Little Ali was a child born in a family with unimaginable _______ . He and his sister had only one pair of _______ .

Every day, her sister would put on the shoes they _______ in gym class, and after class, she would quickly run to their agreed spot, _______ the shoes and give them to him so that he could wear them to class. When they both had PE classes at the same time, only one of the two could wear shoes. Both his sister and he were punished more than once for not wearing sneakers. _______ their biggest dream was to have a pair of sneakers that didn’t need to be too beautiful, so that _______ of them would have to go barefoot during class.

For this dream, Ali _______ in the long-distance race, only because the prize of the third place was a pair of sneakers. He just wanted to finish _______ so he could get the shoes he wanted.

The competition was tough and Ali was _______ over more than once. But in order to win the race, he endured the pain to get up and run again, with only the shoes he had to get in his eyes. The rapid breathing made his chest ache and he was even __________ , but he knew he had to persevere, and __________ by persevering to the end could he get his sister to put on her shoes.

He __________ one person after another, and in desperation, he won first. When all the teachers were ecstatic to __________ him, and the organizer arranged for famous people to take photos with him, he was sad and shed tears. Although he got a __________ prize, that was not what Ali needed most.

Not only did he miss the shoes of his dream, but he found the only pair of shoes on his feet __________. Ali had mixed feelings. Deep inside, he knew the bottom line for his happiness was a much-needed pair of shoes.

A.take offB.put onC.pick upD.tear open
A.out of breathB.in one breathC.out of reachD.within reach
A.went outB.burned outC.taken outD.worn out
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