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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Fifteen Dollars From a Strange Woman

“Wake up. Mama!” I felt a little hand on my face and opened my eyes. There was my son, ready to start the day. I also heard my baby and toddler(学步的儿童)awake in the next room. Ready or not, the day had begun!

I loved being at home with my little ones, but I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. My husband and I had just bought a house, and some unexpected expenses made our budget (预算)tighter than it had ever been.

I got out of bed and pulled on my faded jeans and sneakers that had seen better days. I only had one task on the to-do list for the day. I was going to pick up my kids’ photos from the studio at the local mall. Despite our small budget, it was important for me to have pictures of my children as they were growing up. Since we were going to the mall, I decided to make it an outing and packed some sandwiches for us to eat at the food court.

After breakfast, I put everyone into the car, and off we went. After we parked, I unfolded the double stroller (婴儿车), put in the youngest two kids and asked the oldest to hold onto the stroller.

We wheeled into the studio at the mall, and I approached the counter. The young woman smiled. “May I help you?”

“Yes, I’m here to pick up our photos,” I answered.

The woman asked my name and opened her large drawer. “Schmoyer... Schmoyer... Ah, yes, here they are. Aren’t they just so adorable?” She fanned out the photos and the smiling faces of my kids warmed my heart.

“Yes, they are great. Thank you,” I said.

She put the photos into an envelope for me. Then she spread out additional photos of my kids that I hadn’t ordered. I knew what that meant.

“Would you like to purchase these extra photos? They are only fifteen dollars a piece!” she smiled sweetly.


My face hardened and my heart turned cold.


Just when we started our lunch, I found the woman we had met at the photo studio standing next to our table.

2023-01-13更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省淮北市第一中学2022-2023高二上学期期末考试英语试题

2 . It is just past five o’clock on the Chinese New Year’s Eve. The dinner table is already________with white china plates and bowls, full of all sorts of dishes. Luo Yan,________the cover of a large bowl to breathe in the________smell of the soup his wife and mother have prepared. His son, Bofeng, happily takes a________of the chicken his grandfather has already________for him.

Six-year-old Bofeng has not________his grandparents in person for almost a year, and he is full of joy and excitement.________, the whole family could not be happier to be together. Despite the________outside, their happy faces fill the air with warmth while merry________rings throughout the house. The young couple and their son have settled in the________city. Every year, they travel a long way back for the Spring Festival, for their________of “three generations under the same roof”.

After dinner, the whole family________around the television to watch the Spring Festival Gala, while eating snacks and________each other excitedly. In the warmth and________of the room, Luo Yan talks about his plan for the future. “I hope we won’t have to be separated again,” he says, looking at his ageing parents. “We’ll come back more ________. After all, home is where all family members are together.”

A.dealing withB.chatting withC.calling onD.focusing on
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

A few years ago, the company I worked for sent my wife and me to live in New York for a year. I’ve always loved running, so I was really happy when I found out I lived next to Central Park. This meant that every morning I could go for a run before I went to work.

Because a lot of people had told me to be careful of robbers in the park, so usually I didn’t take anything with me. How could they rob me if I didn’t have anything? But one morning, my wife gave me a S 10 bill and asked me to buy some bread on the way.

It was a beautiful morning and the park was quiet with very few people walking or jogging (慢跑) around. While I was running through the park, another jogger knocked into me. He apologized and continued running. For a while, I didn’t think too much of it. However, when I noticed the wide path where I was running, I thought was kind of strange. The warning of robbers in the park occurred to me. ”It could have been a robber!” I suddenly became alarmed, so I checked my pocket and found that the money was missing. Without thinking twice, I ran after that jogger. I finally caught up and held him by the arm. I shouted, “Give me the $10 bill! Now!” I am not usually a hot-headed (性急的) person, but I got really angry this time. I couldn’t believe the robbery was actually happening to me. Filled with anger, I shook my fist at him. This seemed to frighten him. He quickly put his hand in his pocket and gave me the money. Then he ran away as fast as he could.

I bought the bread and went home. As soon as I got home, I couldn’t wait to tell my wife my story. “You won’t believe what happened to me,” I started with pride. She immediately stopped me, “I know, you left the money for the bread on the kitchen table.”

1. 所续写短文的词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。

Looking at the money on the table, I stood there, shocked.

2022-12-15更新 | 280次组卷 | 29卷引用:安徽省阜阳市阜南县2022-2023学年高二上学期期末英语试题
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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之成为一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

Every time Jim crossed the street on his way to work, he would see a little girl selling flowers on the street. She sat by a large green board with the names of the flowers and their prices on it. Unfortunately, no one paid attention to her, and she rarely sold anything. Jim wanted to help her, and one day he got his chance. His aunt would retire, and he thought a bouquet (花束) would be a great gift.

“Hello, could you please make me a bouquet of roses?” Jim said as he approached the girl.

The girl didn’t raise her head and just stared at the same spot on the ground. “I’m Cassy. Thank you for buying flowers from me,” she said. “Could you please select the flowers by yourself and give them to me? I will tie them together for you. I can’t see. ”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Jim said as he picked the flowers and handed them to her. Within several seconds, the girl made a lovely bouquet for Jim.

“Here,” she said, holding the bouquet. “That’ll be $5.”

“Thanks. They’re beautiful,” Jim said and walked away after placing the money in the hat beside Cassy.

The next day, Jim went to work and he decided to have a quick talk with Cassy on the way. However, he didn’t see Cassy where she used to be that morning. He thought she might be late and decided to meet her the next day, but she didn’t show up for the next few days in a row (连续地).

Jim was concerned about Cassy, wondering if something bad had happened to Cassy. Surprisingly, he finally met Cassy again on the street with her flowers.

Paragraph 1:

Jim was so delighted to see Cassy that he ran to her at once.

Paragraph 2:

Jim then drove Cassy to her home, where he met her sick mother, Jade.

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5 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。   

Now one foot, now the other

Bobby was named after his grandfather, Bob. Bob was the one who helped Bobby learn to walk. “Hold on to my hands, Bobby,”his grandfather said. “Now one foot, now the other.”

One of the best things Bob and Bobby did was to play with the old wooden blocks that were kept on a shelf, in the small sewing room under the front stairs. The blocks had pictures of animals on them. Bob and Bobby would put the blocks one on top of the other very slowly, building a tall tower. Sometimes the tower would be almost finished. “Just one more block,” Bob would say.“And that’s the elephant block.” And they would carefully put the elephant block on the very top. But Bob would sneeze and the tower would fall down. Bobby would laugh and laugh. Then Bob would sit Bobby on his knee and tell him stories.“Bob, tell me the story about how you taught me to walk,” Bobby would say. And his grandfather would tell Bobby how he held Bobby's hands and said, “Now one foot, now the other. And before you knew it ...”

Then one day Bobby came home from school and his grandfather wasn’t there. “Bob is in the hospital,” Dad told Bobby,“He’s had a stroke (中风) and he is too sick to see anyone.” Months later, his father told him that Bob was coming home.

“Now, Bobby,” Dad said, “Bob is still very sick. He can’t move or talk. And he can’t remember us.”Bobby just nodded and didn’t say anything.

One day, Bob tried to say something to Bobby, but the sound that came out was awful. Bobby ran out of the room.“Bob sounded like a monster!” Bobby cried. “He can’t help it, Bobby,”Mom said. So, Bobby went back to the room where Bob was sitting.

“I didn’t mean to run away, Bob. I’m sorry,” Bobby said. “Do you know who I am?” Bobby thought he saw Bob blink (眨眼睛) his eyes.

“Mom,” Bobby called. “Bob knows who I am.”

“Oh Bobby,” Mom said. “Your grandfather doesn’t recognize any of us.”

Para 1
But Bobby knew better and he ran to the small sewing room under the front stairs.
Para 2
“OK, Bob. Now one foot,”Bobby said.
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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When my daughters reached the third and fourth grades, I sometimes allowed them to walk to and from school alone if the weather permitted. One warm spring day, a little dog followed them home after school. It had short legs and long lovely ears. It was the cutest dog I had ever seen and the girls begged me to keep it.

The dog was about twelve weeks old. It had no collar(项圈) or identifying marks of any sort. I didn’t know what to do. I thought about posting an advertisement but I really didn’t want to. It would break the kids’ hearts if someone should show up. Besides, its owners should have watched it more closely.

By the end of the week the dog was part of our family. It was very intelligent and good with the girls. The following week something told me to check the lost—and—found section in the local paper. One particular advertisement jumped out at me and my heart beat with fear for what I read. Someone was begging for the return of a lost dog in the neighborhood of our grade school. They sounded extremely eager. My hand shook, couldn’t bring myself to pick up the paper.

Instead, I pretended I hadn’t seen the advertisement. I quickly put paper away in the drawer and continued with my dusting. I never said a word about it to the kids or my husband.

By now we had named the dog. It looked like a Molly, so that was what we called it. It followed the girls everywhere they went. When they went outside, it was one step behind them. When they did the housework, it was there to lend a hand.

There was only one problem with this seemingly perfect picture: my conscience(良心)was bothering me. I knew in my heart I had to call that number in the paper and see if our Molly was the dog they were desperately seeking. It was the most difficult thing I’ve ever done.


With mixed feelings, I finally picked up the phone.


I asked the woman to come in and she quickly bent over and hugged Molly tightly.

完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . One pet parrot (鹦鹉) Louie managed to save a Tennessee family. The Kleins were woken up by the bird’s repeated and ________ cries. “If it hadn’t been for him, I probably would have been asleep during the disaster.” Barbara Klein recently told a news agency, “Louie is a true ________. He started shouting ‘Fire’. He had never said that ________ before.”

When they woke up, they were shocked to find the ________ had spread across the rooms of the house. Barbara immediately carried her 5-year-old granddaughter and ________ out of the house. But her husband Larry ________ escaped, and then was sent to hospital for the ________. “Larry ran to the kitchen and was trying to ________ the fire with water,” Barbara said, “Later he ran back into the house to try to ________ our pets and his guitar. He kept saying he couldn’t breathe and I was shouting at him to ________ the house. I quickly told him to get down and he crawled (爬) out.” Barbara said her husband had to ________ in hospital while doctors tried to cure him so that he was able to attend the sixth birthday party of his cute ________.

Although there was nothing left in their home, the family received ________ from a large number of kind people. ________, Louie didn’t survive with them. However, to everyone’s relief, a generous person provided a flat to the Kleins and ________ a new baby parrot to the family. “We call him Louie Jr.,” said Barbara.

A.put outB.pick upC.take downD.look over
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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was just another busy day until I met the boy on the bus. He was not a passenger like me. He was, what we call a street child, an 8-10-year-old kid with a worn T-shirt. These poorly dressed kids were seen almost everywhere in Dhaka city. But what was special about that boy was his face. There was “something” in him that caught my attention. That was an angelic(天使般的)baby face with little care.

He got straight into the bus as it stopped at a traffic light. The bus helper shouted at him in the first place. But instead of talking back, the boy kept silent and started handing out a piece of paper to all the passengers. What was written in the paper was, in short, that his father died a couple of years ago. His mother worked at houses. He badly needed money to help his family, so he wished someone warm-hearted to buy chocolates from him.

This was nothing new to people who took a bus every day and I was no different. I had my earphones on, listening to some relaxing music to kill time. When he came to me to get the paper back, I casually gave him some money. Thankfully it brought some smiles on his face. He was about to give me ten chocolates in return for the money I gave to him when I stopped him.

“I don’t like chocolates, brother. So there is no need of chocolates. You can have the money,” I said.

All of a sudden, the smile on his face disappeared.

“I’m not a beggar. Please take the chocolate, or take your money back.”

His straight answer greatly surprised me. I even felt he was slightly angry. I had given money to many kids before, without taking their chocolates. But this time something seemed different. I realized his angelic baby face was not the only thing special about him.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

The boy put ten chocolates on my seat and got off the bus.


Having got the boy’s name, I decided to help him.

2022-09-09更新 | 431次组卷 | 18卷引用:安徽省蚌埠市2022-2023学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Tom appeared in front of the house with a can of paint and a big brush. He was going to paint Aunt Poly's fence as he was asked to. A deep sadness settled upon his heart. The fence was long and tall. He dipped the brush into the can and moved it along the first plank unwillingly. He did it again and again. The painted part was very small but the whole fence was endless. He felt tired and sleepy and stopped painting.

Just then Tom heard a noise. He recognized it easily. It came from one of his schoolmates, Ben, who would make strange noises as he ate. Ben was walking by and eating an apple. At that moment, a wonderful idea came to Tom and he felt energized. He wanted first to attract Ben's interest and then let Ben work for him. If other boys passed by, he would do the same to them.“Maybe they even need to give me something for getting the chance to show their ability,”he thought.

He quickly took his brush and painted quietly. Ben saw Tom, walked up to him and greeted him with a wide smile.

Continuing with his painting, Tom intentionally did not look at Ben. He wished for his plan to work and therefore, he did not turn from his work. Tom moved his brush gently and slowly, all the while ignoring Ben. Ben went closer and taunted Tom with sarcasm,“Tom, it's unfortunate that you have work to do. I'm going swimming. Don’t you wish you could go too?”

Tom turned suddenly. “Oh, Ben. I didn't see you. What do you mean by‘unfortunate’? It may be work but it may not be.”

“Do you mean that you enjoy it?” Ben asked, feeling puzzled.

“Of course! How often do we get the chance to be in charge of painting a whole fence?”said Tom. Moving his brush and stepping away, Tom looked at the end result proudly.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Tom's idea took effect.


At last, Ben persuaded Tom into letting him paint the fence.

2022-09-02更新 | 135次组卷 | 3卷引用:安徽省阜阳市临泉第一中学(高铁分校)2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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文章大意:本文时一篇记叙文。讲述了81岁的史密斯某天在散步时不幸落水,他的狗Sarah Jane通过大叫引来了附近的两个邻居和警长,在他们的共同努力下,史密斯获救。这个故事告诉我们,狗是人类最好的朋友。

10 . 81-year-old Harry Smith of Port St. Lucie, Florida takes his 9-year-old dog Sarah Jane for a walk around the lake across the street from his house twice a day, every day. Smith, who uses an electric wheelchair to get around, was on one of his regular walks earlier this month when something out of the ordinary happened. The left wheel of his wheelchair got stuck in some loose mud (泥土), and as he tried to reverse (倒车)out of it, his wheelchair lost balance. He ended up turning over his wheelchair and rolling down the bank into the lake.

Sensing her owner was in trouble, Sarah Jane began barking (吠叫)loudly as Smith struggled to keep his head above the water. Her continuous barking caught the attention of two neighbors working in their driveway across the street, who rushed over to see what was wrong.

One of those men was Edward Shuling, who said in the beginning he thought the dog might have gotten into a fight with a crocodile (鳄鱼), before he saw Smith's head sticking out of the water.“Immediately I just jumped in,”Shuling told TCPalm.“It's just a natural reaction.”A second neighbor, Aby“Jacob”Chacko, was following closely behind and happened to spot Officer Adam Doty on his way down to the water. Together, the three men pulled Smith out of the water and back to safety, much to his—and Sarah Jane's—relief.

With no serious injuries, Smith was cleared to go home but his electric wheelchair was no longer working due to water damage. And in a post showing the sweet moment by the Port St. Lucie Police Department, Officer Doty and Sarah Jane, of course, helped Smith get back to his house.“We are thankful to Mr. Smith's dog and the two passers-by that helped save his life!”the post reads.

1. What caused the accident?
A.The wheelchair tripped over a dog.B.Harry Smith tried to move closer to the bank.
C.The wheelchair took a sharp turn to reverse.D.A wheel of the wheelchair got caught in the mud.
2. What did Edward Shuling think was happening at first?
A.A dog was struggling with a crocodile.B.A man was being run after by a dog.
C.A dog was warning people of a crocodile.D.A man was fighting with a crocodile.
3. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Harry Smith got a new electric wheelchair.
B.Sarah Jane was praised by the post for what she did.
C.Harry Smith was seriously injured in the accident.
D.The police looked into the case and found out the reason.
4. Which of the following sayings agrees with the story?
A.Every dog has its day.B.A barking dog does not bite.
C.A man's best friend is his dog.D.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
2022-09-02更新 | 139次组卷 | 4卷引用:安徽省阜阳市临泉第一中学(高铁分校)2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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