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Our three kids were all under age five. We’d recently moved to the suburbs, and I’d stopped working to be a stay-at-home mom. Most of our friends lived outside our immediate community and didn’t have children. This all added up to a nonexistent social life for my husband and me.

I needed to fix this, so I became a room parent in my son’s kindergarten class, partly to spend time with him, but also to make more friends within the school community. I also signed my son up for weekend soccer. While those activities gave me the opportunity to socialize with other moms, it was challenging to cultivate friendships. I only saw my fellow room parents a few times a -year, usually during class parties. On the soccer sidelines, I found it impossible to watch the game, keep track of my young children, and maintain conversations with other parents at the same time.

I desired deeper interactions with the smart, interesting moms I saw around school. But we all led busy lives. How could I make this happen?

“You should throw a party,” suggested a friend who happened to be a professional event planner. “I can’t do that. I don’t really know these women,” I replied quickly. I hardly even had my closest friends over to my house. The thought of hosting an adult party terrified me.

“Just invite a few people that you’ve talked to and ask them to bring along a friend. You’ll meet even more people that way. It will be fun,” my event-planner friend said. I ran this idea by my husband, and I was certain he’d agree it wouldn’t work. “Great idea,” he said. “I’ll stay upstairs with the kids, and the party can take place on the main floor.”

I picked a date and set up an electronic invitation, making a guest list of moms from my son’s soccer team, my fellow room moms, and a few other moms I’d started saying “hi” to at school pick-up. But I didn’t hit Send. I started to talk myself out of it. There were so many reasons this wouldn’t work.

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With four mess makers in my household, I imagined many “what ifs”.


But you know what? Everyone showed up.

2024-01-24更新 | 25次组卷 | 2卷引用:读后续写变式题
文章大意:本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述患有唐氏综合症的Jen创建了非营利性社区舞蹈组织Dance Syndrome的故事。

2 . Jen is a 39-year old community dancer with Down’s Syndrome(唐氏综合征). She is the founder of Dance Syndrome, a nonprofit organization that brings together _______ dancers and make them feel equal to everyone.

Dancing has always been in her veins. As a young girl, Jen seized every opportunity to dance with full _______ both in the morning and during her 10 minutes of _______ before bedtime. The dynamic workout would keep her _______ all day long.

Life hasn’t been straightforward for Jen. She was _______ by a number of dance clubs in primary school and encountered numerous _______ while pursuing her passion for dance. Despite these challenges, her ambition to share her love for dance and _______ disabled individuals in the art grew stronger.

After leaving school at 18, Jen spent over 10 years searching _______ for opportunities to be trained as a dance leader. Eventually, she had to give up and decided to try her own way, not knowing where it might lead!

Despite the _______, Dance Syndrome was established in 2009. Jen and her fellow disabled dance leaders took ________ of the charitable organization, working alongside non-disabled dance artists who helped them work more professionally.

Over the decade, Dance Syndrome has ________ thousands of disabled dancers, cultivating an environment where every person is recognized as equal, ________ and accepted for who they are. The year 2019 witnessed Jen ________ for the third time as a member of Shaw T rust’s Disability Power 100. She is a living proof that ________ can come from unexpected places and that disabled individuals can ________ society in extraordinary ways.

A.held backB.left aloneC.looked afterD.turned down
A.in particularB.in returnC.in vainD.in advance
A.contribute toB.adapt toC.belong toD.live up to
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . In 2008, Calvin Lowe's four-year-old son Tyler needed to have a serious surgery.

On the appointed day of the ___________ , he and his wife brought Tyler to Children’s Hospital Colorado in Denver. “As we sat in the waiting room, waiting for someone to__________ us back to the surgery area, there was a lot of____________ in our hearts,” Lowe remembered.

When a nurse called the family back, Lowe’s fears _____________.A young doctor walked into the room and told the couple that he would be ____________the surgery. As the doctor began to ____________how the surgery would proceed, Lowe’s mind went to the worst possible_____________, But then the doctor did something   ____________.He looked both Lowe and his wife in the eye, put a___________hand on each of their shoulders, and said, “Today, your son is my son.”

After the surgery was over, the ____________came back out to the family with a big smile and said, “Our son is just fine, and you can____________ him here in a few minutes.”

Tyler is now 19 years old and hopes to become a professional photographer. All these years after the surgery, Lowe still____________ the young doctor’s kindness. “I will never forget that,” Lowe said. “Because that was indeed a ____________   of stress then. I can’t tell you how ____________   we both were for what he said to us that day. It was very____________   and meaningful.”

A.passes onB.replies toC.pays offD.thinks about
2024-01-11更新 | 467次组卷 | 3卷引用:完形填空变式题
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了兽医Janey Lowes在斯里兰卡旅游时,发现当地有很多严重受伤的流浪狗,于是她开始投身帮助这些狗的事业当中。

4 . When Janey Lowes went backpacking in Sri Lanka, the huge number of badly injured homeless dogs she encountered ___________ her. Over 5,000 miles from home with no equipment, she was completely unable to help, so she contacted local veterinarians (兽医) but it was ___________ to treat severe issues due to limited supplies. That’s when this young veterinarian had the ___________ to make a change.

Back in the UK, Janey ___________ to secure a donation of £10,000. She then moved to Sri Lanka and set up a charity. Every day, Janey and her team drove around, ___________ injured dogs and providing treatment.

___________, dogs were treated on the side of the road or in Janey’s home. With too many of them, soon Janey’s house was ___________, and she realized she needed a bigger base. Renting an old school with a garden for recovering dogs to play in, Janey ___________ a new hospital called WECare. However, with money extremely tight, ___________ worries were always present. Just as Janey was about to give up due to ____________ of money, WECare was featured in a BBC documentary. It was an absolute ____________ point. Donations increased, allowing her to slowly build the best-equipped local veterinary hospital which she and her team work from today.

“Helping these creatures gives me a sense of ____________,” Janey shared, “but Sri Lanka has about 3 million street dogs, so the ____________ is still great. We hope it might have a snowball effect and ____________ other veterinary practices in this country to ____________ themselves in order to tackle what is a major problem.”

A.sending awayB.dressing upC.looking forD.scaring off
2024-01-06更新 | 112次组卷 | 3卷引用:完形填空变式题
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When my sister, Dona, and I were little kids, my parents both joined the army. They stayed far away from our town and hardly returned home. My grandpa took on the big responsibility of taking care of us. Still, without our parents by our side, Dona and I sometimes felt lonely and sad, especially one winter.

One morning in that winter when Dona and I were sitting in our bedroom, dull and quiet, Grandpa said, “My dear, how about trying skating for fun?” Our faces immediately lit up and we answered together, “Great, we surely like it, Grandpa!”

He smiled and quickly set about building us a skating rink (溜冰场) in our yard. The process of building a skating rink was not easy. First, Grandpa laid out long wooden boards around the yard. Next, he made the base of the rink flat. Grandpa then began spraying the water, lightly at first, until the first layer of ice was established. He would then put some water onto the ice each night. And thus, the ice became thicker and thicker.

In the darkness of the night, from the kitchen window Dona and I watched Grandpa with great expectations. His back and shoulders rounded to protect him from the freezing wind. He stood alone, busying himself creating a perfect skating rink for us. The only light was from the moon and stars.

One night, Grandpa suddenly pressed his waist and the look on his face showed he was painful. Quite concerned, Dona and I rushed out and asked, “Grandpa! What’s wrong?” “My waist is painful. Don’t worry! I’ll be fine just after a little rest,” he smiled. Dona and I offered to help create the rink. But he said it was too cold outside at night and that building the rink needs much experience and lots of skills. Then, we gave up the idea of offering him a hand, but demanded he build the rink a few days later. Seeing we were determined, he walked into the room with us and had warm tea. Before long, Dona and I were tired and went to bed.


When we fell asleep, Grandpa quietly walked out into the yard.


Amazed, we hurriedly put on the skating equipment and rushed out._

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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“I look like a clown (小丑)!” Winston thought sadly. He pulled his cap down, thankful for the cover it provided. He wanted to escape the attention of the people outside the barbershop (理发店). He looked around before hurrying away into the darkness to put some distance between himself and the curious eyes of others.

As he moved quickly down the street,Winston wondered why he hadn’t spoken up to prevent the terrible haircut. He felt sad and questioned why this had happened to him. Did the barber give him this messed-up haircut on purpose? Winston didn’t believe it because the barber looked very friendly. But it seemed so crazy! Could he have unknowingly offended the barber,and this disastrous hairstyle was the barber’s way of getting back at him?

Winston was also worried that Jack would laugh at him. Jack was his cousin and liked playing jokes. But maybe he wouldn’t; he was understanding too. Winston kept thinking about it.Upon entering his new home, ,Winston’s mom greeted him from the kitchen. She called out to him,asking to see his new hairstyle. Winston walked into the kitchen, his cap still on, and slowly took it off.

His mother looked very surprised. She couldn’t help but burst into laughter. “Oh déar,” she shouted. “What happened?” Winston stood silently for a moment before letting out his anger. He blamed his mom for bringing him to this place, torcing him to attend a new school where he believed everyone would make fun of him. He also said he hated this terrible hairstyle, and his hair was beyond fixing.

Just as his anger was about to grow, the doorbell-rang. Winston’s mom calmly told him to answer it. As he opened the door, he forgot to cover his terrible haircut, and there stood his cousin Jack. Since it was Saturday today, they had planned to go skating together. Winston felt extremely embarrassed.


Jack looked at Winston in disbelief.


That afternoon, Winston returned to the barbershop, hoping to find out the truth.

2023-12-13更新 | 46次组卷 | 2卷引用:读后续写变式题
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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was my very first trip to Africa. We were driving along a track that skirted the southern bank of the Chobe River, when my friend suddenly noticed something up ahead — a large shape jammed in-between a couple of big trees, right beside the road. We edged the car closer and, to our surprise, found ourselves looking at a young calf snuggled (偎依) up against a sizeable elephant (most probably its mother).

Our dilemma now was this: Was it OK to just drive slowly past the pair of elephants on that narrow track? Or would that cause the mother to become upset and charge, in which case we should either wait for them to move on or turn the car around? A bit unnerved by the close encounter, we chose to head back the way we’d come.

In the following days, I had a number of conversations with national park staff and fellow travelers about what to do when you suddenly come across an elephant while driving in the African wilds.

Sometimes people told me it would be OK to slowly drive past the mother and calf, because the wild animals of Chobe have become pretty used to humans in cars. Elephants seldom pose a threat to us. So there’s no need to adopt an attitude of permanent near-panic calm decisiveness is your true ally (助手) in such situations.

But then sometimes I was told to switch off the car and wait until the elephant had departed the scene. The idea was that the rumble (隆隆声) of an automotive engine could be interpreted by the animal as a kind of challenge. Keeping silent would reassure the elephant that you weren’t going to cause any trouble, and eventually it would go on its merry way. OK, that also sounded reasonable enough.

A week later, my friend and I were driving by a river, watching elephants meet on the water for a drink, and were driving back to our lodge (度假小屋) when we found our route blocked by a young male elephant. As surprised as we were, the elephant planted his feet in the dirt and seemingly prepared to fight against our car.

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The track was narrow and bordered by thick bush, so we couldn’t go around him.


The elephant walked right up to the car.     

2023-12-12更新 | 321次组卷 | 4卷引用:读后续写变式题

8 . When Sergio Peralta,15, started the year as a new student at Hendersonville High School, he tried to keep it a (an) _________ that he was born with a right hand that didn’t fully form. “In the first days of school, I honestly felt like hiding my hand,” Peralta said. “Like nobody would ever _________.”

Eventually, a teacher in the engineering program, Jeff Wilkins, _________ Peralta’s hand, and suggested that his engineering students might be able to _________. “They ended up offering me, like, ‘We could build you a robotic hand’and I never _________ it,” said Peralta.

Though the teens were unsure if the _________ would work, they didn’t let uncertainty stop them from _________.They spent four weeks designing, sizing, and creating a robotic hand with online models and a 3-D printer, _________ discovering first-hand how engineering can be used to make a(an) _________ difference.

Peralta had become__________ at using his left hand to write and do nearly everything else. But there were certain things that weren’t __________, like catching a baseball with his right hand.

So after about a month of building the robotic hand and developing a __________ with Peralta along the way, the students tested the robotic hand with a __________ of catch. For the first time, Peralta was able to play catch with both hands.

“Living without a hand for 15 years, I want to say they actually offered me two. This is actually pretty __________ . No one has ever offered me this stuff,” he said. “They __________ my life.”

A.care aboutB.find outC.spy onD.wrestle with
A.rolled overB.stared atC.checked onD.learned about
2023-12-11更新 | 40次组卷 | 2卷引用:完形填空变式题
完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Last year we were stuck in a little restaurant in France on Christmas Eve. My wife ______ for us in French. Somehow, the waiter brought us the wrong meal, so I scolded her angrily. She began to cry and I felt even______. Everything had gone wrong. There was no Christmas ______ in our hearts.

Suddenly, in came an old flower woman who went from table to table but no one ______ any. Tiredly she sat down at a table where a young sailor finished his meal. He stood up and ______ two corsages (小花束), smiling, “How much are they?”   “Two francs, Monsieur.” He then _______ the woman a 20-franc note, leaning over and ______ her ancient cheek.   “My Christmas present to you.” Then, ______, he came to our table, gave my wife a corsage, ______ us a Merry Christmas, and departed.

Everyone had stopped eating. Everyone was silent. A few seconds later, Christmas ______ throughout the restaurant like a bomb. The flower woman jumped up, waving the 20-franc ______, and did a merry dance. She was so _____ and appeared 20 years younger. My wife waved her corsage in time with the rhythm and the______ had left her eyes.

______ the Christmas spirit in his soul, the young sailor released the ______ and joy hidden by anger within us. He gave us Christmas!

A.more concernedB.worseC.guiltierD.more scary
A.checked outB.picked outC.brought outD.carried out
A.Because ofB.Instead ofC.Apart fromD.As for
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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语练写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Every morning before going to school, Galen would stand in front of their bookshelf in the living room, focusing his sights on one book titled “The Greatest Explorer That Never Was”. It was kept on the top shelf. His mom would always read it to him when he was feeling sad. And lately, he’d always been feeling sad. His mom died.

He would try to think of a way to get the book. He’d thought about asking his dad for help but his dad had been spending more time in his office. Galen was on his own for this one and he saw it as a challenge he needed to overcome. This was his test.

At school, he would draw up plans on how he would do it. First, he planned on using the ladder they kept in the shed (小屋). So when he got home, he threw his bag on the couch and carried out the plan. But when he had his hands on and tried to carry it, immediately he realized that the plan was a failure-the ladder was too heavy for him to carry to the living room. He left the shed, defeated. He took out the notebook that he’d written his plans on. He crossed out using a ladder. He went to bed that night determined to come up with a new plan that would work.

His next plan was to use his mom’s old trampoline (蹦床). Using it would allow him to jump high enough, reach the top of the shelf, grab the book, and land on the ground. He did this about four or five times before deciding that this plan, like the one before, wouldn’t work.

Galen started coming with other plans as the days went on. After the unsuccessful mop and broom plan, he stayed up late that night hatching a new plan, which had a higher success rate than the others. It was to climb to the top of the shelf until he could just take the book. He’d just have to hold on to the sides a little tighter so that he wouldn’t fall off.

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But it wasn’t the easy climb he expected.


Down to the ground with the book, he turned around to see who the ally (同盟)was.

2023-11-17更新 | 35次组卷 | 2卷引用:读后续写变式题
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