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1 . Cody McCasland is a double above-knee amputee(被截肢者) .He was born with a rare birth weakness that caused his legs to form both missing tibiae(胫骨) and knees. He has been receiving care at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children (TSRHC) since he was just two months old. After discussions, doctors decided that it was in Cody’s best interests to amputate(截肢) his legs to give him a chance to walk freely using artificial limbs. This surgery was completed when Cody was just 15 months old, and he received his first set of artificial limbs when he was 17 months old.

Over the past few years Cody has continued to challenge himself physically. Cody has competed in many athletic competitions, winning gold medals in running and swimming. He once ran the last part of the Team Cody Relay at, the Dallas White Rock Marathon. He competes as a double amputee on a normal competitive USA swimming team. He also enjoys horse riding, playing baseball and many other sports.

Team Cody was formed in 2014.Through the years, Team Cody has raised nearly $92, 000 for TSRHC, and in 2018, it also raised over $3, 500 for Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF). In 2019, Cody was asked to be a spokesperson for CAF. Cody attends events to help further the mission of CAF by supporting physically challenged persons to reach their athletic goals. Cody also serves as a teacher for new challenged athletes.

Cody has been enable to train, travel, compete in various athletic events and act as an inspiration for others. He has taken opportunities to meet some disabled people, spend time with them and-encourage them.

1. How can we describe Cody according to the text?
A.Funny and gentle.B.Friendly and strong-willed.
C.Honest but shy.D.Awkward but sympathetic.
2. What can we learn about Cody’s athletic career?
A.He is quite good at swimming and running.
B.He joined a normal USA swimming team in 2014.
C.He managed towing old medals in world-class competitions.
D.He has been supported by CAF to compete for so many times.
3. How does Cody affect others?
A.He gives CAF chances to hold competitions.
B.He can train the disabled people to win races.
C.His experiences encourage others, especially those who are disabled.
D.He offers money to those who are poor or disabled through Team Cody.
4. What can we know about Cody?
A.The surgery for his legs was completed when he was just 15 months old.
B.He once ran a full Dallas White Rock Marathon by himself.
C.He has been disabled since he was a young teenager.
D.He became a spokesman for CAF in 2018.
2023-11-06更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省锦州市某校2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是盲人Srikanth Bolla在父母的鼓励下接受教育并成功创业的励志故事。

2 . Being blind is hard. But things were even harder for those disabled kids who were born in a small village in India, where most people thought that kids with disabilities were useless. Srikanth Bolla was one of them. Luckily, Srikanth’s parents loved their son and refused to give in to social pressure. They encouraged the blind boy to reach for the stars.

Srikanth didn’t disappoint his parents. The 24-­year­-old young man is the founder and CEO of Bollant Industries, a successful company that makes environmentally friendly packaging.

Of course, getting here wasn’t easy. As a young boy, Srikanth went to a regular school. But the students and teachers there didn’t accept his disability. As a result, the young boy often was largely ignored.

Worried about Srikanth’s study, his parents finally sent him to a special needs school. The young boy soon rose to the top of his class, but he was not allowed to study sciences, because it was believed too dangerous for a blind student. This was a big setback since it meant that he couldn’t take the entrance exams for any of India’s top engineering colleges to realize his dream.

Not one to give up, Srikanth managed to study in the University of Cambridge in the UK. After graduating with a degree in computer science and business management, Srikanth decided to return to India and devoted himself to helping the country’s disabled people.

In 2012, he built Bollant Industries. In just four years, Bollant Industries has become a success with over 450 workers, 70% of whom are physically disabled.

Srikanth owes his success to his parents. Though being poor and uneducated, they encouraged Srikanth to realize his dreams and taught him that true happiness comes from helping others.

1. Why do the disabled kids in the small village lead a difficult life?
A.They are often looked down upon.
B.They can do nothing for society.
C.Their parents are too poor to support them.
D.They have no chance to realize their dreams.
2. What happened to Srikanth in a regular school?
A.He was the top of his class.
B.He made no friends and felt lonely.
C.He wasn’t allowed to learn science.
D.He was encouraged to start his own business.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “setback” in Paragraph 4?
4. How does Srikanth help the disabled people in India?
A.He builds schools for them.
B.He supports them to study aboard.
C.He lets them manage his company.
D.He provides job opportunities for them.
2023-09-07更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省大连市第八中学2022-2023学年高一上学期10月月考英语试题
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3 . It was May 17, 2015, and Brian Koonoon, then 36, had been out of contact since the 13th. He had gone missing in the Arctic.

Brian climbed the hill next to his camp and checked his radio, hoping to catch a signal. He looked back to see that the snow had already covered his tracks. Any search planes would have a hard time finding him — a tiny bit of color in a sea of white snow.

For the first time since losing contact, Brian felt a sense of despair. He thought about his family — his wife and five daughters. Then he made his decision: if he wanted to see his family again, he would just have to start walking.

He was still 40 miles away from Repulse Bay, the closest village. It would be a tough walk, but by this point he had no other choice.

He gathered his stove and tent into his bag, but soon realized that dragging it would be impossible. He made the decision to fill his bag with necessities: his remaining bread, candles, a knife, his radio and GPS. Then he started walking.

Brian made his way about 15 miles until he couldn’t walk anymore. He found a snowdrift against a rock. With his knife, he built a snow cave. He cut enough room for his body. He crawled in, ate and fell asleep. When he woke up a few hours later, Brian felt energetic and ready to walk.

Brian arrived in Repulse Bay at 5:30 am on May 20. He met a woman on the street and explained what he had been through. The woman stared at him. “You’re the guy we were looking for,” she said. Her husband had been part of the rescue operation.

Today, safe at home. Brian still misses the welcome he received. “Everyone was very happy everywhere I went,” he says. He recalls the way the village’s elders came to meet him — the man who had survived in the wild, and the man who had refused to give up.

1. Why did Brian Koonoon climb a hill?
A.To search for a way to the nearest village.
B.To find his tracks in the snow.
C.To let the airplane see him.
D.To receive a radio signal.
2. For what reason did Brian decide to walk to Repulse Bay?
A.It was the closest way home.
B.There was a rescue team there.
C.He could turn to others for help there.
D.He could keep in contact with his family there.
3. What do we know about Brian’s adventure from the text?
A.A rescue team found him in the end.
B.It took him about four days to arrive at Repulse Bay.
C.He dragged the bag with the stove and a tent to head for the village.
D.He only had 15 miles left to reach the village after a good sleep.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Brian’s not giving up was respected by the villagers.
B.Brian was proud of his courage to survive.
C.Brian considered his experience a horrible one.
D.Brian was unwilling to take an adventure again.
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了出租车司机Wayne Boone发生车祸后自救的全过程。

4 . Wayne Boone knew he should be dead. His cab(驾驶室)had crashed into the guardrail on the far right edge, destroying the metal barrier that protected his truck from dropping into the water below, almost flying through the air. It all happened so fast. How was he still alive? Somehow, the back of his cab had got stuck on the bridge’s edge before it could complete its falling. His empty trailer(拖车), meanwhile, leaned to the left, sliding sideways at a 90-degree angle to the cab.

Whatever the force was that held the cab on the edge, Boone knew it couldn’t last. He was injured, but his body had yet to fully noticed the pain. He forced himself to focus. If he had any chance of escaping the cab and surviving, he had to get free from his seat belt. The cracked windshield(挡风玻璃)beneath him exposed the dark waters below. If he put any weight on the glass, he risked bursting through and falling the rest of the way. Under the howl of the wind, he heard voices from above. “It’s about to go!”   

Got to get free. Releasing his seat belt, Boone tried to hold on to the seat, but he immediately slid into the windshield. The glass shifted in its frame. He climbed upward, aware that he was getting cut along the way. He slipped again. And again. Each time his feet met the windshield, the glass gave a little more. The next time could be the last. Gathering all his strength, he pulled himself between the seats and threw himself back as far as he could behind the driver’s seat.

Minutes passed—to Boone, it felt like hours—before he heard the approaching whistle. To his ears, the harsh sound could have been angels singing. Hearing people shout with joy when they saw a firefighter deliver him to safety, Boone felt his heart full of gratitude. He was rushed to the hospital.

1. Where did the accident happened?
A.In the street.B.In the river.C.On the bridge.D.In the hospital.
2. Which of the following is true according to the text?
A.The trailer was flying through the air.
B.Boone was badly injured during the crash.
C.A certain force could stop the cab falling finally.
D.Boone released his seat belt to jump into the river.
3. Why did Boone threw himself back to the seat behind the driver’s?
A.To say hello to the people above.
B.To stop the cab falling into the river.
C.To avoid falling through the windshield.
D.To protect the windshield from being broken.
4. What did Boone feel when he heard the approaching whistle?
2022-12-16更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省丹东市五校2022-2023学年高三上学期12月联考英语试卷 (含听力)
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5 . Lillian, 17, had just started working as a lifesaver at a beach in Australia on New Year’s Eve when beach-goers started to point and shout at the water. The workers quickly examined the situation and saw that a kangaroo had jumped out of the bushes (灌木丛) — straight into the sea.

The animal seemed confused by the fishermen standing on the rocks. So instead of turning back and heading back into the bushes, it jumped right into the water! The poor thing bobbed(摆动)around in the waves and went underwater several times before Lillian decided to take action.

As with any other animal rescue, it’s important to approach the situation with prudence. Wild animals that are stressed can become dangerous to their rescuers, and Lillian was aware of the risks as she took her rescue board and hit the water at a run. “It just didn’t want to come on to the beach because it was kind of scared,” she said. “I was trying to figure out how to get it on the board. But considering that it’s a wild animal, even though I was helping, I wouldn’t want to be hurt by it or make it more stressed out.”

As beach-goers recorded the rescue on their phones,Lillian paddled (用浆划船) behind the animal carefully and guided the kangaroo onto the beach. As soon as Lillian’s feet touched the sand, the beach erupted in cheers for her!“It was quite special. As people there were cheering and clapping, the kangaroo was just sitting there up in the bushes staring at me, as if it was conveying something with its shining eyes,” Lillian said. “I didn’t think that was going to ever be my first rescue, I may have more rescues in the future, but none would be as memorable as this one.”

1. What happened to the kangaroo?
A.It jumped off the rocks by mistake,
B.It jumped into the sea by accident,
C.It was forced to leave the bushes.
D.It was washed away into the sea.
2. What does the underlined word “prudence” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. How did the kangaroo react to its rescuer?
A.It couldn’t wait to leave her.
B.It was worried about her safety.
C.It was confused about her action.
D.It seemed grateful for her help.
4. Which of the followings can best describe Lillian?
A.Far-sighted and independent.B.Talented and positive.
C.Brave and cautious.D.Determined and ambitious.
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6 . Dad grew a lot of vegetables in the garden. Dates when everything was planted and the weather were all carefully recorded. Mum really wanted a holiday or a trip out for the day,but Dad would say, “It’s too warm today. My vegetables will need a drink every three hours.”

Then Dad discovered the local Loxton show—finally somewhere he could show off his gardening skills after his retirement. The first year he took part, he entered just four of his specimens (样品). Much to his surprise, he won three firsts and a second. We all thought this was great and eating free prize-winning vegetables was even better. Mum wasn’t so sure. “He gets up so early and spends hours getting them ready,” she complained (抱怨). We reminded Mum that it was a really cheap hobby, not to mention all the fresh vegetables that appeared out of the backyard. “You try freezing 15 kilos of beans,” she said. “I don’t care how expensive they are in the supermarket; I never want to see another bean again.”

But she loved the praise she got from her friends about how excellent her husband was and how lucky she was to have all these fresh vegetables. “I can’t let him know about that; he might get a big head,” she said with a smile. “So I’ll just complain a bit instead.”

Then over the following three years, Dad entered even more vegetables for the show and brought lots of first prizes home. But Mum got a little tired of the whole process of staying up half the night preparing his prize-winning vegetables. Dad finally said on his 75th birthday, “I have decided that this year I won’t enter the show. It’s not fair to everyone else who enters if I just keep winning year after year. Three years in a row is enough for me lo knew I grow the best vegetables.”

1. What can we know from Paragraph 1?
A.Dad took gardening as a serious business.
B.Dad managed to make a living by gardening.
C.Gardening required a lot of hands-on experience.
D.Dad and Mum would go on holiday when weather getting colder.
2. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.He might be panic.B.He might be too proud.
C.He might feel troubled. D.He might become curious.
3. Why did Dad give up entering the show?
A.To comfort Mum.B.To take up a new hobby.
C.To concentrate on growing vegetables.D.To give other people an opportunity to win.
4. Which of the following in TRUE according to the passage?
A.It took Dad few efforts to grow vegetables.
B.Dad’s vegetables were always better than others’.
C.Dad spent three years growing the best vegetables.
D.Mum complained because she didn’t like eating vegetables.
2022-11-13更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市市级重点高中联合体2022~2023学年高一上学期期中检测英语试卷
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7 . Marty was new at school. On his first day, he showed magic to his schoolmates. He made a toothpick (牙签) disappear and appear within seconds. Everyone wondered how he did it.

“How did you do that?” I asked. “Sorry, but that’s the first law of magic. A magician never lets out his secrets.” Marty smiled. I thought he was tricking everyone. I would make his secrets known to all.

The next day, Marty gave his second magic show. He said he could make things float (飘起). He had a ring in one hand and a pencil in the other. That’s when I saw it: a thin line tied around the end of the pencil and attracted to a button on Marty’s shirt! Sure enough, he made the ring “float” by sliding (滑动) it over the pencil and hanging it from the line. No one else noticed, but I found the secret. I got close to him and said, “I know how you did it.” He looked nervous and asked me, “Are you going to tell others?” I thought for a moment. If I told, I’d finally be able to prove Marty’s magic was fake (假的). Then Marty might lose his new friends. So I told him that I would say nothing about it. And then I walked away.

“Wait!” Marty jumped in front of me. “You’ve got a pretty good eye for magic. If you’re interested, I have an idea,” Marty suggested. And I accepted his idea. That’s how the Magic Marty and Mysterious Matt Lunch Show began. We’ve been a magic team for three months now. It turns out that instead of a fake magician, Marty is a real friend.

1. To whom did Marty show magic on his first day at school?
A.His parents.B.His brothers.C.His teachers.D.His schoolmates.
2. Why did Marty refuse to tell the secret of magic?
A.It was the first law of magic.
B.It was the rule of study.
C.It was a duty for everyone.
D.It was a task for a student.
3. What do we know about Marty’s second magic show the next day?
A.Its operation went wrong.
B.It was praised by the writer.
C.The writer found its secret.
D.It was done with the help of others.
4. How did Marty feel when he heard “I know how you did it.” in Paragraph 3?
5. What did the writer do in the end?
A.He refused Marty’s suggestion.
B.He and Marty set up a magic team.
C.He let out the secret of Marty’s magic.
D.He and Marty wrote a book about magic.
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8 . Macaire Kverett, 14, and her 9-year-old brother, Camden, discovered a unique way to entertain themselves. When bored at home, they began to draw impressive, colorful and imaginary chalk art in their neighborhood. After they completed each chalk art mural (壁画), Camden would lie on the ground to become part of each adventure scene for photos. Their drawings soon grew into massive murals that attracted crowds of neighborhood onlookers. Neighbors would enthusiastically gather to view and take pictures of each new imaginary design.

Their imaginative art collaboration (合作) took their minds off world troubles and transported them to an exciting, imaginary world. Hie great adventures were brought to life through their chalk drawings, including Camden dancing in puddles, zip-lining and floating away with a bunch of balloons. The incredible drawings also had Gamden traveling to the Great Wall of China and Times Square.

Macaire enjoyed collaborating with her brother so much on the creative project that she continued it for 100 days.

“My brother and I talk about ideas a lot during dinner. He likes to ‘travel’ so it’s fun to take him to places,” Macaire explained.

Once they agree on a design, the process takes Macaire two to four hours for smaller drawings and up to six hours for larger murals.

They received such a positive response from their creative artwork that they shared their drawings on social media. Macaire then compiled the artwork into her first book, The World from Our Driveway. They have since published a second book, Cum and Hopper Travel the World.

1. Why did Macaire and Camden draw the chalk art?
A.To entertain the neighbors.B.To drive away their boredom.
C.To show off their drawing skills.D.To prepare for publishing books.
2. How did the neighbors       feel about the chalk art?
3. Who is the major       figure in the chalk art?
A.Macaire.B.neighbor.C.Camden.D.An onlooker.
4. Which can replace the underlined word “compiled” in the last paragraph?
2022-10-29更新 | 384次组卷 | 4卷引用:辽宁省葫芦岛市协作校2022-2023学年高三上学期第一次月考英语试题
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9 . Pet adoption is the perfect way to add a new family member. But if a pet is too young to be adopted, it must be fostered (寄养) first. That’s how a puppy named Maggie that was rescued by the North Shore Animal League America (NSALA), ended up being fostered by a sweet six-year-old boy.

The animal rescue organization in Port Washington needed to find a foster home for Maggie because she needed to be trained with basic obedience (顺从) skills and to become comfortable with a home environment. NSALA put out a call for a foster family.

Roman Duncan’s family was the lucky one chosen for the job. The boy fell in love with the puppy and was able to be part of her growth during those formative months. The family always made it clear to Roman that Maggie would eventually be adopted and move to a different home.

When it came time for Maggie to be adopted, Roman couldn’t hold his tears. He decided to write letters to the puppy’s future family. He wrote letters about his furry friend, saying “Maggie is so cute and loves to play fetch. She is the best dog ever,” and slipped the notes and some photos into Maggie’s paperwork.

The rescue team were surprised and then incredibly touched by the notes they found when opening Maggie’s file. NSALA made sure that Roman’s notes reached her adopted family. The boy’s gesture is exactly what pet fostering is about.

A dog or cat that has gone through terrible sufferings such as being abusing needs to learn what it means to live in a home. Fostering helps reduce the animal’s stress and makes it trust people again. It is also an opportunity for people who love pets but can’t have them full-time due to some restrictions. Pet fosters can get to enjoy helping a pet in need. If you are interested in pet fostering, contact a local shelter or animal rescue near you.

1. What happened to Maggie at first?
A.She was released into the wild.B.She was settled in a new home.
C.She was saved by a rescue team.D.She was fostered by Roman’s family.
2. Why did Roman write notes about Maggie?
A.To express his mixed feelings.B.To preserve Maggie’s paperwork.
C.To choose Maggie’s future family.D.To help Maggie adapt to new home.
3. What is mainly discussed in the last paragraph?
A.The benefits of pet fostering.B.The access to fostering a pet.
C.A homeless animal’s barriers.D.The restrictions to adopting a pet.
4. What is the best title of the text?
A.Maggie Lives Happily in a Comforting Foster Home
B.A Boy Writes Sweet Letter to Puppy’s Forever Family
C.Pet fostering Plays Great Roles in Rescuing Lost Animals
D.Roman Duncan’s Family Adopts a new Family Member
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10 . The beloved ultramarathoner crossed the finish line in Central Park less than one year after being thought cancer-free.

In July 2020, the ultrarunning community was shocked to find out that Tommy Rivers Puzey had been diagnosed with an unusual cancer. Since then, Rivers Puzey, has been fighting for his life, and it appears that he is winning.

Aside from being a well-known ultrarunner, Rivers Puzey is a father to three young girls and husband to his wife, Stephanie Catudal. He had been struggling with COVID-like symptoms for several weeks in the hospital when he finally received his diagnosis.

His condition became worse quickly, and by October, he had lost 70 pounds and was thought unsuitable for a bone marrow transplant (骨髓移植) because he was too weak. According to his Instagram posts, he spent five months in the hospital, experiencing dangerous side effects. He had to re-learn how to talk, eat, and move his arms and legs. After six rounds of chemotherapy (化疗), he was told by doctors that his cancer was in remission (有所缓解).

One year later, his announcement that he’d signed up for the New York City Marathon caused his loyal followers to raise eyebrows. He slowly made his way through the city, smiling and high-fiving people as he went, and crossed the finish line in Central Park in complete darkness. Once a confident U. S. Olympic Trials marathoner, he called completing the marathon “the single most difficult athletic achievement” he’s ever accomplished.

Rivers Puzey’s fight is not over yet. The doctors have given him a 90 percent chance that his cancer will return without a bone marrow transplant, so he is now working on building up his strength so his body will be able to handle another four to six rounds of chemotherapy, followed by a bone marrow transplant.

1. What can we know about Rivers Puzey?
A.He was diagnosed with COVID-19.
B.He struggled to support his family.
C.He completed the most difficult marathon.
D.He experienced a difficult process of recovery.
2. What was the fans’ reaction to Rivers Puzey’s participation in the New York City Marathon?
3. Which of the following words can best describe Rivers Puzey?
A.Enterprising and successful.B.Responsible and devoted.
C.Tough and determined.D.Considerate and warm-hearted.
4. Why is Rivers Puzey building up his strength now?
A.To avoid transplanting bone marrow.
B.To prepare for the follow-up treatment.
C.To improve his ranking in the marathon.
D.To set a good example to others by his action.
2022-10-28更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省丹东市2022-2023学年高三总复习上学期第一次阶段测试英语试题
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