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1 . I was in the middle of the Amazon (亚马逊) with my wife, who was there as a medical researcher. We flew on a small plane to a faraway village. We did not speak the local language, did not know the customs, and more often than not, did not entirely recognize the food. We could not have felt more foreign.

We were raised on books and computers, highways and cell phones, but now we were living in a village without running water or electricity It was easy for us to go to sleep at the end of the day feeling a little misunderstood.

Then one perfect Amazonian evening, with monkeys calling from beyond the village green, we played soccer. I am not good at soccer, but that evening it was wonderful. Everyone knew the rules. We all spoke the same language of passes and shots. We understood one another perfectly. As darkness came over the field and the match ended, the goal keeper, Juan, walked over to me and said in a matter-of-fact way, “In your home, do you have a moon too?” I was surprised.

After I explained to Juan that yes, we did have a moon and yes, it was very similar to his, I felt a sort of awe (敬畏) at the possibilities that existed in his world. In Juan’s world, each village could have its own moon. In Juan’s world, the unknown and undiscovered was vast and marvelous. Anything was possible.

In our society, we know that Earth has only one moon. We have looked at our planet from every angle and found all of the wildest things left to find. I can, from my computer at home, pull up satellite images of Juan’s village. There are no more continents and no more moons to search for, little left to discover. At least it seems that way.

Yet, as I thought about Juan’s question, I was not sure how much more we could really rule out. I am, in part, an ant biologist, so my thoughts turned to what we know about insect life and I knew that much in the world of insects remains unknown. How much, though? How ignorant   (无知的) are we? The question of what we know and do not know constantly bothered me.

I began collecting newspaper articles about new species, new monkey, new spider…, and on and on they appear. My drawer quickly filled. I began a second drawer for more general discoveries: new cave system discovered with dozens of nameless species, four hundred species of bacteria found in the human stomach. The second drawer began to fill and as it did I wondered whether there were bigger discoveries out there, not just species, but life that depends on things thought to be useless, life even without DNA. I started a third drawer for these big discoveries. It fills more slowly, but all the same, it fills.

In looking into the stories of biological discovery, I also began to find something else, a collection of scientists, usually brilliant occasionally half-mad, who made the discoveries. Those scientists very often see the same things that other scientists see, but they pay more attention to them, and they focus on them to the point of exhaustion (穷尽), and at the risk of the ridicule of their peers. In looking for the stories of discovery, I found the stories of these people and how their lives changed our view of the world.

We are repeatedly willing to imagine we have found most of what is left to discover. We used to think that insects were the smallest organisms (生物), and that nothing lived deeper than six hundred meters. Yet, when something new turns up, more often than not, we do not even know its name.

1. How did the author feel on his arrival in the Amazon?
A.Out of place.B.Full of joy.C.Sleepy.D.Regretful.
2. What made that Amazonian evening wonderful?
A.He learned more about the local language.
B.They had a nice conversation with each other.
C.They understood each other while playing.
D.He won the soccer game with the goal keeper.
3. Why was the author surprised at Juan’s question about the moon?
A.The question was too straightforward.
B.Juan knew so little about the world.
C.The author didn’t know how to answer.
D.The author didn’t think Juan was sincere.
4. What was the author’s initial purpose of collecting newspaper articles?
A.To sort out what we have known.
B.To deepen his research into Amazonians.
C.To improve his reputation as a biologist.
D.To learn more about local cultures.
5. How did those brilliant scientists make great discoveries?
A.They shifted their viewpoints frequently.
B.They followed other scientists closely.
C.They often criticized their fellow scientists.
D.They conducted in-depth and close studies.
6. What could be the most suitable title for the passage?
A.The Possible and the Impossible .
B.The Known and the Unknown .
C.The Civilized and the Uncivilized .
D.The Ignorant and the Intelligent.
2020-07-12更新 | 3888次组卷 | 16卷引用:天津市南开中学滨海生态城学校2022-2023学年高一上学期期中检测英语试题
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2 . Regardless of the weather or the distance, Paul Wilson will make sure low-income students in his neighbourhood arrive at their college classes on time.

A retired engineer, 76-year-old Wilson has been _______ free rides to college students for the past eight years. Since he first started _______ his car to the young people. Wilson has _______ an astonishing 64, 000 miles, and has had countless pleasant and often humorous _______ with the students he transports to and from school. The students who he’s _______ have gone on to become physicians, teachers and engineers, but what they’ve also got out of their time in school is finding a role model and a friend in Wilson. Some students _______ call him “Grandpa”.

Tina Stern _______ rides from Wilson for all her four years in college, and the trips meant much more to her than just free _______. “It’s not just a ride; you’re not just sitting there in _______ silence or with your headphones on.” Stern said. “He asks you questions and actually ________ the answers, so the next time you ride with him, he’ll ________ those things.”

Wilson first worked as a driver through a student-support programme of the non-profit organisation. On Point for College. Although the ________ asks the members only to drive students to and from their classes, Wilson often goes ________ to ensure the welfare and safety of the students. If they have problems with registration, Wilson is there to ________ them. If they run out of certain daily necessities, Wilson will drive to the nearest store and purchase what’s needed. If a student gets hungry on the long drives to and from school, Wilson never ________ to buy them a meal.

For many students, Wilson’s help is not only appreciated, it’s also entirely ________ for them to be able to complete their college education. Some students don’t have a reliable car, while others have to ________ vehicles with parents who work six days a week. For them, riding with Wilson has ________ them to complete their education — but according to Wilson, he benefits just as much from the ________. “I just love driving and I love these kids, ” Wilson said. “It’s such a(n) ________ to be a part of these kids’ lives, even just for a few hours, getting to know them and hearing their stories.”

A.act onB.settle onC.check onD.agree on
2019-06-10更新 | 5290次组卷 | 30卷引用:天津经济技术开发区第一中学2022-2023学年高三期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

3 . “They tell me that you’d like to make a statue(塑像) of me-is that correct, Miss Vinnie Ream?”

The deep, gentle voice helped calm the nervous girl. Asking a favor of the President of the United States was no casual matter, especially for a seventeen-year-old girl.

“Yes, sir,” she replied, her dark eyes meeting his. “I wouldn’t have duo ask you, but my teacher, Mr. Mills, says I am ready. I plan to make it in an admirable manner. “

President Lincoln smiled. “Painters, sculptors-they’ve all tried to make the best of this ordinary face, but I’m afraid there’s not much hope. What did you have in mind, Miss Ream? A bust(半身像)?”

Before Vinnie could say yes, the President hurried on, a shade of apology in his voice.

“Of course-I shouldn’t have asked. A full-length pose would be much too big a project for a young woman your size. “

Vinnie’s face turned red. She realized she looked like a child, with her tiny figure. “Small does not mean weak, sir,” she defended herself. “I was born in the country of Wisconsin. I’ve driven teams of horses and carried water. Making a full-length clay(粘土) figure would not exhaust my strength-and that is what I intend to do!”

The President’s eyes, brightened at her show of spirit. “Sorry, madam, I have underestimated you as I didn’t know your background.”

But his smile faded as he rubbed his beard with bony fingers, in thought. “Miss Ream,” he sighed, “I’d like to let you do it, but as you know, we are in the middle of a war. How could I possibly take the time to pose for a sculpture now? I hardly have a minute to myself.”

Vinnie glanced around and noted the size of his office. “I work quickly,” she said. Her voice was soft but confident as she pointed to the corner near the windows. “If I were to bring my clay here and work for three hours every afternoon, I could complete most of the project while you are at your desk.”

The President seemed to consider her idea seriously. He got up and shook Vinnie’s hand warmly, “I’ve heard that you are a talented young woman, and I have found you charming and intelligent as well. I cannot make my decision immediately, but you will hear from me soon.”

The very next day, Vinnie received an invitation from the President.

1. What gave Vinnie confidence to make her request of President Lincoln?
A.Her aggressive personality.
B.Mr. Mills’s encouraging remark.
C.President Lincoln’s gentle voice.
D.Her interest in a challenging job.
2. How did President Lincoln first respond to Vinnie’s request?
3. Vinnie confirmed her ability to make a full-length statue by highlighting ______.
A.her experience from other projects
B.her innocent childhood in the country
C.the heavy labor she had done before
D.the skill she picked up in Wisconsin
4. Vinnie wanted to choose the corner near the windows to ______.
A.achieve effects of natural lighting
B.keep all her tools within easy reach
C.observe the President at a right angle
D.avoid disturbing the president’s work
5. What message does the story convey?
A.A strong-willed soul can reach his goal.
B.Experience helps to promote excellence.
C.Ups and downs make one strong.
D.Devotion requires enthusiasm.
2020-07-11更新 | 3664次组卷 | 18卷引用:天津市经济开发区第一中学2022-2023学年高一上学期11月期中阶段性检测英语试题
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真题 名校

4 . No one is born a winner. People make themselves into winners by their own _________

I learned this lesson from a(n) _________ many years ago. I took the head _________ job at a school in Baxley, Georgia. It was a small school with a weak football program.

It was a tradition for the school’s old team to play against the _________ team at the end of spring practice. The old team had no coach, and they didn’t even practice to ___________ the game. Being the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win, but to my disappointment we were defeated. I couldn’t _________ I had got into such a situation. Thinking hard about it, I came to _________ that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were ___________ me. I had to change my _________ about their ability and potential.

I started doing anything I could to help them build a little ____________. Most important, I began to treat them like ____________. That summer, when the other teams enjoyed their ____________, we met every day and ______________ passing and kicking the football.

Six months after suffering our ______________ on the spring practice field, we won our first game and our second, and continued to ____________. Finally, we faced the number one team in the state. I felt that it would be a ____________ for us even if we lost the game. But that wasn’t what happened. My boys beat the best team in Georgia, giving me one of the greatest ____________ of my life!

From the experience I learnt a lot about how the attitude of the leader can ____________ the members of a team. Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and ______________ them. I helped them to see themselves ____________, and they built themselves into winners.

Winners are made, but born.

A.cheer forB.prepare forC.help withD.finish with
A.reacting toB.looking forC.depending onD.caring about
2018-06-09更新 | 5856次组卷 | 58卷引用:天津市第九中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中阶段性质量检测英语试题
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真题 名校

5 . I was ready to pay for my bananas at the grocery one night, when fear seized me. My wallet was gone. I could only have left it on the G9 bus, which was now speeding in the dark to some _____________ station.

The _________ moment was quickly followed by mental math. How much time and money would it cost to replace the ___________ of that little wallet? The credit cards, the driver’s license, the cash, all lost to the bus.

Two hours later, back at my house, I heard a knock on the door. My husband _____________ it while I was on the phone in the dining room. “Does Jennifer live here?” I heard a lady say. In my husband’s hand was my wallet, with not a penny ___________. She left before I could _________ make it to the door to offer my thanks.

After sharing the story online, I heard from someone, who _________ the lady as Erin Smith. Without _______, I called to thank her. She said she _________ my wallet on a bus seat. She ______________ that going to a stranger’s house was a ____________ move, but she decided to take the chance. “If I were in that ____________, I would want someone to try to find me,” she said.

This one stranger responded beautifully to my small ____________, but she actually wasn’t the only one. Right after Erin ____________ my wallet on the bus, she posted a picture of my driver’s license to an online forum(论坛), trying to see ____________ anyone knew me. No sooner did she leave my doorstep than I had emails from two women whose kids go to my son’s nursery and who recognized my face. I’ve never ____________ words with those moms beyond small talk, but they wanted to help. I read that people are more divided than ever, but that’s not how the people I ______________ tend to act.

__________, I feel blessed someone had wanted to help a stranger. Erin had gone ____________ what almost anyone would have done, finding my house on a bitterly cold night, and for that I was extremely ____________.

A.got rid ofB.made use ofC.had control ofD.took possession of
A.Going awayB.Turning aroundC.Looking backD.Coming along
2019-06-09更新 | 4058次组卷 | 22卷引用:天津北京师范大学静海附属学校2021-2022学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读表达(约390词) | 困难(0.15) |
真题 名校
6 . 阅读短文,按照题目要求用英语回答问题。

Haze Mabry, who has worked as a school keeper for thirteen years, walks into the school building every day and empties garbage cans, wipes down bathrooms and mops wet messes in the hallways.

Last Friday, after he arrived at the school, instead of finding garbage to clean up, he found almost 800 students lining the hallways with handmade cards, blowing noisemakers and singing a full-throated happy birthday to him. It was his 80th. As he walked the long hallway, some popped out of line to hug him. They handed him so many cards that they filled several large boxes. Touched by their enthusiastic expression of affection, Mabry thanked them all. “They’re like my children,” Mabry said.

On a regular day, students at the school sometimes come up to him to say they’re not feeling well or other times to tell him about something that happened at break. He knows most of the kids at the school, but can’t name each one. Some of them make him know them. Like Faith, who often forgets her backpack in the cafeteria, and Lucy, who just wants a hug.

“He won’t brag(夸耀) on himself, but it doesn’t matter what he’s doing or where he is, he will always stop what he’s doing to take care of a child if that child is having a bad day. If a child approaches him, he will pause to give that child his undivided attention. He’s the most loved one in this building,” said Lori Gilreath, a reading teacher.

Mabry works circles around all the students, cleaning up messes others don’t want to touch. He doesn’t expect a lot. Mabry said he hadn’t planned to do much for his milestone birthday, so he was happy the students had prepared the surprise celebration.

Over the weekend, he worked through the piles of handmade cards at his house. One card from a student stood out to him. It read: “Mr. Haze, you are my sunshine.”

1. What is Mabry’s daily work as a school keeper?(no more than 5 words)
2. How did the students celebrate Mabry’s birthday?(no more than 15 words)
3. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 2 probably mean?(1 word)
4. Why is Mabry’s presence at the school important?(no more than 10 words)
5. Who is the “sunshine” in your life?Please explain. (no more than 20 words)
2019-06-09更新 | 2184次组卷 | 4卷引用:天津经济技术开发区第一中学2022-2023学年高三期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . With a satisfied smile, Keisha finished the last sentence of her English essay about one of her heroes, Rosa Parks, an important figure in the Civil Rights Movement.

“Keisha,” her mother shouted from downstairs. “It’s almost 4:15.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t be late. ” Keisha pulled down a storybook from her bookshelf, as she always read to the nursing home’s residents. And on an impulse(一时心血来潮), she added her English notebook as well.

As Keisha came running in the door, the manager told her, “We have a new resident this week, Mrs. Ruby Watson. She’s still adjusting to her new surroundings. You’ll find her in Room 28. And by the way, Keisha, good luck.”

Keisha walked down the hallway at a quick pace. As she entered Room 28, she met two sharp brown eyes staring at her doubtfully.

“I’m Keisha Jackson, a volunteer,” Keisha explained. “I come here to help pass the time with residents, or read to them, or, . . .” Keisha started stammering(结巴)as Mrs.

Watson continued to stare at her.

“I didn’t request anyone to keep me company,” Mrs. Watson interrupted. “I’m alone most of the time, and that’s how I prefer it.”

“I brought along some funny stories,” Keisha said hesitantly.

“I’m not in the mood for funny stories,” Mrs. Watson replied angrily. “What else do you have?”

Nervously, Keisha opened her notebook to her essay. She read the title aloud, “Rosa

Parks: A Woman of Courage and Conviction(信念).” She glanced at Mrs. Watson to see how she might react, but to her surprise, Mrs. Watson’s face relaxed and her eyes shone.

“Read to me about Rosa,” Mrs. Watson said.

Keisha read how Rosa Parks’ refusal to give up her seat to a white passenger on a bus in 1955 inspired the protest that became a turning point in the struggle for civil rights.

“I walked with Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King,” Mrs. Watson said with pride. “That was the greatest moment of my life because…” She paused.

“Because… you were a woman of courage and conviction too.”

Sitting up straighter, Mrs. Watson said, “Yes, I was and I still am. Thank you for reminding me, Keisha. Next Thursday, I will tell you my story.”

1. Why did Keisha take her English notebook along?
A.Her mother asked her to take it.B.She would hand it in on her way.
C.She might read her essay to someone.D.The manager wanted to read her essay.
2. Why did the manager wish Keisha good luck before she visited Mrs. Watson?
A.Mrs. Watson could be difficult.B.Mrs. Watson was in poor health.
C.Keisha was feeling nervous.D.Keisha was a shy person.
3. Mrs. Watson’s eyes (Para. 10) suggested that she was ______.
4. What effect did Keisha’s essay have on Mrs. Watson?
A.It aroused her curiosity in volunteer work.
B.It built up her expectation for more visitors.
C.It awoke her pride in her struggle for civil rights.
D.It changed her attitude to the Civil Rights Movement.
5. Readers may find this story inspiring because ______.
A.a girl enjoys learning about her heroesB.a girl helps someone feel appreciated
C.a woman overcomes hardship by herselfD.a woman gathers the courage for life
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . On many days I admit that I feel depressed, days when it seems that the efforts, the struggles, and the sacrifices of so many people fighting for social and environmental justice, fighting prejudice and racism, are fighting a losing battle.

But without hope, all is lost. It is a crucial survival character that has supported our species from the time of our Stone Age ancestors. Certainly, my own improbable journey would have been impossible if I had lacked hope.

Like all people who live long enough, I have been through many dark periods and seen so much suffering. I was in New York on that terrible day in 2001. I still can remember the disbelief, the fear, the confusion as the city went quiet except the whistles of the police cars and ambulances on the streets emptied of people.

It was ten years after that day that I was introduced to the Survivor Tree, a Callery pear tree discovered a month after the collapse of the towers. All that was left was half a trunk that had been burned black, with roots that were broken and only one living branch.

She was almost sent to the dump, but the young woman who found her, Rebecca Clough, begged that the tree be given a chance. And so she went to be cared for in a nursery in the Bronx. Bringing that seriously damaged tree back to health was not an easy task, and it was touch-and-go for a while. But whenever you give her a chance, nature returns. Eventually the tree made it. In the spring, her branches are bright with blossoms. I’ve seen people looking at her and wiping away tears. She is a symbol of the resilience (适应力) of nature — and a reminder of all that was lost on that terrible day 20 years ago.

The Survivor Tree, brought back from the dead, had not only put out new leaves herself but also nurtured (养育) the lives of others. Now do you understand how I dare hope?

1. What can we know about the author?
A.She wanted to fight for justice.
B.She once lost hope in her journey.
C.She felt hopeful despite many difficulties.
D.She planned to remove prejudice and racism.
2. Which of the following can best describe the author’s feeling on the terrible day in 2001?
A.Scared and annoyed.B.Frightened and shocked.
C.Thrilled and desperate.D.Disappointed and puzzled.
3. What happened to the Survivor Tree after the towers fell down?
A.The tree was slightly damaged.B.The tree nearly got abandoned.
C.The tree was destroyed on the spot.D.The tree got nothing but a trunk left.
4. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To call on people to protect nature.
B.To show the great strength of a tree.
C.To expect people to care for damaged trees.
D.To share the author’s reasons to keep optimistic.
2022-05-27更新 | 471次组卷 | 5卷引用:天津市第一中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中质量调查英语试卷
完形填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . My mother left the field of education formally after I was born. However, she did not leave it _________. She made learning a _________ part of my life. I never watched television, not because I was not _________ to, but because it was more fun writing stories with my mom.

On my first day of kindergarten, I was excited, but _________. During snack time that day, I sat quietly and opened my _________. Inside, I found a note from my mother written on a napkin(餐巾纸). The note said that she _________ me, that she was proud of me and that I was the best kindergartener in the world! Because of that napkin note I _________ my first day of kindergarten successfully and many more school days to follow.

There have been many napkin notes since the _________ one. There were even napkin notes _________ to me in college, far away from my home. __________ I changed majors, changed the way I looked at the world, there was one thing that never __________ — my mother’s encouragement, support and __________ in napkin notes.

This year, my mother __________ to go back to school to earn her degree in teaching. Although I was in __________ of my mother for following her dreams, I wanted her to __________ that she didn’t need a(n) __________ to make her an excellent teacher.

So I gave her a __________ for school: a lunch bag filled with her favorite foods. She laughed as she __________ the lunch bag. Then she pulled out a napkin with __________ on it.

As she opened up her “You can do it!” napkin note from me, tears began to run down her face. When her eyes met mine, I saw she __________ my unspoken message: My mother is, and always has been, a teacher.

A.lunch boxB.school bagC.pencil boxD.toy bag
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。在这个数码时代,手写能获得全国水平的奖项,本身就是一种成就。自幼失去双臂的9岁小女孩Anaya Ellick通过自己的努力,两次获得了这样的奖项,是不是更值得赞扬呢?

10 . A Virginia third-grader has won two national awards for her exceptional skill in handwriting. That’s pretty remarkable on its own. But what makes the girl’s _________ extra special is that she accomplished it _________ having no hands.

On April 26, 9-year-old Anaya Ellick was named the _________ of the 2018 Zaner-Bloser National Handwriting Contest. The award _________ students with special needs who develop a great skill in handwriting. All participants have a mental or physical _________.

Anaya was born without hands on either arm. _________ she was fitted with prosthetics (假肢) for a time, she decided she was better off with her _________ ones and removed them. Instead, she has learned to _________ a pencil between her arms to draw and write. Two years ago, she made _________ across the world when she was named a winner in the contest’s print category. For 2018, she __________ again for her cursive writing.

Tracy Cox, Anaya’s teacher, said Anaya is a role __________ to other students. “Anaya does not let anything stand in her __________ of reaching her goals,” said Cox. “She is determined and independent. She has the best __________ in her class. Her classmates see her doing the __________ tasks and they are often __________ that she can do just as well, sometimes even better.” Anaya’s dad Gary Ellick said Anaya had always been __________. “It was always like ‘I can do it.’ I’m proud to see that hard work does __________,” he said.

Anaya was __________ at school on Wednesday, and the school shared photos of her with her new award and examples of her writing. But another __________ doesn’t mean she’s slowing down. When asked what’s __________ on her plate, she said, “Sports.”

A.work outB.get alongC.take overD.pay off
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