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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

David Ballesteros looked at the lawyer. He couldn’t believe his ears. The lawyer told him that his father left the 1923 Singer sewing machine (缝纫机) to him. It once belonged to his great-grandmother and his father considered it his greatest treasure.“That’s very nice,”David said.“But what else? What about the legacy (遗产)? The money? What does it all amount to?”

The lawyer, Mr. Jarvin, put down the will. He felt sorry for David but he thought David’s father had explained the terms of the will before he died. David remembered that his father just told him he’d be passing on his riches, but he never specified the amount — that was what he was trying to find out!

Mr. Jarvin said carefully,“David, no money at all.”“That’s impossible!” David screamed. His father owned clothing factories all over the United States. He was rich! Mr. Jarvin explained that all the money was donated to charity under the terms of his father’s will.

David was reeling (晕头转向) from the shock. He’d lived a life of wealth and now he was left with nothing but an old sewing machine! Mr. Jarvin said to David that his father left him a letter which may explain his decision. David grabbed the envelope. His father’s decision was to leave him a poor man! What kind of explanation could he possibly have for that! He drove back to his apartment just in time to see a van (厢式送货车) pull up.

“Mr. David Ballesteros?”asked the man from the van.“Yes,” David said.“We have a delivery for you, sir.”He gestured to the old sewing machine.“Where would you like it?”David was about to scream“In the trash (垃圾桶)!”but it occurred to him that the old item might be worth some money, so he ordered the man to take it up to his apartment. After the man left, David poured himself a drink and looked at the sewing machine.“I have an MBA. I’m prepared to run companies. What am I supposed to do with a sewing machine, Dad?”he asked aloud.


Then he remembered the letter and opened it.


When David put down the letter he had tears in his eyes.

2023-01-24更新 | 83次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省临沂市多所学校2022-2023学年高二上学期期末线上联考英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

You know how when big things in your life aren’t going well and the little things bother you more? That happened to me last year. Like many people during the pandemic, my husband, Paul, was laid off. I was still working, but my job was only part-time and would likely be ending soon too. I was worried about money, pandemic and our future.

That’s when our mailboxes really started getting to me. I’d never liked our mailboxes much. They stood at the end of our long driveway, far enough away from our house. Fortunately, I didn’t see them often. The mailboxes had already been in rough shape when we moved in and the paint was faded.

At some point, someone had driven into the pole. It was now bent slightly, making the mailboxes bend, pointing in different directions. Still, because the boxes could hold the mail and the mail carrier wasn’t complaining, there really was no need to replace them.

“I wish we could have better mailboxes,” I found myself thinking as I pulled out of the driveway one day on my way to work. It was just a passing thought. I probably would have forgotten all about it if not for the news we got the next morning.

The next day, my neighbor Ailsa told me a girl drove her car right into the mailboxes and completely knocked them down. Ailsa saw the accident and gave her our number and information. “That certainly wasn’t in our budget,” I thought. Though I wanted new mailboxes, getting them would be expensive. With our income decreasing since Paul’s layoff, this was an expense we didn’t need. I sighed.

However, the next day where our old, rusted mailboxes had once stood were two new shiny mailboxes-one black, one white. Each one had large, neat numbers on the sides, the white mailbox with black numbers and the black one with white numbers. They were beautiful. I sat there, feeling surprised.

Paragraph 1:

I opened one of the mailboxes and found a note.

Paragraph 2:

When we called, the girl’s mother answered.

阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . No one’s perfect. Here, Kamran explains why he believes perfection isn’t a realistic goal.

You are chasing a myth.     1     So it’s exhausting keeping up with the idea, in your head, of what perfection is. You’ ll be constantly updating your concept of it from one day to the next. This can lead to you being overly self-critical. Instead of feeling happy with what you’ve achieved, you feel dissatisfied.

    2     A constant reach for perfection can be very distracting from the present moment. When you get to a certain place that you’ve worked towards, instead of noticing it, embracing it and enjoying it, you switch to wanting more. This leads you into a trap of constantly re-evaluating areas of your life. Life can actually be very good in the present moment, like when you’re appreciating friends and family and celebrating the little wins.    3    

    4     Without realizing, you can end up finding and picking out imperfections in others and becoming an overly critical person who expects too much. You might find people want to distance themselves from you, or you may find challenges arising more frequently in your personal relationships.

Your mental health can suffer. Not only might you feel anxious that you’ re not where you want to be in life, you may feel emotionally low as a result of desiring perfection and constantly critiquing aspects of your life.     5     They are mentally, emotionally and physically draining and can leave you feeling burnt out or even depressed.

A.You’ll not abandon it.
B.Perfection doesn’t exist.
C.You might judge others unfairly.
D.You won’t enjoy the small things.
E.This can cause feelings of being defeated.
F.Exercise can help remove the bad feelings.
G.All these can go unnoticed if you’re focused on future-based thinking.
完形填空(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Parking at the Alzheimer’s center where my mother-in-law lived, we were ready to visit her. I glanced at my 11-year-old son, Joel, who was totally _______ in the photo album he had insisted on bringing along.

Joel has autism (自闭症), and although I had _______ him that his grandma couldn’t remember things the way she used to and might not be as interested in the _______ as he was, I couldn’t be sure if he completely understood my words.

“See Grandma!” he shouted at the top of his voice. _______ the album, he jumped out of the car and up to the building entrance. We finally got to grandma’s room. She was _______ with the door open. “Grandma Barb,” he said _______. “Pictures.” She awoke, and I saw _______ in her eyes. “Who is this little boy?” They seemed to ask. However, not _______, Joel climbed into her lap and opened up his photo album. A sign of a _______ appeared on her face. He pointed to pictures of his father and me, identifying us. He ________ to his brother. “Poco!” he exclaimed. Now the smile became laughter. Mom’s laughter didn’t bother Joel. He knew his grandmother was happy, and that was ________ for him.

I’d been worried about Joel understanding what was ________ his grandmother when really I was the one who needed to understand. I feel ________ for the mother-in-law I had known. He loved the grandma who was here now.

I thanked God for the ________ of this moment. Then I pulled up a chair next to them and ________ in the joy of it with them — Let’s seize the present and live it to the fullest.

A.called onB.fixed onC.went onD.insisted on
A.happening toB.sticking toC.adjusting toD.responding to
2021-05-15更新 | 172次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省临沂市2021届高三5月模拟英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Forgiving doesn’t mean saying the pain doesn’t matter or what the other person said or did was OK. It doesn’t mean forgetting what happened. It means letting go of your need for an apology. It means making peace with past hurt and pain. It means choosing to move on. All of this is easy to say, hard to do. But forgiveness can happen in a series of small steps over time.

Take your feelings seriously. Forgiving doesn’t mean shrugging your shoulders and saying “Oh, well.” Cry, feel sad, throw things hard, or write angry passages in your diary to get rid of some of the stress. Talk with trusted friends or family to ask for advice to help find solutions to your problems. You have the right to feel hurt and angry. But suffering these feelings over time does you great harm.

Make a difference in your life. I’ve seen that many miss the opportunity for getting back a good relationship with someone else because they just wait for the apology that may never come. Others stay stuck in anger long after the other person has stopped to be a part of their lives. Make a decision to make a difference for yourself. That may be forgiving or being the first to reach out to the other so that you can move on with your own life.

Forgive yourself and engage in positive self-talk. Although you may mainly blame the other person, it’s important to forgive yourself with positive self-talk. Feel certain that you can learn from this and move on. Tell yourself that you will survive this pain and that life will get better because you can make a choice to let go.

Try understanding the other. This doesn’t reduce your pain but may make what happened more understandable. Understanding doesn’t forgive hurtful behavior, but understanding can help to get rid of your anger and to forgive.

Realize that forgiveness benefits you most of all. The other person may never know about your forgiveness. But forgiving and letting go can lighten the load on your body and on your spirit.

1. What does forgiving mean according to the text?
A.The pain the other person brought you isn’t very serious.
B.What the other person has said or done doesn’t hurt you.
C.You don’t care and have forgotten what happened to you.
D.You needn’t the other person to say sorry to you any more.
2. What is the attitude of the author to getting angry according to paragraph 2?
3. What should you do if you have a quarrel with your close friend according to paragraph 3?
A.Wait for your friend’s apology.
B.Take the initiative (主动性) to say hello to your friend.
C.Try your best to forget your problem.
D.Have positive self-talk.
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.How to forgive other people.
B.Forgiveness is helpful for us all.
C.Understanding can help forgive others.
D.Life gets better if you choose to forgive.
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When I was seven, I found a watch while walking down the hallway of my school. The watch was expensive-looking, set with gold. As I picked it up, greedy (贪欲) suddenly came over me, and instead of turning it into the office like I should have, I became the owner of the watch.

When I got home from school, I found Mom cooking dinner in the kitchen. Thinking that she would be impressed, I held out my prize for her to see with a feeling of excitement and pride. Mom, however, was far from impressed. Instead, she was angry at her son keeping the watch instead of turning it in. Mom then ordered me to go straight back to school and take the watch to someone at the office. I started to argue, but after taking a good look at the expression on Mom’s face, I realized that would get me nowhere. There was nothing left for me to do but obey (服从).

I have to admit, I was rather angry with Mom for making me give up the watch. I felt that it was justly mine since I was the one who had found it. Yes, I knew she was right, but greed had forced me to keep the watch, and now pride wouldn’t allow me to admit that I had done something wrong. But time passed, and I forgot all about the lesson that I learned from the watch until fourteen years later.

While I was attending college, I had managed to get a job at a Walmart pushing carts off the parking lot. One morning, I found a checkbook (支票簿) that had been left in a shopping cart. Quickly, I took it to the customers service desk and gave it to the employee there so that the customer who had lost it could pick it up.

Paragraph 1:

Later, as I was outside pushing carts, a man came up to me.

Paragraph 2:

Then my thoughts went back to the day when Mom had made me return the watch.

完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . One night, a married couple got into a fight. It was common for them to stay in a war of______after such a fight. And this time was no______. For most of the night, the couple had______each other and even as they were preparing for bed, not a word was said.

However, the husband started getting______because he would catch a flight at 5:00 am the next morning. He was a heavy sleeper and______his wife to wake him up. If his wife didn’t wake him up, there was a______that he would sleep right______the alarm.

In order not to lose his face, he didn’t speak with her______, but wrote on a piece of paper“Please______me when it’s 5:00 am.” He put the note on his wife’s pillow,______that she would for sure see it there. He then fell asleep without______.

The next morning when he woke up, it was already 7:00 am! He knew he had______his flight. He was filled with______and was preparing to blame his wife when he noticed a handwritten note beside his pillow, saying “It’s 5:00a——get up.” Most of the time______you say something is more important than what you actually say. When you need something, do not let______get in your way of asking for help the right way!

A.invitedB.depended onC.persuadedD.held back

8 . One day, Aristotle was walking on beach, a beautiful sunset was happening. But he didn't have time to_________that as he was busy thinking seriously about some great problems of life.

_________thinking, he walked up and down the beach. There on beach he saw another man doing something very absorbed—So absorbed that Aristotle couldn't_________him. Aristotle went _________and observed what that man was doing and saw he was walking_________between the beach and ocean.                                                       

Aristotle stopped the man and asked, "Hey, what are you up to?" The man said. "Don't_________me; I am doing something very important." and then went on with his work. Aristotle became even more_________and asked, "What is this important thing?" The man with a table spoon in hand showed him a little_________he had dug in sand and said, "I am_________the ocean into this hole."       

Aristotle looked at this and laughed, "This is crazy. You must be mad. Do you know how__________this ocean is? How can you ever empty this ocean into this little hole with a table spoon? There is no__________."

The man looked at Aristotle, then__________the spoon down and said, "My job is already done."Aristotle said, "What do you mean? Not to mention ocean being empty, even the hole is not __________. How can you say your job is done?" He__________and said: "I am trying to empty the ocean into this hole with a table spoon. You are telling me it is crazy, so I should give up."

The story tells us that compared to working hard,__________goals are more important.

A.right and leftB.back and forthC.again and againD.now and then
A.summed upB.stood upC.straightened upD.took up
2021-07-27更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省临沂市平邑、沂水六县2020-2021学年高一下学期期末阶段性教学质量检测英语试题

9 . I don’t know when I became so focused on ensuring equality in all areas,including personal relationships.I was afraid of the sort of ______ where you give and give with nothing in return,and the other person feels much bigger than you are.I constantly worry that I ______ my friends more than they do.When the scale ______ to one side in my relationships,I feel like falling over too,like a branch ______ the edge of a cliff.

But when I entered high school,I began to make friends who gave ______ :advice,knowledge,help,and ______.______ they gave more than they received,they did so with a smile.My friend Alicia always ______ to help others with their work and assignments,which made me and all the other ______ of her kindness willing to help her if she ever ______ anything in the future.It wasn’t an exactly equal way of paying her back,but it was our own small way of saying thank you.I slowly came to understand that some people were worth the ______ ,and some things could be paid back in other ways or paid back later.

Today,I still ______ with ensuring equality in my life.However,I have learned that it’s okay to give more than you receive,if you are giving to the right person.It’s okay to let some debts exist ______ ,and to let some things go.Equality is a construct that requires two parties to build,______ but surely,each person ______ a little bit at a time.

A.going toB.putting asideC.trying outD.hanging on
A.UnlessB.WhetherC.In caseD.Even if
A.struggleB.come upC.meetD.get along
2022-04-19更新 | 75次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省沂南第一中学2021-2022学年高二4月月考(线上)英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填人1个适当单词或括号内单司的正确形式。

One summer afternoon, a group of recent college graduates decided to visit their favorite professor at his home. The grads    1    (be) out of school for about a year and they were each making their attempt into the so-called “real world” and dealing with all of the frustrations and    2    (confuse) that come with it.

Over the course of the afternoon, the grads complained    3     their professor about how difficult life was after school. They complained about the long hours, the    4    (demand) bosses, the competitive job market, and    5    all of them seemed to talk about or care about was money, money, money.

After a while, the professor got up and made some coffee. He got out six cups, one for each student. Three of them were cheap disposable cups and the other three    6    (make) of his nicest porcelain. He then invited everyone to get up and help    7    (they).

Within seconds the    8    (argue) had already begun. “Wait, why do you get that cup?” “No. let me have it. I drove here “No way, I got here first, go get your own.” The students laughed and    9    (gentle) chided each other over who got to drink what out of what. A silent competition among friends.

When the kids finally sat back down the professor smiled and said, “You see? This is your problem. You are all arguing over who gets    10    (drink) out of the nice cups when all you really wanted was the coffee.”

2021-07-24更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省临沂市平邑、沂水六县2020-2021学年高一下学期期末阶段性教学质量检测英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般