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1 . It was early winter several years ago. I had pulled out my old winter coat for another year’s _________. It was still in pretty good shape. I didn’t really _________ a new one but I wanted one and mentioned it to my daughter one day. A few weeks later she gave me a _________ of a bright red winter’s coat.

I put the old one in my closet and started to wear the new coat. Each day, though, when I opened my closet, something _________ me. It seemed a (n) _________ that my still good, old coat should just sit there keeping no one warm. I took it out and drove to a local charity shop. Someone who couldn’t _________ a coat otherwise could get my old one. I dropped it off, chatted _________ with the staff for a bit, and walked out of the door. I saw a shaking man in a very _________ jacket walking in. I wondered if he would _________ my old coat. Then I smiled with a warm heart.

My new coat is my old coat now. It too is getting a little worn. It has black __________ on the sleeves from where I repaired the roof last winter. It is in too bad of __________ to even donate to charity. I wonder if I should buy a new one soon. Maybe I can find a few more things to give to the charity shop __________.

Perhaps the best way to deal with our __________ then is to give of ourselves. Love, after all, brings us the most __________. And the more of it you __________, the more of it you have.

A.get used toB.put up withC.keep away fromD.end up in
A.rely onB.give awayC.talk aboutD.put aside
2023-07-02更新 | 73次组卷 | 2卷引用:完形填空变式题

2 . At a family picnic for employees of the company where my father worked, they held a contest for children. I was 13, full of enthusiasm, so I _________ myself into it.

The host gave each child a cloth handkerchief and told us the winner would be the one who cast it the _________. The first throwers, took mighty wind-ups, but when the cloth left their hands, it _________ and landed on the ground a few inches in front of them. The crowd roared with _________. Not until then did I realize it was not meant to _________ any real skill, but simply for laughs. However, it stimulated my _________ for thinking outside the box.

It _________ me to see the kids throwing harder when the handkerchief always caught the air and died. It was obvious that using the same _________ would not work. Suppose I tied a(an) _________ inside the handkerchief? When they inspected it, I’d be __________. So I began tying the handkerchief around itself to make it small and __________ packed together to keep it from unfolding. When I approached the line, people were already laughing, __________ a big strong-looking boy like me casting it just a few inches.

I took a long wind-up, and the balled handkerchief __________ off maybe 60 feet away. The laughing __________ in collective shock. I had not broken the rules. What I learned from this contest was that, in order to live creatively, you have to __________ the less-used parts of your brain, and not accept stereotypes(刻板印象), slogans and unquestioned ideas.

A.glance throughB.tap intoC.give upD.go over
2023-06-27更新 | 186次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省惠州市2022-2023学年(2024届高三)高二下学期期末调研考试英语试题
3 . 故事复述。
关键词:mouse (老鼠)   cat (猫)   solution (解决方法)   bell (铃铛)   escape (逃离)

Ideas are easy

One day, the mice held a community meeting. The topic of discussion was what to do about the cat. “The cat is our enemy,” said one mouse. “We must do something to     1     ourselves!” “We cannot live this way, for it is too     2     to go out,” cried the other mice.

At once, a young mouse jumped to his feet. “I have an idea,” said the young mouse. “As we know, our problem is the way the cat gets     3     to us silently when we least expect him. My proposal is simple. The solution is to hang a bell around the cat’s neck. When he     4    , the bell will ring, and we will be warned in time to escape.”

The other mice cheered     5     and thought, “This is a smart mouse. Surely he will be our leader one day.” Just then, a     6     old mouse stood up to address the other mice. “That is a good idea,” said the old mouse. “Now may I ask, who will     7     to hang the bell around the cat’s neck?”

There was general silence among the mice then. No one stood up to volunteer for such a dangerous job. The old mouse said, “It is easy to suggest a solution especially when carrying it out is impossible.”

2023-06-13更新 | 76次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省潮州市湘桥区南春中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了28岁的澳大利亚人Tim Cope在马背上骑了三年之后,他沿着成吉思汗和其他几个世纪以来穿越欧洲的亚洲游牧民族的路线前进。

4 . After three years on horseback, Tim Cope has followed the route of Genghis Khan(成吉思汗) and other Asian nomads(游牧民族) who crossed into Europe over the centuries.

The 28-year-old Australian arrived in Hungary on Saturday, Sept.22, ending a 6200-mile travel through Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Southern Russia and Ukraine. Surrounded by his traveling companions—his dog and three horses, Cope said, “I’m very happy to be here. Sometimes I didn’t think I would ever arrive.”

Cope was inspired to make the horseback journey during a bicycle trip from Moscow to Beijing. Trying to push his bike through the sands of the Gobi Desert, Cope watched in frustration as nomad horsemen appeared out of nowhere and disappeared over the horizon.

That got him interested in nomad life and the journey by ancient Asian groups. He set off from Mongolia in 2004 for a trip he thought would take 18 months. It ended up taking three years, and in late 2006, he had to return to Australia for several months when his father died in a car crash.

Cope quickly learned to trust the wisdom of locals. “In Mongolia, the nomads always told me that wolves were the most dangerous things and I didn’t believe them at first.” he said. Then one night he found himself surrounded by wolves. “When you hear that cry alone at night in the forest, it’s one of the most frightening sounds you’ll ever hear,” Cope said. “After that I took their advice and threw firecrackers out my tent door every night to keep the wolves away.”

Cope says he probably spent about half of his nights in his tent and the rest in farm houses and huts of strangers along the way. “In Kazakhstan, they believe that if you invite a guest, luck will fly into your house.”

Cope wants to write a book and shoot a film about his voyage, and is already imagining future adventures in northwest China and the Middle East.

“It’s my way of life. It was not just a trip,” Cope said. “I’ll be back in the saddle(马鞍) as soon as I can.

1. Why did Tim Cope decide to make the horseback journey?
A.It was impossible to make the journey by bike.
B.Genghis Khan was the person he admired most.
C.He wanted to visit Hungary where he had never been.
D.he was deeply attracted by the life of nomad horsemen.
2. When did Tim Cope arrive in Hungary?
A.In March, 2004.B.In March, 2006.
C.In September, 2006.D.In September, 2007.
3. What do Cope’s words underlined in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.He will come back to Australia.
B.He will devote his life to adventures.
C.He will travel on horseback soon.
D.He will take this journey again.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.An Australian’s ambition to take adventures.
B.A rider who completes a horseback journey.
C.A modern young man who lives nomad life.
D.Following Genghis Khan to cross into Europe.
2023-06-11更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区狮山石门高级中学2022-2023学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题

5 . My father was a farmer. He worked very hard and never complained. He has never gone to school. So, he was a common man ________ little education. But he would teach my sister and ________ lessons through stories.

One day before I was leaving for college, he sat down and took a ________ from his pocket. And he said, “You need to know ________ things before you go out into the world. Remember them, ________ you will be the best person you can be.”

“First, look at the pencil. We know that in order to become a(n) ________ pencil, from time to time, it has to go through being sharpened (使锋利). If this pencil could ________, we could imagine how painful that would be. But that’s ________ it becomes a useful pencil. Life is much the same. No one can live the whole life ________ all the time. Painful experiences and difficulties come to us all. But we build our personalities and we ________ through these chances. Second is to keep in mind that you will be able to make many of your mistakes correct just like this eraser. If we ________ from our mistakes, they’re not mistakes. We can use the lessons to do ________ next time. Third, just like this pencil, every place where you are used, you leave your mark. You’re ________ your own story. Don’t be afraid and never stop writing. And fourth, always remember the most ________ part of you is what’s inside. A pencil is useless without it’s inner part.”

When I feel sad in my life, I’ll think about my ________ words. They give me courage to move on.

2023-06-10更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省阳江市黄冈实验学校2022-2023学年高一3月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了小时候作者去商店买东西时,商店主人Miss Bee总是重新摆放货架上的东西,让作者出丑,作者认为她很刻薄,但是多年后作者意识到Miss Bee并不像她所想的那样,反而她在日常生活中教会了作者一些东西。

6 . My first shopping in a general store was in Miss Bee’s when I spent the summer with my grandmother in New York.

“Go get them yourself” Miss Bee said, ignoring the shopping list held up before her nose. “I’m not your servant, so just get yourself a basket from that pile over there and start filing.”

It took me three wall-to-wall searches before I found the first item on my list―a pork can be placed between boxes of cereal and bread. Next up was toilet paper, found under the daily newspaper, and Band-Ads, found next to the face cream. The store was a puzzle, but it held some surprises too. I found a new Superman comic behind the peanut butter.

I visited Miss Bee a couple of times a week that summer. Some times she short-charged me. Other times she overcharged or sold me an old newspaper instead of a current one. Going to the store was more like going into battle. I left my Grandma’s house armed with my list—memorized to the letter—and marched into Miss Bee’s like General Patton (巴顿将军) marching into North Africa.

All summer long she found ways to trip me up. No sooner had I learned how to pronounce bicarbonate of soda (小苏打) and memorized its location on the shelf than Miss Bee rearranged the shelves and made me hunt for it all over again. By summer’s end, however, the shopping trip that had once taken me an hour was done in 15 minutes.

The morning I was to return to Brooklyn, I stopped into tell her that she was mean (刻薄的). To my amazement she laughed and said. “Well, I don’t care! Each of us is put on this earth for a reason. I believe my job is to teach every child I meet ten life lessons to help them. Think what you will, but when you get older you’ll be glad our paths crossed!”

I thought the idea was absurd until one day my daughter came to me with homework troubles.

“It’s too hard,” she said. “Could you finish my math problems for me?”

“If I do it for you, how will you ever learn to do it yourself?” I said.

Suddenly, I was back at that general store where I had learned the hard way totally up (结算) my bill along with the cashier. As my daughter went back to her homework, I wondered: Had Miss Bee really taught me something all those years ago? I took out some scrap paper and started writing.

1. Why did the writer spend a long time doing her first shopping in the general store?
A.She was too young to remember all the items on the list.
B.Miss Bee didn’t treat her kindly.
C.Her grandmother asked her to buy too many things.
D.The store was in disorder and she was not familiar with the shop.
2. What did the writer mean when comparing herself to “General Patton” in Paragraph 4?
A.She was well prepared and full of confidence.
B.Going shopping in the store was a challenge to her.
C.She was very aggressive, taking Miss Bee as the enemy.
D.Going shopping was so fun that it was like playing a war game.
3. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 6 probably suggest?
A.The writer would benefit from the experience of shopping in Miss Bee’s.
B.The writer would find shopping in Miss Bee’s store very interesting.
C.The writer would be happy to meet Miss Bee again later in life.
D.The writer would realize that Miss Bee could become her friend.
4. At the end of the story, the writer might write down the following EXCEPT         .
A.Don’t be so quick to judge other people
B.The best teacher isn’t only in school
C.Stick to your dream whatever happens
D.Things can be learned in daily routines

7 . It was the middle of winter some 30 years ago. I was a young father and _______ three little children. My education, however, didn’t _______ me to find a good job and now I was working for just above the _______ wage. One day, after I got up, I had to put band-aids (绷带) around my fingers and put more in my pockets. Cutting wood all day had caused my fingers to _______ in the cold, dry, winter air. Despite hesitating to work, I _______ started my car.

That day work was tougher than usual. The machines kept _______ . When the work day finally ended I _______ my injured fingers. The situation was worse than ever. I didn’t think I had ever felt _______ tired and sad before. I stepped into my car and drove back home. On my way, I had been thinking about why my life was so _______ .

I tried to put ________ on my face as I arrived home but one appeared ________ . My daughter ran up to me, shouted “Daddy!”, and ________ her little arms around my neck. My aches and pains disappeared into her hug. At that moment I knew I could ________ and that things would get better. I kissed my little girl’s cheek, holding her ________ . I think we all have bleeding fingers in our lives here. But with ________ we can make it through them all.

A.making noisesB.breaking downC.moving aheadD.freezing over
2023-06-09更新 | 88次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届广东省佛山市南海区佛山市南海区狮山石门高级中学三模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . There was a time in my life when I lost everything. My physical health was the first thing to go. I lost the ability to walk and ended up in a wheelchair. I couldn’t go places and do the things I used to do.

After that, I lost everything else. I lost friends who grew tired and weary of waiting for a recovery that might never come. I lost my career, which I had worked for decades to build- my source of independent income. There went my sense of purpose, too. I lost my house. I had nowhere to live and had to move back in with my parents.

With no job, health, friends, or house to come home to, most people would fall into a deep despair. And I did experience depression. But it was my family that gave me faith. I think it was my ability to keep the faith that allowed the faith to be rewarded in the end.

My health returned slowly but surely. I no longer neglected myself and then put my body last. I was grateful that I could now see how necessary my health was, and that it was okay to prioritize myself over a paycheck. For me, health was more important than any other things and should be dealt with first.

New friends entered my life—people with authentic hearts and kind understanding. I was grateful that I lost people along the way to make room for the people who were supposed to be there all along. A new job presented itself as well. I was so grateful that I lost my old job so that one better suited to my hobbies could unfold before my eyes.

When bad things happen, it doesn’t mean that better things aren’t down the line. We just need the strength to hold on to hope. Yes, there was a time in my life when I lost everything—everything except my faith. But the new perspective that I gained was more important than anything that I lost.

1. Why did the author’s friends leave after she was sick?
A.They lost patience.B.They were deeply in debt.
C.They minded their business.D.They found themselves helpless.
2. What inspired the author to fight for survival?
A.New friendship.B.Pursuit of career.C.Desire for fame.D.Family support.
3. What does the author intend to convey in the last paragraph?
A.She regards herself as a total failure.B.She has got back what she once had.
C.She views things from a different aspect.D.She has experienced a lot of tough days.
4. What can be learned from the text?
A.Everything comes to those who wait.B.When one door closes, another opens.
C.History is a mirror reflecting reality.D.Action is worry’s worst enemy.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . I truly believe we all have a very special purpose in life, regardless of who we are or where we come from. After ten years of working for a major Wall Street bank, I wanted to do something challenging. So when I read a Merrill Lynch advertisement looking to hire more stockbrokers (股票经纪人), with great excitement, I made some phone calls and arranged to meet with one of its branch vice presidents. After this interview and interviews with twelve of his top stockbrokers, I eventually landed the job.

The first few months was a struggle. I lived on very little commission (佣金). Night after night, I left the office weary and exhausted, ready to give up, yet somehow returning the next morning to start anew day. Eventually, all the hard work paid off. In less than four years, I became one of the top sales people at my branch and increased personal sales by 1,700 percent. The success earned me a six-figure income, promotion and numerous sales awards.

Toward the end of my fourth year at Merrill Lynch, it hit me that something was missing. I thought long and hard about my goals. Then I was reminded of the time when I spoke to hundreds of people, while in college as a student leader, and years later, when I won a “Humorous Speech” championship. It dawned on me that every time I had a speaking engagement, I always came out of the experience with a wonderful, energetic, peaceful and magical feeling that was unmatched by anything else I did. I knew the extraordinary public-speaking skills I was blessed with could enable me to make a lasting difference and transform other people’s lives.

Then I took another daring risk, gave up everything and left the investment business for a more satisfying career as a motivational speaker. The beginning of my speaking journey was surprisingly similar to what I had first experienced at Merrill Lynch. However, nothing in the world comes close to the satisfying feeling I get when thousands of people tell me how much I have made a difference in their lives by motivating them to take risks and be the best they could be.

1. Why did the author meet with a Merrill Lynch branch vice president?
A.To arrange an interview.B.To make an advertisement.
C.To employ more clerks.D.To get a position.
2. Which of the following best describes the author according to paragraph 2?
A.Tolerant and ambitious.B.Demanding and successful.
C.Tough and competent.D.Optimistic and agreeable.
3. Why did the author leave Merrill Lynch?
A.He hoped to relive college life.B.He wanted to influence others’ lives.
C.He had an engagement.D.His investment was not satisfying.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Speaking Makes a Satisfying JobB.Challenge Your Career Choice
C.Hard Work Pays OffD.Dare to Take Risks
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.

When was the last time you blew too high     1     a swing and lost your stomach, or burst out laughing so hard that you start crying?

A lot of us may be still recovering from antisocial habits     2     (form) in the tough time. And so far, some events out of our control     3     (have) a bad effect on our health. Last fall, 76% of adults surveyed by the American Psychological Association said stress from politics. race relations and violence had affected their health. They reported     4     (experience) headaches, depression, nervousness and exhaustion.

But     5     (solution) may be hiding in plain sight. Two recent books argue that making room for more fun in your life could counteract (抵消) both the stress and the tendency       6     (escape) it by zoning out online.

In a book published in January, psychologist Mike trucker makes the case that pursuit of fun experiences may be even more valuable than seeking the sometimes abstract goal of happiness. In Rucker’s opinion, happiness is     7     state of mind. But fun is something we can do for     8     (we). It doesn’t require education, money or power. All it requires is intentionality. We     9     (actual) ignore the importance of fun. We are so casual and careless about     10     we use things around us to make us fun, but it is important for our happiness and health.

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