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1 . I opened my car window and called out “Ma’am! Ma’am!” The only lady in the parking lot looked around until she saw me. “I just wanted to tell how nice you look today,” I said. “The colors you have on are beautiful on you.” Her face registered surprise for a second, and then she smiled. “Thank you!” she called back. Her final steps to her car seemed lighter, and I smiled to myself.

I grew up with very few cheerleaders in my own life. When I was in the middle of fighting a battle for my life, I had been confirmed depression, along with anxiety. It has taken many years and more effort and determination than I thought I was capable of recovering from this illness. With no cheerleaders in my court, I fought this battle alone. I am proud of the progress I have made thus far. There are times when I thought, if only I had had someone to hold me and say, “Susan, I believe in you. You can do this, and I’ll be there every step of the way.” I wonder how much sooner I would have recovered. I’ll never know.

So I have made it a point in recent years to praise people, especially women and girls. Instead of just thinking that someone looks nice or did a great job, I say it out loud. It doesn’t take long, and it’s easy. So, I wonder, why don’t more people do this? As women, we have learned from our role models to be quiet. We downplay (淡化) our own achievements even when we do receive a rare compliment (恭维). Now, when I compliment someone and she denies, I say to her, “Just say thank you.” Most women are relieved that they don’t have to deny the compliment; they can accept the praise without guilt.

Cheerleading doesn’t require any skills. It only takes a few seconds, although you do have to remind yourself to do it. Eventually, it becomes a habit.

1. How did the lady feel after hearing the author’s praise?
2. What made the author become a cheerleader?
A.Her experiences.
B.Her habit.
C.Her personality.
D.Her ambition.
3. What does the author hope when she praises someone?
A.She can be rewarded.
B.She can be appreciated.
C.They can accept the praise.
D.They should say something.
4. Which of the following best describes the author?
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2 . At 13, I resolved to be an amazing teacher, overwhelmingly driven by a _________ desire for superpowers, which some of my gorgeous teachers had.

In fifth grade, Ms. Charlotte, an English teacher could magically _________ us to different worlds every day. She encouraged us to find something beautiful on our way home or to school. Perhaps, it could be a _________ of freshly baked bread drifting from someone’s house, or the sound of breezes slightly rustling leaves. She _________ curiosity into us. She guided us to bravely _________ joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, modesty, loyalty, duty, kindness, friendship, sympathy, generosity, creativity, truth and faith.

She told us stories from books we would otherwise never _________. Currently, I still remember highlights of the classic she shared, The Old Man and the Sea. After Santiago, an old fisherman came in empty-handed for eighty-four days, we couldn’t imagine what difficulty he had _________ a huge marlin. At the sight of the beautiful huge _________, he was unable to _________ his excitement, with a bright smile __________ to his face. Yet, a __________ battle lay ahead. He felt faint but held on the great fish with all his strength. “I moved him,” he thought, “Pull, hands. Hold up, legs. Last for me, head. You never went.” For two days and nights __________, the huge fish dragged the boat drifting. The elderly was in danger. Once, twice more, once more he tried and he felt himself extremely __________ when he turned the fish. Finally, the fish was stabbed (刺,戳) and tied to the boat.

What a man! So Ms. Charlotte inspired us to fight for our own pride and defend it, __________ the fact that life will set obstacles on the way to future with challenge, hardship, perhaps loneliness too, which will take all of our courage. It is true that a man can be destroyed physically but cannot be defeated spiritually.

Now, dear teachers, we love you and thank you from the bottom of our heart! I will keep the __________ song you’ve taught us in mind.

When your dreams come alive you’re unstoppable

Take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful

We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold

A.pick upB.put upC.set upD.get up
A.right awayB.at onceC.on the spotD.on end
A.in additionB.despiteC.due toD.given
昨日更新 | 196次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省大连市第二十四中学、大连育明高级中学、大连八中三校高三下学期3月模拟考试英语试卷
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3 . When I was about 10 years old, I was walking down the street with my mother. She ______ to speak to Mr. Lee. I knew I could see Mr. Lee anytime around the neighborhood, so I didn’t greet him. Later, my mother ______ me by the arm and said something that has impressed me deeply. She said, “You let that be the last time you ever walk by somebody and not open up your mouth to speak, because ______ a dog will move its tail gently when it passes you on the ______.”

That ______ touching my heart deeply, it’s been a guidepost for me and the foundation of who I am. I’s not just something I believe in; it’s become a way of life. I believe that every person ______ to feel someone realize their presence, whether he is ______ or nobody.

At work, I always used to say hello to the ______ of the company and ask him how our business was doing. But I was also speaking to the people in the cafe and the people who cleaned the buildings, and asked how their children were doing. One day, I asked the founder how ______ he thought I could go in his company. He said, “If you want to, you can get all the ______ to this seat.”

Now I’ve become vice president, but my mother’s advice is still in my heart. I have benefited a lot from opening my mouth and saying, “Hello.”

昨日更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西崇左市宁明县宁明中学2023-2024学年高一下学期三月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . I remember as a young child bringing a bunch of brilliant yellow flowers to my mother. It didn’t matter that the stems felt sticky or that both my parents cursed the presence of these flowers in the lawn. I thought they were beautiful!

And there were so many of them! We spent hours picking the flowers and then popping the blossoms off with a snap of our fingers. But the supply of dandelions (蒲公英) never ran out. My father or brothers would chop off all the heads with the lawnmower at least once a week, but that didn’t stop these hardy wonders.

And for those flowers that escaped the honor of being hand-delivered to my mother or the sharp blades of the lawnmower, there was another level of existence. The soft roundness of a dandelion gone to seed caused endless laughter of delight as we unconsciously spread this flower across the yard.

As I worked in my garden last week, pulling unwanted weeds out of the space that would become a haven for tomatoes, corn, peas and sunflowers, I again marveled at the flower that some call a weed.

And I thought, if only I had the staying power of a dandelion. If only I could stretch my roots so deep and straight that something tugging on my stem couldn’t separate me completely from the source that feeds me life. If only I could come back to face the world with a bright, sunshiny face after someone has run me over with a lawnmower or worse, purposely attacked me in an attempt to destroy me. If only I could spread love and encouragement as freely and fully as this flower spreads seeds of itself.

The lawns at my parents’ home are now beautiful green blankets. The only patches of color come from well-placed, well-controlled flowerbeds. Chemicals have managed to kill what human interference couldn’t. Still, I hope you and I can be different. I hope that we can stretch our roots deep enough that the strongest poison can’t reach our souls. I hope that we can overcome the poisons of anger, fear, hate, criticism and competitiveness.

1. The author’s parents probably viewed the dandelions in the lawn as ________.
A.unwanted weedsB.hard y wondersC.supplies of seedsD.patches of colors
2. What does the author mean by “another level of existence” in Paragraph 3?
A.The flowers were meant as a joyful gift to her mother.
B.The flowers that some called a weed were difficult to pull out.
C.The flowers were tough enough to spread new lives themselves.
D.The flowers evolved into a stronger species because of frequent mowing.
3. What can we learn from the article?
A.The author’s family enjoyed the dandelions as much as she did.
B.The author purposefully replaced some dandelions with crops.
C.The dandelions were never successfully removed from the lawn.
D.The author felt sorry but encouraged by the fate of the dandelions.
4. What message is conveyed in the article?
A.You reap what you sow.
B.Never judge a book by its cover.
C.United we stand, and divided we fall.
D.Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine.
昨日更新 | 58次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省广州市执信中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
书信写作-投稿征文 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 在学完B3U5“The value of money”之后,同学们对金钱财富有了一些新的理解,为此学校举行了一次主题为“Does wealth matter more than health?”的征文比赛,请你用英文写一篇80字左右的文章,结合当下实际,简单阐述正反观点及你个人的看法。

Does wealth matter more than health?

7日内更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市第十九中学2022-2023学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试卷
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6 . As a child, there was nothing I liked better than Sunday afternoons at my grandfather’s farm in western Pennsylvania. Surrounded by miles of stone walls, the house and field provided endless hours of fun for a city kid like me.

Since my first visit to the farm, I had wanted more than anything to be allowed to climb the stone walls surrounding the houses. My parents would never agree because the walls were so old that some stones were loose and falling. However, my idea to climb across those walls grew so strong that finally I had all my courage to enter the living room, where the adults had gathered after Sunday dinner.

“I want to climb the stone walls.” I said. “Heavens, no! You’ll hurt yourself!” The response was just as I’d expected. But before I left the room, I was stopped by my grandfather’s loud voice. “Now hold on just a minute.” I heard him say. “Let the boy climb the stone walls. He has to learn to do things for himself.”

“Go,” he said to me, “and come and see me when you get back.” For the next two and a half hours I climbed those old walls — and had the time of my life. Later I met with my grandfather to tell him about my adventures. I’ll never forget what he said. “Fred,” he said, smiling, “you made this day a special day just by being yourself. Always remember, there’s only one person in this whole world like you, and I like you exactly as you are.”

Many years have passed since then, and today I host the television program Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, seen by millions of children throughout America. There have been changes over the years, but one thing remains the same: my message to children at the end of almost every visit. “There’s only one person in this whole world like you,” the kids will hear me say, “and people can like you exactly as you are.”

1. Why did the writer enjoy his visits to the farm?
A.There were old stone houses.B.He was allowed to climb the walls.
C.He missed his grandfather a lot.D.He could experience new fun there.
2. What can be inferred about the writer from the passage?
A.He was backed up by his grandfather to follow his heart.
B.He didn’t expect his parents’ disagreement on wall climbing.
C.He became a TV program host with his grandfather’s help.
D.He didn’t know the possible danger of the stone walls.
3. Which is probably the best title for the text?
A.Unforgettable ChildhoodB.Just Be Yourself
C.Do Whatever You LikeD.Like grandfather, like grandson
7日内更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省肇庆鼎湖中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月考试英语试题
完形填空(约200词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Camel Conversation

A mother and a baby camel were lying around under a tree.

Then the baby camel asked, “Mom, _______ do camels have humps (驼峰)?”

The mother camel considered this and said, “We are desert animals and we have the humps to _______ water so we can survive with very _______ water.”

The baby camel _______ for a moment and then said, “Okay, why are our _______ long and our feet rounded?”

The mama _______, “They are meant for walking in the _______.”

The baby paused, and then asked, “Why are our eyelashes (睫毛) _______? Sometimes they get in my way.”

The mama responded, “Those long thick eyelashes _______ your eyes from the desert sand ________ the strong wind blows in the desert.”

The baby camel thought and thought. Then he said, “I see. So the hump is to store water when we are in the desert, the legs are for ________ through the desert and these eyelashes protect my eyes from the desert sand. Then why are we in the ________?”

We were given all ________ skills and abilities. These special gifts are to bring about the satisfaction we all ________. That satisfaction comes in helping others.

Don’t sit around in a zoo. Use your gifts and talents to help ________. You’ll be glad of what you did.

7日内更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春市第五中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一学程考试英语试题

8 . I had a lot on my mind as I recalled my teddy bear (泰迪熊) on the snowiest day last year. Only twenty-four hours before, I had been _______ with it happily in our farmhouse. How quickly things _______ ! The house I had lived in disappeared. The fire had _______ all those things with my memories.

I have never known my mother to be so _______ . When picking up my ashen (灰白色的) clothing, she moved with emptiness (空虚). The _______ was heavy to us.

After moving to the temporary (临时的) house, my father told me dealing with this would cost _______ money. It brought about a wave of _______ and life became a struggle.

“Hey, Jason,” a classmate came up to me at lunchtime with a box in her hands. “Jason, we know what _______ a few days ago. This is not something you have to go through _______. We started up the Shoebox Fund for you. Almost every student in our school ________. We love you and we want you to have this.

My eyes were filled with ________, and I had never been so moved. I had felt so lonely for the days after the fire that I became ________, unwilling to communicate with others. But these people looked past the impolite behavior I had shown to them. They were my true friends and by sharing this ________, they were my family.

Yes, things are getting back to ________. But what I learned from this journey of discovery will ________ with me forever.

A.put outB.taken awayC.cut offD.started with
7日内更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市第十九中学2021-2022学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 容易(0.94) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Many people think that money brings happiness. However, according to Professor Michael Argyle, this is not true. In Britain, we are     1     (rich) but unhappier than fifty years   ago. The USA is the richest country in the world but Americans are not the happiest people in the world.

Professor Argyle has found that very poor people and very rich people are unhappier than those in between. For example, very poor people in     2    developing world live in overcrowded houses without any running water and     3    no electricity. However, there are many millionaires (百万富翁) with     4     (person) problems. A lot of young people     5    get rich very quickly are at risk.

Because of this, a few young millionaires are changing their life styles. Richard Cross, a multi-millionaire computer analyst ( 分 析 师 ) from California is an example. His house     6     (show) no signs of his wealth. There is a small garden   and there only two   cars     7     (park) outside the house. “I want my kids     8     (live) a normal life,” says Richard.

So what can make     9     (we) happy? According to Professor Argyle, you should have one close relationship and some close     10     (friend). You should do a little sport and have a lot of contact (联系) with other people. Other people make you happy, not money!

7日内更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市第十九中学2022-2023学年高一上学期10月第一次月考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 容易(0.94) |

10 . “I am so sorry,” I tearfully said to my principal investigator (PI), explaining I would not be able to return to work as originally planned. Before I became a parent, I had assumed a baby would fit right into my academic plans. But now, as the end of my leave approached, I realized I couldn’t simply carry on as I always had. I was worried this decision might signal the end of my academic career — but I felt I had no other choice.

Thankfully, my PI had more foresight. He told me I didn’t need to resign and that he could offer me a contract that would allow me to contribute to our project from afar. It proved to be an absolute career lifeline tailored to me.

Then five years after stepping back from academia, I felt ready to re-enter more fully. Because I had been able to keep my hand in during my time away, the prospect was much less daunting than it would have been otherwise. I ended up landing a lecturer position that allowed me to slowly ease back in, focusing on teaching and scholarship with research taking a back seat. And when, 4 years on, a senior lectureship position came up in the very group I had left a decade earlier, the timing was right. With both of my children in “big school”, I was ready to really put my foot down on the career accelerator. I got the job.

Now, 6 months into my new role, I am happy to be right where it all began, with involvement in so many interesting projects. But what truly made the difference for me was the offer of what I needed during that time away. I hope more institutions and PIs can come up with creative provisions (条款) for those in their workforce who don’t want to give up their careers but want-or-need to take extended periods of leave. And to those who are taking such breaks, or considering it, know that returning is possible. Above all, on both sides: Please do not discount extended leavers. We have a lot to offer — if we are given the chance.

1. What can we learn about the author from the first paragraph?
A.Her path to PI began when she became a parent.
B.She struck a balance between work and family.
C.She had intended to stick to her academic plans.
D.She chose to prioritize her career over her family.
2. Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word “daunting” in paragraph 3?
3. What contributed most to her success according to the author?
A.Academic researches.B.Supportive work environment.
C.Interest in the projects.D.Involvement in engaging projects.
4. What’s the author’s purpose of writing the passage?
A.To analyse.B.To entertain.C.To report.D.To promote.
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