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1 . A confident smile is a happy smile. Have you ever had a stranger smile at you while you were out in public? Maybe you were feeling down, but their genuine and friendly smiles literally made you turn your frown upside down. All thanks to that smiley person, your negative attitude suddenly subsided. It is hard to believe that such a small gesture can impact your mood so sim ply, but I would be lying if I said that I’ve never experienced this feeling. I’m sure you can relate.

With that being said, science can back this up. Where are these happy feelings coming from? Well, when you smile at someone, you may feel like you’re experiencing temporary happiness.That is because endorphins (内啡肽) are released in the brain when you smile. Endorphins can be described as natural painkillers for the body, which also boost your self-esteem (自尊). Smiling is really a simple act of kindness, which can also make you feel better about yourself.

As an illustration, someone going in for a job interview with their heads held high, and smiles on their faces will have a better chance of scoring the job. Employers remark that a person who looks down when they speak to avoid showing their smiles during an interview, most likely won’t be hired, because it looks as though they are hiding something. However, that person with an inviting smile shows confidence. No matter what you look like, a smile is worth a thousand words and people can recognize that.

It gives me such a rewarding feeling helping children, teens, and adults to build their selfesteem through treatment. It’s all worth it seeing that spark of joy in my patient after the job is all said and done. I truly believe that a bright eyed smile has the capacity to allow you to connect with others, without uttering a sound.

1. What does the underlined word “subsided”mean in Paragraph 1?
2. What’s the use of endorphins?
A.Making people feel happy.
B.Making people act kindly.
C.Making brains work fast.
D.Curing some diseases.
3. Why is it hard for a person not showing a smile to get a job?
A.He holds his head too high.
B.He looks down upon others.
C.He looks a little dishonest.
D.He is too confident.
4. What kind of work is the author likely to do?
A.A teacher.B.A volunteer.C.A scientist.D.A doctor.
2024-01-11更新 | 81次组卷 | 2卷引用:浙江省教改共同体2023-2024学年高三上学期1月联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Why are you doing this? I often hear that or similar questions. Many people don’t understand why I like travelling by bicycle.     1     But for me, it’s the best way to travel.

When I sit on the bike, I am free and flexible. I can stop at any time to eat or start the stove to enjoy a coffee with breathtaking views. I’m not dependent on bus or train.     2     I come to places I would never have seen. My bike makes it possible for me not to plan beforehand, which leaves space for adventure. Because adventures don’t come around the corner during a planned hotel-vacation.

I am in the nature the whole day. The wind blows across my face.     3     I see monkeys hanging directly above me in the tree, whales swimming along the coast, a bear waving at us and many more animals. Smelling the blackberries, I’m stopping to fill my stomach. In the car, bus or train, I would have missed all of these.

    4     Some long-term cyclists spend 4,000 dollars per year or less. And I spend about 350-450 dollars a month. This is due to two reasons: I have no transport costs. And I also have the freedom of wild camping, during which I can cook for myself. All these factors contribute to a cheap travel.

I could tell hundreds of stories. Because of getting to know so many people, I have experienced a lot. The travel form itself invites many to ask questions. And the best thing about it is that all these stories make me rich. I’m rich in memories, of which I always think with laughter.     5    

A.I listen to the birds singing.
B.And they think it’s so tiring.
C.It will change the way you see the world.
D.I can decide for myself when and where to go.
E.Before my start, I was fascinated by the bike touring community.
F.Nobody can ever take them away and they are of great value to me.
G.Compared to other travel forms, bike touring is one of the most affordable.
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是说明文。本文讲述了努力工作和成功是相辅相成的。为了成功, 你必须投入大量时间和精力去努力地工作。努力工作是成功的关键。

3 . Why Hard Work Is the Key to Success

Hard work and success go hand in hand.     1     However, you have to spend a lot of time working hard for success to build up over time gradually. So you’ll have to decide if you want to endure the pain of hard work, or look back and regret never having tried? That said, here are some points to consider before you make your choice.

Everything Comes at a Price

Success, for the vast majority of people, does not come without hard work.     2     You have to push past the obstacles and hold the goal in your mind, realizing that each step forward is one closer to achieving it.

Hard Work Helps You Make Your Luck

If you are an average Joe and simply idle your way through life, you are likely just a spectator (观察者) waiting for something to happen or fall into your lap. The truth of the matter is that the odds of this happening are improbable. Success will not happen suddenly, but with the right amount of strong determination and hard work, your luck tends to get better.     3    

Hard Work Promotes Discipline

It is not always going to be easy, and even the most determined people may give up and admit that they are defeated and stop trying.     4     Discipline ensures that you still get up and you are determined to see the result confidently.

You Harvest What You Sow

    5     The same goes for hard work. As you make a big effort each day and focus on your goals, you are consistently approaching your future success. As you begin to see the progress you have made, you will begin to feel a sense of achievement and pride in your work.

A.Life is certainly full of challenges.
B.That is where discipline comes into play.
C.Obtaining success without hard work is impossible.
D.When opportunities come your way, do not let them pass you by.
E.If you invest money over time wisely, you will make a good profit eventually.
F.You have to wake up early and head to work even when you do not feel like it.
G.When you hit a failure, the first thing coming to mind is whether you worked hard.
2023-12-28更新 | 98次组卷 | 3卷引用:辽宁省锦州市北镇市满族高级中学2023-2024学年高三下学期第一次考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇议论文。作者认为人有两种心态, 一种是成长型心态, 一种是固定型心态。作者呼吁人们要培养成长型心态, 做好自己喜欢的事情。

4 . What you believe in has a magic way of shaping your reality. The concept of “you can become what you believe” is more than just a motivational quote. It’s a truth that stresses the remarkable influence of your mindset (心态) on your journey through life. At the heart of this idea lies the distinction between two fundamental mindsets: the growth mindset and the fixed mindset.

The growth mindset is a mindset that embraces the idea that abilities and intelligence can be developed through devotion, effort, learning, and perseverance. Those with a growth mindset grow better on challenges, viewing them as opportunities to learn and improve. Effort is seen as a path to mastery, and setbacks are viewed as stepping stones on the journey to success. Criticism is taken constructively as a chance to improve skills, and the success of others serves as inspiration and a blueprint for one’s own progress.

In contrast, the fixed mindset is characterized by the belief that your abilities, intelligence, and talents are fixed characteristics that cannot be changed. People with a fixed mindset tend to avoid challenges, fearing that failure might reveal their limitations. They avoid pushing themselves because they see it as a sign of their weakness. Criticism is frequently interpreted as a personal attack, and envy or anger can be stirred up by others’ achievement. In nature, a fixed mindset limits individuals to their current abilities and limits their potential for growth.

The power of a growth mindset lies in its capacity to drive positive change. By believing in the potential for growth and improvement, individuals open themselves to a world of possibilities. “If you imagine less, less will be what you, undoubtedly deserve. Do what you love and don’t stop until you get what you love. Work as hard as you can, and think big, “Debbie Millman, a writer, designer, educator, artist and brand consultant said.

1. What is the author’s argument?
A.People’s mindsets are diverse.B.One’s heart affects one’s mindset.
C.Mindset determines what one can be.D.Mindset depends on one’s character.
2. What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us about the growth mindset?
A.Its limitation.B.Its possibility.
C.Its disadvantages,D.Its characteristics.
3. What way does the author use to illustrate the two different mindsets?
A.Giving examples.B.Making comparisons.
C.Conducting analysis.D.Quoting famous sayings.
4. What might be Debbie Millman’s suggestion?
A.Think carefully before you act.B.Imagine less and practice more.
C.Stay true to yourself and never change.D.Pursue your dreams and never give up.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章主要介绍了正在美国巡回演出的音乐剧The Music Critic,并希望我们能以良好的心态面对各种批评。

5 . At this point, a new live stage show, The Music Critic, is touring across the US. In the show, John Malkovich transforms into the sharpest critics of the greatest classical musicians in history and reads their comments aloud as the music critics in his unusual voice.

For example, Frederic Chopin was once criticized by pianist Hyung-ki Joo. “Mr. Chopin has, by some means or the other which we cannot understand, obtained an enormous reputation too often refused to composers who possess several times his genius. Mr. Chopin is by no means a composer of the ordinary. He is worse,” Malkovich comments as the critic.

In the show, even Beethoven got a very bad review from the wonderful composer Tchaikovsky. “He first fills the soul with sweet sadness, and then destroys it by a mass of messy notes,” Malkovich reads.

The Music Critic is part concert, part theater. Malkovich says that the similarities between them are part of the draw for him.

“I always say they are like surfing because we just paddle (划) out on our little boards. We turn our back to the sun and wait for a wave. We’re not the wave, which most of us think we are, but we are really not the wave,” Malkovich emphasizes. “The wave is created by the collision (碰撞) between the material and the audience. We ride the wave or we don’t.”

For sure, it is fun to criticize anyone. However, there’s something more at the heart of The Music Critic—and there’s a lesson for all of us. Everyone will be at the receiving end of bad reviews at some point. As Malkovich points out: If Beethoven and Chopin got dismissed, you will too.

“I think of it as an inspirational piece for people in the creative industry to keep going,” Malkovich says. “You know, face all the criticism, enjoy it, and have fun with it because you’re going to get it. There’s no one who’s going to be spared.”

1. What does the underlined word “their” in paragraph 1 refer to?
A.The classical musicians’.B.Chopin and Beethoven’s.
C.The sharpest music critics’.D.Hyung-ki Joo and Tchaikovsky’s.
2. What did Hyung-ki Joo mean?
A.Chopin shouldn’t become so famous.B.Many composers were treated unfairly.
C.He couldn’t understand Chopin’s music.D.Chopin was one of the greatest composers.
3. What is the wave mentioned in paragraph 5?
A.The beautiful music.B.The audience’s feeling.
C.The dramatic acting.D.The performers’ passion.
4. What message does the author seem to convey in the text?
A.Every great man shall be criticized.
B.Entertainers might get far more criticism.
C.The audience should be fair with their criticism.
D.We should face criticism and try to have fun with it.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . If someone asked whether you like the arts, you’d probably say you do—at least in theory. According to a survey, more than two-thirds of U.S. adults say the arts “lift me up beyond everyday experiences.” However, only 30 percent attended a concert of any type in 2017; 23 percent went to an art museum. Fewer than half actively created art of any kind.

The mismatch can boil down to the fact that we are weighed down by our day-to-day responsibilities, leaving our schedule packed. Maybe you like to play a little background music while you work or do the chores, but even before the pandemic, most of us rarely, if ever, saw a live performance, let alone visited a gallery or watched a play.

Too often, we let the dull reality of life get in the way of the arts. But this is a mistake. The arts are the opposite of an escape from reality; they might just be the most realistic glimpse we ever get into the nature and meaning of life. If you make time for consuming and producing art—the same way you make time for work and exercise and family commitments—I assure you that you’ll find your life getting fuller and happier. Think of a time when you heard a piece of music and wanted to cry. Or maybe your dizziness as you emerged from a narrow side street in an unfamiliar city and found yourself in a beautiful town square as if in a fantasy. They probably stimulated a sudden awakening, much like the shock from a lungful of pure oxygen after breathing in smoggy air.

If you are among the people who feel that art is pure pleasure to experience and participate in, you might see it as a luxury item, while a preferable attitude is to treat art less like a distracting pleasure, and more like exercise or sleep, a necessity. Then draw up a schedule of your art exposure journey, and gradually weave art into your everyday life.

1. What prevents people from enjoying the arts?
A.Shortage of time.B.Avoidance of duty.
C.Lack of interest.D.Art space inaccessibility.
2. What can we learn about the role of art according to the passage?
A.It explores mysteries of life.B.It sparks emotional responses.
C.It enhances physical well-being.D.It offers a getaway from daily life.
3. What will be talked about next in the passage?
A.Ways to integrate art into routine.B.Barriers to combine art and life.
C.Forms of distracting pleasures.D.Benefits of engaging with art.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Art Journey: Refreshing Soul
B.Art Pursuit: Transforming Dull into Full
C.Embracing Art: From Luxury to Necessity
D.Connecting with Art: From Reality to Fantasy
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Take a Leap to Find Luck

What is luck? I’ve realized, by watching so long, that luck is rarely a lightning strike, isolated and dramatic.     1     Sometimes it’s calm, and sometimes it blows in gusts, and sometimes it comes from directions that you didn’t even imagine.

So how do you catch the winds of luck?     2     So I’m going to share three things with you that you can do to build a sail to capture the winds of luck. The first thing to do is to change your relationship with yourself.     3     When we’re children, we do this all the time. We have to do this if we’re going to learn how to walk or talk or ride a bike. The problem is, as we get older, we rarely do this. We sort of lock down the sense of who we are and don’t stretch anymore.

The second thing to do is to change your relationship with other people. You need to understand that everyone who helps you on your journey is playing a huge role in getting you to your goals.     4     And if you don’t show appreciation, not only are you not closing the loop, but you’re missing an opportunity.

And third, you want to change your relationship with ideas. Most people look at new ideas that come their way and they judge them. “That’s a great idea” or “That’s a terrible idea.” But it’s actually much more different. Ideas are neither good nor bad. And in fact, the seeds of terrible ideas are often something truly remarkable.     5    

So, yes, sometimes people were born into terrible circumstances, and sometimes, luck is a lightning bolt that hits us with something wonderful or something terrible. But the winds of luck are always there.

A.It’s easy, but it’s not obvious.
B.Judgment brings fear and hope.
C.You need to acknowledge what they’re doing.
D.Nothing comes to you accidentally or randomly.
E.It’s much more like the wind, blowing constantly.
F.Be willing to take small risks that get you out of your comfort zone.
G.When they’re turned into something brilliant, amazing things may happen.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Life is hard-even harder than anyone thought it would be. When you were younger, you dreamed of the world being your playground, and you were told that you could do anything and be anyone you wanted. Somehow, though, things haven’t been the smooth sailing that   you wanted them to be. The world seems to go against you, and the last thing you want to hear is “Cheer up!”

Still, there’s a couple of things you might not notice about your situation. Next time you’re down, maybe the following will provide motivation.

Firstly, not everything is bad. It’s a well-accepted fact that bad news makes for sensational (极好的) television ratings. The fact is that something negative catches a lot more attention than something positive, and that’s because it’s easy to see things in a negative light. However, that shouldn’t distract you from the bigger picture.

Resist the tunnel vision that results from constant negativity. Remember that even though there’s lots of really nasty stuff going on, you’re surrounded by some pretty awesome stuff as well.

You should also remember other people aren’t you. No one likes being compared to another person. What makes it even worse, if that’s even possible, is when you do it to yourself.

Stop comparing yourself to another person and you’ll realize that you’re much more awesome than you give yourself credit for.

Lastly, failure isn’t where the game stops. So you tried something new, but you didn’t follow through. Frustrated at yourself, you stop trying. As a result, your quality of life goes down terribly. You’ve given up on it, though, because you don’t see the point (since you failed the first time).

Now, you’re an adult. The things you are trying are much more complicated than five-year-old you. However, your behaviour shouldn’t change in the slightest-when you fail in something, that’s just more information in your data bank. You know that method doesn’t work, so try another one! And another one after that! Do this until you figure it out. Giving up is for losers, and you sure aren’t one of those.

1. The author mentioned bad news in order to show that .
A.bad news makes people see things in a negative light
B.bad news is more likely to catch people’s eyes
C.bad news attracts people to see positive things
D.bad news has a negative effect on television ratings
2. What does the underlined part “nasty stuff” in Para. 4 probably mean?
A.Unstable emotions.B.Important events.
C.Amazing incidents .D.Something unpleasant.
3. How should we view failure according to the passage?
A.We will change our behaviour.
B.We will keep trying the old method.
C.We should learn from failure.
D.We should think in a more complicated way.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.It inspires us to learn from negative experiences.
B.It compares negative and positive experiences.
C.It criticizes those who are affected by bad experiences.
D.It discusses how negative experiences affect others.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 困难(0.15) |

9 . Philosophers have a bad reputation for expressing themselves in a dry and boring way. The ideals for most philosophical writing are precision, clarity, and the sort of conceptual analysis that leaves no hair un-split.

There is nothing wrong with clarity, precision, and the like — but this isn’t the only way to do philosophy. Outside academic journals, abstract philosophical ideas are often expressed through literature, cinema, and song. There’s nothing that grabs attention like a good story, and there are some great philosophical stories that delight and engage, rather than putting the reader to sleep.

One of the great things about this is that, unlike formal philosophy, which tries to be very clear, stories don’t wear their meanings on their sleeve — they require interpretation, and often express conflicting ideas for the reader to wrestle with.

Consider what philosophers call the metaphysics (形而上学) of race — an area of philosophy that explorers the question of whether or not race is real. There are three main positions that you can take on these questions. You might think that a person’s race is written in their genes (a position known as “biological realism”). Or you might think of race as socially real, like days of the week or currencies (“social constructionism”). Finally, you might think that races are unreal — that they’re more like leprechauns (一种魔法精灵) than they are like Thursdays or dollars (“anti-realism”).

A great example of a story with social constructionist taking on race is George Schuyler’s novel Black No More. In the book, a Black scientist named Crookman invents a procedure that makes Black people visually indistinguishable from Whites. Thousands of African Americans flock to Crookman’s Black No More clinics and pay him their hard-earned cash to undergo the procedure. White racists can no longer distinguish those people who are “really” White from those who merely appear to be White. In a final episode, Crookman discovers that new Whites are actually a whiter shade of pale than those who were born that way, which kicks off a trend of sunbathing to darken one’s skin-darkening it so as to look more While.

Philosophically rich stories like this bring more technical works to life. They are stories to think with.

1. What does the author think of philosophical stories?
A.The meaning behind is very obvious.
B.They am extremely precise and formal.
C.They often cause conflicts among readers.
D.They are engaging and inspire critical thinking.
2. Which category might “Christmas” fall into according to paragraph 4?
A.Social constructionism.B.Anti-realism.
C.Biological realism.D.Literary realism.
3. What is Black No More in paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.Racial issues caused by skin colors.
B.A society view on race and self-image.
C.Black people accepted by the white society.
D.The origin of sun bathing among white people.
4. What is the best title of the text?
A.Stories Made EasyB.Stories to Think with
C.Positions in PhilosophyD.Nature of Philosophical Writing
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Signs That You Are Growing

Growing is a lifelong process. Here are the signs that show that you are actually growing and not getting stuck in the process.


Often, we see how badly people look when they get overly upset due to unimportant things. So the first sign of maturity (成熟) is letting the small things go and not getting angry over a tiny detail that didn’t go as you planned.

You start forgiving and understanding other people

When we are young, we are often unforgiving. As we mature, we are better able to understand the world beyond black and white.     2    . It enables us to look beyond the obvious and let go of simple judgments. We begin to understand better that others have complex (复杂的) lives and personalities, and so we become more willing to forgive their mistakes.

You always complete things that matter

Immature people don’t know when to commit (承诺) themselves and their energy or resources are always not well employed.     3    . In this way, they can often keep their promises and honor their commitments.

You accept the possibility of being wrong

    4    . They are always able to accept the possibility that they are wrong, that they don’t know something, because there is always more to learn.

Being mature is knowing that you are always growing up. You are never done learning and developing. This means that you don’t set yourself up as the highest authority.     5    .

A.You follow the crowd
B.You let the small things go
C.Instead, mature people focus on completing things that matter
D.Immature and mature people can both have plans for their lives
E.Rather, you open your mind to other ideas and new possibilities
F.Becoming more understanding is a sign of strength, not weakness
G.Mature people appear more confident, however, they are not overconfident
共计 平均难度:一般