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1 . It was a late Saturday night in mid-October. Having just_______ a long day of cruel competition, our team walked into a Wendy’s, the only _______ open for miles at this time of night. I stood in line next to a group of senior boys who, despite my growing fondness for upperclassmen (学长) throughout the season, had remained a_______bunch, each one nearly twice my_______. Just as I was ready to settle for some chicken nuggets (块), one boy asked what I was planning to_______. I pointed to the super burger on the_______.

“Wendy’s Triple Baconator (三层汉堡)?” He _______. “That burger’s nearly as _______ as you! There’s no way you’ll finish it.”

He had a_______. At the age of 14, I had________ achieved a height of five foot two.

“Tell you what,” the boy said, laughing, “if you can finish your Triple Baconator ________     any of us can finish ours, we’ll________it.”

I accepted the challenge. The situation was not in my________ . But I was________ .

I soon ________ myself face-to-face with the Great Triple Baconator. At this moment,   1,850 calories stood between me, my________ , and more importantly, a free meal. From the first ________ of the grand feast, each mouthful inspired a burst of applause.

I won with a satisfied stomach and a(n)________ more satisfied wallet.

Since that night, I’ve come across more challenges. But no matter how ________ I may feel at times, I’ve learned to take each challenge bite by bite. I’ve learned to speak a little ________, to stand a little taller, and how to handle even the Triple Baconators in life .

A.pay forB.feed onC.do withoutD.check for
2020-02-13更新 | 195次组卷 | 1卷引用:2019届河北省“五个一名校联盟”高三第二次诊断(含听力)英语试题
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2 . While waiting to pick up a friend at the airport, I had one of those life-changing experiences - the kind that sneaks up on you ____.

I noticed a man with two bags stopped right next to me to ____ his family. First he motioned to his younger son (maybe six years old), knelt down and gave him a long and intimate hug. As they ____ enough to look in each other’s face, the father said, “So good to see you son. I missed you much!” Smiling, the son replied softly, “Me, too, Dad.” Then the man stood up, gazed in the eyes of his older son(maybe nine or ten), “You’re already quite a young man. I love you very much.” They too gave each other an affectionate hug.

Meanwhile, a baby girl (perhaps one year old) was excited in her mother’s arms, never taking her eyes ____ the wonderful sight of her ____ father. The man gently took the child from her mother, kissed her face and held her close to his chest while ____ her from side to side. After moments, he handed the girl to his older son and declared, “I’ve ____ the best for last!” and proceeded to give his wife the longest and most passionate kiss.

Then they stared at each other’s eyes ____. For an instant they ____ me of newlyweds (新婚), but I knew ____ the age of their kids that they could not possibly be. I puzzled about it for a moment and then realized how totally ____ I was in the wonderfully display of unconditional love. I suddenly felt ____, as if I were invading something ____, but was amazed to hear my own voice nervously asked, “Wow! How long have you been married?”

“Been together fourteen years total, married twelve of those.” he replied, staring at her.

“Then, how long have you been away?” I asked. The man finally turned to me, saying, “Two whole days!”

I was ____. By their greeting, I had assumed he’d been gone for ____ a few weeks - if not months. I know my expression ____ me. To ease the ____, I said, “I hope my marriage is still that passionate after twelve years.” He suddenly stopped smiling, looking me straight in the eye and said something that left me another person.

“Don’t hope, friend…decide!”, and then his eyes ____ smile again.

I was still watching that exceptional man and his family walk out of ____ when my friend came up to me and asked, “What are you looking at?”

Without hesitation, and with a sense of ____, I replied, “My future!”

A.at mostB.at lastC.at leastD.at best
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3 . Maybe it's because it was our first purchase as homeowners. The salesman must have spotted just how green we were, so he began persuading. And soon he led us to a classic leather chair. All these years later, I remember he used words like rich and handsome, the thing every living room needed.

We believed him. So we bought that chair — just less than $100, a great deal in the 1970s for a young couple!

How we loved that chair! It always occupied a place of honor in our various living rooms, moving with us from our first tiny house to our beloved new house.

Somehow, conversations were better on that chair, and life was more fun around it. Three daughters spilled their secrets on it. Old friends seemed to be attracted by it on those wonderful occasions. Crazy as it sounds, that leather chair seemed to have — well, powers. All for good.

At first, we didn't really care that the leather was showing signs of wear or that it had lost its sheen (光泽). But in our most recent move, when the chair was moved in our new living room, it suddenly looked terribly lonely sitting close to newly painted walls and a couple of shiny new tables.

My husband and I tried but still we couldn't ignore the rough spots. Our chair had a skin disease. Even our adult kids raised eyebrows, urging us to at least remove the chair to some dark corner of the room. Neither of us could imagine such a retirement for it.

So we had an inspired idea. We'd call in an upholsterer (修理工) to give our old chair a whole new life. Our friend Joe studied the chair and then took out a simple leather conditioner. He explained that although it wouldn't work miracles, it would definitely get our weary chair looking younger again. It certainly doesn't look new, but its seat and back are shining, and some of its deeper wrinkles have lightened.

Best of all, it's back in the living room, looking like a wise old friend to the furniture around it. And, yes, there it will stay.

Because some things, like some people, just deserve a happy old age.

1. How did the salesman persuade the author into buying the chair?
A.By thinking highly of the author.
B.By saying that the author was green.
C.By describing how great the chair was.
D.By comparing the chair with others.
2. What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
A.Sweet memories with the chair.
B.Various functions of the chair.
C.People's comments on the chair.
D.Family activities and parties of friends.
3. Why did the author finally decide to repair the chair?
A.Because he was persuaded by Joe.
B.Because he didn't have enough money.
C.Because it showed signs of hardness.
D.Because it couldn't match his new house.
4. What can we learn from the text?
A.East or west, home is best.B.From saving comes having.
C.It is never too late to mend.D.Old friends and wine are best.
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4 . A letter to the editor complained about someone stringing toilet paper on their trees. That letter brought a flood of responses defending this act as being harmless to friends: “ It's an honor to get toilet papered", said one writer, “and good fun for teenagers."

Reading these letters brought me chuckles (轻声笑)and then tears as they woke old memories of my mother’s ninety-second year. She was seriously ill that autumn. And I watched, powerless.

A decade before, I helped her break out" of the nursing home. It was a fine place with a caring staff. But Mom didn't want skilled care: she wanted to live on her own and just needed some assistance to do so. Being in a more restrictive environment than necessary was bad for her condition. The risk paid off, and I was rewarded by seeing my mother once again enjoying her life.

Ten years later, Mom's health declined, and my care-giving duties increased. One evening, for some unexplainable reason, I invited my mother to go toilet papering!

This outing would push my mother to her physical limits. Was I making a mistake? Secretly we went to my brother's home. In his backyard, I handed Mom a roll of toilet paper. Without hesitation she shot it skyward...

Mom papered a dozen trees in four family yards that unforgettable evening. The day after our big adventure, Mom and I sent a card to each of our victim, signed “From your decorators". We laughed all the way home from the post office, like two schoolgirls.

My mother's last year was marked by physical decline. However, we shared some simple fun each day. Those light-hearted moments were like a salve (慰藉),and they are the ones I'll always remember. Toilet papering has taught us that play is powerful medicine!

1. Why did the author cry when reading the letter?
A.She was blamed for toilet papering.
B.It brought her childhood memory.
C.She thought of her sick mother.
D.It was very stressful.
2. The author helped her leave the nursing home in order that ____.
A.Mom could enjoy a free life
B.Mom could get more skilled home care
C.the nursing cost could be cut down
D.they could avoid taking risk
3. What can we learn from the mother's experience of toilet papering?
A.They did some damage to four family yards.
B.They were made to apologize for their mistakes.
C.Toilet papering made her illness worsened.
D.Toilet papering brought them much pleasure.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.A Letter of Complaint
B.Love Between Daughter and Mother
C.The Curing Power of Toilet Papering.
D.An Unforgettable Evening in Family Yards
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5 . For some years,my mother worked for a charity as President and Secretary.Selling raffle tickets(兑奖券) was her main means of bringing in the charity’s much­needed funds.We girls would accompany her,selling tickets with great success.My father made and donated beautiful wooden toys,jewellery boxes and other lovely items as prizes.

Now my sister was always coming up with “good ideas”,most of which didn’t work out to plan.But that didn’t deter her.She had many just waiting to be tested.When she was eight and I was just five,we had a wonderful idea for a business adventure.We decided we would sell raffle tickets for charity,and that charity was us!

So one afternoon,we told our mother we were going to play in the park with our cousins as we did most days after school.But instead,we walked around the streets armed with a raffle book,a pen and a large cloth bag to carry the money.

We’d accompanied our mother many times when she sold tickets,so people were familiar with us when we appeared at their doors.Despite the blank looks they received when asking about the prizes on offer,they were very generous.Although there were no actual prizes,our mother’s previous track record enabled us to sell nearly the whole book of raffle tickets.

Like a little pair of lottery(彩票) winners,we walked home and proudly showed off our takings.But our enjoyment of this sudden wealth was short­lived,and our plans for spending it quickly failed.Our angry mother took us back to every ticket buyer,making us apologise and give the money back.Thankfully,our sweet neighbours didn’t make a big deal of our “clever” misbehavior and thus my mother’s

fundraising career could continue safely.We were taught a good lesson by our mother that day.Also I remember my sister’s entrepreneurial(企业家的) spirit dried up a bit after that.
1. What did the author’s father do?
A.He got prizes ready.B.He sold hand­made items.
C.He was in charge of a charity.D.He helped design raffle tickets.
2. What does the underlined word “deter” in Paragraph 2 mean?
3. What can be learned about the author and her sister while selling raffle tickets?
A.They ran into their mother.
B.They met some generous strangers.
C.They got lost while walking around the streets.
D.They took advantage of people’s trust in their mother.
4. What lesson did the author and her sister learn?
A.Honesty is the best policy.B.What’s done can’t be undone.
C.Misfortune never comes alone.D.Good advice is beyond all price.
2019-12-29更新 | 745次组卷 | 16卷引用:河北省邢台市第二中学2021届高三上学期11月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . A few hours after my first mission, returning to Earth on the space shuttle Endeavour, I completed all of my medical tests after flight, met with NASA officials, and reunited with my family. Finally, I was alone in my office room in astronaut crew quarters at the Kennedy Space Center, exhausted and ready for bed. And I did what anyone does when they return to their hotel room on a business trip: I turned on the TV. The television news started up: Such and such had happened, people were shocked, blah blah blah. Sports scores. Silly commercials.

It didn’t take more than a minute before I had to turn it off. It felt like my body was rejecting all this input, just as it would reject an organ donation that had the wrong blood type. All of this noise was just completely foreign to who I was—or, more appropriately, who I had become. A few hours before, I had been orbiting Earth, seeing our planet from space, flying the most amazing machine ever built by human hands, working with a team that was the absolute success of human. And now here in my room watching what was being sold as news, and with my newfound perspective, I just could not stomach it. My worldview was changed forever in a profound (深刻的) way.

The biggest change by far and the one for which I will always be most grateful is this big-picture perspective. That will stick with me for the rest of my life.

Whenever I feel the pressure of modern life, the stress about work, or worry about the future, I remember my time in the space station. Back to seeing the sun set Or watching our galaxy rise on the horizon. Or seeing a sea of lightning flash a hundred times a second. Or simply back to floating weightlessly.

When I’m there in my mind and realize how many billions of these beautiful sunsets there have been and will be in the future, the cares of the world just don’t seem that pressing. It goes that, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.” Living daily life down here on the planet is so much better with this attitude!

1. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word stomach in paragraph 2?
2. What is the most important change to the writer?
A.He has a broader view of the world.
B.He doesn’t like watching TV any more.
C.He will always be most grateful for everything.
D.He can fly the most amazing machine by hands.
3. What attitude to life does the writer tend to have?
A.caged bird longs for clouds.B.Live in the present moment.
C.Let bygones be bygones.D.Time works great changes.

7 . A few years ago, my husband Charlie and I had marital problems. Growing family responsibilities and financial worries took a toll on us and we began arguing frequently, often late into the night.

However, neither of us could take the step that would end our eleven-year marriage and bring heartbreak to our three young children. Deep down we knew we still loved each other, so we determined to work it out. Through countless discussions, we began to close the gulf. The more honest we were, the closer we became.

When I felt we were reaching solid ground, I asked my husband to give me an “eternity (永恒) ring”. It was not so much the ring I wanted; it was the reassurance (保证) I thought it would bring.

We went shopping on a beautiful summer day. We walked hand in hand along a row of jeweler’s shops. Finally I found a ring I liked. While waiting for it to be adjusted, the jeweler took my left hand and glanced at my engagement ring. “May I clean it for you?” he asked. “It really doesn’t sparkle like it used to.” Charlie said as I slipped the ring off my finger. A few minutes later the jeweler was back. The ring shone like new!

On the drive home, I didn’t take my eyes off it. I forgot all about the eternity ring. I just couldn’t believe how this old ring suddenly sparkled the way it had the day Charlie gave it to me. I had taken it for granted these past years, but with a little polish it could still make my heart beat fast.

And that’s the way it is with a marriage. You have to work at keeping it polished and new, or else the grime (污垢) of the passing years will hide the joy. I put my hand on the seat between us and spread my fingers. Charlie covered my hand with his. I felt I was lucky to be able to see the sparkle in something gold when I thought I needed something new.

1. Why did the author and her husband decide to solve the problems?
A.They were a famous couple.B.They didn’t want to divorce.
C.The problems were not serious.D.They had experience in doing so.
2. What does the underlined part in paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.free of troubleB.arriving at a square
C.wealthy and generousD.in good relationship
3. Why did the author forget all about the eternity ring on their way back home?
A.Her husband kept it for her.B.They didn’t actually pay for it.
C.The old ring’s light attracted her attention.D.The couple were talking all the way merrily.
4. What does the author mainly want to express in the last paragraph?
A.We tend to prefer new objects to old ones.
B.One should remain thankful for what he has got.
C.Marriage should be constantly polished.
D.We should try to rediscover the true value of old objects.
完形填空(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . I began to do volunteer work in grade seven. I experienced many meaningful moments, and the most_________ones were when I was volunteering as a swimming_________at the YMCA in Brockton, Massachusetts. At first, I was a teacher's_________."What are we going to do next? “When is the play time? These were just two of the questions I was often_________there. On the day of my first class, I thought it was going to be a(n) _________.job. I _______that since I had taken swimming lessons from the age of five, I knew the_________about swimming. After all, I was good at all_________of swimming! _________, I soon found out there was more about teaching swimming than just knowing how to swim.

During my first class, I assisted the swimming teacher in teaching a group of five-year-old kids. From that moment on, my__________of teaching changed. Teaching is communicating. To instruct children, one has to make the lessons__________ and interesting for them to learn. I had to learn many games that would help the children to __________as swimmers. Such as “Red Light, Green Light" and "Blast-Off." I must devote myself to teaching them and set a(n)__________example to them.

I expected to teach a group of children, but it__________my students were the ones who taught me how to be a(n)________teacher. Not only was it challenging to learn the children's names, but it was also challenging to________to their many personalities and moods. There were many __________that went along with helping these children, among which was seeing a child__________a task that he or she could not do before they met me.__________, through the volunteer work, I learned that there would always be rewards by giving, and there would be__________by making efforts.

A.declaredB.stressedC.assume dD.concluded
A.turned outB.figured outC.came outD.pointed out

9 . Hunter Shamatt lost his wallet while he was on a flight from Omaha to Denver earlier this month. Upon realizing that his wallet was lost, he ______ the airline to see if anyone had turned it in — but fruitlessly. _______the wallet contained his ID, a signed paycheck, $60 in cash , etc, he feared the worst.

Two days after the flight, however, Hunter was ______ to receive a package in the mail from an anonymous (匿名的) sender. Inside was his wallet — ______ an additional $40 in cash. “I rounded your cash up to an even $100 so you could celebrate the ______ of your wallet.”, read a letter that was enclosed with the package.

Hunter’s mother, Jeannie, posted a photo of the ______ to social media in hopes that they would be able to track down the sender. All they had to go on was that the letter was ______ from Applied Underwriters in Omaha and the sender’s initials were signed “T.B”. The sender was later ______ as Todd Brown, who was delighted to “have a little fun” with helping out a hard-working stranger.

“I saw he was just a kid, 20 years old. He had a paycheck in there, so I _______, ‘Well, he’s doing his best to make ends meet.’ ” said Brown. “Hunter was very ______. He told me he has some student loans to pay within two days so the ______ was right,” Brown added, “He ______ it was gone forever. So when he opened it, he just started screaming, ‘No way! No way!’”

Brown says that he often tries to do good things without any recognition; that’s why he didn’t sign his _______on the letter, but Jeannie later insisted on ______ him on social media. Jeannie wrote on Facebook, “This story is more about rebuilding ______ in people than anything.”

A.apart fromB.except forC.along withD.instead of
A.addressB.markC.phone numberD.full name
2019-08-06更新 | 598次组卷 | 17卷引用:2020届山东省泰安一中、宁阳一中高三上学期段考(三)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Many years ago, my dad was facing a serious heart condition. He was unable to do a steady job. He fell suddenly ill and had to be admitted to the hospital.

He wanted to do something to keep himself busy, so he decided to volunteer at the local children’s hospital. My dad loved kids. It was the perfect job for him. He ended up working with the seriously ill children. He would talk, play, and do arts with them.

One of his kids was a girl with a rare disease that paralyzed (瘫痪) her from the neck down. She couldn’t do anything, and she was very depressed. My dad decided to try to help her. He started visiting her in her room, bringing paints, brushes and paper. He stood the paper up, put the paintbrush in his mouth and began to paint. He didn’t use his hands at all. All the while he would tell her, “See, you can do anything you set your mind to.”At the end of the day, she began to paint using her mouth, and she and my dad became friends. Soon after, the little girl was sent home because the doctors felt there was nothing else they could do for her. My dad also left the children’s hospital for a little while because he became ill. Some time later after my dad had recovered and returned to work, in came the little girl who had been paralyzed and only this time she was walking. She ran straight over to my dad and hugged him really tight. She gave him a picture she had done using her hands. At the bottom it read: “Thank you for helping me walk.”

My dad would cry every time he told us this story and so would we. He would say sometimes love is more powerful than doctor, and my dad—who died just a few months after the little girl gave the picture—loved every single child in that hospital.

1. The author’s father worked at the local hospital to_______________.
A.make his serious heart condition less seriousB.keep himself occupied and pleased
C.realize his childhood dreamD.earn money to pay for treatment
2. How did the author’s father help the paralyzed little girl?
A.He helped her practice walking.B.He visited her and made a toy for her.
C.He showed her she could still do things.D.He painted special pictures for her.
3. According to Paragraph 3, the paralyzed girl _______________.
A.eventually became a unique painter
B.was sent home and never seen again
C.gradually recovered and walked
D.sent the author’s dad a picture painted with her mouth
4. What message does the passage mainly convey?
A.It’s better to give than to receive.
B.A sick person should not focus on his disease.
C.Volunteering is a worthwhile thing to do.
D.Love can sometimes bring great results.
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