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1 . My wife and I were at a crowded grocery store not long ago. It was a weekday evening, cold and wet-and tense. People were carelessly blocking aisles, complaining and cutting one another off with their carts.

Things got worse at the checkout line. The cashier scanned a man’s discount card, but he misread the savings on her screen as an additional charge. He decided she was acting deliberately and began to argue.

“She is being spiteful (恶意的) !” he yelled. “This is unbelievable.”

Other customers looked away as the cashier tried to reason with him. She called a manager, who accompanied him to customer service. Shaken, she moved to the next customer in line.

We’ve all witnessed uncomfortable scenes like this in public places. The grocery scene was another example of how our trust in others has eroded. But it was also a teachable moment on how we can rebuild our faith-starting with just one person.

Back at the grocery store, my wife and I reached our uneasy cashier. I grabbed a bottle of water from a nearby cooler and handed it to her. “We felt bad about how that man treated you and wanted to buy this for you.” I said. Her face lit up, and we talked as she scanned our items. She told us she had been working that evening through severe foot pain and would be having surgery later that week. We wished her well in her recovery, and she thanked us as we left.

Those are the balancing acts, the moments of responding social and emotional pain with healing, which will add up to restore trust among people. You can start that pattern in someone else’s life, even in a place as ordinary as the neighborhood grocery store.

1. Why did the man at the checkout line argue with the cashier?
A.The cashier called a manager to help her.
B.Someone jumped the queue waiting to check out.
C.There was something wrong with his discount card.
D.He believed the cashier charged him more on purpose.
2. The underlined word “eroded” in Paragraph 5 probably means ________.
3. The author bought a bottle of water for the cashier because ________.
A.he thought the cashier might feel a little bit thirsty
B.he knew she had gone through much trouble recently
C.he wanted to restore the trust between her and the man
D.he wanted to comfort her after the terrible experience just now
4. The last paragraph in the passage is intended to ________.
A.add a warningB.make a suggestion
C.introduce a topicD.present an argument
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

In his book, Intentional Living, author John Maxwell shares that back in 1976, he received a gift from one of his     1     (assist). As he unwrapped the gift, he saw that it was a book     2     (name) The Greatest Story Ever Told. He couldn’t wait     3     (read) it.

But when he opened the book, he was     4     (astonish) to see that the pages were blank. Inside the book was     5     note that said, “John, your life is before you. Fill these pages with kind acts and good thoughts of your heart. Write a great story about your life.” The intention of writing the story of his life excited him. Then, he     6     (begin) to write his book.

Every day we live out our story through our words, actions and decisions. But we must remember to live with intention to focus on what     7     (matter) most in life and to regain that focus when we get changed. Without intention, we can become unfocused in things     8     needn’t add to a life of significance and difference in our world.

Life isn’t perfect and it’s always hard,     9     we need reminders in our life from a friend, author, blogger, pastor or our inner spirit to re-focus us on the things that matter and make us live     10     (positive).

完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . A beautiful September evening,my 11-year-old grandson,Josh,and his team were warming up for their first football game of the season.

At six,the ____ called the captains forward,said something and ____ his whistle.The two teams ____ separately.I was ____ .The other team was, ___ ,ten inches taller than our players.It didn’t take long for their   ___ advantage to show.They took a 7-0 lead very   __   .At the half,the score stood at 34 to 6.Josh ____ minimal play time.In the second half,they used Josh more often.The score climbed to 40 to 6.

Once again,the other team began their ____ down the field.Their quarterback threw the ball.The receiver caught it and ____ the goal.There was only one man in his ____ —Josh.Josh dove and ____ that boy’s legs with all his strength.The receiver dragged Josh a couple of yards and ____ fell down.

On the next play,their quarterback shot through an opening and rushed to the goal,but there was Josh again.Josh took him off his feet and   ___ another goal.They scored on the last play.but it wasn’t Josh’s ____ .The game ended with a score of 48 to 6.

On the way home.I wanted to ____ Josh,but he turned to me with a ____ smile.“Grandpa,that was a   ___ game.”

“But you lost,48 to 6 !”

“I know,but I did good.”

The boy understood the ____ better than I did.They didn’t win,but he did his best.I was proud of him.More   ___ ,he was proud of himself.

A.in totalB.on averageC.at lengthD.for example
A.1et inB.fought forC.went inD.headed for
A.made room forB.1ooked up atC.took hold ofD.kept away from
改错-短文改错 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多由两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
I have been weak in hearing all my life. By the time I was five, put on hearing aids in the morning had been just as normally as brushing my teeth. During my 17 years, I have been looking down upon. Therefore, I never believe it should limit to my success in any way. In my struggle to proving I am equal to non-disabled classmates, I have to force me to work harder than others to get top grades to earn respect. In sports, I had to play harder to score more points to prove what I am not physically challenged. My hearing disability has made me stronger person that I am now.
2019-03-23更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:【市级联考】河北省张家口市2019届高三上学期期末考试(含听力)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Grandma, almost ninety years old, sat weakly on the park bench. She didn’t move. She just sat with her head down staring (凝视) at her hands. When I sat down beside her, she didn’t even notice me. I wondered if she was OK. So I asked her if she was OK. She raised her head, looked at me and said with a smile, “Yes, I’m fine .Thank you for asking me.” “I didn’t mean to disturb you, Grandma, but you were just sitting here staring at your hands and I wanted to make sure you were OK,” I expained to her.

“Have you ever looked at your hands?” She asked “I mean really looking at your hands.” I slowly opened my hands and stared down at them. And then I turned them over. No, I guess I had never really looked at my hands as I tried to figure out the point my grandma was making. Grandma smiled and told me the following story, “My hands put food in my mouth and clothes on my back. They tied my shoes and pulled on my boots. They held my husband and wiped my tears when he went off to war. They were uneasy when I tried to hold my newborn son. Decorated with my wedding band, they showed the world that I was married and loved someone special. They wrote my letters to him and shook when I buried my parents. They held my children and grandchildren and comforted my neighbors. They covered my face ,combed () my hair and washed the rest of my body. These hands are the mark of where I’ve been and the ruggedness (崎岖) of life.”

I never look at my hands the same again. When my hands are hurt or when I touch the faces of my children and my husband, I think of my grandma. I know I can also create a bright future using my hands.

1. The writer disturbed her grandma in order to know ________.
A.what she was doingB.whether she understood the writer
C.why she was staring at her handsD.if there was something wrong with her
2. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.The writer had hardly seen such weak hands.
B.The writer had seldom stared at her hands before.
C.The writer had never realized the importance of hands before.
D.The writer couldn’t figure out the secret of her grandma’s weak hands.
3. What do you think of the writer’s grandma according to the passage?
A.She is fond of telling stories.
B.She treats others in a caring and helpful way.
C.She loves telling stories in an interesting way.
D.She prefers to talk with others about her friend.
4. What can be inferred from the writer’s grandma’s story?
A.She couldn’t do anything as a result of her weak hands.
B.She lived a poor life without any help of technology.
C.She felt very tired when dealing with life with her weak hands.
D.She managed to go through many difficulties with her weak hands.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . A Writing Fool

In the seventh grade I realized I was dyslexic, which made it difficult for me to read and spell. I did really badly in my history course, so my mother said to me, “I’ll work with you for a full week. I’m going to show you what you can do if you put in the right amount of effort.” So we did. We worked on history for a full week, an extra hour every day. Then I went to school and failed the test, as always. It was really upsetting.

By the time I got to college I came to know that I couldnt spell no matter how hard I tried. So I would sign up for extra courses. I’d be in registration lines all day. Then I would go around the first day of class and ask each professor: “What’s your policy on misspelling? If he said, “Three misspellings is a fail,” I’d drop it.

Although I was an academic failure, I had a great time. I had many friends and I was always popular. I was a good football player, which was important in those years because I could read my name in the newspaper. I never had a day when I would think, “People dont like me.”

In spite of my obvious weaknesses, I became successful in my career, so much so that people say to me, “So you’ve overcome dyslexia.” No. I dont overcome it. I just learn to compensate for it. Some easy things are hard for me. Most people read 500 words a minute. I only read 200. I try not to dial a phone because I sometimes have to dial three times to get the number right. I owe my successful career to my writing instructor, Ralph Salisbury. He looked past my misspellings and gave   me   encouragement.   So   I   always   feel   confident.   When   I   write   my   books, I’m   seeing everything in my imagination. I write quickly and go like the wind.

The real fear that I have for dyslexic people is not that they have to struggle with their reading skills or that they cant spell correctly, but that they will quit on themselves before they get out of school.

1. When the author did badly in the course, his mother thought that    .
A.he needed a better teacher
B.he did not work hard enough
C.he was probably too ill to study
D.he was not as smart as other children
2. In college, the author was in registration lines all day to    .
A.choose most interesting courses
B.become friends with new classmates
C.stay distance from language teachers
D.avoid courses that require correct spelling
3. Which of the following best describes the author in college?
A.Happy and active.
B.Shy and unhappy.
C.Successful and funny.
D.Quiet and unsuccessful.
4. According to the author, it is important for dyslexic people    .
A.not to get out of school
B.not to give up so easily
C.to learn to spell correctly
D.to develop reading skills
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . No one likes to make mistakes. But a new study says organizations learn more from their failures than from their successes, and keep that knowledge longer.

One of the researchers was Vinit Desai, an assistant professor at the University of Colorado Denver Business School. He worked with Peter Madsen from the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University in Utah.

They did not find much long-term "organizational learning" from success. It is possible, they say. But Professor Desai says they found that knowledge gained from failure lasts for years. He says organizations should treat failures as a learning opportunity and not try to ignore them.

The study looked at companies and organizations that launch satellites and other space vehicles. Professor Desai compared two shuttle flights. In two thousand two, a piece of insulating (隔热的) material broke off during launch and damaged a rocket on the Atlantis. Still the flight was considered a success. Then in early two thousand three, a piece of insulation struck the Columbia during launch. This time, the shuttle broke apart on re-entry and the seven crew members died. NASA officials suspended all flights and an investigation led to suggested changes.

Professor Desai says the search for solutions after a failure can make leaders more open-minded. He points to air-lines as an example of an industry that has learned from failures in the past. He advises organizations to look for useful information in small failures and failures they avoided. He also urges leaders to encourage the open sharing of information. The study appeared in the Academy of management Journal.

The mistakes we learn from do not have to be our own. We recently asked people on our Facebook page to tell us a time they had done something really silly. Fabricio Cmino wrote: Not long ago I wanted to watch TV, but it wouldn't turn on, so I did everything I could to start it. Thirty minutes later my mum showed up and, passing by, said to me "Did you try plugging it?" "I'm just dusting, Mum!" So she wouldn’t notice how dumb I am sometimes!

Bruno Kanieski da Silva told about a time he looked everywhere for his key. It was in his pocket. He wrote: I always promise I will never do it again, but after a few weeks, where is my wallet? For sure it will be in a very logical place.

1. What we get from failure differs from that from success is that ________.
A.what we learn from failure is more powerful
B.what we learn from success does no good to us
C.the knowledge gained from failure is important
D.the knowledge gained from failure lasts longer
2. From the passage, we can infer that ________.
A.the insulating material problem in 2002 didn't arouse enough attention
B.there were no astronauts on Columbia
C.in spite of the problem, Atlantis was considered a success
D.Columbia exploded during its launch time
3. The writer gives the last two paragraphs to show that ________.
A.many people make mistakes in the world
B.mistakes were a very embarrassing thing when found by others
C.we can also draw a lesson from others’ mistakes
D.making mistakes was a necessity
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Only organizations can learn from mistakes.
B.Failure may result from faults that have been ignored.
C.Lessons from the shuttle flights are more important.
D.Leaders often lack an open mind and seldom share information.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . I go out of my way to say “thank you” to my partner frequently, and he’s the same way.We were both raised by parents who valued politeness, and more than that, I want to do all those little things that psychologists say help couples stay together. Expressing gratitude (感谢) is one of those things, so a quick “thanks” seems like an easy one.

But according to a recent study, we’re not at all typical. The study looked at over l,000 recordings of casual conversations among families and close friends.In only about one out of 20 times were expressions of thanks observed. Phrases that meant “thanks” but weren’t a direct translation of the word were counted, including physical gestures of thanks.

The researchers looked at a wide variety of people from different places, representing eight languages: Polish, Russian, Italy, English, Murrinh-patha (an Aboriginal language), Cha’palaa, Lao and Siwu.

The Brits thanked people close to them the most, about 14.5 percent of the time, and close behind them were the Italians at 13.5 percent. The Murrinh-patha came next at 4.5 percent and following them were the Russians, the Polish, the Laotians and the Siwu speakers.The lowest? Well, the Cha’palaa speakers of Ecuador don’t have a word for “thank you” at all.

As the linguists explained, “Expressing thanks, in some cultures, is more of a linguistic tradition than a true expression of feelings.In cultures where thanks are less often said, it’s because social cooperation is taken for granted, and ‘thank you’ isn’t really needed or necessary.”

The idea that you don’t need to thank others because it’s assumed that you’re appreciative is beautiful. But it is a bit hard for me to accept. So I’ll keep saying “thanks” as frequently as I do. But as a frequent traveler, I’ll keep in mind to watch the local custom and follow suit.

1. What might be psychologists’ opinion about expressing thank?
A.It can show a person’s values.
B.It is passed down from parents.
C.It is a little and unnecessary thing.
D.It can contribute to close relationship.
2. What is typical among family members according to the study?
A.They say thanks at any time.
B.They seldom express thanks.
C.They often show thanks using gestures.
D.They often use indirect translation of thanks.
3. Who never say “thank you”?
A.The Cha’palaa.B.The Polish.
C.The Italians.D.The Russians.
4. What is mainly talked about in the text?
A.People thank close friends and family less.
B.Family members don’t need to thank each other.
C.Close friends have different ways to express thanks.
D.Different cultures have different ways to express thanks.
完形填空(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |
9 . A mother and daughter living in my community are two of the most unfriendly people I have ever come across in my life. They are totally separated, mixing with ____ As they drive past ____ they keep their eyes looking away and make no sign of acceptance. The only fame they have is making a nuisance of themselves to the local police station by ____ music played too loud, dogs barking more than once a day and any other pretty ____ gripe (把柄).
On moving into this neighborhood, I was ____ of these two but decided I would make up my own mind. This proved quite a ____ to me as more than once either the mother or the daughter would knock on my door and blast (猛烈抨击) me with some ____ or other.
I ____ answered politely and made sure I ____ as they went past my place and also made the effort now and then to make a kind remark about their garden or pets.
Time passed and in October, as part of the kindness rock give (送爱心石活动), Maureen and I ____ to place a kindness rock in their garden. Their ____ remained unchanged, however, and I continued to be as friendly as possible. During the Easter give, we decided once again to ____ these two unhappy ladies to our list and left a packet of cookies on their ____ Imagine my ____ when two days later they ____ at my gate and jokingly said they are considering hanging their Christmas stockings on their gate, and they ____ me a bunch of flowers!
So, my fellow gifters , do not ____ on your random(随意的) gifts of kindness. You may never know just what this ____ to others, nor how many broken or ____ hearted people you may just change with a simple act of ____1.
A.take inB.take upC.give inD.give up
2018-11-30更新 | 22次组卷 | 3卷引用:河北省衡水中学2010届高三下学期模拟考试Ⅰ试卷(英语)

10 . The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

—Thomas Macaulay

Some thirty years ago, I was studying in a public school in New York. One day, Mrs. Nanette O'Neill gave an arithmetic _______to our class. When the papers were marked she discovered that twelve boys had made exactly the _______ mistakes throughout the test.

There is nothing really new about_______in exams. Perhaps that was why Mrs. O'Neill_______even say a word about it. She only asked the twelve boys to________after class. I was one of the twelve.

Mrs. O'Neill asked______ questions, and she didn't _______ us either. Instead, she wrote on the blackboard the ______words by Thomas Macaulay. She then ordered us to_______ these words into our exercise-books one hundred times.

I don't _______about the other eleven boys. Speaking for_______I can say :it was the most important single_______of my life. Thirty years after being introduced to Macaulay's words, they_______seem to me the best yardstick(准绳), because they give us a _______to measure ourselves rather than others.

_____of us are asked to make_______decisions about nations going to war or armies going to battle. But all of us are called upon daily to make a great many personal decisions._______the wallet, found in the street, be put into a pocket_______turned over to the policeman? Should the_______change received at the store be forgotten or returned? Nobody will know except_______. But you have to live with yourself, and it is always better to live with someone you respect.

2018-10-23更新 | 75次组卷 | 1卷引用:【全国百强校】河北省辛集中学2019届高三9月月考(含听力)英语试题
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