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1 . What a comedian can teach you about managing stress

We often accept stress as part of the cost of modern life, but it really doesn’t have to be. We all know that laughter is the best medicine.     1     People who can laugh at their own misfortunes bounce back faster and stronger. Here is what a comedian says about coping with stress.

You can try to find a different perspective.     2     Once a friend of mine fell asleep in the middle of a class. His teacher decided to make fun of him by inviting students to applaud, wondering whether my friend would applaud along when he woke up. He did and the whole class burst outlaughing. After learning everything, he was both embarrassed and ashamed of course but after a while, my friend laughed. “If this had happened to someone else, it would have been amusing. So it’s no less funny, just because it happened to me. “

    3     There’s no doubt that we all experience great stress now and then. We’ve all been personally affected, in some way. You might not have felt like laughing at the time But now, looking back, you could consider all of the strange aspects of the experience and all of the things you did to keep active or simply stay sane (神志正常的) .

When you share stories with your friends, you can choose to share stories of trauma (创伤) and pain, or you can choose to lift their spirits with stories of hope and growth.     4     Take the exact same story and change the focus from “feel sorry for me” to “laugh with me”. Keep in mind that we’re all in this together, that we all share the same ridiculous experiences, and that we can laugh together at whatever life throws at us.     5    

A.Always share a good story.
B.Why not do what comedians do?
C.You can also look again and laugh.
D.But laughter does more than cheer you up.
E.Then you are able to make a simple choice.
F.In this way. you will say goodbye to stress forever.
G.If you have trouble seeing the funny side, you may find the following inspiring.
2023-03-30更新 | 551次组卷 | 8卷引用:广东省深圳市建文外国语学校2022-2023学年高三下学期一模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . There are days when I find it necessary to step outside my classroom and check to be sure that my name is still in the TEACHER space over my door. Sometimes I feel that I am a student in my classroom rather than the teacher.

Seated in the classroom, my sixth grade students each held a different tool in the hand. The students discussed how words are like tools-they have the ability to build or to destroy, and they discovered how the right tool used at the right time for the right job can produce great results. I watched and listened with a sense of satisfaction. They got it!

A. few days later, one of my students, Laura, had an unexpected outburst in class. She refused to work with her group. I asked her to excuse herself and to go to our next door team center. She marched from the back of the room to our classroom door-shooting me an angry look, and then proceeded to slam the door as she left for the team meeting room.

Minutes later, I stood over her. Being extremely angry about her disrespectful behavior, I was sharp in my tone and harsh with my words. When I paused for her response, she stated, “You’re using your tool against me.” I was speechless.

There are times when you are at a critical crossroads with a student and the road you choose will make all the difference. I knew at that moment the right thing to do was to kneel down next to her chair, and softly say, “You’re right, Laura. I have used my words unwisely and unkindly. Will you forgive me?” She looked me in the eye and simply said, “Yes, I forgive you, Mrs. Ekre. I’m sorry, too.”

At the end of the year, she wrote me a beautiful letter, attached to which was a small key-a tool, she said, for a language arts teacher who taught her how important words can be. It serves as my reminder of a lesson I taught as a teacher but one I really learned from my student.

1. Why does the writer feel she is a student?
A.Her students often challenge her.B.Her name is not in the TEACHER space.
C.Her students transform her ideas.D.She abuses her power as a teacher.
2. What made the writer speechless when dealing with Laura?
A.Laura’s angry look.B.Laura’s abrupt explosion.
C.Laura’s slamming the door.D.Laura’s accusation against her.
3. Which words can best describe the writer?
A.Caring but stubborn.B.Tolerant and open-minded.
C.Strict and changeable.D.Sincere and flexible.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.The power of words.B.The importance of teaching.
C.The value of forgiveness.D.The beauty of understanding.
完形填空(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . When I retired, my wife Peg said “Great! You’ll have time to clean the garage!” After 30 years’ ________ as director of a radio station, I would finally have more time for housework, but I worried I’d lose the sense of________ I had felt in my profession.

I pushed at the garage’s wooden doors, but they were as ________as I felt in this new stage of my life. I finally got the doors open and started to empty the shelves. Then my hand hit something ________. It was a common old metal can. I ________ the cover and found a ________ envelope with a postmark of May 13, 1940 inside. ________, I opened it and found some flower seeds in it, “ Eighty years old! I wonder if they’ll still grow. ”

I ________the seeds in a plastic pot. I checked it every day, but nothing happened. “I guess they’re just too ________to be any good, ” I told Peg in ________ . I picked up the pot to get rid of it, but something made me ________. I changed my mind and set it aside. Meanwhile, I was keeping ________, buying some books to improve my photography skills and teaching my granddaughters everything I knew about gardening and dogs.

Six weeks later, I was out in the yard when I ________ to notice the pot. A new bit of green-a leaf had ________. I proudly showed it off to my granddaughters. “Look, girls, even something this old can still ________ for its purpose and be pretty cool. Just like your grand- papa!”

A.showed upB.fallen offC.taken offD.dried up
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Sandy and Jane came to see the jobo tree on the hilltop again. Jobos were their favorite fruit, but the tree belonged to a lady who lived in the house by the hill. They heard she was difficult, but that sometimes she would give fruit in return for an errand(差使)

The girls finally gathered their courage to knock on her door. An elderly woman with a fierce look answered, staring down at the girls. “We heard …”said Sandy, her voice shaky, “that you give jobos in payment for running an errand.”

The lady raised one eyebrow, then went into the kitchen and took two baskets. She pushed them into the girls’ hands.“Go fill these with jobos, and come right back.”

The girls raced up the hill to the tree and filled the baskets with the ripest jobos. Back at the house, the lady filled a bag with rice and handed it to Sandy. “Take this bag and one basket of jobos to the Brown family. And ask them for the payment,” the lady added with a tight smile.“If you return without the payment, you won’t get the fruit.”

The girls struggled all the way with the bag and the basket. When they were there, Mrs. Brown answered the door. Inside on the floor were three little children, each painting something on papers.

Mr. Brown was lying sick in bed.Times were hard.

The girls handed her the food.“This is from the lady with the jobo tree, ” said Sandy.

“She asked for the payment, too.”Jane said awkwardly.

“The payment! The payment!” The children repeated, waving the paper in their hands happily.

Sandy and Jane looked at each other strangely. With a smile, Mrs. Brown handed Sandy a large sealed(密封的)envelope so full that it was almost starting to break open. The girls said goodbye and left quickly. “I wonder,” Sandy murmured, “whether Mrs. Brown can afford to pay for that food.”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Worried, the two girls discussed what was in the envelope as they walked back.


The lady opened the envelope, took out a pile of papers, and smiled.

完形填空(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . I experienced a day when I was extraordinarily _______. I’m never a picture of grace, but on this particular day, I seemed to be _______ everything. It’s an old church, and the floor is _______ in some places, so my fall was the floor’s fault. But when I fell again on my way out to the car, and yet again in my own home, I began to grow _______. Had I let myself get so stressed out that I had _______ become sick?

Having been raised by devoted Christian parents who also worked in the mental-health field, I tended to look for spiritual and emotional reasons before I headed to the local _______. I have the calming practice that _______ a yoga pose with a breath prayer. I went to _______ more comfortable clothes for the exercise, and as I removed my shoes, I was _______!

I wasn’t having a stroke at all. I had completely worn out my favorite pair of sandals. The soles (鞋底) of both shoes were split in two! I had ________ all the possibilities to figure out what was causing my clumsiness. It never occurred to me to check my soles.

So often when we start to feel ________, we look for ways to make things better. But just as it never occurred to me to check the soles of my shoes, our own souls are the very ________ thing we think of to check. Take a moment to remember the last time you sat still, meditating. If you can’t remember when that was, it might be a(n) ________.

The local cobbler (鞋匠) said my soles were irreparable. We had a good ________, but it was time to let them go. Fortunately for us, our souls can be mended and restored — once we realize they are in need of ________.

A.going throughB.stepping onC.falling offD.tripping over
A.wrap upB.take offC.change intoD.look after
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Tim had high respect for his father, Mike, who was also his teacher. With a burning sense of responsibility, Mike loved his job so much that he always went the extra mile.

In the very early morning, Tim could always see Mike busy with breakfast for him. Later on, they went to school together to accompany the students to greet a new day of learning. At table, Mike exchanged what he knew in school with Tim. Typically, Mike would always wear a shiny smile for the funny moments; frown for his students’ problems or challenges. At that moment, Tim did feel his father’s passion for the class.

Having finished the housework and said goodnight to Tim, Mike, eventually, sat at his desk peacefully and buried himself in what he enjoyed. In the delicate light of a lamp, he made preparations for the next day, trying to make what students found boring in the textbook come to life.

Sometimes, Mike worried Tim might be envious of the attention he gave to other children. However, Tim didn’t complain about it. Instead, he admired his dedication and love. It was one of the qualities that made Mike such a fantastic father.

Tim liked making videos of activities in daily life, and kept his camera handy in case there was any opportunity to capture footage (捕捉片段). Also, he captured some of Mike’s.

One weekend, Tim approached Mike’s room, hoping to get advice on making videos for the next class meeting themed Love, only to find Mike staring at the photos of his students on the wall, a little upset.

“What happened?” Tim asked as he stepped into Mike’s room.

“You know, some of your classmates recently have been rebellious (叛逆的). Despite discipline and heartfelt communications, they’re still breaking rules, skipping classes and complaining about my strictness. Though I could be demanding sometimes, I’m concerned about them. ” Mike sighed.

Thinking of his upsetting classmates who couldn’t sense Mike’s efforts, Tim decided to try to do his part in helping Mike out in secret. With an idea flashing into his mind, he knew what the video was about.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Tim started working on the video.


The students, along with Mike got surprised when the video came to an end.

2023-02-28更新 | 637次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023届广东省汕头市普通高考第一次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . I had my first luck when my uncle was visiting from Britain. We were talking about my plans for further study. I was interested in biology research, but there weren't many opportunities in Slovenia Surprisingly, my uncle encouraged me to try international studies, and even offered me my cousin's room. It was the lucky break I needed. Later. I applied for a university near my uncle's. When I was accepted. I felt excited. I was also stressed about studying abroad and the cost. To save up. I got a part-time job, through which I could only cover one-third of the expense. Luckily, a prize from school contributed the rest.

Once I reached Britain, between culture shock and my university program. I worked part-time. By working and reducing unnecessary costs. I could support myself, share the household expenses with my uncle's family, and save for my education.

I made little progress in the lab after five months. One evening. I mistakenly removed all the useful experiment data. I broke into tears, and spent the whole night playing video games-a much-needed break after months of non-stop work. But I didn't give up. Two weeks later, my project began to produce results.

After being rejected several times in full-time job hunting. I had a chance to meet with Professor Brown I hardly remembered from two lectures he had given. I was analyzing my data when he mentioned he was looking for an assistant and encouraged me to apply. I didn't think I stood a chance, but I figured I had nothing to lose. To my surprise, the professor who valued my efforts and ability offered me the job. I went on to complete my study, and I was excited about the research opportunities that were available to me.

1. What can be inferred about the writer from paragraph 1?
A.He took his uncle's advice to study abroad.
B.He studied biology in his uncle's university.
C.He accepted his cousin's offer to share a room.
D.He fully paid for his education by working part-time.
2. We can learn from paragraph 3 that the writer           .
A.stuck to his lab project
B.took a month-long break
C.became addicted to video games
D.destroyed the experiment data purposefully
3. What does the writer’s story tell us?
A.Practice makes perfect.B.Hard work pays off.
C.It’s never too late to learn.D.Do as the Romans do.
4. What’s the text?
A.A diary entry.B.A graduation paper.
C.A research report.D.A personal story.
2023-02-27更新 | 131次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023届广东省梅州市大埔县虎山中学高三下学期6月英语试题

8 . Some years ago, I was invited to give a keynote speech at a high-level meeting. It was a great chance for me. I was________ when I heard the news.________, since I gave a keynote speech for the first time, I________I wouldn’t perform well as expected.

When I sat in the back waiting for my________, I felt nervous about how people would see me. I fixed my mind totally on “me”. I felt very uncomfortable. While looking through websites online, I read an interview with a famous psychologist________. He spoke about the pleasure of wishing others well and a wave of________ swept over me. I recognized that the kindest thing I could do for myself was to________concentrating totally on “me” and instead try to be________to others. So I stayed focused on what could be useful to other people rather than how I was ________. Surprisingly, my speech received great________. I understand that to get admiration, stop ________it, to take care of yourself, you need to take care of others first. This________works for many people. It’s also________that you need to be kind to yourself because if your sense of being happy ________, you’re more likely to be patient, supportive, forgiving, and loving.

Nowadays, it seems as if people are________in a vast web since each person doesn’t live alone. No matter how good or bad it is, what you do to others certainly comes back to yourself.

A.in exchangeB.on purposeC.by accidentD.for nothing
A.coming acrossB.giving upC.figuring outD.putting down
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Dr. Smith of New York works at a center for children who can’t learn well. One day a father brought his son to him for________ at his office.

The father told Dr. Smith about his son. “My son has ________ in learning and can’t even play baseball. He isn’t doing well because he doesn’t try. I have done everything for him. I have even shouted at him. But nothing ________. ”

After Dr. Smith tested the boy, he ________ his father. He asked the father to sit in front of a ________ and then gave him a pencil and a piece of paper. There was a ________ on the paper. He asked the father to look only in the mirror and ________ the lines of the star with the pencil. The father made the same ________ anyone makes. Every time he ________ the pencil, it went the wrong way. The father’s face became red.

At this ________ the doctor shouted at him, “Hurry up! Why are you ________ so long? You can’t do such an ________ thing! You don’t know left from right!” These ________ made the father very angry.

“Now you can ________, can’t you?” The doctor said to him. “Your son has felt just like that all the time. You scolded (训斥) him too often, so he didn't try any more. He was afraid of making mistakes. ”

________ the father understood everything. He put his face down. Now he felt so sorry.

A.waited forB.searched forC.believed inD.called in
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了Kerry Strum因为疫情生病求助于冲浪组织的事情,给我们也介绍了这样的非营利组织,给女性提供了更多展示自己成功的机会。

10 . Kerry Strum was badly defeated during the COVID-19 epidemic in 2021. She ________ Waves 4 Women, a beach-based nonprofit that offers therapeutic (治疗的) surf lessons to women dealing with depressions. “________ was much like life,” she says. “You fall off the ________ , but the most important thing is getting back and trying again. It was a ________ experience.”

Before ________ Waves 4 Women, Erin Jones, a co-founder, recognized that women who had experienced pressure needed their own safe place to go through the ________ process. “If the learner has experienced physical abuse, or even just a(n) ________ in trust in a relationship, she will feel more ________ in an environment with other women.”

About 150 women have ________. Participants don’t need to have surfing experience. The nonprofit has one instructor for every two students. It is all about teaching people to manage ________. What’s nice about surfing is that we identify skills that are ________ for women to learn mindfulness, self-talk, and ________ what’s around you.

Through Waves 4 Women, Jones hopes to build a ________ support community, a little expansion at a time. “For some people, just lying on the board on their stomach may be a ________ thing. For others, it’s getting on their knees or jumping up,” explains Jones. “We ________ whatever their success is. We let them give themselves permission to have this time for themselves.”

A.looked forB.broke upC.commented onD.turned to
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