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1 . Recently I visited the classroom of Jeremy Coleman, a music teacher. Coleman was preparing for a fresh group of students at his school in Austin, Texas.

Coleman has taught classical guitar at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) for many years. “Everyone should be given a chance to learn music and guitar," he said.

The TSBVI was founded in 1856 to provide a specialized education for young Texans who couldn’t see clearly. In the early years, students made brooms (扫帚)and other products that were sold to pay for the school’s operational (运营的)costs.

Since then, the school has developed, and hundreds of students from across the state live and learn there. The educational focus (重点) has changed from vocational (职业的) training to academic (学业的) and life skills. Students also take part in sports, music, and other after-school activities.

Coleman brought classical guitar lessons to TSBVI in 2011. “Teaching guitar to students with poor eyesight isn’t easy,” Coleman said. For one thing, the music course has to be translated into Braille, a form of printing for blind people to read.

“Instead of sight reading, these students will read Braille music and remember it,” Coleman said. “Once they realize what they can do, they love making music.”

Coleman said that after kids leave his program, they often find it difficult to continue their study of music. “The real difficulty is when the students return to their own communities,” Coleman said. “Finding a proper teacher for lessons is sometimes impossible.”

For that reason, Coleman and some other TSBVI teachers developed an online program called “Let’s Play.” The program serves as a guide for classical guitar training for students with poor eyesight and their teachers.

“The program continues to grow,” Coleman said. He hopes that it will help musicians with poor eyesight continue to develop their skills.

1. Coleman’ s school is different from common schools in ________.
A.its class sizeB.its opening time
C.its type of studentsD.its type of teachers
2. What has changed as the TSBVI has developed over time?
A.Its entry requirements for students.
B.Its after-school activities.
C.What it teaches students.
D.How it keeps running.
3. What happened to Coleman eight years ago?
A.He founded the TSBVL.
B.He started leaning Braille music.
C.He sold handmade products for a living.
D.He started teaching classical guitar at TSBVI.
4. How does Coleman help kids who finish his program?
A.By setting up an online program.
B.By organizing after-school activities.
C.By connecting them with other teachers.
D.By visiting them in their own communities.
2022-02-23更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省临汾市县底中学校2020-2021学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题
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2 . 2022 Best National University Rankings

The US News Best College Rankings can help prospective students and their families compare institutions as they look for the best fit. Here is a breakdown of what goes into the annual rankings.

Princeton University

The ivy-covered campus of Princeton University, a private institution, is located in the quiet town of Princeton, New Jersey. Princeton was the first university to offer a “no loan (贷款)” policy to financially needy students, giving financial aid instead of loans to accepted students who need help paying tuition.

Columbia University

Columbia University has three undergraduate schools: Columbia College, The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), and the School of General Studies. This Ivy (常春藤) League, private school guarantees students housing for all four years on campus in Manhat-tan’s Morningside Heights neighborhood in New York City.

Harvard University

Harvard University is a private institution in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just outside of Boston. This Ivy League school is the oldest higher education institution in the country and has the largest donation of any school in the world.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Though the Massachusetts Institute of Technology may be best known for its math, science and engineering education, this private research university also offers architecture, humanities, management and social science programs. The school is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just across the Charles River from downtown Boston.

To further explore the rankings and data, please log in the US News College Compass! The following pages include each school’s performance across ranking indicators and the latest statistics used in the calculations.

1. Which university is most favourable to the poorer students?
A.Princeton University.B.Columbia University.
C.Harvard University.D.Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
2. What do the four universities have in common according to the text?
A.They are Ivy League schools.B.They guarantee students’ accommodation.
C.They are private institutions.D.They offer financial aid to students.
3. Where can we find the text?
A.In a geographical magazine.B.In a travel brochure.
C.In an education book.D.On a web page.
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