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1 . International Application

The University of Cambridge welcomes applications from suitably qualified international students. We recognize the great academic and cultural value of a diverse student body. Admitting students from outside the UK allows us to seek talent from the widest possible pool.

Attracting so many talented international applicants means competition for places is fierce. However, academic achievement and potential remain the selection criteria for senior high school candidates.

The application process

The application process is the same for all applicants. Whilst much of the information presented on this website is focused on GCE, and A Levels, many other school and national examinations at an equal level are also acceptable.

All applications to UK universities are made through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS, which operates on a pre-qualification basis where offers are made in advance of applicants achieving their final grades. Offer holders are finally confirmed or rejected once the results for the relevant qualifications are received.

UCAS will require applicants’ predicted grades. A predicted grade is the grade of qualification an applicant’s school believes they are likely to achieve, all things being well. These predicted grades are used during the admissions process to help the University understand each applicant’s potential.

For a step-by-step guide, please refer to our main Applying pages.
Application fee

Most international applicants are required to pay an application fee of £60. This is a standard charge that supports the administration of the application process and maintenance of the systems used in this process. See Terms and conditions of the application fee.

1. Why does the Cambridge university welcome overseas students?
A.They are foreigners.
B.They are more qualified than local students.
C.They will provide diversity for the campus.
D.They will be recognized by the UK government.
2. Which of the following is true about the application process?
A.Gaokao results can play a part.
B.International experience is a must.
C.An offer is the guarantee of admission.
D.Applicant’s school can predict the result.
3. Who would be the most likely target reader of the text?
A.A British twelfth grader.
B.A Hong Kong eleventh grader.
C.A student in Peking University.
D.A junior high school student from Beijing.
7日内更新 | 98次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届重庆市第八中学高三下学期强化性训练(一模)英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般