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| 共计 34 道试题
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1 . I spent this summer with my sister.

I really valued this _________. I left home for college about the time my sister turned nine, so the last time we _________ together was when she was still a kid. In the past years, we’ve only had vacations with kids following closely behind. This was the first time that we had days together with none of our _________ around.

What did I learn about my sister from this vacation?

She likes to _________. My sister took up running many years ago. My last experience running was in the summer of 1977. But she has _________ it for years and even ran during our vacation.

She is an excellent planner. The ability to plan is one trait (品质) we share. We are both able to _________ an outing. We are _________ and can read maps and schedules. Also, we are each pretty _________ to either leading or following. So travelling _________ seems to work out well.

She is more __________ than I am, particularly (尤其是) in the evenings. I __________ early, but she stayed up for many of the night-time entertainment (娱乐) programs. That’s how she made friends with other __________ and arranged for us to have a nice dinner with them. That day, I was glad she was the leader and I was the __________.

Sisters can be different and still enjoy each other’s __________. I enjoyed hers this summer, and hope we can __________ the experience sometime.

A.kept up withB.come up withC.put up withD.caught up with

2 . My dad is easy-going and has a gift for chatting. He ________ a fast food restaurant called Queenie’s Weenies, which is specialized in hot dogs. I work with my dad at the ________ on weekends.

One Saturday, we went ________. As we got into the checkout line, I ________ something: our cashier (收银员) was very ________! She ________ no smiles, no greetings and no small talk. Her “anger aura (光环)” was obvious and kind of ________ to me. When we ________ to check out, I was thinking that we should just pay for our things and leave quickly. My dad had a different ________. When it was our turn, he started ________ her.

Dad said, “Hi, how are you today? This is my son. I have a restaurant, and we ________ together. It’s called Queenie’s Weenies. Drop by my restaurant sometime and I will ________ you to my hot dogs. I’m good at cooking them.” By the time we ________ checking out, the cashier was smiling. She said, “Thanks, umm… I hope you and your son have a very nice day.”

Back in the car, Dad said to me, “The cashier was obviously ________ today. It happens to everyone. Smile ________ or give a few kind words, which is all it takes to make one a little more delighted.”

A.talking toB.looking afterC.going afterD.laughing at
A.in peaceB.in dangerC.in a hurryD.in low spirits
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Jack was a bright and curious child, always eager to learn new things and explore the mysterious world about science. However, he often found himself in disagreement with his mother. His mother was always busy with her work and she didn’t have enough time to learn about his interests and passions.

One day, Jack came home from school feeling particularly excited. He just found a sci-fi book about an adventure on the moon. Upon arriving at home, he couldn’t tear himself away from the book. He read and read until it was dark. Having finished reading it, he couldn’t wait to share it with his mother, only to be told that he should focus on more practical subjects like math and history, which would help him get into a good college and have a successful career.

Jack couldn’t understand why his mother didn’t see the value in what he was doing. He felt that she was holding him back and not allowing him to pursue his true interests. “Why can’t you see how important this is to me?” Jack asked his mother angrily. “I’m never going to be happy if I have to spend my life doing things that I show no interest in just because they are practical or make you proud.”

The once peaceful home was filled with tension and anger. His mother’s voice grew louder as she shouted, “You can’t just do whatever you want! You should be responsible for your future!” Jack, fueled by his own frustration, shot back, “I am tired of you always telling me what to do! I am not a child anymore! You only care about your own feeling! You never thought about my feeling!” They were so caught up in their own anger and hurt that they failed to see how their words and actions were affecting each other.


Jack rushed into his bedroom and locked the door heavily.


When Jack heard his mother’s words, regretful tears rolled down his face.

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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

In the spring sun, my aunt and I headed for her flower shop. Normally I would be delighted to help in her shop, but not recently because of Rosa. Rosa was my sister, just one month old, who was settled in my old bedroom. For ten years, the small room was full of my toys and books. But now it was transformed into her baby room, decorated like a garden with pinks and yellows. My space, my old life, was gone.

“Here we are!” We arrived at the shop, a wave of colour and sweet smell washing over me. My aunt said I could pick some flowers for Mum and Dad. I used to love this, but today I was so overcome with tiredness and envy. Why bother to bring them flowers when they were enjoying Rosa at home without me?

Silently I helped my aunt arrange flowers. “Your mum told me there hasn’t been much shut eye recently for any of you.” “Not much, since Rosa the alarm clock was installed (安装).” I complained with a huge yawn (哈欠).

“I remember having to creep (蹑手蹑脚地走) around like a worn-out mouse when your mum was a baby. I spent the first months hating her so much.” “But you and Mum seem so close,” I said, guiltily hiding away my envy of Rosa.

“Now we are. But it took me years to grow into the role of big sister. Few flowers blossom (绽放) overnight, you know.” She pulled me in for aside hug, glancing up at the clock, and suggested I take a walk outside.

Behind her shop was a field dotted with spring flowers. Stepping into the field, I began to pick little flowers. It was like gathering my childhood memories. I remembered how I’d sit with Dad, making flower chains, crowning (授予) each other with the silliest titles: Queen of Junk Food and King of Mess. My smile grew wider. The shining yellow flowers reminded me of the color in Rosa’s baby room. Was she awake? I wondered.


Suddenly I saw two familiar figures walking towards me.


Rosa was wide awake in her baby basket beside the picnic blanket.


5 . My father started his own business in the 1980. For a breadwinner with seven children, it was a _________ decision.

To improve himself, my father spent his evening _________ a business school that offered two-year programs for people interested in becoming _________ and administrative assistants. Besides, my father read the town newspaper every morning, and I _________ he would inevitably read the classified section, _________ the “help wanted” advertisements. As a kid, I thought such _________ was only for people seeking a position.

One day, I asked him, “Dad, you have a job. Why do you read the ‘help wanted’ section every day?” “Well,” he replied, “it’s _________ for me to know what the employers want for their jobs and what are the things they’re _________.” A light bulb went off in my mind. Yes, he obviously wasn’t looking through the “help wanted” section for himself. He wanted to stay _________ with a hiring mindset. Meanwhile, he __________ something new to develop his own business.

Recently, as a runner, I was __________ by an article about On, a company manufacturing athletic shoes. It won net sales of $345 million in the first six months of 2022 and it receives about 70,000 __________ per year. One of the key __________ the owners seek in new hiring is “an explorer mindset”, which is just what my father owns.

The explorer mindset sought by On can __________ people outside of the “help wanted” sections of life. As a saying goes, “In so many ways, comfort is the enemy of __________.”

A.looking forB.talking aboutC.referring toD.dealing with
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Why will Steve go to Boston?
A.For vacation.B.For work.C.For study.
2. What does Jenny suggest Jack do?
A.Find a new job.B.Live in Boston.C.Go to Boston for vacation.
3. How does Jack sound in the end?
A.Grateful.B.Depressed.C.Think positively.
2023-06-06更新 | 41次组卷 | 2卷引用:听力变式题-长对话3
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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“A nursing home would be safer, Dad,” Arlyn told her father, Jim.

“No way,” Jim interrupted. His wife passed away just a year before. At 91, he still wanted to remain in the cottage he and his wife had built.

Jim started experiencing an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease. Arlyn found his decline was indeed all-consuming. However, she herself was in her late sixties; her house was a 40-minute drive from the cottage. One day, when she read about a new eldercare service called Care. coach, it fueled her interest. For about $200 a month, a computerized avatar (头像) (controlled remotely by a human caregiver) would watch over a home-bound person 24 hours a day. She signed up immediately.

A week later, a tablet arrived. Following the instructions, Arlyn uploaded dozens of family pictures. Then an animated dog appeared on the screen. She presented the tablet to Jim, pointing to the screen pet, and said excitedly, “Here Dad. You have a new companion.” Jim, doubtful about the dog’s service, knew he had to learn how to get along with the dog before Alzheimer’s took hold.

Within a week, Jim and his dog, whom he named Pony, settled into a routine. Every 15 minutes or so, Pony would look for Jim calling his name if he was out of view. Sometimes Jim would “pet” to awake the sleeping Pony on screen. Pony reminded Jim which caretaker would be visiting to do the tasks: preparing meals, driving him to a senior center, etc. Pony would read poetry aloud or discuss the news. When Pony praised Jim’s sweater, Jim repaid by petting Pony’s screen with his finger sending hearts floating up from the dog’s head. One evening when Arlyn came to visit her father as usual, she was amazed to find that Pony was holding up a photo of her late mum to her dad between its paws.


Jim stared at the photo fondly, with tears welling up in his eyes.


Seeing the close bond between Pony and her dad, Arlyn felt a relief.

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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Lost But Not Forgotten

Dad said this could happen. I never believed him. But he was right. So here I am, right in the middle of it. All alone. No one to help me but myself. Two questions come to mind as I sit under this tree, freezing in the snow. How did I get here, and why me?

The first answer is pretty simple. I got lost. Actually it’s more complicated than that. I didn’t pay attention to the boundary signs. I thought the snow looked pretty good. So I told my friend Benito that I’d meet him at the bottom of the hill in twenty minutes. How was I to know a blizzard (暴风雪) was coming? How was I to know that my tracks would disappear?

As for the second question, the answer is obvious. Why me? Because I’m always doing stupid things. Opening my mouth when I should keep it shut. Breaking things I shouldn’t be touching. And in this case, wandering off where I had no business going.

If Dad were here, I know exactly what he’d be saying. I told you this would happen, Deke. Now what are you going to do about it?

The snow just won’t stop falling. It’s getting harder to see, and I’m tired of walking. I’m tired of yelling. No one will hear me. So now I’m sitting under a tree, watching the snow pile up on my clothes. I can barely see my snowboard. It’s a gray shadow in a curtain of white.

What would it be like, I wonder, freezing to death? Don’t just sit there. Build a cave. That’s what Dad would say. But he died in a hospital bed, so he can’t say anything to me anymore. Build a cave. “With what?” I say. “I don’t have a tool. My hands are freezing. There must be something you can use. I look around. All I see are snow-covered trees. Come on, Deke. Use your head. “Like I’m going to dig a cave with my head? I don’t think so.” Then it hits me. The snowboards. I get up. Look for the side of a hill. “I know. I know”.


I start to dig.


Now it’s too dark to see, but I think the cave is finished.


9 . Hurricane Ian hit Florida and brought with it flooding, winds and a record high storm.

Karen is 84 years old and relies on a wheelchair to _________ because she is missing a leg. Her son Johnny tried _________ to get her to leave, but she refused again and again — she _________ the intensity of the storm.

Johnny lives four blocks away. When Karen reported the water in her house had reached her waist, he knew he had to take _________.

First, Johnny _________ his kids were taken care of. He gave them food and opened the attic (阁楼) so that they could _________ through the roof if water continued to rise. Then, he jumped out of a window and began to _________.

Johnny was racing against the clock. He knew he only had a(n) _________ period of time to get there before the water rose above Karen’s _________. It took him 40 minutes to swim four blocks. The sound of Karen yelling was __________ to his ears! She was still alive!

Everyone in Johnny’s family is now __________ although they’ve lost everything they owned. But they’re __________ just to be here.

“I didn’t lose __________. Life is like a computer. There’re two __________: a reset and a power — and we are blessed that it was just a reset button, not the power, that got __________,” he said.

A.get aroundB.help outC.sit upD.work out
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10 . When it comes to making lunch for their kids, moms and dads have usual favorites. For some parents in the US, those favorites are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches-also known as PB&.Js. Fruit like apples and bananas are also popular.

But one mother has an unusual go-to ingredient for her children’s lunches. Jenny Mollen uses funny-looking candy eyes. She has learned that her children will eat any healthy food if it has edible eyeballs attached. The “eyeballs” are really pieces of candy.

Her children laugh while they eat healthy foods like bell peppers, kiwis, or dates. Mollen says candy “eyes” make lunch more fun.

“Honestly, first of all, just buy yourself some candy googly eyes. They are tried-and-true,” she said. She admits that “you lose something nutritionally” by giving children candy. But she thinks that getting children to eat healthy food by putting candy on it is worth it.

Mollen’s lunch tricks bring together food and craft. She uses tricks because her two sons hate to eat different kinds of foods. So, she decorates their food to resemble animals or even their favorite Pokémon characters. She makes edible “bugs” made from dates, pretzel sticks for the legs, and, of course, candy “eyes”. She also uses leftover Chinese food to make panda bears from rice and seaweed.

Mollen says her lunch projects are easy to do. And her sons think they have won a big prize at their midday meal. Mollen says making fun-looking, artful lunches for her children helps ease her guilt as she is a working mom. Her artful lunches are her way of reminding her children that she is thinking of them.

Mollen says she also wants to teach them healthy eating habits. She says that by getting kids to eat vegetables at a young age, they will grow up to eat healthy foods later in life. She also says it is a good way to get children to try foods from other cultures. If they need to be “tricked” sometimes, that is okay.

1. What’s the purpose of Mollen’s lunch projects?
A.To make her children’s day.
B.To remind people to save food.
C.To persuade other parents to follow suit.
D.To ensure her children’s healthy diet.
2. What is typical of Mollen’s lunch?
A.It contains all kinds of food.
B.It is made up of candy.
C.It combines art and nutrition.
D.It is full of Chinese styles.
3. How have Mollen’s lunch projects affected her children?
A.They have taken to their fun-looking lunches.
B.They have broaden their knowledge of food.
C.They have bonded with their favorite animals.
D.They have swept to victory in the meal competitions.
4. What are the last two paragraphs mainly about?
A.Mollen’s plans for cooking lunches.
B.The benefits of Mollen’s lunch tricks.
C.Mollen’s expectations of her children.
D.The culture elements in Mollen’s lunch.
共计 平均难度:一般