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| 共计 18 道试题
阅读理解-六选四(约300词) | 较难(0.4) |

1 . The Psychology of Giving: Why do People Give to Charity?

Every day, leaders in the nonprofit sector invest valuable time, energy, and money into educating and spreading awareness of their mission in the hopes that this will increase support for their nonprofit. They assume that if only more people knew about a school’s budget cuts, for example, then they would surely donate! So, they bombard (连续轰炸) potential supporters with depressing statistics or complex arguments.     1    .

Why do people donate to charity? While it’s true that donors and volunteers are motivated to make the world a better place because it’s the right thing to do, that’s not the entire—or even the primary—reason for their generosity.     2    . In other words, we give because it feels good and that good feeling connects us to others in ways that we find satisfying. While that might sound selfish, all it really means is that people are wired to feel happy when they’re being kind.

    3    . Nobody wants to read yet another article about how the world is falling to pieces. Emphasize the good that’s being done at your organization so that your donors feel empowered, not depressed.

Since we give in part because it solidifies our connections to others, make sure that your communication with your donors is personal and specific (i.e. begin correspondence with “Dear Anna,” not “Dear Donor”). Prioritize community by finding ways to connect with your supporters on a personal level and give them the opportunity to interact with each other, whether it’s through a monthly video call or a donor appreciation night.     4    .

Remember that, at base, all philanthropic work is fundamentally a social act, so aim to make your donors feel like they’re a part of a broader community in which they are included, valued, and seen.

A.Research shows that the number one motivator for charitable giving is the all-too-human quest for reward and social attachment.
B.But this begs the question: how do statistics influence people’s decision to donate?
C.The more human ties your donors have with your organization and with each other, the more committed they’ll be to your mission.
D.While statistics and figures are important, make sure that your messages to your donors are upbeat and optimistic.
E.In this way, you are more likely to build long-lasting connection with both contributors and receivers.
F.However, that’s not how the human mind works.
2024-05-06更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市复旦大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
2 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。1.
A.To explain a new requirement for graduation.
B.To interest students in a community service project.
C.To discuss the problems of elementary school students.
D.To involve elementary school teachers in a special program.
A.Providing jobs for graduating students.
B.Helping education majors prepare for final exams.
C.Offering tutorials to elementary school students.
D.Funding for a community service project.
A.He teaches part-time in a local elementary school.
B.He observes elementary school students in the classroom.
C.He helps students who need consult prepare their resume.
D.He gives support to students who participate in a special program.
2024-05-05更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市零陵中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. launched     B. utilized     C. complete     D. jointly     E. further     F. realized
G. currently     H. accessible     I. specifically     J. recognized     K. reliable

Sanofi Launches Grant (拨款) to Help Children with Dlabetes (糖尿病)

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of China-Franco diplomatic ties, the French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi cooperated with the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation to     1     unveil the Sanofi China Charity Grant on Thursday, as part of the company’s efforts to     2     participate in the Chinese market and contribute to local people’s livelihoods.

As one of the first French companies to enter China, Sanofi has continuously increased investment and promoted innovation in the health care sector over the past few decades. The company has been committed to making innovative medicine and medical services more     3     to Chinese people, said Wayne Shi, president of Sanofi Greater China.

Olivier Charmel, the company’s executive vice-president, said Sanofi has benefited a lot from its long-term investment in China and will always stand as a     4     partner. The company expects to further contribute to the exchanges between China and France not only in the field of health care, but also in science, economy, and culture.

Shi said the company     5     the Sanofi China Charity Grant with an aim to better meet the health needs in China, and its first project will     6     focus on diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents.

Ji Linong, director of Department of Endocrinology at Peking University People’s Hospital, highly     7     the importance of the diabetes project at a panel discussion held after the launch ceremony. He said China     8     ranks fourth in the world for the number of children and adolescents suffering from type I diabetes.

With the help of the charity grant, Ji said he expects China to establish a more     9     health care system especially for type I diabetes. Doctors, professional equipment and nutritionists should be provided to help patients correctly inject insulin and effectively control blood sugar levels.

In addition to diabetes, the Sanofi China Charity Grant will also be     10     to combat other diseases such as immunity diseases. It is expected to directly benefit over 10, 000 people and indirectly benefit more than one million people in the next three years.

2024-04-19更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二下学期英语期中考试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |
4 .

Volunteer Mentors Are Needed

Volunteer Center Westminster is to recruit enthusiastic volunteer mentors.

Mentoring training will be provided, support & supervision is in place.

For more information please contact

Yohannes Hagos on 0207 087 4351

Email: johnnes@volunteer.co.u     Mobile: 07501227795

Join us for the ABC 2022 Challenge

A 6-day Hike or Bike in South Africa.

21st -31st October in support of child burns victims.

For more information check out our website


To join our team and receive a free welcome pack email


The Phoenix Burns Project Registered Charity

No: NPO: 57-154   PBO: 930031313

Volunteer for Advance

and help us to improve quality of care

that older people receive in care homes

Advocacy in Barnet Volunteer

Advocacy in Barnet offers a free, independent and confidential advocacy

service to all people over the age of 18 living in the Borough of Barnet.

Advance—a voice for old people through Advocacy provides advocacy to

older people living in care homes and other residential settings and

accessing day centres on a weekly basis. Advance does this by recruiting

volunteers over 50 years of age and training them to become advocates.

TO APPLY: www.advocacyinbarnet.org.uk

or Heena/Janet—0208 201 3415

or heena@advocacyinbarnet.org.uk

Next training round for introduction to Advocacy—end of August 2022

followed by one day training in Mental Capacity Act and Human Rights

Wanted: Volunteer Appropriate Adults to Support

Vulnerable Adults at Kingston Police Station

Kingston Advocacy is currently looking for new volunteers to act as

appropriate adults. Volunteers act as appropriate adults for vulnerable adults

who come into contact with the police. The appropriate adults sit with the

vulnerable person when they are being interviewed by the police to ensure

that the interview is conducted fairly and to facilitate communication

between the police and the vulnerable person. Unpaid Volunteers are

required 7 days a week and the scheme operates from 0900hrs to 2330hrs.   

No experience Necessary!

We will provide you with preparation and support.

For further information please contact

Peter Pritchard, Scheme Coordinator

Siddeley House, 50 Canbury Park Road

Kinston upon Thames Surrey KT2v 6LX

Tel No: 0208 549 1028

Email: peter@kag.org.uk or rights@kag.org.uk

Website: www.kag.org.uk

1. Which of the following does NOT provide training?
A.The ABC 2022 ChallengeB.Advance
C.Volunteer Center WestminsterD.Kingston Advocacy
2. We learn from the ads that Advance wants volunteers who ______.
A.need only one day of trainingB.have relevant experience
C.can come to help every weekD.are over 18 years old
3. What kind of person might apply to Kingston Advocacy?
A.One who hoped to be paid.B.One interested in police interviews.
C.One curious about police work.D.One who can work late into the night.
2023-11-20更新 | 100次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市交通大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中英语试题
5 . Directions: Write an English composition in about 120-150 words according to the instructions given.
敬老院the nursing home       宣传活动campaign
Dear Wang Ping,

I am writing to share my volunteering experience in the summer holiday...

2023-10-30更新 | 27次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市金汇高级中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题

6 . Foreign aid and NGOs can make things worse when disaster strikes

Nearly all of us are collective donors in some sense - when governments send relief to disaster areas, the money they use comes from taxpayers. Many of us are also ______ donors, sending funds directly from our own wallets to charitable organizations. But in the past 10 to 15 years, accusations of ______ relief efforts and unused donations have generated concern among donors. These concerns are not ______; large-scale international disaster relief can have drawbacks that range from wasting resources to seriously undermining (削弱) local governments.

One of the biggest challenges to disaster relief is coordination (协调). After disaster strikes, immediate necessities are important, but what is the best way to ______ them? Unfortunately, pouring donated items into a disaster area can ______ relief efforts. Their arrival in large numbers can cause “the second disaster”, ______ relief workers with extra responsibilities and taking up precious space.

Then there are the consequent effects of ______ for donations for sudden big emergencies. A heartfelt expression of feeling can harm other charitable efforts by redirecting funds. The 2007 economic decline, ______, hit US charitable giving which didn’t recover until 2014. In such a time of donation ______, increasing donations to a disaster area can take funds away from other efforts that might be able to use it better.

If coordination is good and immediate relief goes well, damaged communities move into the ______ phase. For individuals, this includes returning to work, and recollecting personal networks, all of which require ______ to basic public services. The charitable supply of these services can have ______ consequences. Most philanthropic (慈善的) organizations want to ______ their rebuilding efforts with local workers. This practice is beneficial to a post-disaster economy as it provides a(n) ______ source of wages. But if salaries and work standards of these visiting organizations are higher than those offered in the recovery area, these visitors end up causing an intemal ______. Top employees are no longer available or willing to work in the public sector.

A.on the contraryB.as a resultC.in the meanwhileD.for example
A.weak economyB.unstable communityC.class prejudiceD.brain drain
2023-07-07更新 | 226次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市上海中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. finances   B. continued   C. decline     D. addressing   E. pressured   AB. unneedy
AC. giving   AD. charges   AE. tempered   BC. skipping   BD. cause

How to Check Out a Charity Before You Donate

You hear the words “childhood disease” or “natural disaster,” and it can be hard to say no to donation requests to help. But your instinct to be generous always should be     1     by a healthy dose of doubt. The recent crackdown launched by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on four cancer charities a good reminder to make sure your donations are put to good use. So how can you make sure that the money you give doesn’t end up lining the pockets of the     2     ? Follow these tips.

Hang up on telemarketers. The cancer charities charged with fraud by the FTC used telemarketing calls to raise donations. If you get a call from a group asking for money, you might feel     3     to make a donation on the spot. But the FTC cautions that you shouldn’t rush to say yes but     4     any requests to give over the phone. Telemarketing companies often keep a significant portion of the funds they raise. You’re better off     5     the middleman and contacting a charity directly to make a donation.

Don’t wait for charities to come to you. To avoid feeling the pressure to give to an organization that reaches out to you, figure out what     6     is important to you. Then find charities that are     7     it. You can browse charities that have been evaluated by Charity Navigator by category to identify groups you want to support. Having a(n)     8     plan will make it easier to avoid making impulse donations.

Research before you give. The FTC     9     against the four cancer charities shows that just because an organization claims to do good doesn’t mean it actually does. That’s why it’s important to find out as much as you can about how an organization will use your donation before you give. You can start with third-party evaluations and ratings at sites such as Charity Navigator and Charity Watch, which examine charities’     10    , governance and effectiveness.

2023-07-07更新 | 162次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市上海中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-六选四(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . In Helping Others, You Help Yourself

With more than 500,000 registered nonprofits currently operating in China, there are endless opportunities to make a positive impact in your community. Whether you volunteer in an organization that specializes in social services or animal welfare, there are various benefits that come with the act of volunteerism.     1    

It is good for the community.

    2     By doing volunteering activities together with your neighbors and friends, you are more likely to obtain a sense of unity. When you help someone, they will be more likely to help you. 95% of volunteers feel that they are helping to make their community a better place.

It makes you happy and reduces stress.

One result of this positive impact on the community? People feel happier and a greater sense of purpose in life. 94% of them report that volunteering improves their mood, and 96% of them report more willingness to live with aims. Moreover, the statistics also show volunteering could help relieve stress, which contributes to the reconstruction of their inner sense of pride and the outward connections with others.     3    

It keeps you healthy.
Good mood + Less stress = Better health
76% of them report feeling physically healthier after volunteering.

Volunteering can help those who are dealing with health issues. About one in four volunteers say that it helps them manage a chronic illness.


Volunteering can also help people cultivate what they need in order to thrive in the workplace. Among those who say that volunteering has helped their careers: 87% report that volunteering has upgraded their people and teamwork skills. 75% feel that it has taught them about time management .

A.Check out what those who have volunteered in the past 12 months have to say about the feeling:
B.In fact, compared with non-volunteers, 76% of the volunteers report higher levels of self-esteem and richer interpersonal relationships.
C.People who are comparatively less willing to volunteer their time and energy to community activities are found to be less happy.
D.Make a tangible impact while engaging and connecting with people in the community you might not otherwise meet.
E.It develops professional skills.
F.It fosters one’s desire for power.
2023-03-24更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市浦东区南汇中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期末练习英语
9 .
A.She is an Olympic player.
B.She is excited to win an Olympic Games medal.
C.She will take part in the Olympic Games by volunteering.
D.She is interested in sports.
2023-03-09更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海高二下英语上外版选必2 Unit 3同步练习题试卷(二)含听力
10 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。1.
B.Fixing tricycles.
C.Doing some metal work.
D.Training others.
A.He can’t collect enough money.
B.His former monitor did not support him.
C.He felt ashamed after being recognised.
D.He has found other way to make money.
A.To encourage physically challenged people to abandon begging.
B.To train and help people have their own metal workshops.
C.To help people overcome their disabilities.
D.To raise people’s awareness of respecting the disabled.
2023-03-09更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海高二下英语上外版选必2 Unit 3同步练习题试卷(一)含听力
共计 平均难度:一般