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1 . Internet addiction is on the rise. With more people in front of phone s than ever before, being glued to your digital devices (数字设备) is not something new. Here are some tips to help you break Internet addiction and live a healthier life.

Master time management

You can stop Internet addiction by focusing on a time management plan. Your phone will tell you how many hours you spend on it per day. You can test yourself to reduce your time on the Internet by checking whether you reduce your time spent on devices.     1    , you can focus more on being productive when have a time management plan.


If you want to stop your Internet addiction, spend some time in the open air.     3    . You can try outdoor activities like skiing with friends when it’s cold. Or you can enjoy hot mountain springs if you prefer the heat.

Write in a diary

Have a diary that you pour your heart into. This can be a great way to keep you away from the Internet.    4    , you can stop your Internet addiction. Having an offline and locked document that you type into to share your inner thoughts can be helpful.

Change your nightly routine

    5    , such as checking social media or shopping online, can keep us on a high level of excitement. And we will wake up and feel groggy (昏昏沉沉的) in the next morning. At night, after you brush your teeth, spend some time in bed reading a book. This will help you softly fall to sleep and relax.

A.Get outside
B.Find non-Internet activities
C.Spending time on the Internet before bed
D.Having difficulty in falling asleep at night can be terrible
E.Instead of checking your social media or popular websites
F.By writing down how you feel about your life or relationships
G.You can have wonderful moments by spending some time in nature

2 . If you frequent any kind of public transportation, then you’re well aware of certain types of passengers and passenger habits that are annoying. But it’s not just other passengers that get angry, there are certain things that drive the train attendant crazy.     1    . Maybe next time you’ll be able to spot the people doing some of these on the train.

•Taking up too much space

We’ve all been there in that moment when someone boards a train trying to take several huge items with them to wherever they’re trying to go. They wind up taking up way too much space and blocking seats.    2    . Train attendants are the ones who bear the brunt of it (首当其冲) because they have to figure out how to deal with this person’s stuff without upsetting all the other passengers. It adds unnecessary conflict and makes the attendant’s job much harder.


    3    . It’s a totally different thing to be eating a big meal consisting of last night’s dinner leftovers. Not only is it typically unsettling for other passengers who then have to smell leftover chicken and whatever else you’re eating, but it’s bound to make a mess that attendants will then have to clean up after they depart the train.


For some reason, people have a bad habit of talking very loudly to one another to a point where you can hear them from opposite sides of the train cart (车厢). This goes for playing music as well. Some people like to play music through their phone. This really bothers fellow passengers on the train.     5    ? The train attendant.

A.Being really loud
B.Arguing with others
C.Here are some of the most annoying things
D.Then who would be in charge of playing music on the train
E.It’s one thing if you’re having something small such as an apple
F.This can make things uncomfortable for everyone else on the train
G.Plus when other passengers complain, guess who has to take care of it
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . In recent years, much of my life as a consumer has shifted to what I like to call background. As I’ve subscribed to more apps and streaming platforms, significant sums of my money tend to slip away each month without my ever thinking about it.

Think of it as an automated trade. Spending without the trouble of spending. Acquaint ion without action. Or thought.

But while this flood of subscriptions was sold to me on the condition that it would make my life more trouble-free, there was a certain shock I felt upon discovering how much I was spending without realizing each month ($179.45).

You see, the thing about background spending is that it tends to happen, well, in the background without your full attention. And there lies the point.

“Hand over your credit card details and let us take care of the rest,” these companies promote. But by again sing their name, we’ve become lazy, positive consumers. And this laziness breeds (导致) more laziness because most of us can’t be bothered with conducting regular reviews of our subscription spending. We’re too lazy to even notice or cancel it!

I know it’s not just me who is suddenly living life as a smart-braised subscriber. The average consumer spends $273 per month on subscriptions, according to a 2021 study of 2,500 by digital services firm West Morose. Not a single person surveyed knew what his actually monthly spending was.

It’s understandable why this model is so attractive to businesses. As companies questioned traditional advertising models, subscription offered the promise of “selling once and earning forever.” And while subscription services have been around for decades (think Wine of the Month Club), more customers have been willing to sign up thanks to the widespread availability of smartphones and the increasing ease of home delivery.

While these subscription promise ease and happiness, not all of us are satisfied. Last year, the Kameny Institute found 40 percent of consumer believe they have too many subscriptions. Almost half of us also think we pay too much for streaming video-on-demand subscriptions.

1. What can we know about background spending in paragraph 2?
A.Its purpose.B.Its feature.C.Its procedure.D.Its requirement.
2. What makes it possible for background spending to happen?
A.Its attractive price.B.Some people’s poor habit.
C.Its secure service.D.Some people’s addiction to it.
3. Why is the subscription model appealing to businesses?
A.It offers good home delivery services.
B.It is like traditional advertising models.
C.It is popular among smartphone producers.
D.It brings repeated profits through a single sale.
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards background spending?
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Living a balanced life can help you be happier. Finding balance is an art and there’s no one correct balance that will work for everyone.     1     However, finding the right balance for you can help you make the most out of life.

Reduce the amount of work you do at home whenever possible.     2     Try to keep your job, including your work computer, documents, and anything else from your office, away from your personal living space. If you work from home, set up distinct work and home spaces. Try to unplug technology when you are home from work.     3     Spend time doing activities off the computer, like crafting or cooking.

    4     Even if you have a flexible schedule, it’s important to communicate when you are and aren’t available to handle work-related issues. Let your boss and coworkers know if you cannot or will not respond to a 3 a.m. text asking for a report by 6 a.m. Your personal social circles should have a similar boundary (界限) during your workday. Let them know that between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., your first duty is your job. Catch up with them during a break or during your lunch if you want to chat during the workday.

Talk to your office about renegotiating your work duties if necessary. If you find your job makes it difficult to have the work-life balance, talk to your boss about new terms. You don’t need to provide a lot of detail, but be prepared to provide some context for your request. Most jobs won’t give you a new schedule for no reason.     5    

A.Avoid taking work-related calls.
B.It will take some time and need practice.
C.Have your personal social circles help you with your work.
D.Set boundaries for both your work and personal social circles.
E.You can set aside certain times that are specifically for learning new skills.
F.But they may be more willing to let you work a new schedule if you list some necessary reasons.
G.Having a physical boundary between your work life and your home life can help enhance a healthy work-life balance.
2024-05-09更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省南阳市南阳六校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Frequently Asked Questions about Our Products

What is a Waterbike?

Waterbike is a kind of bicycle to pedal on water. We offer two common models of water bikes: Bikeboat Rec and Bikeboat Up. Both models are available for immediate delivery.

What is the difference between Bikeboat Rec and Bikeboat Up?

The position of Bikeboat Rec offers greater comfort to the back. Its seat offers greater comfort by keeping your back fully supported. It makes Bikeboat Rec much more suitable for pedaling over long distances. Besides, due to the user being in a lower position, it is less influenced by winds. But there are people who have a preference for Bikeboat Up because it is similar to a conventional bike. In terms of speed and performance, both are equivalent and use the same propulsion system (推进系统).

What is the maximum speed?

You can get up to 2 times the speed of a Stand Up paddle. The maximum speed of new models is about 15km/h, depending on your condition. You can keep a pace of 6 km/h to 9 km/h without much effort.

Can I go reverse?

Yes, both Bikeboat Rec and Bikeboat Up models can go reverse (倒车). You just need to pedal backwards.

Can I use it on sea water?

The components of the bikeboat were designed for the marine environment, so they can be used in saltwater. The mechanical components are made of stainless steel (不锈钢). For models since 2017 we are using a resistant anodizing finish in black: no peel off, tougher than any type of paint. With basic care, your bikeboat will last several years.

Is there a bikeboat model for two people?

Yes, we have Bikeboat Tandem, a double waterbike where two people can ride and have fun with maximum performance. The image is shown at the bottom of this page.

1. In which aspect are Bikeboat Rec and Bikeboat Up different?
A.The materials.B.The ways they fix seats.
C.The propulsion system.D.The speed they can reach.
2. What can we know about the bikeboat models from the text?
A.Either common model can go backwards.
B.They are unsuitable to be used on sea water.
C.Both of the common models can carry two people.
D.Bikeboat Tandem is available for immediate delivery.
3. Where is the text most probably taken from?
A.A science magazine.B.A physics textbook.
C.An exhibition guide.D.A company website.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . You’re overwhelmed (压垮). That is a state where there is just too much on your plate. You have no idea how you will ever get it all done.     1     And it can lead to anxiety, unhealthy stress, and even burnout.

Here are three steps you can put into immediate action next time you feel overwhelmed.

Stop and breathe.

The first thing to do is stop. This may seem unreasonable when you hurry to get everything done. But to end the state of being overwhelmed, we first need to step out of the busyness.     2     And we end up running around and around in our own unproductiveness and panic. Start consciously breathing. As your breathing starts to slow, extend your breath. Bring your breath down deep into your stomach. Hold the inhale (吸气) for a few counts and then slowly release.


Stand up and get away from the situation that is causing the pressure and anxiety. It could be your desk, or your lounge room. If you can, go outside. If not, find a quiet space. You need to get some distance from the messiness. Walking away, even momentarily, often provides enough of a break to get some perspective.     4    


After returning to your place, take a few moments to think about the situation.     5     As you do so, highlight the things that are adding fuel to your feeling of too much pressure. By taking the time to look at your priorities and time commitments, you will step out of the pressure, take care of your mental, emotional, and physical well-being, and give more energy to the tasks and projects that really matter.

A.Walk away.
B.Never stop moving forward.
C.Seek advice from people around you.
D.Then come back with a clearer mind.
E.Otherwise, it becomes a bad cycle.
F.It’s the feeling of being “in over your head”.
G.Write down all the things that are on your to-do list.
2024-04-19更新 | 180次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省高中毕业班阶段性测试(八)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . If sales generally feel hard to resist, the sale in front of Arron Schurevich was the ultimate test: a new car just like the one he’d loved. And it was more than a 20% discount. “I figured that I would be a fool not to take advantage of that,” says Schurevich. After he drove the car off the lot, the deal turned sour. The brand-new car quickly needed repairs. Schurevich now jokes that he paid a tax for being a fool.

Why is it so hard for the human brain to resist a discount? Spotting something you’d like to buy activates your brain’s reward circuitry (奖赏回路). It gets especially heightened if it’s something you’ve been fascinated by — say, the same car you’ve enjoyed for years. Additionally, the discount itself often registers as a win, delivering its own kind of joy, says Jorge Barraza, a consumer psychologist at the University of Southern California.

“Not only are we getting the product,” Barraza says, “but we’re also getting that reward that we discovered something; we’ve earned this extra thing.”

Stores, of course, know all this and try to push our buttons. “Limited-quantity, limited-time, scarcity-marketing promotions—they get people’s blood pumping,” says Kelly Goldsmith, who studies this as a marketing professor at Vanderbilt University.

It’s really hard to always approach sales rationally. One buying strategy experts recommend is to make a shopping list in advance and then, stick to it. Another is to research items — beforehand or on the spot, checking online — to weigh whether the sale is really a good deal.

“The human brain has essentially evolved to feel first and think next, which is why you need to give yourself time to cool off from your instant reaction when in front of a sale,” says Goldsmith.

1. What is the purpose of telling Arron Schurevich’s story?
A.To explain the way to promote sale.B.To inform readers of an important test.
C.To introduce the topic of the passage.D.To show the advantage of products on sale.
2. What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 2?
A.Brain’s reward circuitry needs activating.B.It’s hard to resist a discount for some reasons.
C.Buying discounted products has consequences.D.It’s worthwhile to approach sales rationally.
3. What does the underlined sentence probably mean in Paragraph 4?
A.Stores are good at pushing buttons.B.Stores tend to affect people’s health.
C.Stores help consumers earn extra things.D.Stores know how to attract consumers with sales.
4. According to Goldsmith, what can you do when facing a sale?
A.Calm down in front of a sale.B.Make a shopping list ahead of time.
C.Research items on the spot or online.D.Avoid buying any discounted items.
2024-04-10更新 | 27次组卷 | 3卷引用:阅读理解变式题-日常生活
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . A phrase “less screen time and more green time” is popular now. A study from the University of Adelaide found that more time outside and less time spent watching TV is connected with better psychological (心理的) results and school achievements among teenagers. Gardening is a great way to do so.

Jim Carter, a psychologist of America, is asking for teenagers’ return to traditional values of gardening, and thinks that they need to turn off the TV and go outside to do something healthier instead. Carter even considers it important to put gardening as a usual course because it is proven to be good for mental health.

“It’s physical exercise, and it teaches patience,” Carter explains. “The wait for a small sunflower seed (葵花籽) to become a six-foot plant is long.”

“I’m hearing that teenagers are struggling to deal with stress, and every time they open Gardeners’ World, they talk about how gardening helps them deal with stress. They learn so much about life, and so much about themselves through gardening,” said Lee Connelly, a teacher who is carrying out his own green school programme—Gardeners’ World. “The join of gardening into the class course for schools presents a remarkable chance to change education and the benefits are far beyond the classroom, influencing mental health, behavior and developing a lifelong love for horticulture (园艺).”

1. What does Carter suggest teenagers do?
A.Do exercise at home.B.Go back to gardening.
C.Turn on the TV at night.D.Pay attention to psychological courses.
2. Why does Carter mention the sunflower seed?
A.To prove gardening is easy.B.To say dealing with stress is difficult.
C.To show green time is hard to find.D.To explain gardening develops patience.
3. What can we say about Lee Connelly’s green school programme?
A.It is meaningful.B.It is useless.C.It is costly.D.It is challenging.
4. What is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Time to Get Close to TV
B.Being Sporty, Being Healthy
C.Less Screen Time, Better School Achievements
D.Gardening: A Good Green Moment for Teenagers
2024-03-24更新 | 79次组卷 | 5卷引用:河南省商丘市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题(B版)
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . “Morning routines are powerful and set our pattern for the rest of the day,” said Lee Chambers, a well-being consultant in Britain. “    1    .” Instead, starting the morning with intention creates a sense of calm that makes the rest of the day seem more manageable. So how do you create morning routines that will quiet your mind? Here are some expert-recommend practices.

Practice gratitude.

    2    . You can list a few things in your head, share them with a partner or child, or write them down in a journal. “Start your day with a grateful heart before you even get up from bed,” said Renato Perez, a Los Angeles psychotherapist.

    3    .

Those work emails, text messages, and Instagram notifications (通知) can wait a bit. If your phone get charged by your bed or use it as an alarm clock, you’re going to look at it right when you wake up. Before you know it, you’re sucked in and two minutes of scrolling (滚读) turns into 20.Try charging your phone across the room so it’s not within reach. Or charge it outside of the bedroom and use an alarm clock instead.

Take some deep breaths.

When you’re anxious, you might notice your breathing is quick and shallow, rather than slow and deep. “    4    ,” said Gina Deluca, a clinical psychologist at Wellspace in San Francisco. “While we don’t have voluntary control over some of these bodily sensations (感觉), we do have control over our breathing, and we can use our breath to help create a more relaxed state.”

Move your body.

It could be yoga, walking, running, dancing or cycling. “When you exercise in the morning,     5    , as well as better sleep at night, which can also help to reduce anxiety,” Delucca said.

A.Try to avoid checking your phone first thing
B.Think about problems that can make you anxious
C.This is a part of our body’s natural stress response
D.Take a moment to reflect on all of the good in your life
E.it makes you mindful and eases your worries in the process
F.A worry-filled morning will often flood into an anxious afternoon
G.you may notice improved focus and energy during the rest of the day
2024-03-01更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:中原名校2022-2023学年高三上学期期末联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Most of the time, we human beings are so unwilling to change that we completely ignore its beauty. I don’t get it, why?    1    I believe change is the most beautiful thing an individual can seek after.

As people connect changes with something beneficial, we all claim to believe in change being good, yet so many of us aggressively oppose it. And why? Because of familiarity.    2    

Even for those of us who say we love change, it’s hard to accept and adapt. However, sometimes change can be a frightening thing. There’s no denying that life is unpredictable and more often than not, we’re forced to make a change we didn’t really prepare for or expect. We lose jobs, we lose people, we move to another country or we find ourselves in unfavorable circumstances that we weren’t taught how to handle.    3    

Life is full of unavoidable changes. How can you develop personally and expect to stay in the same place?    4    When you start growing, you’ll notice changes in your surroundings. You’ll notice changes in your friends’ group. You’ll notice changes even in your preferences. Nothing stays the same if you want to grow as an individual.

Even though change may be painful and so hard sometimes, it’s still better than the pain of feeling powerless as you watch your dreams pass you by. Don’t be afraid of change. Embrace (拥抱) it with open arms.    5    I genuinely believe that life is too short to stay in the same place or in the same rigid mindset!

A.Not everyone can accompany you.
B.Where there’s growth, there’s change
C.Change can be scary but it can also be beautiful.
D.That’s not the only reasons you embrace changes.
E.Look forward to new experiences and learn from those new stories.
F.These things force you to change what you weren’t ready to change.
G.Sometimes we’re convinced that knowing something well means it’s right.
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