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语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下列材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Learning to ride a bike is no easy performance. But forgetting is     1     (hard). For most people, even after decades-long hiatuses (间断),riding on a bike still     2     (feel) like a breeze. The key is     3     the brain remembers the task.

Mastering cycling requires     4     lot of higher-level thinking: Your cortices(大脑皮层) plan     5     carry out definite muscle control, the cerebellum(小脑)helps you balance and time your pedal strokes, and the basal ganglia(中枢神经)keep these     6     (movement) fluid rather than jerky.

It’s     7     (exact) this large load of cerebral coordination that ensures the skill sticks around, says Jurgen Konczak, a scientist at the University of Minnesota. We use every muscle movement and related brain connection     8    (involve) in bike riding during other activities, like dancing, playing sports, and walking — just not all at the same time. When the time comes to jump back on the saddle, all the     9     (necessarily) moving parts are already tuned and oiled. There’s never a bad time     10     (start) pedaling again. It’s truly a skill that lasts a lifetime.

2021-05-22更新 | 130次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省2021届高考5月模拟英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 以“我最喜欢的运动”为题写一篇短文,内容包括以下几个方面:
1. 喜欢的运动项目;
2. 喜欢此项运动的原因;
3. 将来的愿望。

My favourite sport

语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。


Skiing is an extremely popular sport that is enjoyed worldwide. The oldest and most accurately documented evidence of skiing origin is found in modern day Norway and Sweden.     1     word “ski” comes from the Old Norse word “skie”,     2     (mean) split (劈开的) pieces of wood or firewood.

Skiing has evolved into two major different types: Alpine skiing and Nordic skiing. Alpine skiing, also     3     (refer) to as downhill skiing, perhaps is the most popular form of skiing. It originated in the European Alps, and is characterized by fixed-heel bindings (捆绑物) that attach at both the front and the heel (脚后跟) of the     4    (skier) boot. The boots are reinforced plastic that     5     (steady) hold the foot to the ski, and ski poles are used. Downhill skis vary     6     length and shape depending on the height of the player and the type of snow they will be skiing.

Nordic skiing, also known as “cross country” skiing,     7     (involve) skiing over flat ground. Most Nordic country skis are long and thin, allowing the weight of the skier     8     (distribute) quickly. Cross country skiers use poles to drive     9     (they) forward. Cross country boots are attached to the ski at the toe with a binding,     10     the heel remains free.

2021-05-12更新 | 261次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省潍坊市2021届高三二模4月英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 较难(0.4) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Chinese chess, or Xianggi as called outside the west, became popular in China long     1     China was even a concept.

The game was already being played in the courts     2     early as the Warring States Period. The     3    (one) reference to gameplay comes from the Tang Dynasty story of Cen Shun, Golden Elephant King. In the story, Cen dreams he is visited by a messenger     4    (say) that his kingdom will soon go to war with another one. Cen’s room turns into the gate of a castle     5    (prepare) for a great battle. An advisor comes to him with a     6    (suggest) : “The flying horse goes diagonally(斜线的) and stops at three, the general moves all over the field, the carriage advances straight into the enemy’s area, and soldiers should not move sideways. ” The king follows it and the war     7    (win) in a day. Cen rethinks about the war.     8    (late), Cen digs up a board game, Xiangqi, which uses     9     same strategy(策略). Visitors to China can catch sight of its play in public places like     10    (park), with aunties and uncles absorbed in plans of attack.

2021-05-08更新 | 300次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省洛阳市2021届高三二模英语试题
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. launch B. dedicated C. identified D. barely
E. hit F. specifically G. personalized H. encountered
I. divides J. originals K. devoted

For many young Chinese, neither “The Shepherd in Keketuohai (可可托海的牧羊人) ” nor the name of its original singer, Wang Qi, sounds familiar. Their parents, however, may know every word in the song.

Such generational     1     in musical tastes aren't unusual. What may be surprising is where most middle-aged Chinese people may have first     2     the song: the popular short-video app Douyin. A March search for the song's name on Douyin returned more than seven million clips, many from an increasing number of accounts popular among middle-aged users.

That some Douyin users might not be familiar with a song, even as others are constantly hearing it, is the result of the platform's highly     3     recommendation algorithms (算法) . They are able to produce different video feeds for each user based on their musical preferences and tastes.

In the five years since its     4     in 2016, Douyin has grown into one of China's biggest platforms for pop music. On QQ Music, the largest digital music service provider in the country, songs popular among short-video creators are even ranked on a    5     Douyin Chart. The variety and scale of the app's user base mean all genres and styles can find an audience, and more and more artists now choose Douyin to debut their new tracks in the hopes of achieving a viral     6    .

One of the most popular uses for music on an app like Douyin is known as a challenge video. Short clips from songs are played over a well-designed dance, which creators then challenge their followers to imitate. If a given dance challenge shows promise, it- is quickly     7     by the platform's algorithms and pushed to a larger user pool. Over time, more and more pop music has been produced     8     with such uses in mind, and songs are now being composed to be easily adapted to these short video formats.

This trend is having an impact on our relationship to music. Users often find they can     9     recognize or remember the artists, names or the titles of songs. Meanwhile, the songs themselves are often cut up to focus only on their catchiest parts, while covers (翻唱版本) often go on to achieve far more fame than the     10    

2021-05-07更新 | 155次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海交通大学附属中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中英语试题

6 . Chinese audiences on average spent more time watching entertainment content online in this uncommon year when the battle against COVID-19 is still being fought.

An average consumer has spent 133.9 minutes each day watching TV dramas, a 10 percent increase compared to last year, according to the report. Interestingly, TV romantic dramas make up 36 percent of all 131 new television series this year, ranking the first.

In the overseas market, Chinese dramas are seeing a rise in popularity, such as hit costume dramas Three Lives Three Worlds, The Pillow Book, and The Romance of Tiger and Rose. The report shows that subscribers (订阅者) of WeTV, the overseas version of Tencent Video in more than 110 countries and regions, have risen 175 percent over last year, with time spent watching these programs up 300 percent year-on-year.

Shows with strong female roles are more popular, like the hit series Nothing but Thirty, I Will Find You a Better Home and A Murderous Affair in Horizon Tower, the report said. It also found that a quality trailer (预告片) played an important role in drawing an audience, as about 90 percent of consumers pick their choices from trailers.

As a result of the six-month shutting down of Chinese cinemas, a number of people have chosen watching films online.

Through Nov. 30, a total of 15 online films have earned more than 10 million yuan, propelling the annual box office income on Tencent Video to nearly 500 million yuan this year. While TV series are almost "dominated" by female audiences, men are favored online movies more. Nearly 70 percent of online film viewers are men, whose favorite themes center on fantasy, comedy and adventure.

1. The shows with strong female roles are mentioned except      .
A.Nothing but Thirty
B.I Will Find Your a Better Home
C.The Romance of Tiger and Rose
D.A Murderous Affair in Horizon Tower
2. The underlined word “propelling” in the last paragraph probably means      .
3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Chinese audiences spent more time online due to the COVID-19.
B.Chinese dramas have made success in the overseas market.
C.A quality trailer plays an important role in consumers’ choices.
D.Compared with males, females have a more preference for online film.
2021-05-07更新 | 77次组卷 | 3卷引用:浙江省A9协作体2020-2021学年高一下学期期中联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Stand-up paddleboarding, or SUP, is rising quickly in popularity. The idea is simple.     1     People enjoy it for many reasons.

First, it's easy. Almost anyone, young or old, can get on a board and start paddling around. It doesn't take much skill. Second, it's healthy.     2     Maintaining your balance while paddling helps you lose weight and get stronger. Third, there are many different ways to enjoy SUP. Anywhere you can-canoe, lakes, rivers and oceans -you can do SUP.     3    When touring, you might explore a small area for an hour. Or you could pack camping supplies on your paddleboard and take an overnight trip. You might also enjoy experiencing the peace and quiet of nature from a paddleboard. And don't forget the view! From a paddleboard, you can see out to the horizon and down into the water.

    4     YouTube videos can introduce you to basic SUP techniques. You'll also discover that there are different kinds of paddleboards for different kinds of paddleboarding. One is sure to fit you perfectly.

Different kinds of accessories(配件) open up more possibilities for fun on paddleboard. Would you like to attach a camera or fishing pole to your paddleboard? Do you want to tie down some camping equipment for a big trip?    5    

Stand-up paddleboarding is a great way to enjoy nature, exercise and have fun. Give it a try!

A.SUP is safe, effective exercise.
B.Do you want to race and surf big waves?
C.And don't forget to wear a personal flotation device!
D.There's SUP surfing, racing, fishing and even “touring”!
E.You can learn a lot of important things about SUP by searching online.
F.You stand on a floating board and use a paddle to travel across the water.
G.Some companies can make sure you safely enjoy your time on a paddleboard.
2021-04-26更新 | 176次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省聊城市2021届高三下学期二模英语试题


Theme parks? I just love them. In a month or so, the UK’s finest will throw their gates open for the new season to thrill us with their engineered delights. As usual, I will be the first person inside. Yes, I may be a digital enthusiast, but to me there is nothing as irresistible or as thrilling as the full-on experience of spending a day in someone else’s imagination.

Dr. Carissa Baker, assistant professor in theme parks and storytelling at the University of Central Florida, argued in 2018 that theme parks are gatherers and tellers of stories. Their distinct narratives start before you enter the park, are played out in what you experience there, and continue after you’ve left. How do they do it? Some believe it’s down to creative direction and narrative system design. But I call it like I see it: they use all the psychological tricks in my social psychology textbooks to get us to feel and act in the way that the people behind the scenes foretell.

Everything in theme parks is manipulated(操纵). Everything is accounted for. Whereas in the digital world, designers infer what we feel, these theme parks digest these emotions. A famous example is Disneyland’s Main Street USA, which you walk down on first entering the park: the sets have been designed with forced perspective so the buildings appear taller and grander than they really are. Techniques like this are everywhere to be seen in the squares of Renaissance Italy and Georgian England to make the buildings seem bigger than they were. The mythical Main Street is made to feel larger and more impressive, which gets visitors excited when they enter the park—we are the hero of Disneyland’s narrative. Now that’s a powerful trick.

The digital world is nowhere near as magical as these places are. Yes, digital designers can create something out of nothing with mathematics and electricity, but their best attempts are only shortcuts in two-dimensional space. All they have in their toolboxes are sight and sound. But in theme parks, digital is out of place. Yes, behind the scenes there are data machines that are trying to track us to make our experiences better and more personal. Except for one or two notable examples, digital tech isn’t being used to enhance our time at the park in any practical way. It just gets in the way. And perhaps that is why I love theme parks. Because when I’m there, I want to be propelled(推动) by someone else’s vision, and give over to the feeling.

The next killer app isn’t on your device. It’s in the places that thrill us and compel us to keep our phones in our pockets so we can truly experience them.

1. From the first paragraph we can conclude that ________.
A.engineers in the UK are full of imagination
B.the writer is enthusiastic about digital devices
C.the writer finds theme parks charming and exciting
D.it takes much imagination to guess visitors’ preferences
2. The writer fancies going to theme parks in that ________.
A.the experience in theme parks helps him to let out emotions
B.they provide a designed setting in which he is easily absorbed
C.the digital effect makes theme parks a wonderland full of magic
D.the psychological tricks they use make him feel manipulated
3. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.It is advisable to put down your phone and get a taste of what theme parks bring you.
B.Nowhere else can you find a place as magical as the digital world.
C.The huge constructions in theme parks are designed to appeal to more visitors.
D.Digital tech plays an irreplaceable role in keeping theme parks running smoothly.
4. What does the article mainly talk about?
A.The distinct properties that theme parks and digital devices have.
B.The thrilling and irresistible experiences the writer has in theme parks.
C.Digital devices meant to create a magic world with simple techniques.
D.Clever techniques used by theme parks to make your visit memorable.
2021-04-24更新 | 146次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市浦东新区2021届高三下学期第二次模拟英语(含听力)
共计 平均难度:一般