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One sunny afternoon, Alice and I were walking home from school, lost in our girlish conversation. Alice, with her curious eyes sparkling, casually asked about my friendship with Judy. In a moment of thoughtlessness, I responded, “I only hung out with Judy because she asked me and I wasn’t keen on being friends with her. She was rather dull.” The unkind words just escaped my lips before I could catch them, like marbles rolling off a table.

Little did I know, Judy had been just around the corner somehow. When I glanced up, Judy appeared right in front of me, having accidentally overheard everything. All the color faded from her face. Her eyes widening with shock, without a word, she rushed off. Alice and I were left standing there, exchanging a look of shame and discomfort. I knew I should run after Judy and apologize, but with my mind blank, I was frozen. Alice’s face turned red, too. We walked home in silence, each step heavier than the last.

The following days were filled with awkwardness. I felt terrible for what I’d said and was dying to mend our friendship. An honest apology was desperately needed. But what should I say? Unintentional as I was, I indeed hurt Judy’s feelings. Every time I saw Judy in the halls or during classes, I’d quickly look away.

Fate threw me a curve ball in our speech class. On Tuesday, Mr. Thomas announced that we would be giving improvised(即兴的) speeches. He had written our topics on slips of paper and put them into a secret jar. Each of us was asked to blindly choose one without knowing what it would be about. I couldn’t say I was not nervous. As I reached into the jar of topics, my fingers closed around the slip that read, “Share your most embarrassing moment.” My heart pounded like a drum roll in my chest. It was as if the universe had come my way to give me a chance.

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Knowing what I had to say, I calmed myself down and walked to the platform.


That day marked a turning point.

昨日更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省武汉市华中师大一附中2023-2024学年高三5月考前测试卷英语试题
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I was never “that girl” — the one who had charming appearance, and who enjoyed a colorful social life. I was another girl entirely, one who was considered “nice girls”, and the top student in class. Not that I didn’t care about friends or fun, I just didn’t think it was worth putting lots of time and effort into changing how I looked, how I acted, even as I started high school.

Marissa was “that girl” — fun to be around, good to know. We are different, but our friendship began the first time we met at an exciting soccer match, on the second day of freshmen year. The excitement of the game and our shared interest in soccer connected us, I was deeply impressed with her enthusiasm, while she admired my calm. Our conversations went smoothly, and our relationship quickly turned into a close bond.

However, as the school year progressed, Marissa’s outgoing personality began to conflict with my reserved nature. She stood out in social situations, constantly asking me to attend parties and social events. While I appreciated her efforts to include me, I felt awkward and uncomfortable to be forced into unfamiliar surroundings. Our once harmonious friendship started to crack, I tried to turn down her invitations, but in vain.

One evening, Marissa persuaded me to attend a large party at a classmate’s house. Surrounded by loud music and strange faces, I felt uneasy and upset. Marissa was the queen of the party, leaving me feeling extremely lonely. Her personality attracted others to her, creating a barrier between us.

Paragraph 1:

At that moment, I realized the growing divide between us.

Paragraph 2:

Since then, we worked together to find a balance of our personalities.

7日内更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江苏省镇江市丹阳高级中学三模英语试题
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Be yourself and always follow your heart. Never let anyone change who you are. This is the lesson I have learned from my childhood experience when I figured out I wasn’t invited to a party.

One day when I got off the bus and saw my friends gather under the tree where the six of us all stood every morning before the first bell. The circle seemed tighter as I approached; the small white invitation cards being quickly slipped into back-packs gave it away. I knew well that Bridget’s party was this weekend. Bridget was one of the popular ones and the opposite of me. She had beautiful red hair with fashionable clothes and fine make up. Being invited to her party meant an honor.

“Hi,” I responded, but that one word already sounded empty with disappointment.

Thankfully, the bell rang and I hurried toward English class. But I couldn’t concentrate. Why hadn’t she invited me? My feet were too big? No. Maybe it’s my hair. Maybe it’s my coat. I tried to think of any interactions I’d had with Bridget recently. A few days earlier, we’d been partners during a sixth-period project. I focused on getting the project done, and she was absorbed in fashion magazines, sometimes saying, “You are so serious. You should smile more.”

But what does it really matter? Maybe I should smile and hug more but I just can’t get into hugging people unless I know them really well.

Then the day before the party, three girls that had been invited to the party couldn’t go. Then the whispers began, about who might be chosen in their places.

After school, my friend Becky found me in the bus lines. Breathlessly, she said Bridget told her at lunch maybe she was going to invite me to her party. I didn’t know what she had meant before she ran away.

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At that time, I saw Bridget walking toward the bus lines, then stopping.


Bridget held out an invitation, “Will you come to my party?” she asked with a smile.

7日内更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省五市十一校2023-2024学年高二下学期5月阶段联考英语试题
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Due to my unhealthy eating habits, I became fatter and fatter after college. My good friend Anoush was a running enthusiast. So he advised me to lose weight by running. I didn’t agree at first until he promised to accompany me to run although he was busy with his work.

Seven years later, I got more serious about running. And I dreamed to participate in Boston Marathon. Anoush encouraged me to realize my dream. He also said he enjoyed running too and wanted to attend the same marathon with me. Every day we spared our time to practise hard and did about 2 marathons a year, during which time Anoush gave me much professional guidance and encouragement. And then one day, both of us qualified for the 2017 Boston Marathon. We were excited but unfortunately, several weeks before the marathon, we had a serious quarrel. Even I swore never to talk with him in the future.

The day came. Anoush and I stood at the starting line. He said, “Good luck! You will certainly finish the marathon.” Hearing his words, I looked at him, saying, “It’s none of your business.”

Then we started running. I had strong mental confidence by using positive self-talk when running distances, which has helped me finish 18 marathons. Soon, I passed Anoush.

But I struggled in the heat starting at mile 16. I felt most of my oxygen went to the muscle in my legs and less in my brain, which made me feel a bit lightheaded and fuzzy(迷迷糊糊的). I continually encouraged myself. “Just get to the finish, run bold, and you will win,” all phrases that I say to myself didn’t work any more.

Gradually I felt out of breath and had to slow down my pace. As I ran down the famous last stretch of the Boston Marathon on Boylston Street, I fell down on the ground with my legs moving like jello(果冻).

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Just then, I felt that someone picked me up.


When Anoush and I crossed the finish line, the audience at present applauded.

7日内更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市克东县第一中学高三下学期三模英语试卷
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“Anybody have a bandage?” a voice echoed down the dorm hallway It was our first week at college. The voice made us feel a bit helpless.

Several months before, I sat at my high school graduation party admiring my gifts. The usual and beloved inspirational books were scattered around my feet. A small pile of personal checks lay nearby Laundry items, desk supplies—all well-intervention and well-received. They would demonstrate their givers’ thoughtfulness during my college career. But one gift struck me as strange. I frowned when I opened it. A small packet of pills and medicine lay within the wrappings. Who would give that as a gift?

“You’ll need that gift from your friend once you’re at school,” Mom pointed out. “You won’t have to go to the campus nurse for every cough.”

Not long after, in August, I packed my luggage into a borrowed truck and slipped the bag of medicine in. I barely thought about it once I reached campus, caught in the hurry of unpacking, book-buying, scheduling and meeting new friends.

When “anybody have a bandage?” rang out in the dormitory hall that day, I remembered my little medicinal package. I swallowed self-consciously. “Actually,” I gave a little wave, “I have one. ”As I dug out the kit and helped my new roommate, we began to chat.

Soon, many of the girls in the other rooms of my floor heard of my little kit and paid me a visit. One had bug bites—anti-itch cream popped out of my supply. The girl with the headache nearly kissed my hands when I passed her simple painkillers. As cold season approached, many needed cough drops. Each girl stayed to chat for a few moments.

The little gift I had questioned now led me toward new friendships, and earned me the nickname“the bandage girl”. As it broke fevers, it also broke the ice, allowing me to meet and make friends with many girls living on the same storey. Gradually, the others purchased their own supplies and my magic kit rarely left the closet.


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Then one day, the school newspaper reporter came to my dormitory ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

One day after my graduation, I received an invitation from a young friend admitted to college. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2024-05-31更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省上进联考高考第二次适应性考试模拟预测英语试题
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It seemed to take forever, but I finally turned thirteen last Saturday. I decided to hang around my room and junk a bunch of kid stuff. As I sorted out the drawers, a photo fell to the floor. The face staring up at me was my friend, Jane.

Jane Farmer was the smartest girl I’d ever known. She almost always got straight A’s, and she was pretty, too. Part of me wanted to hate her, but I couldn’t. She was too nice, instead. I envied her and longed with all my heart to be just like her.

Jane was a top student and always sat in front of the class. My desk was in the back. I’d watch Mrs Schnell, our teacher, pace back and forth in front of us. She as short with thick red hair and a smile she turned on and off like a water tap.

I always slumped (弯垂) way down in my desk, desperately hoping to hide myself. I was terrified that the next name I heard would be my own. Sometimes my heart pounded so loudly that I was sure her ears would find me even if her sharp eyes didn’t.

Each time she called out a name, the victim would have to rise, stand straight as a broomstick, shoulders squared, and read to the entire class. More than anything, I hated to stand and read aloud to the class. Unlike me, Jane rarely made a mistake. And if she did, she was never made to feel ashamed. Mrs. Schnell would flash a pleasant smile and patiently guide her toward the correct answer. I wasn’t good at reading and could tell that Mrs. Schnell was often not at all pleased with me.

One day after soccer practice, Jane and I were standing together waiting for our mothers. We weren’t friends yet. I wanted to ask her if she liked movies, but I changed my mind when I looked at her face. She seemed to feel my eyes “What are you looking at?” She asked. “You,” I said. “Why?” she asked. “Because you seemed so sad,” I said.

Para 1:

“I got B+ on the history test,” She said, sounding like she couldn’t accept it.

Para 2:

She looked at me for a moment, maybe deciding if she could trust me.

2024-05-30更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省南昌市东湖区南昌市第十九中学高三下学期第五次模拟考试英语试卷
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In a dynamic high school in Mumbai, two classmates, Sandy and Harry, shared a close bond that was once unbreakable. They had grown up together, studied side by side, and supported each other through thick and thin. However, as their high school years drew to a close and the pressure of the college entrance exam mounted, a friction began to grow between them.

Sandy, a naturally talented student, dedicated herself to her studies, sacrificing sleep and recreation to ensure her academic success. Conversely, Harry, though equally intelligent, was more laid-back. He believed in a balanced lifestyle, one that included sports, hobbies, and socializing with friends.

Their differing approaches to studying caused friction between them. Sandy disliked Harry’s casual attitude, believing it to be irresponsible. Harry, on the other hand, felt that Sandy’s obsession with studies was unhealthy and unsustainable.

The divide between them grew wider as the exam drew nearer. Sandy, feeling responsible for Harry’s situation, tried to help him, but her efforts were often met with resistance and accusations of meddling (管闲事). Harry, feeling misunderstood, withdrew further into himself, shutting down any attempts at communication.

But the tension between them finally reached a boiling point. It started with a simple disagreement over a class project, but soon turned into a heated argument. Sandy claimed that as practice makes perfect, only learning makes people perfect. However, Harry argued that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

As their voices rose, the other students in the class looked on with interest. Some sympathized with Sandy, while others sided with Harry. The teacher, noticing the chaos, decided to step in.

“Why don’t you both take a moment to reflect on your positions?” she said with a firm voice. “I understand that we all have our passions and opinions, but shouldn’t we learn to respect each other’s differences?”


The room fell silent as the two students digested the teacher’s words.


With these words, the bridge to understanding was rebuilt.

2024-05-29更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届安徽省合肥市高三下学期最后一卷英语试题
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Jack and Emma were best friends who shared a deep love for cycling. Jack was a freewheeling and fearless biker, while Emma was more cautious and methodical. This difference in their personalities often led to arguments, but they always managed to resolve their differences and come out stronger than ever.

One sunny afternoon, Jack suggested they go for a bike ride to explore the newly opened dirt track in the woods. Emma, who was still doubtful about the unknown path, tried to talk Jack out of it, but he was determined. Finally, she agreed to go along, hoping that nothing would go wrong. As they cycled along the dirt track, the landscape was filled with fallen trees and holes. Jack, who was in front, ignored the obstacles (障碍) and continued on his way. Emma, following behind, tried to avoid the obstacles but hit a slippery log and fell off her bike. Emma’s left knee was injured.

Emma was annoyed. She blamed Jack for not being more careful and accused him of putting them in danger. Jack felt guilty and apologized, but Emma was too upset to listen. She stormed off on foot, leaving Jack alone with her bike.

Jack stayed behind to repair Emma’s bike so they could continue their ride. When Emma returned, she found him patiently repairing her bicycle. His face was filled with concentration and care, and even though he didn’t say anything, his actions had expressed his intentions. Emma was moved and realized that Jack didn’t intentionally hurt her and there shouldn’t be any conflict between them.

That evening, both Jack and Emma couldn’t shake the feeling of discomfort in their hearts. They missed each other’s company. Both knew that they needed to talk about what had happened but neither wanted to be the first to initiate the conversation.


Finally, Jack couldn’t bear the thought of losing his best friend.


The next day they met at the riverbank, both feeling nervous.

2024-05-22更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省沧州市泊头市沧州高三八县联考考试2023-2024学年高三下学期5月月考英语试题
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In Whitney High School, Cerritos, California, which was known for its academic excellence and competitive atmosphere, there were two friends, Sam and Emily, who were preparing for their final exams. Sam and Emily were best friends and had always studied together. Sam was naturally gifted in mathematics, while Emily excelled in history. As their final exams approached, they promised to help each other with their weaker subjects.

They spent weeks preparing, exchanging notes, and quizzing each other. Sam helped Emily understand complex mathematics problems, and Emily helped Sam remember historical dates and events. Their friendship grew stronger as they worked towards their common goal.

However, as the exam day neared, Sam started to feel huge pressure. His parents had high expectations, and he was afraid of letting them down. He began to doubt his abilities, especially in history, which was his weakest subject. Emily noticed Sam’s anxiety and tried to reassure him, but Sam’s stress only seemed to increase. The night before the history exam, Sam admitted to Emily that he was considering cheating because he was so afraid of failing.

Emily was shocked and disappointed. She reminded Sam of all the hard work they had put in and the serious consequences cheating could have. She told him that it was better to try and fail honestly than to succeed through dishonesty.

On the day of the history exam, Sam was extremely nervous. He remembered Emily’s words and knew she was right. He decided to face the exam honestly, using what he had learned from their study sessions.

During the exam, Sam struggled with some of the questions, but he did his best to answer them without turning to cheating. When the exam ended, he felt a mix of relief and uncertainty. He had stuck to his values, but he wasn’t sure if he had done enough to pass the subject.

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A few weeks later, the exam results were announced.


The experience of preparing for and taking the exams strengthened the bond between Sam and Emily.

2024-05-19更新 | 88次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省普通高等学校招生全国统一考试三模英语试题
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I was preparing side dishes to go with our Sunday barbecue when our daughter Rose stormed in the front door and rushed to her room. I glanced out the window and saw our neighbor Lucy walking back to her house across the road. As a mother, my feeling told me something happened between them.

“Rose, come in here. I need some help with dinner.” She came out of her room and stood beside me. She had a stubborn look on her face—the kind kids have when they know they are wrong but have persuaded themselves they are right. “I noticed that Lucy, your classmate, came over but didn’t stay long. Why?” I asked. “I don’t like her,” Rose complained. “I wish she would stop coming over here all the time. She dresses terribly, and sometimes she doesn’t smell good. Her nose is always runny, and her hair is in a mess. None of us like her.”

I knew that she referred to the popular crowd. It was a lot for a senior high student to deal with, trying to fit in with the popular crowd. It might be a shame if one of the girls in that crowd knew Lucy was playing with Rose.

I explained why I felt so sad for Lucy. “You see, baby,” I began, “I know how she felt today when you were sort of cold toward her. I know because that was me when I was in sixth grade. I was the poor kid with hand-me-down clothes, the kid who others looked down on. I also know what it was like to be hungry and see other families having a barbecue out and enjoying themselves. That feeling never goes away.” I went on to tell her that I didn’t want her to be that child or adult who looked down on others. I told her I wanted her to be kind and helpful, not judgmental and hurtful. I noticed Rose had tears in her eyes.


Minutes later, Rose went to Lucy’s house across the road.

2024-05-16更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省德州市2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
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